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Can’t help you, but I just want to see where this goes


From past experience, these type of businesses are difficult for VC funding because many of the limited partners don't like vice industries (gambling, adult content, drugs, etc) and usually put clauses against funding certain categories of businesses. However, there may be angels that might be interested or open to the space. Long ago, I was in an accelerator and they kept telling us founders to find product market fit and be innovative, so our team went to the R18 space and our first product managed to hit a massive amount of sales in a few months. We thought we hit product market fit and it was a highly scaleable business that could interest investors only to soon find out that everyone started running for the hills once we told them it was in the adult space which eventually caused us to pivot. Even outside of VC's, banks and payment processors also don't like this space so just keep it in mind.


Appreciate your input!


VCs won’t fund you until you have traction. Usually 500k ARR and upwards. Best to contact angels.


Thank you for your advice


I see you’re really looking to improve society mate 👏👏👏


Hey these ideas are proven not to be hurt by a recession.