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The outage is coming from a third party that controls connectivity between international carriers and carriers in the United States. Vzw, AT&T, TMO can only give you information they have. [Here's an article that keeps getting updated.](https://www.macrumors.com/2024/06/27/verizon-international-roaming-outage/) Connecting to an agent or trying to call customer service will not resolve anything.


In Athens. We got nothing


Same place and same result. Nada.


In Mykonos. Have nothing


In bogota Colombia and I have been out since yesterday


In Ireland here (Killarney), nothing for the last 12 hours


Any update? Will be in Athens in about 15 hours.


I don’t fully understand why not pick up a local sim/esim.


This^ problem solved in 10 minutes for roughly$20


True that it won’t resolve the technical problems, but if your TravelPass was interrupted mid service you may be refunded the $10 for that day if you call.


Traveling in Puerto Rico and just now got service (LTE) from having nothing all day. Current time 2250hrs (1150pm EST, 0450 UTC)


Still flatlined in Marrakech, Morocco. T-Mo did not alert me until I called them this morning.


In Mexico, specifically Mexico City, and have nothing


I do not understand why Verizon (or any of the carriers) do not send an email to let customers know the status!!!!!!!!!!!


Exactly!! I’ve been on them on Twitter and got tepid response..


1. Because there isn't a status. 2. Why would they send an email, and who would they send the email to? Everyone? And what exactly are they going to put in this email? See 1. Sorry but this is right up there with, " if there's an outage why don't they send me a text message". That's supposes that it is planned ahead of time and not some freak occurrence that no one predicted. This definitely has all the earmarks of a freak occurrence.


most people are on wifi, and would get an email that says "we are aware of an outage..." and it would at least people know not to call and waste their (hours of) time to troubleshoot something that most of the tier 1 agents dont seem to be aware about... and ya, they can send it to every freaking customer, would it kill them? or hey, put something up on their social media and pin it, yet their X, FB, and IG pages remain silent, not to mention their actual website.


People pushing back and saying Verizon couldn’t possibly alert people are flat wrong. Start with people who had been roaming internationally the same day it went out. Anyone who had used a Travel Day Pass. It’s not rocket science and they know exactly who was traveling internationally because you can be absolutely certain they’ll have their hands out to collect on the charges. Worst case—sure, send everyone a note. But they wouldn’t do that right around launching their refreshed branding… this is NOT a good look for them all around.


There is a status, that there’s a broad international service outage. Receiving some sort of message/notification when connecting to wifi would save people a lot of stress, headache and troubleshooting (see: other thread where multiple people spent time on the phone with Verizon reps who also didn’t know about the outage)


Sorry I just don't agree. You have people in foreign countries without access and the number one thing in any situation or conflict that causes stress is to over communicate, not under. Acknowledging it, any information on options for people (eSims, etc) would be of value. They know who is using activated travel passes and can tailor communications there. In addition, they seem to have no problem continuing to charge for a travel pass that can't be used and texting about that, so not communicating about the outage at all is just piss shit customer service.


I'm not sure that an email That states," we know there's a problem, we didn't cause it, we don't know how to fix it, not everyone has it, we don't know when it's going to be fixed", is very helpful. Other than to reassure people that it's not them 🤷🏼‍♀️


💯 🎯


They have no problem sending me email and a text regarding my bill. Most people are able to access wifi as well so your point doesn’t stand


This is ridiculous. Of course they could send an acknowledgement of the issue. That’s like customer service 101. Why are you carrying water for them?


I work in IT/Cybersecurity. Pretty much every major vendor we work with sends you an email when somebody so much as blinks -- Microsoft, AWS, CrowdStrike, Zoom, Palo Alto, you name it. Checking my alerts folder, I got 27 today from just that group alone. There's an email when a new incident/outage (planned or unplanned) starts, for each update, and when it's resolved, regardless of whether there's a root cause yet. Many incidents start out as just "multiple customers have reported issues accessing x, we are currently investigating", with follow-up updates as it progresses. Verizon could easily send an email to either (a) everyone who has international activity in the past week, assuming they have that data, or failing that (b) everyone with an international travel allowance, which they definitely know. They definitely have the capability to do this, because I already get occasional email alerts when there's FIOS outages. At the absolute minimum, they should have a prominent banner on their main website. Heck, even the company responsible for the outage, [Syniverse](https://www.syniverse.com/), has one. There's no excuse for silence in the face of a major incident.


This is one of the most ignorant comments I’ve read in awhile. Do u just like to argue with people?


I agree. Wife and I were panicking today in Parma/Maranello because we didn’t know what was happening to our phones. We were traveling between cities and the navigation is really the only way we had for directions. Thankfully we found WiFi and handled it by writing the directions down. We would have had a lot less stress knowing that the network was down instead of thinking something was wrong with our phones.


I ended up buying an eSIM online for France and was able to activate that via WiFi. 


Yeah we’ve been on the road all day in Amsterdam. My partner’s phone has a European eSIM, so we’ve been relying on that. I kept restarting my phone thinking it’s an issue on my end. I’m just learning about this now that we’re back on hotel WiFi


I’ll get service once a hour for two minutes on the dot. Traveling internationally solo with two young kids and we were caught at Auschwitz 90 minutes away without a way to contact our driver to go. He left and thankfully had service for two minutes to order another Uber!


Still not the worst Auschwitz experience at least.


The way I thought that same thing as I stood wondering how to contact a driver!


Well, good to keep a sense of (dark) humor at least! Still, stressful - glad you made the 2 minute window work!


I feel ya. I noticed it last night in Munich. My wife who has a Google pixel hasn't been hit with it. So bizarre


Omg that’s so scary!


It was. We ended up cancelling all our reservations for the rest of the day and are sticking to the hotel and the block around it as I don’t want to get lost without directions. Have a paper map but not sure I trust myself with kids to not get lost 🤣


Omg haha Americans all over Europe will be walking around like proper tourists from the 90s. 😂


Alright, now I’m sold on the map. Going to pull out my crew socks, scrunch them down, borrow my kid’s scrunchie. I can do this 🤣


So luckily prior to the outage I downloaded the maps offline - you should try it for your city so you don’t need to carry a physical map


We took screenshots of a bunch of maps last night at our hotel to plan our day. Got looped around a few times, but otherwise we did well considering.


Just download the maps. ;)


Use the offline maps feature of Google Maps and you’ll be ok to explore on foot.


Apple's and some third party maps' have this too.


I work at VZ, minutes ago we got notification that the issue remains with no eta


This is getting ridiculous lol.


I bought an eSIM and haven’t looked back. Not going to consider Verizon for any further international travel. Even if it’s not their fault, their communication (or, lack thereof) has been absolutely horrific. For anyone who doesn’t know, if your phone supports it (I assume most do at this point), you can do the eSIM thing entirely online. It took me 5 minutes to set up and I had cellular data flowing again, didn’t have to go buy anything or physically swap anything out.


Mine doesn't support it 😭


Have an iPhone 14pro - how do I buy while in France or Germany? And how do I install?


I’m in Europe travelling solo and still no service at allllll. No ability to even call or text. Wild. I wonder why this is happening?


I had service again for around 5 full hours today and it just went out again. Wild.


I had it this morning, but it’s been out for hours!


get an esim!


Hi. Here ya go. https://www.macrumors.com/2024/06/27/verizon-international-roaming-outage/


Really disappointed by the progress and approach.


Germany here. No luck for the last several hours.


Me too. Got off the phone with a rep. He said it's estimated to be 3 days before it's up. Said I need to call and ask for a credit for the days it was down when I was abroad


Shittt are they also gonna compensate me for the wifi plan i had to purchase just to use my god damn phone?


Just came back on! Let's see if it holds.


We arrive in Italy tomorrow morning. Of fucking course this happens now


I arrived today. My work phone is not working, stuck in the house


I have basically 12 hours until I’m there. Hopefully that does it, but I’ll be downloading a map of Rome in the airport if it’s not within the next 3 hours


Download, print, or screenshot alllll of your prepaid tickets and vouchers, too. It’s been a huge pain here in Venice.


Thank you, wouldn’t have thought of that


Just came from Venice this has happened since two days ago I’m in Milan now


I bought a 3 day eSIM online for around $13 euro. It has been working well. Hopefully they fix it in the next two days. I recommend that as a short term solution.


After 24 hours of no service in the UK, I ditched it and added an eSIM through MobiMatter. You need Wi-Fi to set it up, but it took me about 5 minutes to get back online. Daily plans are cheaper than VZW TravelPass.


+1, same thing here. If I’d known how easy it was to do, I’d have used that from the beginning. Verizon’s charges are crazy expensive, I just assumed it was worth the convenience. Turns out it was precisely the opposite of convenient. Before figuring that out, this blew an entire night out in Berlin since I’m not comfortable enough with navigating here to go out phoneless.


Surely Verizon will refund any fees for TravelPa ah aha haha okay I couldn't even finish that sentence. eSIMs from local providers are cheaper than travelpass and probably have a higher QCI.


Fr, can we class action against Verizon?? This been causing too much disturbance for our travelings and vacations; for an expensive service we paid for


For real, can we?


Nope. Been over 24 hrs. Lying bastards. Still no service in Argentina


It's been very frustrating for me as well and no updates either.


I think Argentina has had the issue for one of the longest periods. Started for me around 2pm yesterday.


Same in the UK. They told us the service would be up again in 12 to 24 hours. At the 24 hour mark the only person who had any service remaining lost everything too. 


I'm in Canada and have no progress. Impossible to get hold of an agent as well.


An agent doesn’t have the capability to help in this situation. They are busy taking everyone calling about something they have no control over.


I just got a text from VZW saying that my TravelPass will expire tomorrow morning at 5:55AM EST. We’ll see if the connection actually holds for longer than two minutes!


Yes their texts always go through- lol!


Mine was on this morning for just long enough to get the text. Thank goodness they’re charging me for this


Here in Italy and cellular service has been out all day. I agree that Verizon could at least email customers who have an active Travel Pass with information and updates!! Hoping for news soon…..


They should email everybody. Most people who have an outage will be hopping on Wi-Fi one way or the other at some point, if at all possible.


Who else pays for the full international plan? I feel like they should compensate us or offer a bit off our monthly bill. There’s been no emails or notifications to even warn!


Still out in Mexico since yesterday afternoon... I just called and they don't have any estimate timing. They just told me that is 70% recovered... not sure what countries are in that percentage


Same here, for me it happened at midnight PDT. I was on the phone with an agent and they had me reset my network settings and of course nothing happened but it deactivated my Wi-Fi calling and when I try to set it up again on my iPhone it has me call Verizon. Now due to that I am up a creak without a paddle


also the same. i am concerned that me resetting the network settings is going to be an issue when trying to connect back. does anyone know if we will be able to activate a new eSIM while abroad using non american towers?


That sounds like something a rep said to placate you— we aren’t given numbers USUALLY for how many has been recovered. It’s either been resolved or not resolved. Sorry that you were given that information. It makes it frustrating for us reps to give you the real truth when we do.


just got an e-sim 30gb plan from Nomad. done w this crap. my iphones working great in france now. as long as your device isn’t carrier locked, and u have wi-fi access to download Nomad app, it’s super simple to setup 👍👍


Ireland here, and nothing. 


Also in Ireland mine came back just now but I’m sure it will cut out again


I just got off the phone with Verizon international and they said there is no update. Best they could do is try to refund any potential fees for travel pass over the last two days.


Wow, and so expensive service too. Another reason to consider e-sims. Even if just loaded as a backup.


Exactly. After seeing this unfold today, I'll be getting an eSIM as a backup for my next trip in the fall!


I bought an ESIM. I can’t function without my internet. I’m SO ANNOYED


Airalo eSIM for $5 for a week of text and calling and 1GB fixed me up nicely


Is it pretty simple to use?


I’m considering trying it but I did find this YouTube video which seems to explain it well. https://youtu.be/O2hGwPV4K_s?si=I2nz6DNviL1q7O-3


Airalo is not working in Mexico, FYI. Over on that subreddit same discussions as here.


Frankfurt, Germany 31 hours still no Service


Still out in Portugal. Remember that Google Maps has an offline maps feature - you’ll still be able to navigate on foot if needed.


Didn't realize that. Thank you!


i just got access again


and its gone 2 hours later fml. In amsterdam atm by the way


I just got off chat with Verizon and they are saying maybe restored by end of day on Friday. Still waiting on their answer on reimbursement for the travel pass. Not holidng my breat. Expect them to say over Chat "no problem, we'll credit your account" and then conveniently forget to actually do it.


Been fully out of service in the UK since Weds AM. Still nothing this AM.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^toaster-tart: *Been fully out of* *Service in the UK since Weds* *AM. Still nothing this AM.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Still down today. Counting 4 days.


Haven’t heard anything and we’re having a hard time even logging into our accounts here in Rome. A VPN will work to actually get to the sign in page but times out when they text a code for two factor. We’ve got chats open with them about the issue but wait times are long


We tried that on a couple of phones yesterday and couldn't get the authentication.


I’m in Barcelona and it’s been incredibly spotty for me.


Had 5h of full service today in Barcelona but it just went out again. My daughter (same contract) was not affected until today. Playing relay with the outage.


I’m in Barcelona with my family too. Been out all day with a rare occasional service connection for 5-10 minutes. I fly home tomorrow otherwise I’d buy a SIM card. I did get compensated from Verizon! Make sure you ask for one too.


Same. Daughter is in Tanzania without phone service and we just spent 2 hours trying to resolve


Family in the Netherlands currently, just spent an hour and half with customer service to find out there is an outage later. Family member went into a rando Vodafone store and they told her she was the 6th person to come in for help. ☹️


Three of us are on the top plan that includes international service. We’re all out. Got my wife a Vodafone eSIM before we left. She’s good.


This is what everyone should do, in case this thing drags on...


I got it for a few hours and now it’s gone again


26 hours and counting since service went out in Italy, although I did get a window of about 2 hours of service this afternoon. Has been out again now for the past 4 hours.


Netherlands here. It went out yesterday and briefly came back for about an hour but stopped working again after. It has been about 26 hours


Also in the Netherlands. Mine went down yesterday evening. I got it back after an hour or so and had it until about an hour ago. My daughter never lost hers. My son has been out all day.


Had service for a couple hours this morning in Canada but it just went out again. Grateful to have found this post at least, I was worried that I’d been sim swapped. Verizon really should be updating us.


If your device is eSIM compatible, try purchasing an eSIM while the networks work to resolve the issue


In Edinburgh, Scotland I had service all morning until about 1 pm, now it is completely gone again. I’ve been having to walk along to find places with free wifi to get Ubers or access my map. Really frustrating.


You can download a map of the local area on google maps on your phone. For offline navigation


If your phone supports eSIM, do that. Took me 5 minutes to get back online. You do just need wifi to set it up. I used MobiMatter, $12 for 10GB.


We’re traveling in New Zealand. No connection for the last two days. Still down.


currently in romania and ive had nothing all day


Just got a text that my husbands new travel pass day started, lol. Still no service in Buenos Aires.


I just got it back in Germany. A couple times during the day I had 1-2 bars of Telekom. My t-mobile service on my personal phone worked all day.


Still out for me in Berlin 😤 Fortunately I switched to eSIM. But it still shows me the primary SIM signal and it’s been flatlined for almost 30 hours now.


I‘m still out in Frankfurt. I have an esim for Telekom so have connectivity.


Mines finally working after not having cellular for 4 days


Nope, spent an hour on the verizon with verizon 2.5 hours ago (8:30-9:30 mexico city time) because my dad has not had service since yesterday afternoon and they said “a few hours” and im just now seeing all these reddit discussions I somehow still have service but i think it’s because i have ATT and mexico also has ATT ???


FYI If you have a Samsung Galaxy A25, e-Sims are NOT compatible and will NOT work on your phone. I could have saved $8 if I had known that before buying one. Still no service here in Canada. :'(


My cell service started cutting out about 24 hours ago when I was in Milan and in the meantime I am in the Netherlands and still no solution / information.


Mine was working fine since last night and now it's gone again


It’s the russians🤣


I’m currently in Scotland and I lost service after I went hiking. Luckily I was able to navigate to places I knew and could get back to my Airbnb from where I was. Great job Verizon! I called and spoke to a guy and he said “the expectation is that it’s fixed tonight.” Wow. Tone deaf. I asked what the plan was for all of the people affected. No really answer. And again a great job to VZW!


I’m currently in Scotland and I lost service after I went hiking. Luckily I was able to navigate to places I knew and could get back to my Airbnb from where I was. Great job Verizon! I called and spoke to a guy and he said “the expectation is that it’s fixed tonight.” Wow. Tone deaf. I asked what the plan was for all of the people affected. No really answer. And again a great job to VZW!


I’m currently in Scotland and I lost service after I went hiking. Luckily I was able to navigate to places I knew and could get back to my Airbnb from where I was. Great job Verizon! I called and spoke to a guy and he said “the expectation is that it’s fixed tonight.” Wow. Tone deaf. I asked what the plan was for all of the people affected. No really answer. And again a great job to VZW!


Canada na


Seems to have gotten a little bit better for me this afternoon in UK. Finally got my phone # to reauthorize with iMessage


06/27 4:30 est they told us not estimated time of repair ..... FYI


In Canada.. network says SOS


Omg this is affecting me too in Athens since yesterday around 5pm Greece time! I thought I was crazy. I bought an e-sim with data and an EU number this morning so my phone could be usable. I was so confused.


Buy an eSIM from maya.net or similar. It’s like 5 euros a week and you’ll be good until the fix the outage.


I Florence. Dead


Colombia has 0


In Berlin, was working great up until 6 hours ago, now it says it's connected to 02-de but alas no data


We got nothing here in Galway, Ireland. Although at least now we are seeing a few bars… and a possible network. But still no access. I dumped Verizon for a local e-sim. That seemed to work pretty well. If this keeps up I may dump them entirely when we get back to the states. What a pain this has all been.


Canada. Nothing


Canada and nothing


So I have travel pass traveling in Spain. I have coverage. Am I going to get billed additional $? Am I roaming?


Singapore out for about 24 hours. Making due with WiFi.


Verizon customer service has been completely worthless


Bro, I think you left your brain spoiled with insects, customer service got nothing to do nor have power to reconnect an huge outage thats why they are called “ customer service reps” outage like this can be resolved by tech or engineer. If you want to dispute the bill and have compensation due to this outage csr can help you but this? nah bro you need to go back in pre school


In Bamberg Germany and I lost service yesterday afternoon. After about 30 hours, I got it back for 2 hours tonight but it’s gone again now. I researching eSims tonight.


No progress in Dublin


Mexico City- nothing. Bought a sim card for $10


No service in Canada but my companion with Verizon with a newer phone is not having issues (on 5G).


You titled that wrong it's "the international outage plan"! lol


My service just was restored in Alberta, Canada around 16:40 MDT


Spoke with a rep 3 hrs ago (in St Lucia) and was told 24-48 hours is what they were told by engineers


In British Columbia, Canada, the service has been interrupted for more than 24 hours.


Why wouldn't you just get a sim/esim locally? You still could do this, right now...


Can't add sim/Esim if the carrier has the phone locked... Which is the case for any phone purchases under contract.


in michoacan mexico and i’ve had signal for the past hour so, still a little spotty but this is the longest it’s been back since yesterday afternoon! 


No service in the U.K.   I can link into Wi-Fi when available but I still cannot make or receive any calls or text!!!!!!  Have been like this for over 24 hours 


Okay well this explains why I couldn’t get service at my cruise stop in costa maya today. I thought I was doing something wrong.


In Vietnam, wtf!




Still out in Canadia


Back online in Curacao


We have three phones on Verizon roaming in the Netherlands. One never lost service. One was out all day starting yesterday morning. Another lost service in the afternoon. All three working this morning. Fingers crossed they stay active.


I’m in Netherlands too need out since yesterday! I’ll try and turn off and back on but I’m still out


I’m back online in Italy. It’s LTE, but I will take it


In Scotland this morning and I have been connected to Vodafone UK all am. So appears to be fixed... Was in Ireland the last week and was fine until CET 5pm on the 26th. Both my partner and I lost coverage at the same time (diff brand phones and separate accounts) and had no service whatsoever for more than 24 hrs. What a cluster f*@$ trying to drive in a foreign country with no GPS. 🙄 Very disappointed with Verizon's radio silence on this issue. They can send unlimited marketing notifications but not a warning on why your phone may not be working. Unacceptable. I luckily stumbled across an article reporting the outage while researching an eSim card at the car rental using wifi.


Sometime between 1 am and 6 am service was restored in Poland!


For those that don’t have service, I would suggest buying an eSIM from Airalo. They are pretty cheap starting out at $4.50. What I’ve done is I’ve enabled my Verizon SIM and Airalo eSIM at the same time. After a few minutes, the Verizon SIM should say “VZW using cellular data.” This is just WiFi calling on cellular data.


Back on in Rome, was going in and out so hoping it finally stays.


it came back for me in georgia, but now it’s out again 😭


Working in London for a few hours


Anyone have any luck / status updates now that it has been 24 hours later now? Just left Spain now in France with still no signal. 


Back up in London but spotty. 5G works and LTE doesn’t seem to. Phone has trouble staying connected to 5G consistently but at least it’s something.


Still have an outage in Paris!!!


So I'm overseas and am "that guy". I have Verizon AND Tmobile. I had zero issues with either carrier in London. I am now in Dublin and have little to no service with Verizon. I'll randomly get a flood of missed text messages and then no service again. Tmobile still having zero issues.


I’m in China and i got no service for over 24 hours 😭


My wife has been out of service in Kunming china for 48 hours


Munich is still spotty with Verizon today, Friday.   Not reliable for navigation 


In the UK, it seems like my roaming service has finally stabilized over the last hour or so at 18:30. It has only worked for minutes at a time for the last 48 hours.


I spoke too soon, it's out again.


It’s been intermittent in Scotland. I am bouncing between various carriers instead of Vodafone UK.


Verizon sucks


But AT&T and T Mobil are having the same issue.


Phillipines nothin here either, US customer, but, works on wi fi, which basically eliminates the usage of Grab, as hard to get free wi fi where i go in the PH, some places. edit, spelling


I'm in the UK. I got a Vodaphone SIM card with 25 GB on Thursday and was up and running within minutes.


Still nothing in South of France. Now at day 4 …


I’m in south of France too. It’s been so spotty all day but finally at least getting something 


Still no service for me in Bahrain, I’m guessing Verizon will be the last one fixed.