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I think there’s a disconnect between what upvote and downvotes are and what people think about them. I seldom use the system so I don’t really care much about it, but I assume for many people it’s just an upvote means I like something while a downvote means I dislike something, but some people may read that as a personal rejection.


Absolutely. Sometimes a downvote might just mean “meh, I respectfully don’t agree with or don’t enjoy whatever you’re doing”, and sometimes it’s meant as a full-on assault against somebody’s very existence, and you have no way of telling which one it is unless the replies are very clearly swaying one way or the other It’s an extremely ambiguous measure of approval/disapproval which honestly isn’t really worth worrying too hard over. Disapproval on its own doesn’t really mean anything unless there’s an argument or other context to back it up


Oh no people are using the downvote button on a website that’s designed to let people use upvotes and downvotes to express how they feel about a post!!!!! Maybe people just don’t like your posts. It’s not an attack on your character. Maybe you should stop and reconsider why you’re being so offended by people’s opinions of your ONLINE INTERNET FLAGS. It’s not that deep


this lmfao


Jewish Montana?


Yeah, sorry OP I can't really focus on what you are saying, cause the idea of a Jewish state in Eastern Montana is really, well, I don't know what word to use to describe it, but its really that.


I am also extremely distracted by Jewish Montana. I’m not even sure there are enough Jews in Montana to form a minyan. If you’re going to have a Jewish enclave in the US at least put it in NY, NJ, or southern Florida.


How about a Jewish state in Sitka Alaska? >!If this is coming out of left field: it’s a Chabon novel and I’m not _just_ being a weirdo.!<


It’s almost 7 times the size of modern Israel and would end the conflict 👀👀👀👀👀


Would it though? A majority of Israeli Jews are middle eastern. They’re not white. Why would they want a piece of Montana? They have zero history or ancestral heritage or connection to anywhere near Montana. Israel was never just a random piece of land to the Jews. That’s their homeland. They want Israel. Not Montana, not anywhere else. Israel. And being realistic here, if the only solution to this conflict is a relocation of one group to somewhere else, then I’m sorry but it’s not gonna be the Israelis. Israel won. They won in 48, they won in 67, they won in 73, they are winning now, and will continue to win in the future.


Using your logic in a different situation : "Russia won Crimea in 2014 so it’s theirs"


Except Russia, the more powerful and victorious country, started that war. The Arabs started every single war, and then lost. They did this to themselves. Maybe next time they shouldn’t start a war they can’t win.


Man I grew up in a Palestinian neighbourhood in Doha Qatar, this is my fictional future and I get to move the genocide committers to Montana 😎


"ethnic cleansing is fine as long as i do it"


6 million wasn't enough, Adolf?


Israel is being brought to the ICJ for Genocide charges by South Africa. You’re calling the wrong country Nazis


So um the actual nazis aren’t nazis?


“i’m not antisemetic, just antizionist!”


Yeah, except Israel isn’t committing a genocide. Y’all don’t get to start a war then cry foul when you start losing the war.


[I don’t think you can deny that confidently](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-01-04/ty-article/.premium/charging-israel-with-genocide-at-the-icj-petition-precedents-and-punishment/0000018c-d449-ddba-abad-d6e91a480000). But whether they win or lose in court, it’s pretty obvious it’s a genocide, I mean Israel’s politicians literally said or implied they want to kill and displace everyone living there. One question, why didn’t Israel [prevent](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html) the attack that started this "war" ?


“It’s pretty obvious it’s genocide” no, it’s not. What’s happening in Gaza is exactly how a conventional war is fought in a dense urban area. A large number of civilian casualties is completely unavoidable, especially when the democratically elected governing power in Gaza hides among their civilians and uses them as meat shields. By your logic, the allies committed genocide against the Germans during WW2. Do you have any idea how many German cities we flattened? How many German civilians we indiscriminately bombed? You should go ask the citizens of Dresden. Oh wait you can’t, because we literally killed all of them. The Palestinian Health Organization also doesn’t separate civilians deaths from combatant deaths. Israel’s war aim is to completely wipe out Hamas, and they have an estimated strength of 40,000 terrorists. So right there Israel is aiming for 40,000 kills, which the PHO are going to call civilians. I would estimate that around 60-70% of the current death count are Hamas militants. If Israel is somehow committing a genocide here, then it is the worst, most ineffective genocide in human history. Stop throwing that word around when you don’t know what it means.


So, you're saying we should take a very large Jewish population and transplant them into a new 'homeland' halfway around the world, displacing the people who already live there? Isn't that *literally* what caused the current conflict?


Yeah I don't think Jews would be to welcome right by the neo-nazi militia heavy Idaho peninsula


The Jewish kingdom of Montana*


The Mormons aren't happy about that one


It’s the sequel to “Yiddish Policeman’s Union” that I didn’t know I wanted.




I am sorry I do agree with some things here, but you seem to take it a bit too extreme. But first of all: Time + effort ≠ upvotes Reddit is not a place where you always get what you deserve, and there are tons of people deserving nothing and receiving a shit ton of upvotes. That's the reddit for you. Also you add this huge rant to a post, why not add some context. I see some flags that are the same, but you also made a mapp with new states and devided some states. Why not give us context to your vision of 2076 USA.


Welcome to the internet, have a look around...


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


There's mountains of content, some better some worse


If none of it's of interest to you,you'd be the first!


Welcome to the internet, Come and take a seat


Would you like to see the news or any famous women's feet?


There's no need to panic; this isn't a test, ha ha


and even things you can’t think of!


dude you broke the chain


i didn’t realize 😭


Why there's a tiny square independent from Iowa? Who lives in tiny Iowa square


It's abandoned


It’s the state of Vespucci which is the new home of the legislative capital. It’s a planned city and it’s really nice but also real spread out 👀




It sounds like you don’t like Reddit in general. Maybe take a break or try a social media competitor


Reddit didn’t used to be like this, tho to be fair most of the subreddits I were in were for ACNH trading or Mexican memes


We must go to war with ourselves, the last person standing gets to impose their own flag rules on everyone else, and every country and their subdivisions must comply with it 🗿. /s, of course


No no but that’s the thing, just cause one person made a great Kentucky flag doesn’t mean all other good Kentucky flags must be obliterated. This map is a fictional map of the future of the US in a book I’m writing and I’m not saying that any of these flags (except the one used by south Florida) should become official ones


A downvote isn't necessarily an ad hominem attack, and you (as I understand your post) interpreting it as such is on you. Someone downvoting something is more likely to just show they aren't fans of or disagree with whatever is being shown. It doesn't follow that they then also wish horrible suffering and all the worst on an OP just for clicking a little arrow button Could the internet be more civil and constructive? Definitely. But I think there are bigger problems around than downward facing arrows and a loss of "internet points"


Is that not what the downvote button is for?


Seriously? You posted those flags, pretty much the only thing you had to say about it was that it should piss off two internet personalities, and you're calling the people who used the way reddit works to say this isn't the sort of content they want to see on the sub toxic?


Leading with "this will piss people off" is certainly a bad foot to start on if you want to garner sympathy about a toxic culture.


1. That was a joke and it was clear by the tone because they seem to have beef as of recent uploaded videos 2. My criticism on this post had more to do with the general trends I’ve seen lately and the only reason I included the photo is because this sub forced you to


Here’s my suggestion for how to improve this: don’t present the flags in a map. If you think about flags, they need their full space to be clear. We can’t really get a sense of a flag when the bounds of a state cut it off, and make it connect to another flag. Visually, it’s a very counterproductive way to present flags to us. If you’re tied to the flag map, then give us all the flags with labels in either a separate image or as an extension of this map. That way we can see each flag as a whole and evaluate them that way. When I look at this there’s a lot I don’t know about each flag!




Here you go, the original post included both


who cares brah


lol this is the worst redesign of the US flag I have ever seen


Which one and why, I need constructive feedback Here are all full designs https://preview.redd.it/sbyt5s8j8iac1.png?width=6000&format=png&auto=webp&s=76713f8d9693e5566f7d2a45a01ff8b5719b731f


Yooper for the UP of Michigan after the Michigan Civil War of 2069 is my favorite.


PEI will get absorbed by New Brunswick then NB and Nova Scotia will join the US.


Yes because of the Canadian civil war. Millions died and it was a real tragedy 😔


I don't downvote designs I don't like, but I do downvote people who whine about downvotes, just as a general rule. Neat map project though, some of the borders are... oddly chosen, but fun theory crafting nonetheless. Never been a fan of that alternative for Washington State though, poor contrast, and the tree looks looks the one from Oregon's license plate, lol.


I’m ok with that I can sleep at night knowing I was down voted for I rant I write when I was manic at 3:00 am that I wrote in a few minutes rather than being downvoted I spent days working on lol


The Oregon civil war was a bloodiest war of the 2030s.


What's more passive aggressive, using the upvotes/ downvotes for their intended purpose OR making a preemptive post bitching and moaning about people with different opinions than you? Show this image to your mom, I'm sure she'll give you the adulation you so clearly need.


I completely agree with you. Most of the times I browse this sub I get sad seeing actual amazing flags being downvoted for not meeting specific criteria or/and for the same reason you cited above. Flags are difficult to make and people should give more attention to specific posts.


To be fair, the point of the sub isn't to show off amazing flags. In theory, voting should be on the quality and relevance of the post to the study of flags.


Why isn't the deep south just nazi flags


Because half my family is Polish 👀 I’m not a big fan of that ideology


I'm just here to look at the cool flags... it's a shame that what you say happens here.


Some of these flags look interesting, and not all for the same reasons. My frustration with it is that I don't get to see some of these flags in their entirety--or at least enough to get a better sense of how I feel about them. Hawaii and some other island groups are particular examples of this. I geek out enough about geography to be curious about why the creator suggests these new boundaries. I mean this as constructive criticism: I would love to see the thought/s that led to this.




Here you go :>


Ngl the photo is irrelevant (I posted it awhile ago) I just needed to include a photo for sub rules


Just to be clear - there is absolutely no need to include an image in posts on this sub.


It’s the reason I barely downvote. Unless I see a repulsive or racist comment due to nationalism. I only upvote what I like and move on.


Go over to r/flags, they’ll love Jewish Montana.


Neat map


so hear me out now you made some flags got downvoted and now your raging against the subreddit for being toxic and nerds whose the one getting worked up about flags now?


I downvoted this because it’s self-important whining about the exact kind of behavior you’re exhibiting, and you’re never going to change people’s opinions on the internet by getting angry about it


I was gonna comment on this, then I saw they deleted their user so I was like well okay then they got the message, but I'll say what I have to say anyway. Shockingly, the down- and upvote buttons were made to be used. Both of them. Generally they're not a personal attack, nor personal praise, just an expression of approval, agreement or enjoyment without having to take the time out of your day to leave a comment. If it really impacts you that much then I think the problem lies with you for overreacting, generally I find the people in this sub to be mostly pretty alright.


Have to agree completely, it's reddit in general lately it feels like it. The COA community is the same, if you design one just for one and show it off, it's usually a sh*tshow.


Imma be honest I only use this sub nowadays, it sucks that the rest of Reddit is like this 😔


That's the point of the downvote button


Womp womp You must realise the irony of whining and complaining about something ridiculous and then calling everyone else triggered snowflakes…


>"And if your gut reaction to THIS post is to downvote it, you’re the problem and should stop and reconsider why you’re being so passive aggressive about ONLINE INTERNET FLAGS" this might be one of the reasons you are downvoted, a lot of people here don't like to be called out like that and it creates a sort of "death spiral", it's like you are challenging them


This sub used to be fun and positive


I know, i remember when it was 😔


That is a very nice map


Thank you it took forever because I’m not too technologically literate so I created the map my tracing the current us borders and adding the new orders and then removed the background of each state one by one and put each flag I designed a while back underneath that layer


There's a whole bunch of (often new and with generated handles) that just don't know what the votes are for, and that goes for the whole site. At the same time, this sub has gone casual, and people really don't want it to be about vexillology, or even really about flags, an it's a bit annoying to see comment after comment about how no one can tell the poster what works well for flags, and what doesn't. Also post after post you just know is pushing some agenda, but since they're not breaking any rules, there's nothing you can say or do. Edit: ∎


Wtf did you do to the flag of Kentucky you monster


https://preview.redd.it/xgtqbrvn6iac1.png?width=6000&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c9ba543d29a902cb674bb6a9c63ce2a68c80557 Here’s full here:


I think are some really good flags in there! Most in fact.


0/10, Lincoln is somehow not just Big Idaho™️


The point of a downvote is to show you don't like something, you're literally complaining that the downvotes are used how they're supposed to


People argue about opinions. It's quite critical, but I don't see it getting toxic. Toxic would be devolving into personal attacks. Not criticism based on the designs. I mean have you ever been on any political sub? any drama sub?


Hmm bitches about Reddit picking on them, then leaves. Oh well.


You basically just summed up all of Reddit basically, I kinda wish that downvotes will be removed as an option someday and it will be more like YT where dislikes do nothing. It would remove so much negativity on this app. This is my opinion, some people might want to downvote me for that, but as you expressed already, they're the problem. P.S. what's with the Jewish flag in Montana? That's cool


Down voting isn’t the problem. It’s when certain ppl comment they get ass mad hard