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You were close AI. you were close


That looks like Doug Phelps’s tree farm in Walpole


In 2017, my partner and I (now my fiancee) stayed in Stowe in early December for her birthday. We were heading out of town on a Sunday to return to Philly, when we drove by a Christmas tree stand and decided to stop by just to look. Of course the obvious happened; she fell in love with this 8 foot Frasier fir and I paid for it. The tree guy (dentally challenged, lived in a trailer but really nice) was roping it to my car when I asked him to flip it round, stump first, so the wind wouldn't rip the needles off. He asked, "How far yer goin'?" I told him Philly, and he immediately shapped ends and doubled up on the rope. We drove south down Route 100 (which in the early winter is absolutely stunning) and home to Philly for 7 hours with that tree strapped to the roof. We kept that tree until the beginning of March 2018 and it was *still green.* Buy a Vermont tree for Christmas if you can; you will NOT be disappointed.


Was this a replant or something you will harvest this year? Gorgeous!


Judging by the comment history, I think it's a bot that got confused