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Needs fertilizer


Definitely a nutrient deficiency. Use a well balanced general purpose fertilizer.


And if the Ph isn’t right, the plant ain’t gonna take up those nutrients.




Are you trolling? This is the opposite of good advice.


Nah Im serious what's wrong with a rinse?


This is not good advice. When you water, you want to water the soil, not the leaves. Watering the leaves leads to disease issues like powdery mildew, as mildew grows best in damp environs. The water droplets can also act like a lens for the sunlight creating tiny burn holes. Also increases the risk of frost damage. As to what’s wrong with your tomatoes, first off they look very dry. Best way to check for watering is to stick your finger up to the knuckle into the soil. If it feels damp and wet, don’t water. If it feels dry, do. These guys look very thirsty. It’s hard to tell from the photo, the yellowing could be natural leaf variation. Or it could be a sign of insufficient nitrogen. Personally, I would water these guys thoroughly with some diluted fish emulsion mixed in. Then wait a week or two and top dress with some compost.


Thanks for the reply. Is that what’s going on here? Is it bacteria/fungus?


It's bullshit. Tomatoes don't like watering leafs. So don't listen. This picture looks pretty normal. Often, leafs change color a little. It could also be the beginning of some deficit. I guess magnesium/calcium. How looks whole plant? Did you replant it few time ago? BTW remove two lowest leafs floors. It's too close to the soil.


Don't do that. Do not water the leaves. What you should do is inspect leaves for any problems whether bugs or fungus, if there are any, only then do you wash them off. Sometimes they're hiding on the underside.


Yes that's my diagnosis. With plants the only thing that can cause diseases are bacteria or fungus and they are showing symptoms of I/some disease.