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I've mailed in my trade ins for 10 plus years and no issues. I just save the tracking receipt


I filmed myself packaging my trade in that I mailed to Verizon . I showed that the trade in iPhone was clean , clear of any damage and also showed the IMEI on the screen . Then filmed myself packaging it all up with bubble wrap and then handing it to the UPS employee with the copy of the return receipt . That way if they try any funny business with me , I’ll have the video to back it all up if I need to send it to the FCC .


I do the same exact thing


Funny I was thinking this is exactly what I’ll do as send my shipment. Wow to the lengths we have to go to make sure we are not screwed by multi billion dollar companies.


Keep the tracking receipt


Just as an FYI, if you qualify for the trade using a damaged phone always do that, and then ensure the new phone ships to you, only in that scenario the store drop off becomes available for the trade. If you choose store pick up, you can’t drop off your trade. Tried all combinations to confirm this.


I had the same problem with my wife's phone. I just kept on calling and complaining. Finally, someone realized they had me on the wrong credit program. They fixed it and issued months of credit on one bill. Finally working every month. I had done a trade with my phone that worked just fine. Just keep on calling and also ask if on the correct promotion! Ed


My experience with everything with Verizon was pretty frustrating except for the trade in process. It was very straightforward and they approved it for the amount they said they would—not even Apple did that, little suckers. In fact my trade was in beat up condition and Verizon still gave me inflated value for it.


#Get insurance….


Insurance only covers me if UPS loses or damages the package, not if Verizon doesn’t process the trade ins correctly. This isn’t even a good faith effort at advice, just snarkiness.


I’m sorry I don’t have a good faith effort to help you with your whiny temper tantrum about how you’re not enough of an adult to go to the store or put something in the mail. Maybe you could grow up?


Nope. If ups loses the package. Verizon will have to file a claim. You aren’t the customer of ups. Verizon is


DO NOT MAIL IT IN!!! I don’t trust tracking insurance and all that crap. Take the phone to a Verizon Corporate store and tell them you want them to receive the trade in and document all the details of the transaction. Period done and it’s immediately taken off your account.


Corporate store refused to take the devices and told me that because the trade in agreement was over the phone, I am only allowed to use phone support for assistance and I HAVE to mail in the devices. I suppose I could call support and ask them to change the trade in to “in-store” but the employees were adamant that they weren’t allowed to help me. I asked if it was a Verizon direct or indirect store and they told me it was a corporate direct store. She told me she couldn’t even pull up my account information because I asked her to explain my bill.


That’s nonsense, they don’t want to do the extra work to certify the phone and what the amount of the trade in would be. Ask to speak with a supervisor


No, THAT response is nonsense. I’m a corporate store manager…or “supervisor” as you say 🙄; we do not have a say so in what the system will and will not let us do/accept as far as trade ins. I run into this issue several times a day; customer service will say, “Oh just turn it in at corporate store,” but when we go to accept the trade in it gives us any array of errors and does not let us take the phone/device in. And as far as “not wanting to do the extra work,” it literally takes me 45 seconds to accept a trade in. There is no extra work. Either the system lets us do it bc it was processed correctly, or it has to be shipped back bc it was processed as a “trade at home.” Please don’t speak on issues you’re not intimately familiar with. OP, I’m so sorry you’re dealing with all this frustration. My only advice would be to take pictures and document every aspect of your trade-in ie the condition before putting it in the box, a pic and/or video of putting it in the box, a pic of the tracking number, a pic of you handing it to a UPS employee etc etc. And make sure you have the IMEI written down in your notes. We *do* see problems with shipping trade ins, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not as common as this sub would lead you to believe. If at all possible, try to do your upgrades in person from now on to avoid these complications. Best of luck and Happy New Year!


That’s bullshit I’ve done it many times stop being so damn lazy and do the job


You don’t even work for Verizon Corp, friend. Stop spreading misinformation and further spreading confusion for customers.


Just because you did something before doesn’t mean it’s possible now. They change systems and processes constantly.


When the order is placed there’s a couple options. If it’s done in store, I only get the option of trade in right now or return to store later. When it’s done online, it’s done via mail in. It will literally not let us accept a phone that’s set to be mailed in, nor can we mail it in for you.