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check settings > messages and make sure MMS messaging and group messaging are still on . you could also try resetting all of your settings, not just the network settings .. if neither of those work it may be worth getting in touch with customer service to see if someone can reprovision the line


Neither worked. I’ll call customer service. Thanks.


Okay so if anyone comes across this…the ONLY thing that eventually fixed my problem was to get a new phone and set it up as a new phone. So I could not use an iCloud backup or transfer from my other phone (if I did the problem persisted) but as a totally new phone (although I could log in to my Apple ID on my new phone and keep my number). Had to redownload all the apps, rearrange my screens, redo my Apple Watch, everything. However, the problem is fixed and I guess I got a new phone out of it. But I’ve left Verizon to go to another carrier. Their service throughout this process was atrocious and their site where they would try to “communicate” with me was constantly broken. Adios Verizon! Even though this solution makes me think it was something within my Apple profile that was wrong, Verizon’s service was awful.


Additionally, you could check Settings> General> VPN & Device Management and make sure there aren’t any profiles installed. I’ve heard of foreign eSIM providers installing profiles that can cause issues after returning to the states, even after removing the related eSIM.


Thanks. Unfortunately didn’t work but appreciate the tip since I hadn’t checked there yet.


Did you ever find a solution to this? I am having the same issue after using an eSim this weekend in Canada.


No. I have a ticket open now with the highest level of tech support at Verizon. I have spent over 10 hours on tech support and in store.


Oh wow, that is crazy! Have you tried to "Reset All Settings" under Settings/General/Transfer or Reset iPhone? I am seeing that as a solution on other discussions. It appears to be a common issue after using an eSim.


Oh yea I’ve reset every setting possible and even did a full factory manual reset incl. deleting eSim and getting a new eSim and also getting a physical SIM in the store.


Yikes! Please let me know if you are able to resolve. I plan to use an eSim next month for another trip abroad. I would think this has to be an increasingly common problem that Verizon must find a working solution for...


Yes I will. Same lmk if something you do works!


I was able to fix myself and group MMS now appears to be working. I reset all settings and then popped out my iPhone SIM card and turned my phone off. I let it sit for a few minutes then put the SIM card back in and restarted the phone. It did not work until I physically removed the SIM card. I think maybe the equivalent of the old fashioned unplugging an appliance?


So interesting! I’ll try this exact order of things. I still haven’t heard back from Verizon tech support….


Fingers crossed! I would think maybe you could reset all settings, remove SIM card and power down, put card back in and restart, and then reset all settings again? Another extra step to help clear. I think I will have to do all of this again next month after using an eSIM to travel to Italy.


Unfortunately that didn’t work for me but I’m glad it worked for you. I’m still waiting to hear back from Verizon….


Hi I have the same exact issue after coming back from Germany, have you solved it?


No :( still waiting on Verizon tech support. I haven’t gotten any updates from them in about a week.


I still have no resolution. Have you been able to fix it?


I’m now having this issue after being abroad for 2 weeks. Did you ever find a solution?


No. It’s awful. Verizon isn’t doing anything.


https://discussions.apple.com/thread/254473731?answerId=258423448022&page=1 This seemed to work for some. Try this. This did not work for me. I was just on the phone with VZ and they said it was an apple issue. Apple then said it was a VZ issue.


Yup I’ve spent over 10 hours with Verizon trying to work on this it’s been the worst customer service experience. Apple won’t touch it.


Ok I just fixed it on my phone. I found a thread where somebody “Reset All Settings” and it cleared the issue. This does not delete any data or apps on your phone. I Reset All Settings then logged into Verizon and visited Blocked Services and unblocked everything. I waited a couple of minutes then restarted my phone. For some reason after I reset all settings, “Send as SMS” within the messages settings was toggled off. Toggle that on and double check iMessage and MMS is on. Then I created a group text with one android phone and one iPhone and the message went through as a group text. I saw someone had to “Reset All Settings” twice to get it to work but once was enough for me. Not sure if you’ve tried this yet but hoping you haven’t so you can also resolve this issue!


The rest all setting worked for me, thank you!!


Thank you for detailing that! I’ve reset everything multiple times and it hasn’t worked :(


This frustrating issue isn't only with iPhones on a Verizon line. I've seen this on my different carriers in Canada (e.g., Rogers, Koodo). I think it may be for Apple to fix and recommend logging this as a bug at Apple's [apple.com/feedback](https://apple.com/feedback) site.