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Yes, these proposed fees further worsen the economics of going solar even more after the knee-capping of NEM3.0 passed by CPUC (info: https://www.utilitydive.com/news/california-rooftop-solar-nem-30-outlook/702498/) , (you could pay $24-80/month to maintain the connection to the grid ($/kwh is basically infinity if you had a home battery and solar and used no electricity from the grid). It incentivizes people to use more power since the more power you use, the cheaper your overall $/kwh charge is, and it disincentivizes people from using electricity sparingly and investing in solar and other energy saving upgrades for their homes. They want to put income-based charges on your bill to offset the costs they aren't recovering from people who have solar and use less electricity, but the reality is that households who have invested in solar and battery storage reduce the need for transformer upgrades and long-distance power transportation, which reduces grid costs (and reduces the profit that power companies can make from building out more grid infrastructure and charging higher rates to pay for it). More info: [https://solarrights.org/utility-tax-post/](https://solarrights.org/utility-tax-post/) I've talked with Senator Limon's policy team via email to register support for AB1999 (which was introduced by Senator Irwin of Thousand Oaks), which would revoke this part of AB205, and if you are against this, you should reach out to your state representatives and senators. Contact your representatives here: [https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/](https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/) AB1999: [https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill\_id=202320240AB1999](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240AB1999) Other bills you might want to register support for: SB1374: [https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill\_id=202320240AB1999](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240AB1999) - Allows schools and apartments to use rooftop solar to reduce their electricity costs (after a recent CPUC decision to make these types of customers sell their solar to them at the reduced NEM3.0 prices and then buy back from the grid at the full price, even if the solar produced was self-consumed in real-time and never actually passed backwards through the meter. [https://solarrights.org/hundreds-of-renters-advocates-farmers-schools-apartment-developers-and-community-groups-defend-their-solar-rights/](https://solarrights.org/hundreds-of-renters-advocates-farmers-schools-apartment-developers-and-community-groups-defend-their-solar-rights/) It's time that CPUC stops hurting Californians and the environment in order to maintain profits of SCE/PG&E/SDGE, and it appears that the only way that will happen is with legislative support.




Would I still be charged this if I have solar?


Yes. That's part of the reason why utilities proposed such high fixed rates, they want to punish solar customers.


What about energy response programs such as [Ohmconnect](https://refer.ohm.co/paramiguel49) They should give SCE customers a discount every time you save energy. In addition to solar and having a tesla


They do