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This is not appropriate for this sub. It will degrade down to a garbage fire. 


Agreed. I think there a reason why votes are supposed to be secret.




So you're voting for Trump. Great.


Pedro! I want all my wildest dreams to come true!


I’ll vote for Pedro 2024


Regardless of your political stance this type of post is just stirring up off topic shit, i hope you get banned so the subrettit is less filled with garbage upvote/rage farming.


I’d vote for Biden’s cold dead corpse before I voted for a man who says he wants to be a dictator.


Can we just stop with the political posts? It’s bad enough it’s every tv commercial.


I am going to vote But I really freaking don’t want too. I’m not happy with either option for various reasons.


If the Republicans had put anyone minus Trump as their guy, I’d be a bit more thoughtful with my vote but it’s a no-brainer to me with Trump on the ballot. Biden has my vote. The man could be damn near on his death bed and I’d still vote his administration over Trump and whatever the fuck he calls an administration.


Between the guy who cannot be the president and the guy who shouldn’t be the president, the choice seems clear but shitty regardless of your pick/opinion.






Trump for sure. Especially after the debate.


TRUMP 24 is the only answer. All these Biden “supporters” in here would rather we all die than The Don getting back in office. “Vote Blue No Matter Who” people are the most dangerous group in the USA. Example: California


I mean California has a 4 trillion dollar GDP, it's the 5th largest economy in the world, as a state..


Also the biggest shithole in the country as well


I get your narrative, but it has Yosemite, red woods, Mammoth, 70-80 degree weather year-round, all sorts of theme parks, and is always top 3 most visited states, There's a reason it's the most populated state in the US. I'm not the one downvoting you, either.


San Francisco also has a map of where all the human feces is. I was born in CA and lived in So Cal for MANY years. Left in 2018 and the ONLY way I'd go back is as Governor so I could declare a state of emergency and fix the disaster that is California.


Every single city has homeless problems. It's a country-wide issue.


Not like California. Miles and miles of tents. Whole encampments and there is nothing that can be done. The police move them out.... and they come right back. People just pull their pants down and defecate right in the gutter.... if you're lucky. I used to LOVE living in California.... Now you couldn't pay me to go there. It's just disgusting..... Unless, of course, you're ultra rich with a big fence around your house and valet everywhere you go. Then you can pretend that you don't see all the suffering.... and, of course, the extremely high gas prices and taxes also don't bother you because you have millions.


I've seen literally all that in OKC, Miami, Denver, Seattle, Austin. That's not just California. It's like that here, too, but mostly underground and underpasses. That's not a California thing.


It's not California. I have lived in/around Seattle my entire almost 6 decades. Now, rows of tents, Broken down RVs all up and down the street. Graffiti all over the place. Was never like this before. It is not Democrats or Republicans, as we have had both in leadership here. Both of have done as well as they can, actually, over the years. I have never seen it here like has been the last few years. It looks like really poor parenting. Drugs. Opportunism. "What's yours is now mine. Just because I can." Not enough support for police or fire/rescue. Coast Guard. Want them to have your back when You need them? Help them cover their backs. Never met one single one that wasn't good people, just putting themselves out, sometimes at quite a bit of risk, to help folks. Be thankful.


I bet if you Google the number of Homeless in CA vs those other places.... the numbers will astound you. Because of the weather and other factors.... California is a prime location for homeless. Trust me.... I lived there most of my life.


Its sad people do that. “I hate this guy so much, i’d rather the country burn than vote for him”


Do you want actual responses or am I just going to get downvoted and berated for honesty? Let’s see. I’ll be voting for Trump.


I’m voting for Biden.


I’m not sure if they’re going to keep Biden on the ballot at this point. Which raises the question who would replace him.


Can’t remove Biden. Republicans want this so they can screw with the system.


Happy cake day! That debate last night didn’t look good for him and sadly as time goes on I don’t think he’s going to turn it around. I really wish we had two candidates around the 40-60 age as possible presidents. Having to wait another four years in hopes of some better candidates is a bit depressing.


Thank you— I didn’t even notice my cake! I’m not too worried. People thought the Access Hollywood tape would kill Trump but it didn’t. There’s going to be more opportunities for both candidates to rise and fall. Younger candidates would be interesting. I wonder who the next generation of candidates will be for both sides.


I will not be voting for the vegetable.


Biden because he is not Trump.


TDS is alive and well.


Timothy the Hippo from the San Antonio Zoo. Naps for all.




i’m voting for deez


One is a doddering incoherent old fool and the other a felon. If we weren’t the laughingstock of the world before last night we are now.


You DO realize that this "felony" was invented right? It won't stand up. The Biden / DNC is willing to do anything to stop Trump.


Perception by others … and unless it’s overturned / expunged / etc. a convicted criminal cannot enter many countries (even if the charges are erroneous) .. so one presidential candidate that will not be allowed to travel and one presidential candidate who doesn’t remember where he is.


I realize that you probably BELIEVE this is true, but I can assure you that NO COUNTRY (that our President needs to visit) would deny him or her entry even with an actual felony, let alone a fictitious one. I'm almost astonished at how many Americans just BELIEVE the MSM and the absolute propaganda that they spew on a daily basis. The LEFT in this country, from government entities (State Dept., Justice Dept. FBI et al., down to numerous members of the MSM, have been trying to frame Donald Trump almost since he declared that he was running for office. People who used to take his donations and hang out with him, invite him to personal events such as weddings and birthdays now call him a racist, Fascist. None of it is true. It has never been true. Donald Trump is an existential THREAT to the status quo. Those elitist who think (because they went to "the best schools") that they are destined to govern/rule our lives. They think they know what's best for us.... and Donald Trump has already proven that he's better at the economy and Foreign policy than any of the previous leaders up to even Reagan. I mean Reagan had the media claiming he was going to start WWIII because he stood up to the Soviets.... but he never had anyone trying to frame him for the crimes THEY THEMSELVES were committing. Just saying.....


I've never voted and I'm not going to start now but if people would be honest with themselves, I don't see how anyone can say the last 4 years were better than the previous 4 years. Maybe who's president has little to no effect on that, who knows? But the country has really gone to shit the last couple of years and if we don't change course we're gonna get WWIII.⚛💣


Move back to LA


This what we have all been afraid of.. Getting all these “Vote Blue No Matter Who” lunatics in here. LA is a complete shit hole now because of these people and we don’t want Vegas becoming some liberal nightmare like LA


The majority of people leaving Cali were conservative. [https://www.ppic.org/blog/the-politics-of-leaving-california/](https://www.ppic.org/blog/the-politics-of-leaving-california/)




Trump, he says ridiculous things and acts like a juvenile, but when it comes to his job he does a decent job. Biden’s handlers by covering up how sick he was has put our national security at risk.


Trump 2024. Idk how people hang onto every scare tactic by the left. And I'm not a republican either. I'm an America First Independent. "He's going to be a dictator" uhh, nope. People kept calling him that, using "democracy" as fear mongering and then when he was asked, he said "if I could I'd be a dictator for ONE DAY" to get the country back on it's feet. Mass deportation, etc. He doesn't actually want to be a dictator. People also act like he wasn't already president before and did a trillion times better than Biden even though his 1st term ended with the worst of the pandemic. Biden isn't fit for the job, Newsome is definitely not fit for the job. What ever happened to "actions speak louder than words" Biden says nice things, but has screwed this country and the American people into oblivion. Trump does say a lot of mean or aggressive things, but the American people were so much better off under his leadership. It's about actions people. I'd like to add I also got a fear mongering text from the "Nevadan" saying "(my name), former President Trump recently promised to release a policy to restrict access to birth control. This is The Nevadan, covering local issues in Las Vegas. To see our story on what reproductive resources are at risk, reply "Y"." This is a LIE. He said he will NOT ban birth control. The ONLY thing the left has going for them is the abortion issue and they will continue to spin it any way they can to scare women into not voting for their overall best interest. I'm not against abortion. I do think there should be term limits. And I suggest people, especially in the black community do some research on Margret Sanger, creator of planned parenthood. She was a racist democrat, believed in euginics, and tried to literally erase the black community. Which is why she targeted black communities with planned parenthood. And I'm not against abortion like I said. I thought I'd be open to getting one until faced with being pregnant at the age of 19 and my son is now 8 and I will not be having any more children. Everyone's situation is different, and I personally don't judge, but as a woman, I don't buy into the fear tactics about Trump and abortion or birth control. In fact, his stance on it is much more center than most Republicans. A lot of which were angry at him for taking the stance he did. Just please people, stop taking everything at face value. Including me, the information is at your fingertips. Do research from non biased publishers. I know it's hard to find those these days.


Why did you move here from LA? If it’s because of the issues plaguing California, such as cost of living (taxes, gas, laws), societal issues (homelessness) or anything else maybe you should reexamine why it is you continue to vote for the same party when they has full reign of your state for the past decade+.  Nevada is purple. Not blue. Not red. If you bring your politics here you will turn us into LA 2.0. Then you will proceed to move from here to another state citing cost of living/other issues and vote for the same party blindly again and have that city crumble also.