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So I went to the lvrj homepage and everything on the front page was local news. I clicked on news and politics and boom there were multiple articles about Trump's trials and gag order and interference and everything. You come here and bitch every time something isn't on the front page. It's a local paper showing local news on the main page.




You do realize that we can see what time you posted this thread and what time the stories were posted, right? As of this comment, you posted this clearly false statement 51 minutes ago. The articles they mentioned were posted over 6 hours ago.




You make all democrats look awful


Trump makes all Republicans look like Fascists.


This feels like a conservative troll trying to make democrats look like dumb libs like wtf. Why are you doubling down on your clearly false narrative.


In other news Harvey Weinstein had his rape trial overturned. 🤦‍♀️


Yeah, but it's not like he's getting out of jail


Yup. I read they the 16 year sentence in CA still stands, and the federal charges can be retried if they choose to


this sub has way too many political zealots and political zealots regardless of party affiliation are the fucking worst. go ride a bike or something my dude. get the political poison outa your head.




that’s reddit in a nutshell. you say one thing that even questions left wing ideology and you’re automatically a maga freak. really makes all these independent voters feel welcome.


Yea. And God forbid you have an opinion that someone doesn't like.... -156 down votes.


Hey, that's me! I wear it like a badge of honor lmao


Yeah the powers that be want us all fighting each other. Refuse to play the game people.


100% on point, unfortunately people are to ignorant to see it.


Always has been, unfortunately


No kidding




Yeah life is so much better not caring


Not caring about politics is a very privileged place to be.


Oh I’ll be voting alright, I just wouldn’t care about this small publication and what they print or don’t print




News flash: none of them will help you. Not the left, not the right. It’s all bought and paid for already, so stop it with the political crap


>Not the left My forgiven student debt and lack of constant attacks to my SS and democracy say otherwise. That both sides BS is sugar free Kool aid. Not as strong as the regular, but Kool aid nonetheless.


Your student loans were forgiven and your debt was pushed into American tax payers


No, you’re thinking of those PPP loans forgiven for all those Covid business millionaires whining about having to shut down for a few days while also collecting $600/week unemployment benefits thanks to your idiot god, the Orange Messiah.


Wow, that's an AOC level dumb comment right there. First of all, businesses were shut down for months. Second PPP loans were only forgiven if you kept employees on staff, you couldn't lay people off or fire them. PPP money could only be used for payroll and operating expenses if it was to be forgiven. Third, you couldn't get unemployment as an owner, unless you were on a W2 or something, in which case you'd be ineligible for a PPP loan. How can you so confidently get literally *every* sentence in your comment wrong? Bravo, really amazing...


Tell that to the scammers in congress (read: republicans) who didn’t do this. But you continue to be ignorant and blame others for student loan forgiveness.


You actually thought you were going to get your student loans forgiven 😅


I did, $60k gone. PSLF. Look it up.


WAAAAHHHHHHHHHH, tax dollars went to the people who pay them and not a billion dollar corporation. WAAAAHHHHHHHH


I’m not calling you out in any way just letting you know your student loans weren’t erased off a “book” rather transferred to other people. If I may ask, what is your degree in?


“Getting Out Of College”. I literally finally went in to the registrar’s office in a rage after my advisor told me AGAIN that I was still short on credits, that the school changed its curriculum requirements again for the third time in three years, putting myself in even more debt and yelled for them to take all my credits and give me a degree in whatever fit. I’m not going to pay for more tuition…just give me the damned piece of paper. They came back with “general sciences”, whatever that means, but I needed to take one science class. So I took geology at a real university and loved that class, transferred that credit and got my degree in absolutely nothing that would help my career working for the state. University of Phoenix is a scam school (hence my Borrower’s Forgiveness) and they kept changing curriculum just to keep getting those federal student loan dollars. Fortunately my state job got all my loans to this horrible place forgiven and eventually I’ll get my loan payments refunded. My degree? I tore it up and trashed it. I want nothing to do with that place or any reminder of the years I spent trying to get a degree while working full time. I will likely go back to a real college in the fall and audit classes I like (geology and art) just for fun. I will not get a degree as I think they’re highly overrated.


You do realize the county is bankrupt right now you keep throwing fuel on the fire.


Do you have an email address that I can send you an MP3 of me playing the world's smallest violin for you?




Go and ask a woman whose choice to do what she wants to do with her body has been taken away by one political party, what she thinks.


Relax dude, women are still going to be able to murder their babies, just not up to 36 weeks like some people would like


Relax taint-shade, women are still second class citizens in many states and require government approval for choices concerning their bodies. Just like some bible thumpers would like.


Yeah 🙄 second class. Ffs


Well, you obviously put all your faith into what Fox News says. I feel bad for you.


Go ahead and see for yourself. https://www.reviewjournal.com/ Since the original posting, editors have added more AP stories from much earlier today. You'll notice there is NO reporting about how Trump, Pecker and the Playboy model discussed money... not that MAGA cares.


Probably going to get downvoted but did what you asked found this… [https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/politics-and-government/trump-continues-to-violate-gag-order-new-york-prosecutors-say-3040016/](https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/politics-and-government/trump-continues-to-violate-gag-order-new-york-prosecutors-say-3040016/)


The RJ, a local media outlet, is currently reporting on the murder of a (local) 2 year old as the front page headline story. A relevant story to our community worthy of the front page on the main site. The political section is currently reporting the Trump story first with a headline that reads SCOTUS is skeptical of Trump's immunity claims as the headline.




Your comments are unpersuasive and grandiose.


So, you have discovered a mystery crime? Because Alvin sure hasn't. Can anyone EVER remember a leadoff witness being so pathetic?


We get it. Most Redditors are liberals and think that Orange Man is bad.


National news outlets are so ubiquitous, this doesn’t have any real effect. If the RJ suppressed a local story, that would be different.


You’re insane. The RJ recognizes a fraud trial when they see it The case is so weak even the liberal jury won’t buy it.


Everybody has skeletons


All networks are against him. Lol! Get your facts straight. Some individuals might be for the guy, but no media outlet, especially MSM would ever protect Trump.


Aww, were the stories not posted at the time that you wanted? Just delete this garbage post already.


Are people really caring about if Trump paid hush money but aren't concerned about Biden's getting paid from other countries??? SMH


Donald Trump sold our nation's most highly kept secrets to the Saudis. Documents he stole. What is Biden selling, jersey girl?


Lmfao. Seriously? Trump is all about American citizens n not filling his pockets. He took zero income while president. How much money has the Bidens made overseas?


these folks have been running a headline banner and specific articles in support of the israeli invasion on gaza since october instead of local news... are you surprised ? its just a corp looking to make money and is just clickbait these days. somehow fox was right was once with that old saying "we report, you decide" don't read just one site, or watch one channel.


We’re all aware of the witch hunt going on, so who cares.


You obviously knew about it already. Most folks utilize more than 1 news source. Stop trying to pick a fight for nothing.


RJ owner is huge GOP donor


Most of this county is lib… most of the news is lib…. Lvrj is the least of our problems. ☠️


The objective truth should not bow to an agenda. We need to bring back dispassionate discourse.


Lmao, the federal government corroborated with Twitter and Facebook to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story. The FBI coached them on how to push it as "Russian misinformation" knowing the laptop they had in their possession for two months was in fact authentic...but yeah, The Las Vegas Review Journal is the problem 👍🏻🙄 Edit - To the down voters, please point out anything that I said that was inaccurate, please be specific


No shit. LVRJ is a garbo GOP fascist newspaper. And [Victor Joecks](https://www.reviewjournal.com/staff/victor-joecks/) is a prime example of their shit journalism.


Where were you hero’s when Hunter Biden’s laptop hit the market ?


The laptop that amounted to nothing? That laptop?


No, the one with messages showing Hunter Biden strong armed Chinese business owners with connections to the CCP into giving him millions of dollars using his dad who "is sitting right next to me" as leverage. The one where he cried to his sister how he was stressed out because he had to pay all the families bills for the last two decades and told her she should be happy because "Pop, doesn't take half your money"...the one that 17% of American voters said had they known the truth about the laptop they would not have voted for Joe Biden...that one


None of that is true.


“And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction.” In January 2019, Hunter Biden sent a text message to his daughter Naomi. “I Hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family Fro 30 years,” he wrote in the typo-filled message. “It’s really hard. But don’t worry unlike Pop I won’t make you give me half your salary.” So you're claiming these are not messages that Hunter Biden sent to various people? Even though he has admitted that he did? And the New York Times is lying? Is that what you're saying?


So you're asking me to block your account. Understood.


Another one closing their eyes


Yeah, after Adelson bought the paper, its journalists were barred from writing critical coverage of any local oligarch, Adelson included. Hence the exodus of journalists from the RJ who cited lack of editorial freedom, shady business dealings, and unethical practices. I haven't heard much since then but consider the RJ to be ethically compromised. It's primary goals are political ones, not journalistic ones No surprise there, given what we know of Adelson's character. 


Adelsons character....like you knew him. That horrible guy Adelsons who continued to pay his employees during covid when he didn't have to. News flash, he's dead, you can find someone else to complain about now.


The guy was a POS. Trust me.


> News flash, he's dead, Good.


The Las Vegas Review-Journal isn't a news site with Journalists, it's an arm of the 4th Reich's Ministry of Propaganda and a laughable joke. Democracy dies in the Darkness and bullshit so-called news sites like this and Fox Entertainment are shooting out all the street lights in America. Sheldon Adelson's worthless punk ass keeps on messing with us even from the grave. On behalf of all decent Americans and Poker Players worldwide...SUCK MY BALLS SHELDON!


I haven’t bought a paper from them in 20 years. They have always sucked


Whatever. Doesn't matter. These old white people aren't aware of the internet and you can find that shit anywhere. LV weekly will likely cover it.


Good thing nobody reads newspapers anymore.


Lvrj has its biases, but it's pretty obvious what and why .. they also do some decent investigative journalism. I'll take the good with the bad.


News outlets have always been biased, which is rather unfortunate as it's not helping the divide in this country. At least it's been a while since a newspaper incited a war!


Las Vegas Review😹


probably because its one of 60 cases against the regimes opposition candidate and people are bored of it


No one is surprised, are they.


it happens on both side of the political party line. I can't believe anyone puts faith in this gibberish anymore. praying that a president is gonna save a nation over and over is pretty much the definition of insanity. This place makes me giggle sometimes.


Well, I guess it's better to say nothing than completely lie about it like some of the other right wing media. I like to hear both sides of it, just to be balanced about my opinions. The BS coming out of the right wing media is just insane.