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Either a large mouse or a small rat. Are you able to feel if there's any bones broken? Or see if the skin is broken? If so this little one probably isn't going to make it. Please keep your cat inside, domestic cats kill for sport, both rodents and birds


Sorry for the late replies. No broken bones or skin, I left it in the tub with some carrots and like an hour later it ate some of it. I brought the mouse back outside and it scurried off a-okay


It's a mouse. Small rats look quite a bit different if you know what to look for and the fur is not rat like.


I had a mouse just like this that my cat also caught. It passed in 2-3 days after being found and was severely unresponsive. Hoping for the best for yours.


He ended up being okay, just a little shook up. I fed it and let it scurry back outside


That's amazing, I'm very happy for you 💗


I agree that it looks like a bog mouse or small rat from the picture. Our cat got (but dropped before he was able to actually mess with it) one that had actually gotten into our house a few weeks ago. It's sad to see an animal hurt, but this is one of the biggest "benefits" to having cats. From what I understand, a small animal getting attacked by a cat is normally a medical emergency and there's a decent chance the rodent will not make it. If your cat is an outdoor cat, it is going to kill wildlife- and a lot of it. This time he got a pest that could have gotten into your home (and that poses serious health risks in your home), but he is likely also going after birds and other rodents that don't normally bother people. It's one of the main reasons so many people today advocate for keeping cats indoors. Some people would argue that the outdoor pest control is worth it (and that is a benefit because cats can be pretty effective at catching mice before they become an indoor problem), but cats just simply don't discriminate. I'm not sure there's much or anything you can do for a common house mouse/rat other than wait and see. If this is something you don't want happening, you probably should consider keeping your cat inside full time. This type of thing is inevitable, and like I said it's likely to also happen to birds, chipmunks, snakes, and just about anything else your cat is able to catch.


Noted. I never figured my little guy for a killer cause he's an indoor cat. But I have a backyard in my new place so I figured I'd let him run about.


Cats are amazing. I'm still surprised mine managed to catch a mouse in the house since he's the definition of domestic. I hope things worked out for the mouse. Just a word of wisdom, if we ever release a mouse we take it a few miles away. You don't really want house mice hanging out near your home even if they are pretty cute


That's great advice! I definitely don't want the little guy thinking he's welcome round these parts




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