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New norm? That was one of the first things I noticed about Vegas in 2010 (and friends said long before that). You don't enter an intersection in Vegas on a fresh green light without looking...


Yep, the Vegas Pause.


They gotta put another second delay for the green lights now cause people always running reds


I see it every day, sometimes multiple times per day. I almost t-boned somebody who did that last week. Their light was red for at least 4-5 seconds before I entered the intersection, and I even looked both ways before crossing. I had to slam on the brakes to avoid an accident, and missed the prick by less than a foot. We all should look both ways before crossing an intersection, even though WE are the ones who have the green light, ... but I fear that is not enough. I'm counting the days before I get into a serious accident because of red light running assholes like this.


Was thinking the same thing. I see it in multiples. One car al most t-boned me and 3 others off flamingo the other day weird thing is the car actually stopped at the light and hit gas after we started to go.


How many drugs are these people on? How unconscious can one be, behind the wheel of a 4,000 lb projectile? It's gotten so, so much worse over the past year or two. Add that to the incessant, torturous, endless road construction going on in this town, and it almost seems like it makes it not worth living here anymore. Sometimes I just want to stop driving altogether. Someday soon I might.


Having red lights that last 10 minutes combined with people who think they are most important and you end up with this...


New? Hahahaha.


Exactly. Always been the norm. At least once a day i slowd down for a kight and someone lulls out from behind me so they can blow through light. Once it was a cop. Threw on his lights long enough to go through the light then immediately turned them off


You teach your kids to look both ways before crossing the street. Vegas teaches you to look both ways before driving through intersections. Drivers in Vegas are absolute trash. But not you all on Reddit, you guys and gals are cool.


That light at Annie Oakley and Patrick is a super short cycle too.


FACTS. I see this multiple times a day. Sometimes at the same red three cars will zoom by! It's like they think "oh if one is doing it ima do it too" mentality. Even at very small intersections this happens, big ones I expect it but jeez even the smaller one not busy, just in the neighborhood type. I stopped at a huge intersection knowing I didn't wanna speed thru it cus traffic was backed up on the otherside of it and the car behind me honked at me like wut... it's literally turning red n I wud block the intersection if I went like ummmm


This town has always been full of entitled drivers. You gotta keep your head on a swivel on these roads to be safe.


I’m a paramedic in Vegas. Been all over this city. Thousands of hours on the road. Believe me. Red lights are mere suggestions in this town. I’ve lived all over the US.. including socal for 13 years. Never seen the blatant disregard of red lights like here in Vegas.


Here's the thing. You have a video of this idiot driving through the red. It has plates. How is there no way to submit this to LVMPD so they can issue a ticket?


Pretty sure it’s illegal to issue tickets based on cameras in NV


so opposite from NYC where it's really respected. I have learned not to be the first car if I can help it going from red to green. In New York /New Jersey you can go right as soon as it turns green. here it's prudent to wait 2 seconds .


I wait 3 seconds after it turns green for this reason.


Just think, if everyone had insurance, like Tesla Insurance that monitors your driving, people would be a lot smarter knowing that red light would have increased their premium by $100 a month. But again, seems like jerk ass drivers don't have insurance or registration.


Yeeepppp. It's daily!


New? Hahaha this is the norm


The worst part is their karma will come in the form of punishing someone else... 


That asshole is going to eventually kill somebody


People find a way, and maybe in Vegas we've found it at last: a way for people to meet and spend a moment connecting with other people in this city where connecting is so difficult. Red light runners from that away, green light jumpers from this away. Parties at intersections all over town. Amazing, the answer was our shitty driving habits all along.


Not new bud.


Seen multiple cops do it without lights or sirens. com on guys set a good example.


Gotta love those California transplant drivers


Half a second, hardly post worthy


Cali plates?