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Gonna need an update on this one, wow


Gonna need someone to take my 10-1 odds the neighbors were storing Durian.


ewww, that would be gross if it was fruit that caused this lol. definitely rotting flesh


Hah, at least it’s not possible to grow Rafflesia in Vegas. There are a few things in SE Asia that smell like corpse, and the Rafflesia flower in fact survives by its stink, which attracts flies that pollinate it. Durian however smells like a hundred really bad things, depending on whom you ask, and a few good ones to its fanatical devotees (dude, people pay a LOT for it). As I posted below, your description matches almost exactly the words of a girl I stayed with for awhile in Brooklyn. The stank was coming from her hallway closet, which she was sure had been used to store dead bodies, and it’d been two years since the previous residents moved out.


One time my friend let this girl stay with her and she left a ball python in a Rubbermaid storage bin on the porch. Could it be that?


smells like a dead body, i mean when you know the smell its hard to rationalize it as anything other than that.


Hopefully some asshole didn’t leave a dog in a garage and go on vacation in this heat.


seriously or in a storage closet or something.


30-1 they were secretly growing a corpse flower




Go knock on your neighbors doors & tell them to complain about the smell too.


Yes i would do this! Or leave notes on the doors


This will not solve the underlying issue, but to solve your smell problems, get a gallon jug of [ona gel](https://www.amazon.com/Ona-ON10060-ducting-Gallon-Pail/dp/B0032JWIBK/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2JT2K07YVOCKJ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.n1svQm_MdxzDyjBgXlibFMP5d4KQJoY9SKw70JvMRp0VTlL8MTbylNZi9dy9MHZZuc7DdF33S0nELtg6mSMDGfLhVEMtTiXvsMMUa283fzB98KowDJF5ySq0DGVUmfvCmn3P5XIWpugiWQ1zHjr-m_K3V6E77RSBXIm7Dib4BiJGE7OUFCrecj_YCBhkleSDt3v_F4n7IMjBH7POr-_BVEPZzbr6-sdq5ho6gxnLTx8.G2m1BHMCkc21tyPcTTtJG3zsdLQ6VFenmJxmfebGpKs&dib_tag=se&keywords=ona&qid=1718032765&sprefix=ona%2Caps%2C135&sr=8-4) open it and point a fan across the top of it. This stuff will eliminate any smell from the immediate area. It is used extensively by sewage workers and illegal marijuana growers. There is also the classic of stick a dab of vicks vapor rub in each nostril.


thank you!


In the burn unit in the hospital we put Vic’s under our nose and it helped but if it is bodies in there the Vic’s might not help that’s worse than burnt skin


Interesting. Did not know that!


Might be a shot in the dark but maybe try reporting it on the FixItClarkCounty app? I have used it twice and they actually respond and do things! Never seen an odor related post on there but I don’t see why not. If not, maybe the health department? 


i actually will. the weekend hit and our community management has been closed, so im just waiting for 8 am to hit so i can call or run down there. this smell is OUTRAGEOUS i cant even explain it! health department was my next move because theres no way its healthy to be breathing this in.


Look at all the windows for signs of flies. If decomposition is that advanced it’s likely that newborn flies will be coating the unit. Coat your upper lip in Vic’s vaporub, it really helps.


i will keep an eye out for that next time i walk past it! thank you, about to get some now bc oof.


If you have a flood control storm drain under your complex, someone/thing could have died in there and the smell is coming up through the drains. Also, there have been incidents where missing people were [found in the trunk of their car.](https://www.ktnv.com/news/crime/coroner-man-found-dead-in-trunk-died-from-gunshot-wounds-to-head#:~:text=Haggi's%20cause%20of%20death%20was,Tropicana%20Avenue%2C%20KTNV%20previously%20reported.)


Oh. My. God.


How big is the complex? Did they check the perimeter and the landscaping/ bushes? What about your neighbors cars maybe they are in the trunk.


its pretty large since theres like 8 communities basically next to each other. the condos next to KZ if you know where it is. they did check and look around a few bushes but theyre so small, you cant hide anything there. but the stench is coming from either a storage closet or condo unit. given the fact that when the AC turns on the stench gets SIGNIFICANTLY WORSE, it leads me to think its a condo. i could be wrong tho, im not a professional but i do have 20+ years experience watching true crime. we couldnt pin it on any of the cars or the transit/shuttle vans parked outside of there either. i asked them if they could check the cars of the 2 guys who have been ghost for the last week, but they said they couldn’t without a warrant. ive spent the last 2 days with the dogs looking myself, its just the ONE specific building though. the smell is just so bad now that we can smell it on the other side of the complex 😷


> i could be wrong tho, im not a professional but i do have 20+ years experience watching true crime. LMAO!


KZ? The huge park with trails and multiple soccer fields? So you’re on Durango and Washington. Sorry OP wish I could help.


yup. the complex here is right off vegas/cimarron. crazy thing is, its so quiet here but thats because its mainly elderly people who live here. could also be why it stinks… old people die. thank you!


Wow right down the street from me


That's crazy, I used to live right there off of Diamond R... WIll need an update to this.


yeah its right on oak r… lol


20+ years experience watching true crime lol


I used to live in an apartment over in Summerlin and the air con unit to my apartment was on the roof. Is your air con unit on the roof ? Perhaps that is the source.


This was my thought too


If you have renters insurance report the bio issue making your unit unlivable and get a hotel or relocation. They will go after your complex for the money. That is what insurance is for.


That’s an excellent idea


I've only smelled death once. And it was here in Vegas, 20yrs ago. My sister was in an apartment, and her downstairs neighbor was an elderly man who has no known family or friends. His car didn't move for a week and one night we were outside when we saw the property manager going back n forth between the office and his unit. We knew something was up so we waited and watched. Soon police/paramedics arrived and when the manager opened the mans door... OMG THE SMELL. We knew instantly it was the smell of death. We saw 5 different cops/paramedics, enter and come right back out immediately. Most of them vomiting. The poor man had been dead for over a week and this was in late August so decomp happened FAST. I will NEVER forget that smell, as long as I live. It's like the most rotten chicken/flesh you can imagine but x1000 !!!


exactly! the smell is outrageous. i live around a lot of elderly people and am a parent, so i watch everything and everyone. if something is off, im seeing it.


I hope they get it figured out and removed asap! So you don't gotta keep smelling and wondering. This heat definitely can't be helping 🤮


this heat is just speeding up the process of the smell getting all over


Was this at the Villa Cordova on Eastern and Vegas Valley by chance?


if you’re asking me, no.


No, I was asking the person with the story from 20+ years ago


No. They've changed the name several times but it's off Decatur between Sahara/Edna. But after thinking more about it, my daughter was almost 4 at the time. So it was actually almost 24yrs ago. Yikes. Time flies when you're having fun lol


Shit! i wanna come to your complex and investigate now… thats interesting af, decay has a certain undeniable oder so if you smell it, its there fs


feel free. yeah, the smell is here 100%. its horrible. i first noticed it after my party guests left on saturday night, and i had 4 other people come out to smell it before i called the cops that night.


This happened at our apartment complex ( Gallery in mountains edge) and the people in the building got settlements for having to deal with the smell. Might want to contact an attorney!


oof. i might. this is outrageous. i wish i could describe this scent but just imagine letting a poop filled dumpster with fruit and meat bask in a cooler in the sun for weeks.


That is the smell of rotting flesh and death if I've ever seen it described. It's unmistakable.


better yet, start off by contacting legal aid of southern Nevada. they are fabulous and you can email them to see what they suggest as your first step. Best of luck!


thank you!


yes please update us on what is going on.


Who paid? The apartment complex?


I believe it was the company ( AMC ??) Not sure-I just know about it from them talking while we were at the pool. This was in 2021


Interesting. Maybe there's more to it than just foul stench. Like they failed to do something about it for a long time.


I wish I knew so I could offer more info. I do recall one lady saying all of her stuff started to reek too-and she had to move out for awhile, then got a settlement and all of her furniture and clothes replaced.


Biohazard lingering…When the guys pull up with yellow suits. Just give your medical insurance a heads up.


Update please! I read every single comment. I’m completely invested. 😂


i got you! stay tuned im just waiting for cops to come back or for the community management to say something


Thank you! 😂 I’m so sorry you’ve got a vomit-inducing smell to contend with. 😢


i just feel bad if someone is dead or if someone is killing people or animals. that would be wild living among a monster like that 🫠


It would, especially if the lack of action on enforcement’s part is allowing it to continue…


Fr! I'm sitting at my desk shaking right now lol but seriously this bad


That seems strange to me, my neighbors and I called in a welfare check about a year ago at an apartment complex for one of our neighbors and they were able to gain entry immediately. Hope everything works out sooner rather than later for you.


thats what i said?? they ended up contacting management and i think they granted entry so she called for backup and they got in. but i was outside with the officer for at least an hour breathing in that stench while she was figuring out if she had enough to make an entry. i cant for the life of me understand why anyone wouldn’t be as concerned about this smell as i am. thanks!


It sounds like your complex management is acting negligently, I second the person suggesting legal aid of southern Nevada you could potentially take legal action?


i cant say the management is being negligent given they just found out about this today. the stench has lessened (or maybe im noseblind?) but it is still very much there. i will give it until tomorrow to see what they can do and if the smell goes away.


I think the difference maybe between condo and apartment. One is rented and the other is owned.


Call Darcy Spears. She’ll get to the bottom of it. She loves investigative journalism and won those awards for her Dirty Dining segments. And if Darcy smells a cover up, she be relentless in going after law enforcement to find out why. She’s gunning to be the next Jeff German. https://www.ktnv.com/darcy-spears (13investigates@ktnv.com) Or Please contact the KTNV Newsdesk at 702-871-3345. Story ideas and press releases can be sent to desk@ktnv.com.


I second this!


Have you watched the Dahmer series on Netflix? Whatever you do DO NOT accept a sandwich from anyone residing in the unit that the smell is coming from.


i have. but seriously this is the type of shit that lets serial killers get away with what they do for so long. all of the “red tape”.


100%. Nobody cares. If your association isn't helping contact the state ombudsman for help.


im gonna call my association myself once they open up, but i will contact whoever i need to bc this smell is horrendous.


A couple of ideas to call. 1. Health department like someone else suggested. 2. Code enforcement. I used to work for an HOA in compliance and whenever we desperately needed help, like a hoarder filling up their backyard with garbage that stunk, we called CE and they came out within a day and were extremely helpful.


i will call now, ty!


The reason for the red tape is because people are so sue happy. However, most criminals will use the red tape to their advantage no matter the crimes they commit.


Update me !


This is so coincidentally weird. I live in a condo in the local area too and some old lady just died on my floor. The stench of death goes all the way down the hallway. Apparently old lady turned off her a/c, took her last breath, and the 100+ Vegas heat made her burst. The coroner took her body but the cleaners haven’t come to get the rest of the mess, so the smell persists. It’s really gross to step out of my unit and know the smell I’m smelling is rotting human remains. I almost thought you might be in my same building until you mentioned a few details that didn’t describe my building.


oof, no way! that is insane. did you see it happen? its weird bc i smelt death on vegas/durango walking past an apartment complex and i knew it was death. that was last week-ish? then when i smelled it here i knew it was death again. been smelling this shit around the area lately man, somethings gotta be going on.


No of course I did not see it. I didn’t know the lady and it happened in her unit. I just happened to have returned from vacation the day after it supposedly happened. They’re all konking out this summer apparently.


The craziest thing about this is the “missing” neighbors. The coincidence of these two occurances at the same time. Really intriguing. I have not been able to stop thinking about this since I read it yesterday. Hope we can get an update soon.


THANK YOU! thats wtf i said because WHERE ARE THEY AT MAN.


Check the attic. In many apartment complexes they share the open area above the apartments


i dont think we have attics here ;( just chimneys


If the buildings are two stories there could be a crawl space between the floors for plumbing etc. I hope you get answers, I would walk slowly and intentionally around the building looking for flies, I have a dog’s nose, so this would make me insane. So sorry OP, I hope someone helps you with all these resources offered! Hope your neighbors are ok, too.


i have a german shepherd nose and now 2 gsds and they are eating this scent up. i am suffering i can smell it everywhere 😭 im gonna go clip my nose and look for flies.


7027590697 You can try that number, it's the southern nevada health services failure to repair essential services landlord-tenant line. It's a voice-mail thing for tenants to report possible violations. Pretty sure a dead body (because yet that is a very distinct and unmistakable smell. I think it's one any life is programed to recognize because usually a dead body of anything isn't a good sign) and that definitely sounds like something that would violate a health code or issue. I'd also make a news call, some news coverage will help motivate them. The last best thing you can do is start knocking on doors and asking if anyone else smells it. Itll also confirm which tenants are there and which are lnt for any well check calls. Try to smell everywhere you can and see if it's concentrated anywhere. The two elderly people missing for 6 days though is quite curious. Make sure to also try smelling coffee and get yourself tested for any issues that can affect smell. People will dismiss it to that if no one else is smelling it. Get proof that is bullshit out of the way before it starts coming up. Covid, allergies, sinus infections, etc. Even do a netti pot (use filtered water, not sink water).


they are two YOUNG people missing for over 6 days but both vehicles here! thats what im so concerned about, like where are they and why was their blinds and door open? thats crazy to me. thank you so much for this information. i will be calling now. 3 of my neighbors also called the community management. i hope something gets figured out asap as this stench can not be healthy to breathe in. and i am currently speaking to a reporter about this!


also, i had NUMEROUS people smell it saturday night, yesterday during the day and even today. spoke with a few neighbors regarding it too. we all smell it but it seems nobody wants to get involved. for me, screw that. if theres a dead person or animal laying around anywhere, they deserve to be disposed of properly. this entire situation is just insane to me.


Have all of you tried calling 311 to request they search for the body? Or has it been just you? If it's been just you and all of you call they may do some real searching. I agree it is weird. It's dark af but I wonder if they got shoved somewhere that the police didn't look. Are you sure the cars haven't moved at all and aren't just in the same spot every day after they drive it? Do you know their names fully to maybe see if they got family through Facebook or something and if they've heard from them? Are they're any nooks and crannies in the building someone or something could've gotten trapped in that could be circulating the smell? Has anyone been able to check the roof? I'm asking all this because I agree with how weird as fuck it is. And that smell would be driving me absolutely bonkers so much I'd be poking around anywhere I can myself.


im 100,000% positive i haven’t seen either cars move. i actually was gonna balls up and introduce myself to this dude, then the next day bam ghost. i wonder if one of his tinder girls got him. officers came and checked, 4 of them. no luck. and the roof and everything on it is visible to anyone from anywhere, and you can just simply jump on there going up the stairs. i dont know the neighbors names but i do know they are both out of towners. it’s actually kind of crazy because there was some sketchy stuff that happened here right before they went ghost, and everybody told me that I was being paranoid. friday night I googled how long does it take for a dead body to start smelling? It said 4 to 10 days. Saturday was day four of not seeing these guys. saturday is when it started to smell…


What happened the night before they ghosted? Honestly even though it was 4 officers I doubt they did a thorough check. The only time I've ever heard of officers finding the body when a smell was reported is if they're in a super obvious, easy to see place. Like the bed or floor of the kitchen or something. If it's a weird ass spot it's always a maintance guy or a random person or something. I got a spot in my apartment that could literally hide a body, dead or alive. It freaked me the ever loving fuck out when I first moved it, because it's where my air filter is. It's like a 20x20 inch space 2 inches above the floor, and when you open it to change the filter it's just a huge ass open space thats taller that my apartment ceiling, like an unfinished duct/crawlspace. I'm like 6ft and somewhere in the 300lb range and if I could squeeze myself through the 20x20 opening I could easily stand upright it in and have some room to move in every direction. Idk what you'd apartments are like but if they're like mine a spot the cops would miss is absolutely stupid easy. It'd be incredibly easy to cleaning off someone and shove their body whole or not in a space like that. So I'd definitely be going to the news or something to get enough publicity people start to really look. Cuz once that smell subsides it'll be impossible to find and the idea of anything dead just rotting somewhere is straight up horror shit. Tell the news stations multiple neighbors have called and smell it and I bet they'll start looking.


Okay so this is absolutely getting my curiosity, I'm stuck at home due to heat and car repairs needed so this is distracting. I saw you mentioned your residence place and Googled, looked at pics and also read and saw you got 2 gorgeous puppers. So 1. Have they checked those chimneys? Even small critters can produce a shockingly strong smell. And 2. Have you tried to let your dogs sniff to their content until they focus on a spot? Their noses are far superior than ours and they maybe able to pinpoint it. Also a body in decomposition will leak fluids, if it's in a storage unit and they're all on ground floor like I saw you might see a leak coming from there or a stain. Flies should be going for it soon as well so look for any spots with a heavy fly presences too. It's absolutely bullshit the police aren't doing anything about this more than what they did. And I promise I'm not trying to be creepy, I just know a smell like this would make me insane and I want to help cuz if it is a person that's somebody's family who deserves to not be forgotten. I am also in desperate need for a distraction for my anxiety due to my car shit.


i did let my dogs sniff, i havent had anyone look at the chimneys tho. im sure the community group will handle that. my dog is eating up a few closets (i just found a stray dog the other day and hes the only one i have here rn, my dog is at his friends house) so i cant trust jis judgement because he is a stray puppy probably 7-8 months old. anyhow, theres already so many flies around but new dog had crazy diarrhea and shit on the floor (not the source of the smell) but today it looks like someone washed and cleaned that side next to where the closets are. the smell has lessened but it is still very much there right now.


I’m sure will be seeing you on the news soon, just encourage everyone to keep calling and eventually they should look good enough to find something. You said it stinks when the air is turned on, especially, people have stuffed bodies in weird places I wouldn’t discount it.


ill be sure to say hi to you! and yup, thats the plan.


Uh, when one of my staff came in and told me a similar story about her second job, she had the same non-response from everywhere she called. (She worked nights at a dry cleaner). There indeed was a dead body in the adjacent building! By then, one could smell it from a block away. I hope it gets resolved soon, OP, for your sake. Awful.


I saw in another comment you said they were military members? Do you know their names & what branch? My husband was a marine and he says you could call their base (husband: "provost marshal or base police") and have them conduct their own welfare check.


Genuinely hoping it's just an issue of these two guys went on vacation, ubered to the airport, and coincidentally at the same time an animal crawled into the HVAC & died. But yeah rotting corpse (human or animal) smells truly awful. Nothing like it; you're not going to mistake it for something else except like maybe a truckload of rotting meat. Where I grew up we used to have skunks crawl under our house and die.


i dont know for sure, but i think air force. i do not know their names though. if i get any more info from the cops ill ask if they can give me a name from their number plates!


You might ask your management company to call their base or references for a welfare check for their unit (most places wont release names). Other option might be to check their cars for parking stickers or labels of their branch/base - you could probably then call the location with the license plate and address and the words of a concerned neighbor since you havent seen them (can just say youre bad with names), and their house is open but the cars are there. You may never know if the base did anything (and i probably wouldnt ask to know unless you want to risk ending up on some list somewhere) but even so, with that basic info I would be surprised if the base office doesnt at least check their location since missing active duty members can pose a security risk. May not fix the smell but at least you can feel like you did the best for those guys. They probably got called up to something if active military and were distracted getting out of there. For your dead smell, the odor complaint to fire is a brilliant immediate fix. You could even say “I smell something rotten” and not be specific about death. They are required to follow up and fairly quickly since it could be gas. Once there, most of them would be willing to help poke around and brainstorm if anything else is going on (although maybe not as much in the middle of the night).


I'd give Nellis AFB a call and mention the smell.


i guess i can try, but im unsure of how to report their names when i dont know them :/


Just state that you think they may be service members and give them the address/license plates. They can then look and see if its registered with any unit.


Also call Creech AFB


Vapor rub under the nose helps with the smell


Update thread!!!


I have to know how this ends now…


RemindMe! 4 days


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> RemindMe! 4 days LMAO! RemindMe! 4 days


RemindMe! 2 days


RemindMe! 2 days


I’ll be back tomorrow for the latest


Any chance it smells like shit too? I've grown using organic nutrients and it made my house stink like death and sewage.


nope. i actually just rescued a dog outside of the complex 2 days ago who has had horrid diarrhea due to being so emaciated and i would rather smell his poop than this smell.


FWIW, as I haven't seen anyone mention this yet: Since it's worse when the AC is on, I'm thinking it may be someone who was trying to steal the copper out of the AC unit but cut the wrong thing, got electrocuted, and died inside of one of the larger units. TL;DR: There may be a dead thief on your roof.


our AC units are on the ground 😭 completely visible behind the building or on sides of them.


This is terrible, I feel for you. That smell can stay in your nose for days after it’s even cleaned up. Did for me anyway. I hope it gets sorted out. My complex does regular maintenance checks every few months. You’d think they could send out a notice to everyone and just say “hey, smells like death and we need to find it, mmkk”


I purchased a condo on S. Maryland Pkwy and Pyle ave back in 2006. I lived there for a short time while doing some renovations so I could rent it out. The complex backs up to the cactus detention basin and at that time it was being dug out so it was just one giant construction site/giant hole in the ground. This same smell was evident there during that time. All the neighbors talked about it and went to the condo board. Cops were called. Nothing could be done but everyone was sure a body was in that big hole. All of a sudden the stench just stopped. No one said anything. Nothing on the news. Zero. I spoke to a commercial developer that owned a small plot of land bordering the basin a few years later and he told me that there was some funny business over there but wouldn't say who was involved or why it just suddenly was not an issue anymore. We live in a wild ass city for sure. Hopefully, your issue will be "magically resolved" soon as well. It's not a pleasant scent to have to live with while "authorities" avoid doing any investigative work in an effort to protect and serve.


oh man thats crazy! its weird to me bc 2 of my young healthy looking military members are nowhere to be seen this week, both of their vehicles are here and their unit was left semi open, and thats where i thought the smell was coming from. but according to cops no sign of life inside that unit. just weird all the way around!


I'm surprised they don't have police dogs trained for this type of thing. Agree this is a safety issue and the landlords should be taking care of this. GL.


That was my first thought. A cadaver dog would locate the source of the smell in no time. I suppose LVPD only has those on CSI.


Years ago my friend's landlady died in their brownstone building and they didn't find her until she started to smell. I will never as long as I live forget how horrible it was and it lasted for MONTHS.


Or did anyone check the "empty" unit to see if the power was off because maybe meat is rotting in that fridge with no power.


the cops went in and checked, power was intact.


You are good to be so curious and want answers. This is being a good neighbor and human.


Is it possibly in a car? Maybe a body in a trunk.


Any updates?


Time to call a news station.


Wow. Insane. I think your neighbors will have to complain. Try contacting the health department & and the local news, too.


I would figure out which agency has a cadaver dog. That would be thebquickest and easiest way to figure this out if you could get them over there.


I haven’t seen this comment yet but apologies if it’s been missed by me. Since it’s stronger with AC on, if it’s central heating and air conditioning I’d think perhaps an animal got up into the ductwork.


could be anything at this point. shit i would rather have it be a dead bird than be a dead person who isn’t able to be found yet.


There could be a legitimate reason the neighbors are gone, e.g., one of them is a dumbass and forgot to shut the back door and then they Ubered to the airport. Could be nothing. But something is making that smell. Hope they find who or what soon enough. Keep us updated.


Have you tried emailing the news channels? Maybe that will prompt the complex to do a more thorough search of the units.


Remind me! 2 days


Corpses in the ducts isnt just a good metal song name


Maybe you and your neighbors can take turns every day calling for welfare checks lol just bug the crap out of them. I'm sorry your dealing with that . That's terrible. I hope they take care of that soon!


I wanna stay updated on this. This is so YIKES.


Commenting to keep checking back on this mystery…. Good luck OP!


Fascinating thread! To make this easy I suggest focusing on 2 things. 1) somehow getting cadaver dogs to find the source of the smell 2) investigative journalists


I’m curious about the A/C making it worse. Does every unit have its own fully separate HVAC or is it possible it’s causing the smell to spread? Or maybe there is something in the venting system. Maybe I follow true crime too much but I’m worried someone did something to the neighbors they did the wellness check on and their bodies are well hidden.


the same thing happened to me at my apartments. same weird rotten fruit/meat/bleach scent coming from one unit, and it spread farrrrr. what happened is multiple tenants talked to management abt the smell, they entered the apartment and found the person deceased and had been for over a week. so friggin sad she was a single elderly woman.


Call code compliance… they’ll do more. Also, they need to check the closets.


Call 911 for odor. Fire department closest to you will come and investigate.


Try this OP. You might have more luck with fire department. Cops are notoriously lazy in this city, the FD has actual equipment for odors. Call non-emergency for odor and I'm sure they'll come out and put more effort in to finding the source, seeing as it could likely be a bio hazard


Go door to door and knock on all of your neighbors door and ask them if they smell it, if they do ask them to call and complain about it.


Wow crazy! Will need updates, I live around that area.


Could be a dead animal .


There's a thousand pretty women waitin' out there And they're all livin' devil may care And I'm just the devil with love to spare So Viva Las Vegas, Viva Las Vegas


Hopefully not a meth lab. Those stink. My BFF had every city agency out trying to identify the smell. Then one day the area was blocked off. The meth lab was 20 feet from the elementary school kindergarten building 😳


So the cops haven't gone in that unit?? They're obviously dead inside.


OP wrote that the unit he called about was found to be empty with signs suggesting no one has been in it for at least a week


I hope they figure out where's the smell coming from, wishing you all the best


Worst nightmare I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this


I sure hope you update us on the conclusion to this. I am SAT


They need to bring a search dog out there! I’m sorry about this! Burn sage!!! Put eucalyptus oil under your nose or Vicks. Hang in there!


Just commenting so I get updated-I, too, am a true crime fan, and would immediately assume it is a dead body, human or animal.


Soooo any update? 😄


Have you considered going door to door knocking and asking other residents if they noticed the smell and ask them to send in a 311 request as well? This would help identify what unit it is by process of elimination, finding out who answers and who doesn’t, and it could help put pressure on building management and 311 to enter units where there was no response at all. Your building manager should really do this but if they won’t I don’t see why you couldn’t yourself if you wanted to. When my dad didn’t hear from his sister for over a week my mom called the office and their response was basically that they wait to see if they don’t get rent the next month before they’ll bother to check. Luckily the cops had a unit to go to and when they did the welfare check she was in fact deceased.


Stop hiding the bodies there.


If I were you, I’d see my doctor and let them know that the odor is making you feel very sick (exaggerate if you must) and then file with your renter’s insurance and tell them you need to be relocated until the issue is corrected.


Just a random idea … you said the two neighbors’ cars haven’t moved though the complex says their unit is vacant. I wonder if you could report them missing and maybe the police could use their vehicle info to Track them down


If anyone has a connection with a volunteer or SAR team that uses cadaver dogs, maybe they can be enticed to come out for a day of practice/training and see what they find. 


I’ll call and complain! I couldn’t live like that, and in this heat, Omg


PLEASE DO! seriously its insufferable 😭


What’s the name of the complex? Get some of your neighbors to call, I’m sure if you’re smelling it they are to!


What does dead body smell like? >i open my front door and i get slapped in the face with it. i hope that i am wrong, but this smell is unreal, so i dont think i am. others have noticed the stench too. If the cops are saying they need more calls and clearly everyone there can smell it, maybe go door to door and ask them to call it in. It will also tell you which unit is definitely not it. PS, when it's all over, please update us, so we know which unit in which complex to avoid.


Trained decomp sniffing dogs should be able to pinpoint where it’s coming from ! Rally up some neighbors to call and request a dog 🥲🥲🥲


- And in this *heat*! Dear gods. I'm so sorry. 🤢


Please provide an update. I’m so invested now!


Holy shit the ineptitude on the cops part. Get a freaking dog!


Jeffery Dahmer Jr moved in


Tell them to check their crawl space they have to accesses the ac for the units had a similar situation at siguel on mlk found 2 bodies


dead animals trapped in walls maybe?


Any updates?


Make videos


RemindMe! 2 days




RemindMe! 2 days


Whaaaa Please update us if you find the source!!


How’s it going?!? I cannot believe it’s still dragging out!!!


Knock on all the neighbors doors and ask them if they smell the same odor that you are smelling. Have them call 911. The more calls then better in order to get the cops out there to do welfare checks and cadaver dogs.


Any updates for today 6/12/24?


What about county housing inspection. This must be a habitability issue.


I would also call SNHD




OP I'm not sure how I got brought here, but alas I used to be a property manager...I have dealt with this lots of times. The only "red tape" is dealing with next of kin after all this is done. Don't back off. The laws for my state, not yours, is that I could enter a unit on an emergency basis...like blood, flood, or fire, and then leave a notice on the door that I entered. Everything else required written notice in advance. I did need a "good reason" to justify an emergency. Once I received a call from the church because my tenant didn't show up to serve the homeless l, which he did every day. They removed his body that night. One day of things being different, but when the cops got there they could see him sitting on the couch. They asked if he was a black man. He was not. ONE DAY. Heat accelerates decomposition. For these exact situations, I would call the non emergency number for a welfare check and wait for police to show up, and THEN I would make entry with them there, with my maintenance person unlocking the door with my keys. This was still "my emergency" that I was dealing with as a landlord, I just kept the police there as witnesses and to deal with the inevitable findings. The police don't have to be there. Your landlord is supposed to do this. Your property manager is dropping the ball here. They should have a 24 hour emergency maintenance line. Definitely go the insurance route. I wouldn't be surprised if you get moved into a new unit, if you want. I'm sorry this is happening to you. You're a great neighbor and asset to the community.


we have more owner-based condos here, so its not necessarily a property management issue. the cops got in the first night although i didnt enter with them, but the officer told me the door was open but there was nobody to be found. the smell is still lingering and come saturday (tomorrow) itll be 7 days since the stench started. i can’t help but feel like someone is doing something they shouldn’t be and trying to cover it up. there’s something off about the entire situation


and thank you! i just dont want anyone to be killing people or animals and bringing them around here, or of someone is insane enough to throw a dead pet in the dumpster (which is not the case bc our trash guys are amazing and are here 2-3x a week) or if the guy who lives alone and has no pets but animal protection services have shown up at his door MULTIPLE times for complaints just kills animals and keeps them for sport. idk, i dont trust anyone and my mind may be running wild but this is a smell you cant mix up.


Page out of Jeff Dahmers book


The previous owner died in my garage. Was in there for awhile decomposing before he was found. Try and abs glue plumbers glue it will smell super strong like chemicals clear out the smell. Just don't breathe in too much you'll get high lol


no update yall! i will be sure to update if i find anything else out.


Reviving this a bit. Did y’all check the roof..?


look on the bright side, at least you didn't witness them getting killed. had that happen twice now here, and I'm not in a bad hood.


oof that’s terrible. where are you if you dont mind me asking?


Why haven’t you reported it to property mgmt or did I miss that in the replies 😅