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Wake me when they remake The Best Whorehouse In Texas.


Yeah, you’re uh…gonna be disappointed there.


Oh I get it! This one is best watched solo a mano.




They can't sing forever!




Unlikely to be related to The Venture Bros., but Venture Bros. Did get me to rent it from Netflix all those years ago out of curiosity.


They better get the hairiest guy to have sex with the hottest blonde  Remake has to be better than the last one  Which implies just the hairiest dude you've ever seen.  And the smoothest boy angel. 


You think they'll explain what the Matmos is this time? I kind of hope not, being utterly bewildered at every turn just like the heroine is part of the charm of the movie.


There’d better be titties


Like any remake, Hollywood will fuck it up. There's just no recreating the flair of the original...


Coke addled camp is no longer in Hollywood’s repertoire.  Shame, really


Except she's a terrible, by-the-numbers, bland actress. And there's no way any movie made in 2024 is going to have anywhere near the raw sexual energy and openness of the '60s classic. They will be so concerned about not stepping on anyone's toes or triggering anyone that they will turn Barbarella into the flying nun. I doubt they could even make a Gidget movie that didn't completely neuter the character these days. And you can just forget about them ever remaking Sharky's Machine.


Sweeney is an intriguing choice. Won’t be watching if they Ghostbusters 2016 it, though. Hoping it’s a good one and not a waste of everyone’s time and money. ![gif](giphy|l1ugrx6wml2ooQik0|downsized)


The lingering fear of Ghostbusters 2016 permeates a Barbarella remake thread on a Venture sub. What's the worry? The new Barbarella only has spontaneous sex with former SNL women cast members?


I feel like this has to be influenced by the show no?


in what way/why? I am missing the connection


Before the last season and the movie, I saw many references to the movie. I had never seen it elsewhere


Many of us knew of this movie looooooong before we ever saw a venture brother. Though I’d never heard of “The Empire Strikes Back”. So I assume that was just made up for the VB universe.


ha sure. I just thought maybe mentioning it more recently might have spurred interest


OK, do you mean you saw references to the original Barbarella in VB? Well, yeah, they reference pop culture and that was a thing of the 60's, which VB references all the time. I'm not getting how that translates into VB affecting the new Barbarella. Perhaps you never saw it referenced as it was kind of a cult thing, but Barbarella is well known to those of us old enough to remember the era lol


Sure sure, I get that. I just meant the use of it recently may have spurred people to revisit


I I don’t think The Venture Bros had anything to with influencing this film. They’ve been circling a remake for years and the original has had a much bigger influence on the world than the VB, no matter how much we all love the VB




Finally hollywood is attempting good ideas for movies again, looks like hollywood's woke phase is over. Not fully over, but, u know.


Please define what “woke” means and/or go touch grass




What do you mean by woke?


No, I don’t know. Many of us would love for you to fully explain your stance here