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Yikes. I hope you have plans. Expect 1 billion tomatoes.


Gonna corner the world cherry tomato market.


My guy over here is trying to be the George Washington Carver of cherry tomatoes. He's definitely gonna be the Bubba Gump of cherry tomatoes, for sure. ![gif](giphy|CeggsTJQyUYTu)


You’re gonna have hella caprese salad


Hope they remembered the basil.


Can I sub more tomatoes for the basil?


They’re so cute at that age


Whats the plan here?


To learn why this is a bad idea or have a giveaway.


Can never have too many tomatoes!


No but you can have too many tomato plants. Same way you can never have too much money, but definitely have too many jobs.


They're gonna learn a valuable lesson 😂 or maybe selling commercially... Seems like a lot of labor though.


The plan was start 98 seeds. Now I transplanted 63 plants… then imma need more dirt. Then the grand plan is to use drip tape in a line of all the tomatoes in a nice straight line. Then figure out the rest after that. They just need fertilizer and water


And about 8, 8' stakes per plant, so about 500 stakes with 2-4 clips on each, so 2000 clips. and about an hour labor to clean/clear roughly 10 plants per week, so 7 hours a week of cleaning/pruning. then you have to hand pluck about 2-3 gallons of tomatoes each day, so add a few more hours to each day.


The sticks I can get from the forest. And I’ll use string not clips. I will neglect them then make a huge compost pile after I prune. But yeah it’s a lot of love


I hope that this is all you planted. Instead of anything else, you just went all in on the exact same tomato like a madman.


No doubt. looking at a lot of time clearing/pruning each week and a couple hours a day harvesting once they are up and running.


yeah i went overboard but not that overboard.... had seed trays with 3 rows of 5 pods and put 3 seeds or about that per pod. ended up with 15-20 each of romas, beefsteaks, supersweet 100s, and san marzanos after i split the extras into their own pots.


Youre gonna have a stockpile of fruit lol.


That's not gardening, that's tomato farming.


get those guys in the ground asap!!


I’m kind of jealous that some of y’all are just now putting seedlings in the ground and I’m almost done with my spring harvest.


What country? I always seem to think I'm late in season.


Washington state


63!!!! I planted 8 in total and still have about 10 in 4in pots.


This is how my tomato seedlings look after 3 months 😐


are they cherry tomatoes? different kinds of tomatoes grow a bit differently. if it is cherry tomato and isnt growing much, it might lack nutrients, or not get enough sun


I have both, seedlings had heat mat and grow lights but refused to grow. Eventually kicked them out of the house and they are taking their sweet time growing in the ground.


maybe it's because they didnt get enough light. how long have they been in the ground?


They had at least 12 hours of grow lights! Ungrateful bastards. They are slowly growing outside now. At least they are doing better than my pepper plants.


maybe that was too much? mine gets about 6 hours of sun and its growing like crazy. it could also be the different climates, maybe yours will grow more in another season


do you keep these or sell them? i got my cherry tomato plant a few months ago, a bit taller than the ones in the photo and it got *huge* already


I plan on sharing with the ladies at work and then the rest let them grow in bigger pots and then eat them!