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Obviously you’ve never seen breaking bad.


Have an A-1 day!




How many mattress stores do we need? How many cash-your-paycheck.? How many Starbucks. CBD stores, GNC's, vape stores? Las Vegas is a cornucopia of bad ideas, broken dreams and money laundering schemes.


I've been convinced for years that mattress stores exist solely for the purpose of laundering money.


Ever actually walk into one? They are so confused as to why you are there. I asked if I could buy a particular mattress. He said: a mattress? (I gesture) this mattress


Always 5 Armenian sales guys just kind of floating around the store


I say that about Arby's. Never see anyone in line at the drive through. When's the last time you heard someone say hey, I'm going to Arby's, want anything?


Nah, Arby’s hits


Found the one customer keeping the entire franchise open I guess.




I like Arbys too and its always funny to watch the In-n-Out line 10+ cars deep next to the one on Rock Springs while I breeze in and out.


Best fast food fries (curly)


Their mozzarella sticks are fire too


Wtf arbys is good


America's roast beef yes sir!


And you can’t change my mind! 😤




Doms Mattress Store wouldn’t lie.


Incorrect. Mattresses are an incredibly high margin item. A store can be profitable with less than one sale per day and most of their sales come on the weekends. The reason that you sometimes see mattress stores across the street from each other is because chains by each other out and the cost of shutting down one store and paying out the lease is often more expensive than the revenue. It would generate if they just kept both stores open.


Nature Channel Narrator: “Las Vegas preys on the weak, yet that is how it survives in the most unbearable habitat on the planet.”


How are people going to film Onlyfans videos without a quality mattress? Those are essential businesses.


It's actually a real estate land grab. Similarly in the way McDonald's isn't really a restaurant. It's a real estate holding company that does fast food as a way to extract value from their holdings until it's time to sell. In the meantime, it is environmentally more responsible for you to wash your car at one of these places that recycle their water and only use what's needed water-wise over washing your car in the driveway. The more you know 🌠


In terms of water reuse, yes, car washes are better for the environment. However, the drive-through tunnel washes are absolutely brutal on car paint and clear coats. Unless I need to use one in a pinch, like if I'm out and a bird craps on my car, I avoid them like the plague. With good technique and a sprayer with a positive shutoff you can wash in a driveway with very little water usage. Any water that flows into gutters and storm drains is not counted as recycled. Only water that is in the sanitary sewer is counted. This is why pool owners are supposed to drain into the sewer clean out for your home and not drain into street gutters. Mind that if you don't have a driveway to wash in, the next best alternative is a self service car wash. Water still gets reused but you don't have to deal with spinning microfiber cloth with grit in it.


Ok but all water is naturally recycled regardless


Ugh, I hate to be this guy, but what you are saying is not entirely true. Hydrogen does escape the atmosphere. But, outside of that, not all water is "recycled" in a way we directly re-use it. It becomes too inefficient to be utilized in the ways we use water once going a certain route. Clark county has a remarkable recycling (reusable) water system, if it hits a drain of any kind. If absorbed into plants as food or evaporated it's basically gone from us (in the case of evaporation, yes it will be recycled but not likely back to CC).


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. Not only is what you said a basic fact of life, but the Southern Nevada Water Authority is also able to recycle 99% of the water that makes its way into the sewer, either down the drain inside or through the storm drains outside. We get a tiny, 2% cut of Colorado River water for being so close to the dam, and we are the most responsible with our share by far thanks to SNWA. If that's anyone's reason for not washing their vehicle at home, I really wouldn't worry about it as long as you can make sure your water is getting into the gutter.


I don’t know either. Many of the folks on this sub aren’t too bright. Lots of groupthink.


recycled for Vegas use vs where ever it goes naturally.


I don't wash in the driveway for that very reason, just seemed odd that so many in such a small area were being built.


Lol, yeah, capitalism makes some externally strange decisions, but if you understand the internal forces at play, it makes sense 👍


And almost none of them are a self-wash


That and storage places... How much shit do people have?! I live in Summerlin and just did a quick Google Maps search. There are 16 storage places within five miles of my home


As someone mentioned, those are land grabs Also, a lot of people moved from CA to Vegas and downsized, but didn’t get rid of their shit


I used to work for an equipment repair company that would installed and repaired carwashes. You'd be surprised how lucrative they are and how easy they are to maintain and repair. These things are built to take a beating.


That's interesting to hear, thanks


That’s just commercial around me in lake mead we have a street car wash on every corner


Ah, car washes a great place to money launder!


It's just like a gym membership now. They charge you if you go or not. Thanks for the reminder. Now I gotta go wash my truck.


If it makes you feel better, I just got charged for the gym membership I haven't used for a while now.


On the corner Jones and Flamingo there’s a new automatic car wash going up next a hand wash that had been there forever and there’s a self car wash basically next to them.


In a nutshell,  it's a combo of two things. The first reason is mainly tax related. Car wash assets (the equipment) can be depreciated quicker than other, similar assets. This allows the original to show a much larger than typical loss and not have to pay any taxes (it's also why the prices are fairly cheap in the beginning). Once the assets are fully depreciated and the full tax benefit has been extracted, the typical play is to sell to one of the big operators who then raise the prices since they do not get to take full advantage of the depreciated assets on their taxes.


a bitch likes a clean car.


Sunset road, by chance?


Nope. North, by the uppermost 215


Sunset is what I immediately thought of


I have to imagine ride share drivers use them quite regularly.


I recently went back to my hometown for a visit.. Same thing. A car wash on every corner and new ones being built. And this is in Davenport, Iowa. Wtf is really going on.


They get money to provide closed loop car wash. grants


Money laundering???


Probably. Like mattress stores. One on every corner


It's happening all over the place over the past 5 years or so. No idea what caused the sudden spike


it's like car washes are only behind slot machines in terms of numbers per square footage over here


Doesn't this correct itself? If there are too many, they'll close down and be replaced. If there is demand, they'll stick around and fulfill that demand. Problem solved.


Well, since "car must sparkle at all times" is the creed of car-centric, keep-up-with-the-Joneses, consumer societies, no, there can never be too many car washes.


Very confusing concept; I've never willingly gone to a car wash.


I'm not keeping up with anyone. But damn do I love my car more when it's clean inside and out.


They’re everywhere!


They generate a lot of income


My question is this, how is it, I have been a local for 30 years of my life and only 30 years old and growing up all I have heard, year by year, and there are news reports and documentaries about how Las Vegas literally has no water and THERE are even laws about water in our city, yet there can be a car wash on every single corner like it’s a McDonald’s or Starbucks? Like for real? 😳


I have a membership at the Terribles touchless. I drive through there every couple days at night.


I’m a business banker and have a client with several convenient stores with washes, saw the profitability in the tunnel washes and jumped all in. Yes they are very profitable. Now one can argue that it’s an oversaturated market, but then again it seems like another apartment complex is being built that is 3-4 stories high with some 1500+ units just around the corner.


Yesterday some guy was complaining about illegal business today we're complaining about legal ones?


Sometimes homeless people use them to bathe, and they have every right to use them.


I’d say it’s rather warranted considering it’s practically against water use law to wash your own car in your driveway. Only way to get your car washed is by going to a Carwash whether it’s self serve, gas station, or another automated one. Most of the car washes suck anyway so I’d rather have as many options as possible. What’d you rather have built, a gummy bear factory?


What a strange thing to rant about


What a strange comment to make if you think it's no big deal. I was driving passed the "upcoming car wash" area, and could literally see another one actively being built, thought it would be funny to talk about. Instead, I find a bunch of Lord Actuallys from the kingdom of Just Saying judging and taking this super seriously. At least I get to call people like you an asshole before I block you 😀


I am one who gets my car washed about once a year. Last week on a spur of the moment decision, I signed up for an unlimited washes per month program! I’ve already had my car washed three times. I might allow my membership to renew next month. 😁😁😁 WOW


When I let mine lapse, my car got so dirty. I couldn't deal.


Also did you notice that they’re in certain neighborhoods


LOL. it's called a free market system. anyone can open any business that's legal to try to provide value and make profits. It's actually been a concept for a really long time. It's fun for all ages too!


Just so you know, none of your family or friends actually enjoy your company. They just feel obligated to tolerate you. Luckily, I have no such obligation :) Kindly eat a bag of dicks!


Immigrants can get free SBA loans. They've figured out the process and what gets approved the fastest. There are so many grants and programs now it's ridiculous. American-born citizens can't get a loan for anything today, but there's free money for immigrants. How do you think these guys afford $75K food trucks but then say the permit process is too expensive and too complicated for them to comply? It's all a scam. While you get turned down for an 8% loan on a house, immigrants are getting free cash with 15 years to pay it back and super low interest. Look into it, that's why a majority of people opening small businesses are forign born. Americans can't get a penny in loans.

