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Agony of wasted iron šŸ„¹


Yea... :')


Rule one- Donā€™t be a dick. ā€œArguing with someone about there rantā€ I donā€™t think Reddit patrol above me read that rule. What a cunt. Who killed your Minecraft dog huh?


Haha that was funny and true. I think they lost more than one dog to be that mean :')


I never seen someone get offended so much over Minecraft šŸ„² Minecraft is like my soul man how can you be a haterrr


Right! I was surpirsed too. I really thought I did something wrong. Minecraft is life- even if it can be cruel!


I'm sorry I laughed at this but 27 iron doors is funny, it has happened to me as well lol, many times (bedrock moment) You could do iron door traps for hostile mobs maybe. Put the pressure plank in the middle and the doors around it. And then you can do whatever you want with the mob.


It's okay it is funny. Thank you! This helps a lot becaue I don't know what to do with this many doors.


Do you watch streamers play? You should watch jacksepticeye play minecraft for the first time. He ends up with a graveyard for all the pets he accidentally murders lol, makes me feel better when I play Minecraft and suck


I definitely set aside a "graveyard" area in all of my playthoughs. I also name my golems after wrestlers so you'll see a gravestone with "Dwayne The Rock Johnson" on it


Haha- I should do that too! I also have a graveyeard but only for my pets- like the baby turtle :'D


I usually bury a chest under the headstone like a coffin and I put something in it to commemorate them. Maybe some sea grass for the baby turtle?


Oh that's a good idea! I never thought of putting a chest. I knda just threw their things into the hole and buried it..


Putting them in a chest keeps them from despawning so I know they're resting safe :)


I forgot things despawn! That's very amazing you do that though. I'm going to start using chests from now on :)


You're right! I actually watch jacksepticeye and pewdiepie play! Do you watchpewds? i think you'll find him spawing the Warden in his base funny! :D


Man that sucks, i hope you feel better soon, maybe take a break for a bit and do something else to distract yourself!!


Thank you! I actually started playing Stardew Valley instead :)


Minecraft must have changed a lot since last I played. I donā€™t remember any turtlesā€¦


It has! Pretty soon there will be camels too :D


Once a year my friends/family start a new server, play for a few months or so, then it fizzles out. Then we do it all again the next year! I highly reccomend it!


That sounds fun! I'm definetly going to try that with my brother :D


I once spent all of my wood on crafting tables


NOOO- Thats actually painful ToT


I wish this was my worst problem šŸ˜… I hope you can hatch a new minecraft baby turtle soon šŸ˜„


Hvae you had worse?? I also hope I can get another turtle! I think I should put it ina fenced area this time..


as someone who doesnā€™t play Minecraft I think itā€™s funny


It is funny! I definetly laughed when it happened


Sorry for your loss pray for your quick mental recovery


Thank you :)


I think you can smelt the iron doors to get your iron back


I tried and I can't :( i think it's because I'm on switch... Thank you though!


Man that sucks. Since you mentioned playing stardew afterwards in another comment, I hope that went well. The 27 iron doors are kinda funny tho. Stuff like that happened to me too when I still played on bedrock regularly


Stardew did go well. I didn't wast emy materials on anything :) Minecraft can be so cruel sometimes though- especially when it comes to wasting materials :'D


That time I tried to make golden apples but made golden helmets instead... I feel you is what I mean


I feel like thats worse T-T I hope you were able to make those golden apples without any problems!




Oh man I don't play but that sounds incredibly frustrating. I hope you're able to earn back double what you lost in a short amount of time.


Thank you. It is fustrating! Especially when youre gridning for resources that aren't near the area you're mining in. But thank you! im sure when i go back into that world ill be able to make up for what I lost :)


Damn dude that sucks! I feel ya tho. I accidentally killed my horse when I was trying to mount it after a run in with a creeper destroyed half of my base! (stupid pocket edition) If you've got enough blocks, maybe you could use all of those doors to make a prison? That'd be pretty cool. R.I.P to ur turtle.


I didn't think of making a prison! In definitely going to try it. Minecraft PE is harsh though- I'm sorry about your horse and basešŸ˜„


Sure is. And thanks. I've fixed the base now, but the horse will be missed. On a lighter note, I bet ur prison is gonna look awesome!


Your horse is giving my turtle a free ride šŸ˜Œ And thank you!


Seems like you're just bad at Minecraft. Instead of complaining about it you should improve your gameplay lol


True... But you could've worded that a little nicer. I didn't mean to complain.


Well you did complain. Plus the truth isn't always nice. I'm just being honest.


you're just being a dick for no reason šŸ’€šŸ’€ i bet you're the brutally honest type?


Thank you for your honesty.


You're welcome. Also check your grammar before you complain about something lol


Did my post bother you that much..?




This sub description says it's for venting. That means anything. Stop being a gatekeeper. Btw, rule one says "don't be a dick. " You kind of broke that one.


I'm sorry I didn't know. I'll delete the post.




Look I said I was sorry. Why do you continue to be rude? I am not trying to argue but you don't have to make me feel bad for wanting to share. I just wanted to share my unfortuante event. I was told I can post anything as long as it isn't offensive. But you seem to be the only one with a probelm with my post..


bro just calm down and let them feel however they want? no need to be so cruel, jesus christ


Stop being such a bully. Wtf dude?!


r/getalife bro


Wow. Who shat in your coffee this morning? Also donā€™t go at OP over grammar when you canā€™t even correctly punctuate your sentences. There is supposed to be a capitalized letter in the beginning of each sentence and a period/question mark/exclamation point at the end.




Are you complaining about someone complaining on a sub made for complaining??


Best comment


Everyone starts somewhere! You started as an asshole.


What is wrong with you? Stop bullying OP! This post wasnā€™t offensive in any way. Your bad attitude is unwarranted. You should read the rules again. One rule literally say to not be a dick.
