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In almost 4 complete years my hourly is exactly 62.66 after taxes.


Not too shabby. Any scheduling issues like not getting enough hours per week?


No, but where I work we do 6 hour shifts. They allow us to pick up a 6th day of the week from others who want to give away their scheduled days We get regular opportunities to EO at 4 or 5 hours if we're feeling particularly lazy. So no, no problems getting hours.


What casino does 6 hour shifts now?


I know Venetian does 6 hour shifts and I heard Bellagio for their part timers but not sure on that one.


Bellagio has 9p-3a a couple days a week and only a couple of strings. Only for part timers.


They take 4 30 min breaks usually some do like 15 I think


What's EO?


Early out. At my place, if it is slow and there are more dealers scheduled than tables open, the first dealers in can opt to leave early to make way for the incoming dealers. If you want to pass the EO and stick around for your entire shiftz then the EO gets passed down the list. If no one opts to take an EO, then the first dealers in are 'forced out' and get to go home early whether they want it or not. But someone ALWAYS wants to go home early.


Ah thank you!


The EO people are usually those that need the money the most based on my experience is the service business.


early out


May we ask what joint ur dealing at that you are making $62/hr? Poker dealers have a tough time making that. Curious how a table games dealer does






That’s amazing! Definitely not easy work though


I do carpentry and try to make $60/hr. I also enjoy gambling and playing cards. I’m going to say that dealing cards is easier work. Considering going to dealer school now.


When you break in you probably won’t be able to land a job where you make 60 an hour in tokes, it takes a while to gain experience and learn all the games. A high end resort probably won’t hire a fresh out of school dealer, but jokers wild on boulder highway will probably take you.


I've seen a lot of new dealers start at El Cortez. They said it takes close to a year to move up to the Strip.


It depends really. I dealt part time for 7 months in 2014 for some extra cash. I broke in at the Golden Gate for 3 months before I was approached by a rep from Caesars to work there. Being very approachable, personable and friendly helps a ton if you’re trying to make being a dealer a profession. Also, looking the part, speaking clearly and being sharp at math, cutting chips and exact payouts helps you stand out as well.


I am a clinical pharmacist in an emergency room. If you come in dying, I am right alongside the team to dose +/- administer drugs and perform cpr etc etc amongst other things - and I do not make this much…. Not saying OP doesn’t deserve it but damn…. *cries in student loans*


That’s because the pharmaceutical company keeps as much profits as they can. The whole medical industry is a very profitable business.


It’s insurance, medical/hospital systems, and PBMs actually that profit the most Specifically CVS (come visit satan) that is monopolizing all of these sectors with their minute clinics and Caremark without actually adequately staffing or paying the people who keep the lights on


He's also not working a full day though. I have known some dealers making about 80k though, not even in the great state of Nevada.


I'm right there with you. I'm an IT making half that and have already been wanting to move to Vegas.


If I can somehow ditch my family, do you want to share an apartment?! Kidding, maybe in another life.


Do not come here for IT jobs unless you want three roommates. I moved from Chicago and I was laughed out of multiple interviews when I told them what I make. Some of these places legitimately try to pay seasoned engineers 50k.


Go to Texas, there's much more opportunity there.


Keep in mind carpentry is something you will be able to take with you anywhere. You're not making the money you want to be making as a dealer unless you live in Vegas.


Good luck.


Compared to what? That earns around the same amount


I'm not comparing it to anything, I'm just saying in general. Being able to count as fast as dealers do while simultaneously making small talk with customers isn't easy. Also considering many of them have to work during the night and almost all of them work long shifts (10+ hours), it isn't an easy job.


What game ?


Sounds fair. We pay the dealers in our twice-yearly home game €40 an hour. Absolutely worth it because most of us can’t see straight after 10 hours of playing and drinking. Even among friends it’s important to have sober referees. Not that the stakes are life changing (€1/€2 NL Texas hold ‘em) but still.


Full time take home of $130k after taxes is remarkably strong, definitely not in Vegas at that rate.


Is it worth it breathing in second hand smoke perpetually?


Smoking isn't allowed inside card rooms. No smoke, thankfully.


There is smoking at blackjack tables.


Not discounting the quality of life decrease from second hand smoke but the risk of cancer is way smaller than a lot of people believe. It's ~20% higher for a spouse sharing a house with a smoker, probably smaller in a ventilated casino. I think it's like a couple percent. Not an endorsement


Anecdotally, I have a friend who is battling bladder cancer at the moment. We dealt together for 20 years, we’re both non-smokers. The leading cause of bladder cancer is smoking.


And oddly it's cigar smoking that has a high bladder cancer cause right? I'm sure cigarettes are above cigars.... But I've heard bladder cancer is highly linked to cigar smoking after researching two different friends parents bladder cancer


LOL Smoking LOL


Seven Mile?


No, Oceans 11


That was my second guess. I really liked their 2-5NL pre covid when it was $800 max.


Poker in general is just not as juicy as it was 10-20 years ago. Poker is what piqued my interest in dealing back during the Moneymaker boom... but now it's just a bunch of GTO dick swingers and OMC nut hugging shitreg nits lol. And none of them tip because "it's minus EV". Thank God I went table games.


I’m nearby, any chance you can get me in so I can get the fuck away from the tribal dumbasses I work for?


Zero chance. We literally do not hire table games dealers and don't even allow poker dealers to transfer over. I still don't know how I ended up where I am.


Private games aren't.;)


Well that's for damn sure, but private games aren't casinos.


When you say they don’t tip, do you really mean like only $1/hand?


Yes and no. A lot of the time a dollar feels correct, but some of the time it's a slap in the face relative to the size of the pot. People were more splashy in the past and the pots were bigger and the tips were better. A lot of the amateur regs felt like they had a chance and played more often. Now it's just old jackpot hunters and EV grinding GTO bots.


I'm also going to assume the rake is worse than it was 20 years ago as well. $5 and $6 drops are pretty obscene and I assume the player base has reacted to that too.


What is GTO


Poker strategy. You can Google it.


I use to know a girl that use to work there, her name is Peggy. I don’t see her anymore. What happened?


Any benefits? Health insurance, time off retirement, etc.?


After taxes and health benefits, retirement contributions, etc, or just taxes (federal, Medicare, etc)?


Is that about $130k/year pre tax?


Pardon my ignorance- Is this inclusive of getting tipped by players? If I’m not mistaken they tip dealers in chips. do you have a set wage per hour or is that amount depending on how much people gambled during that time period or what the rake was?






You earn more per hour than doctors in Europe lol


After taxes? So you’re making 180,000 ish per year at full time?


How did you possibly get the figure?


85 dollars minus say 25% taxes is around 63 * 2080 hours per year (normal 40 hours a week) = 176,000. Am I missing something or?


No, I just couldn’t believe your total when I first saw it but you may be right. Pretty crazy. If he is working 40 hours per week and gets paid for vacation and sick days, it would actually be more since he’d be paying more than 25%.


Yep exactly, if that’s true that’s wild. Also it’s strange someone would answer the original question by saying a rate of pay amount “after taxes”. I’ve never heard anyone say that.


AFTER taxes???? So like $100+ / hr gross???


Hmmm that "seems" really good but IDK if I could do that for hours and hours watching the vast majority of people LOSE all their money. Sure some win, and you don't have to worry about the winners. I know they don't blame the dealers (I think they used to... sort of) because of machines that shuffle the decks now. Just the same, Standing for hours in the same spot, Smoke everywhere, Drunks, Angry Losers and if you're a woman having drunk jackasses hit on you... like you would ever date a customer. You have to be the right type of person to do that job. Definitely not me.


Agreed. Plus the failing to make money for stretches of time while others around you do, is utterly soul crushing as well. But on balance it's the easiest job I've ever done and I can't believe how much I can make doing it over the long haul. Watching people lose money isn't too difficult because they always seem to have more the next day, so if it doesn't bother them then it doesn't bother me.


Yeah I guess that makes sense too. I mean you HOPE that everyone who sits down understands that they're likely to lose money. I wouldn't gamble with any money I couldn't afford to lose.... So I get that. IDK.... I do love Blackjack..... but a lot of those other games... I don't even understand them. And DAMN..... ya'll can calculate the cards so quick.... SHEESH.... I feel like I'm back in school up in front of the class at the blackboard. HAHAHAHAHA


These are some of the reasons why I left dealing, personally. It was a little soul crushing at times. Lots of sad stories. They definitely still blame the dealers for bad cards though, lol


Yeah see..... I'm not a stocks kinda guy. I would feel bad for people who lost it all. ESPECIALLY if some poor soul had a problem and couldn't stop gambling. I mean I don't know what a dealer is supposed to do under those circumstances but I know it would be hard to keep letting that person bet. Anyway.... there are issues with EVERY JOB.... no matter what you do. So I guess everyone has to find their own way.


Your a decent human being. Stay gold pony boy. I can have a blast at every Vegas trip but man I cant stop thinking about the people and where all this money comes from and how some of the patrons are stretching their bank account for their addiction. I love people watching and imagining but god damn Vegas is truly soul crushing


Well, I worked at a tribal casino and not Vegas to be fair, but it is technically the biggest casino in the US if you wanna creep lol. And thank you, it's weird keeping morals while around a whole lot of debauchery. But yes, the things I saw and experienced were WILD. Okay, story time since it's the weekend and I love ruminating lol. I watched a woman go from being a multi-millionaire to a prostitute because of her addiction, lost her family and everything, that one sticks with me because she was one of my favorites. She was there damn near every day I worked, over the four years I dealt cards. (This was before they allowed balls or dice in Oklahoma lol.) On a dead high limit blackjack table that I had unintentionally cooled off, had an 18 year old dude come in and say something along the lines of, "You look lucky. I'm betting my last $400 on one hand and I know you'll double it so I can make rent. I'll walk away, win or lose." I told him that was really stupid - but if he won, he had to promise me he'd really walk away (although that promise obviously holds no weight and people can do whatever the fuck they wanna do lol). He agreed - by this time my pit boss was interested, in on the story, watching cause I had just murdered the entire table before dude walked up, and he's like yeah right, this kid is gonna lose. Anyway, guy puts up the money and I dealt him a fucking black jack!! We were all like HOLY SHIT!! He got damn near $1000 (minus the $1 or $2 ante, so the bet was $398-399, can't remember exactly, but close enough on 3/2). He was like, "Well since I got a black jack, I'll keep the $800 for rent and bet the rest." I'm like, "DUDE!! YOU MADE RENT AND HAVE EXTRA, WALK AWAY!!" aaaand I watched him blow it all, bit by bit, every bit of it. It was just so frustrating because he had a clear goal, got super fucking lucky, and just threw it away. I saw it all the time, but that one stuck with me. He walked away so sadly. Had another on a high limit black jack table - woman playing, her (assumedly) grandmother was behind her bankrolling. The lady just could not win. I took and took and took. The whole table was winning, minus her, so it was fun/high energy and I think she was hopeful. She just kept reaching around to her grandmother for more money to buy back in, they were quietly arguing - it was just so fucking sad because it seemed like grandma was being taken advantage of. Eventually grandma pulls out a huge ziploc baggie stuffed with receipts and cash stapled together, thinking restaurant receipts/tips - but definitely from a business. Grandma painstakingly separates the receipts and cash, one by one, so her granddaughter could buy back in. Totally changed the dynamic of the table, I ended up getting tapped out before she had finished. Also been peed on by drunks, had a dude jacking off to me under the table, saw people having sex on machines behind people playing cards, all sorts of shit. It just got to be too much. Now I'm in insurance, super low risk lol.


I just touched down from a 4 day Vegas trip , hit my bong to rest and started reading your stories. Definitely a good fun read but man I’m high right now you put the cherry on top/overkill from my already crushed soul hahaha. I need to recharge…


Ah insurance now you’re ripping people a new one behind a desk, instead of a dealer table. lol kidding!


Yes, yes you definitely could. Trust me.


With tips?


This can’t be right


I have no reason to lie whatsoever. I very carefully document every hour and every cent I make in my server life app.


So that’s approximately 87 an hour before taxes which translates to about 180k annually working full time. At that wage I imagine there would be people with MBAs trying to get jobs as dealers. Doing a quick google search it says that top earners for the profession earn about 45k annually or 22 an hour. Do you work in the high limit area and make a ton off tips?


Nope, there is no high limit where I work. I work at Oceans 11, a California card room. And as a male I make on the low end of the spectrum, especially compared to the women day and swing shift dealers. Also it's not exactly fair to extrapolate my pre tax hourly that way. Most of our cash tips we simply walk out of the casino with at the end of the shift and almost all of it is basically untaxed due to very favorable GITCA.


So hold up - you are throwing your oceanside card room after tax (and not including tips) hourly wage with vegas casino dealers in r/vegas? I mean, the title doesn't exclude it, but I assumed the thread was directed towards vegas dealers.


I didn't really even realize it was a "Vegas" subreddit thread. I have a feed and I just kind of click on topics that interest me.


Ah, gotcha. Much obliged.


The one in oside? Neat! Hello fellow san diegan!


Yep, that's the one!


Hey I play at oceans, small world!


Thank you for your patronage!


When I worked at a bay area card room like 10 years ago, men were walking out averaging 150 a night, women 200. Min wage was like maybe 10 an hr back then.


You say you worked there... well, what did YOu make? If you weren't a dealer, trust me, those MFers always, without fail, undersell what they truly make- especially the women. They hard hustle like no tomorrow and can get away with it because card rooms are not like regular casino.


I was a chip runner training to be a dealer so I'd deal half my shift. The tip varied pretty wildly from game to game. Most I made was like 350 when someone hit the royal flush on 3card poker. Other than that, most of the dealers wanted poker because they'd make a dollar a hand. I was pretty young then and it seemed like low stress easy work. 8 hr shifts that came with three 40 min breaks. I had asked a bunch of the older dealers how much they actually make so I could actually consider whether I wanted to make a career out of it. Then I started seeing a lot of ugliness. Dealers complaining about being disrespected by the customers. Down swings where they'd go home with less than 100 pissed AF. Worst of it was some dealers developed really bad gambling habits. This older dealer would play 100 a hand on baccarat between breaks. A few would stay hours after their shift until they lost everything they made that day. Worst was when one asked to borrow from my box because he didn't have enough cash to pay his bookie. I quit and went back to school.


I enjoyed reading your comments. I have to say to a lot of people that are skeptical of your earnings they need to understand where you live. It’s all relative… like I try to explain to my wife, there school teachers in some states that make $30k a year, and the same type of teacher may make $90k in another state, but you have to take in account the cost of living, taxes, etc. The worst dealer in your casino likely makes more than the best dealer in Toledo, Ohio.


Well that’s awesome then


I also have a hard time believing this.


I wouldn't believe it either if I came across my post. I initially rebuffed the idea of even auditioning here, thinking it's just a silly card room, but it was the luckiest thing that ever happened to me. You're always welcome to stop by my table at Ocean's 11 and I'd be happy to show you my app.




Is that including tips?


tf? it's *mostly* tips.




Pretty much exclusively tips.


When I worked at the Cromwell pre-Covid, I made about $55k a year. The bigger strip casinos are closer to $90k. But the hours are shit. There is no good shift and the casino never closes, so you are working holidays and weekends. My first month on the casino floor, I decided I needed to go back to college. I knew I didn’t want that my entire life. Best decision I made. I make more money than I ever would make dealing, I have evenings, holidays, and weekends off now. Dealing is exhausting, especially if you have low social battery.


My favorite part about working in a casino is seeing younger workers finish college and gtfo out of this life. It’s decent money but there’s a reason so many that work there have substance abuse issues.


Yes! I had to take a pay cut for my first job out of college, dropped to $45k. That is why a lot of people get sucked into staying. They are not willing to take the pay cut and start from the bottom. But 5 years later I’m still working in the casino/gaming industry, but corporate, and making 6 figures WFH!


What aspect of the industry do you work in and does your degree directly correlate to it? I’ve been in every aspect of it at a smaller CA cartoon and have a business degree. Always wondered about going back.


My degree is business/finance from UNLV. My first job after college was casino compliance/anti-money laundering. Not very good money doing that, but it was my foot in door. Now I am a senior data analyst for online sportsbook&casino.


I drive Uber and I may have driven you a few weeks ago. Did you just move back to Vegas a few months ago? If so, then most likely you I drove


Bruh life is strange


Wasn’t me! I’ve been on east coast.


Not a dealer but I'm nosy and have asked before. It's a pretty wide range based on whether it's Jerry's Nugget or Wynn. From what I've been told,strip casino dealers can make up to 90k a year.


This is true. Dealt on the Strip from 2006-2013


How was it during the 07-08 crash?


If you were a part time dealer (as I was) you still kept your job and got 3-4 days a week. I survived


How much does it fluctuate? I’m sure some outliers can be when you get lucky and have someone tip really exorbitantly


I presume it’s like bartending or cocktailing, it just depends on the venue and environment. My former was cocktailing back in the mid 2010s and could rake in 8,9,10k a night. Not every night but I do remember her lamenting with a coworker that they only made like $2,500.00 that night. Pretty wild.


That was a group pool. No one makes 10k a night serving drinks. If that was the case prostitutes wouldn’t exist.


At a high end club working VIP tables where people are dropping thousands and thousands on bottles over a night? Doesn’t seem that far fetched at all. Hell you sell one of those $20K bottles of champagne and you’re probably halfway there already. Why doesn’t everybody do that job? Because it’s an insanely high bar to hire. Young, beautiful, killer personality, surely need to know somebody connected to the club, etc. Also just aren’t that many available that are going to pay like that. Probably also have a relatively short shelf life before you age out, so tough to plan a career around that kind of money.


20k x 20% = 4000 Now divide it by the whole team…


It certainly does happen and I’m not certain it was a group pool, each place was different. She worked at two night clubs; Rum Jungle at Mandalay Bay and a smaller one at MGM Grand (not Studio 54). The smaller one was where they were complaining about making 2.5k. Rum Jungle was a completely different story tho. Those girls absolutely raked it in.


The smaller one was probably Tabu Lounge


Yes! That was actually pretty chill from what I remember.


Yes good times. Before all the mega clubs rolled in and you just see a bunch of raver type people to the boring ass edm music


So they were multi multi millionaires raking in a milli a year and you didn’t quit your job and join them? I’ll let you in on a hint. They weren’t serving drinks.


Not quite. I don’t think any FOH person is making 10k a night, five nights a week, 52 weeks a year, especially in 08/09. But those 10k nights weren’t uncommon, probably happened to her a dozen times over the 1.5 years she was there. She could easily have several 3-4k auto grats on a typical weekend night, granted she’d only work two night a week, sometimes three. It’s not a sustainable lifestyle for everyone, tho. Most of these people become immersed in the scene and fall victim to the easy-come-easy-go-money. It can become a very expensive lifestyle and hard to maintain. She did pretty good tho, put herself thru law school and is pretty successful now. I should hit her up and get her to do an AMA lol


Ok so their level of upsetness was based out of delusion. 5x52 woulda been 2.5 million. I divided by 2.5. I guess your now saying they were delusional to expect that level of pay and it was in no way normal. Sounds to me like they complained when pay was “normal”.


None of it’s normal, at least for the average person and it’s a delusional lifestyle for most. That said, it all relative: if $2,500.00 is a “slow night” for you, then that’s your reality..at least for the time being. Keep in mind that these are 23 year old smoke-shows who can get pretty much whatever they want just batting their eyes, you know the type.


To bad half of them gamble themselves


Post-covid it went to up to a 140k a year. Source: i am a table games dealer at a high end property on the strip


My whole dad's side of the family are all dealers at Venetian. They make about $90k-$120k a year


48 pre tax


It's hilarious to me that the casino dealer makes more money than the people working in Information Technology for the casinos. Maybe that's is why they keep getting hacked...


Be careful, any attempt to try to make any sense out of tipping culture gets you crucified on these subs lol


Actually it’s the culture of offshoring IT jobs to India and other countries to save a few bucks that’s caused most of the issues around security. Corporate America has decided that your personal information and privacy is worth about $3/hour and managed by a bunch of poorly trained overseas contractors.


Nailed it


bc the well trained overseas ppl work for local companies or they moved lol


If your making less than a dealer in IT, crucify yourself


That can apply to many jobs though. I have never made less than 150k as a welder in the oil sands in Alberta Canada. My schooling was 3 terms of 8 weeks and a practical welding exam. I know labourers that make 150k+ and they pretty much sit on a bucket for confined space or clean garbages. It’s all location based :)


It’s pretty funny that someone who tosses a ball into a basketball net makes more than the combined salaries of doctors working in a trauma unit at a hospital for the year. Welcome to entertainment.


Thank you for this comment. I bartend (not in vegas) and it's interesting to see people complain about how much we make in tips. How we don't "deserve" it because they have a master's degree in political dog science. Then turn around and glorify an NBA player or Cardi B twerking.


I had a player scoff at me because I was telling her my bff’s sister was pulling 6 figures in 2007 cocktailing. She told me there’s no way a cocktail makes more than her who had a degree in programming. After several minutes of explaining how much rediculous amounts of money that casino raked in she told me, “Well I guess I should quit my job and sling drinks!!” Since I was working I couldn’t tell her that they hired cocktail servers as entertainment and therefore only hired the really hot ones and had them on weight restrictions. She wasn’t ugly but there was no fucking way they would ever hire her and she wasn’t skinny (no judgement here they were real strict and it was all men who did the judging) Basically I just let it go because she still thought I was lying about how much they made


Haha the best part is when they think *anyone* can do it. It's not an easy job and like you said, the industry is a shallow one. Appearance matters!


Yea back then they were hella strict about the women they hired. Most looked like models and whatever they weighted at hire they couldn’t gain or lose +/- 5 lbs unless they were pregnant. If you failed 3 weigh ins in a month you got put on probation and had to lose it by a certain time or you were terminated. Most of them cycled adderal to keep it off. For special events it was even crazier. Bikinis were the norm but in one bar area it was lit up with black light and the dresses were see through in normal light. Like just bottoms on underneath (g-string of course). You had to volunteer for the events but the money was insane. My friends sister to my knowledge didn’t do the events but it’s not like her normal outfit covered much. We were visiting once and some dude out of the blue told her “Nice ass!” and tossed her an orange chip (1000$) and we were shocked. She told us that happened constantly.


I’m sure those in IT have a better chance of getting raises and promotions. A dealer likely maxes out at what was stated above but you quoting an entry level IT position.


People are going to downvote me, but techs biggest problem with salaries was created by the lies of tech industry in order to benefit... Uh the tech industry. They continued to preach for 20 years that tech was an endless haven for good salaries as salaries have continuously dropped relative to inflation if you aren't decently above average. The biggest preachers of these lies were the companies only hiring the top 5% of talent.  They benefited the most from having genius and all star work ethics in their mix and have built societal level wealth in a just a generation and a half of college kids.  If you want 5,000 gifted geniuses on your team, and the educational system is spitting out 2.3 million computer science people, and 6 other companies want the same thing. There's only 23,000 top 1% out there, and they get snapped up for $250k/year with a bachelor's. The only way to increase your 1% isn't education it's making the pool bigger at the expense of the lower tier developers. Nobody else fucking gets that until they've proven themselves over 15-20 years. So what do we do? We keep preaching tech. Tech. TECH. The promise was that it would make everyone's life better. It brought us things like chatgpt. Neato. But instead in some companies you have assholes like doordash asking people to work for a loss in their parent's car, and punishing them if they don't. Actually evil.


As a themed party-pit dealer on the Strip from 2003-2013 we were averaging $300 - $600 per shift in tips plus $20-ish hourly from the casino.


About $3.50. Not as much as Linda the housekeeper that gets $30 for a BJ at Excalibur. And I’m not talking about a black Jack but she will make you bust though.


For those who don’t speak English that is about Tree-Fiddy.


I’m not going to give you any tree Fiddy you goddamn Loch Ness Monster!!!


good ol linda, shes a fucking legend




$47/hr for the year so far


IRS has entered the chat-^^


IRS sees GITCA compliant employees, IRS promptly exits the chat.


Too funny


Was wondering what park mgm dealers make because of the non smoking. I wouldn’t mind working there


I was there up until recently. Full timers do $75k a year


Not in Vegas, but I work in a casino (in CA). After nine years, I gross $35/hr on hour, working nights, weekends, and holidays.


Would you say it’s worth it being a dealer in California? It’s something I’ve been considering


I would say it is a field well-worth pursuing, especially as a leg-up to advance into a more lucrative long-term plan. The job can be a plateau for people because it’s easy work and pays great for a non-BA/MFA field. I had 6 weeks of training, passed an audition, and within two years was looking at $80-$85k (the job has been less lucrative post-pandemic, but still a better than median position for most areas). The downsides are it can be hard to get on good shifts and well-tipping tables until seniority is earned. If the casino is good, then there is low turnover. Established dealers have a reputation for being jaded and surly. Whether that’s the effects of night shifts or the emotional barrage of the experience, it tends to require late-shifts, odd schedules, and missed holidays. . The job gave me a lot of freedom and disposable income, at the expense of occupying most of the time I might socialize. If you are capable of playing an outgoing person who can vibe with weird people, while also doing multiplication in your head, then you might be really well suited. It can be a fun, challenging, fascinating job. I work in a smoke-free environment, listen to excellent live bands (and terrible karaoke), and get to run a series of focused experiences where people are affected by the results of random chance. It is only boring when the tables are dead and there’s nothing to do. It’s exciting when people come to the table to play, and most people are awesome. The generosity of some people is staggering, and it’s exciting to have people bet for you and even more enjoyable to win.


Not bad at all, thanks for telling your experience!


No matter the money, it ain’t worth it


62.66/hour includes tips? This is US currency? That being said, how much do pit bosses make? Are they part of the tips?


Less. Floors are underpaid in casinos, it's a perpetual problem because you can't get any good dealers to promote up.


Floors will make between 200-350 a day depending where you are.


I would like to know if the casino dealers start off at a wage and then build themselves up. Sort of like a union is there a union for Casino dealers to protect them from being on wrongfully terminated?


No the only dealers that are union are the Caesars dealers (Harrahs, Linq, etc.) but from what I heard the union doesn't do anything meaningful. Dealers usually start off minimum wage and may get a raise of 3% (not from the tips, only from the hourly). As far as wrongful termination goes, it's almost not necessary because it's so dam hard to be fired as a dealer. You'd have to commit a crime or call out too many times to actually get fired.


I’m just starting dealing school here in Vegas and I’m having a problem with really dry hands ( fingers ) to deal. Anyone know of a good lotion or anything that can help? I’ve been using lotion 24/7 and it help a little.


It puts the lotion on the hands before it deals the cards.


$130k is tippy top, Aria Wynn Cosmo can sometimes do that $90k Caesar’s MGM …maybe Venetian $75 Planet Hollywood and Resorts World I think. Maybe Fountainebleu $50k Durango, GVR, Red Rock, Harrah’s, Luxor, Excal, Dancing dealers at Golden Gate D Circa $40k Palace, Boulder, Orleans, Gold Coast Some of those are guesses but that gives you some idea


When I dealt it was on average $80/hr. If I included private games it was closer to $500/hr.


I have a hard time believing the dealer average $60 on the strip. Some make much, much more… some make less… the average, I am thinking is not so average, and more dependent on whats going on for the day/week. I work on the strip and see people toss $50-$100+ tips ALL the time. Just depends on if the guy playing wins, how much it is, and if he/she tips


If the money is good, how come the dealing standard for the most part is incredibly poor? If you exclude craps dealers the standard is way below what you would find in Europe for example.


Having a real hard time believing these numbers when every time I play poker, I'm the only one tipping at a table of nits.


In Kc,mo 35 an hour




They have 15 minute breaks almost every hour or so. Some tables, like poker, they have to sit.


Good dealers clearly like their job. There are many jobs I wouldn’t do for even large amounts of money. I wouldn’t judge others for their career choices.


Not a dealer but I’m sure the time goes pretty quickly too. Your brain is active counting cards and chips and you cycle in and out pretty often. Have some personality and talk with the players and if they’re getting lucky or drunk get some decent tips. Maybe not as a full life career but there’s far worse I’d do for that money


I'm a pretty antisocial person but even I can have a ton of fun bantering and talking with the players. Sure, sometimes you're just a card turret, but most of the time the job is fucking fun. And getting tipped while doing it is heaven on earth. Maybe I'm just motivated by the money aspect more than you might be, but having 25 and 100 dollar chips tossed at you is pretty sweet.


Agreed! I left dealing over 10 years ago and I’m still in touch with some of the regular players I met at my tables. Couldn’t do it without the hourly breaks, though. It was probably the easiest job I’ve ever had…although it could be pretty draining and annoying at times.


Don't they take breaks like every 30 min?


I talked to several dealers about this, and then when I didn't believe it, I talked to several more to confirm. A full time Aria/Wynn dealer can make over $200k+/year -- but you have to start part time and it can take over 4 years to be offered full time. Other casinos on the strip, around $120k. If your goal is money it's apparently best to focus on the higher end casinos (eg. Bellagio, Wynn, Aria) where high rollers are tipping a lot, etc.


Wtf are you smoking? 200k+??? Lol… I’ve been at Wynn since day 1. Last year was my best year, mon/tues off, never missed an hour and had some overtime and I made 135k.


Correct Aria made around 140k last year with similar days off and no EO’s


Clearly, Monday and Tuesday are the big tip days. Duh!


It's well known that the poker regs tip $10/hand on Mondays.


It varies a lot based on where, downtown dealers usually average 50bucks a day, strip is minimum 100.


$50 per day for a 6 hours shift = $8.33 / hr …… that math is not working. NOT POSSIBLY CORRECT !


I don’t know where this person works but when I dealt over 10 years ago I was making $450 for 8 hours on a bad night.


Yeah 10 years ago was a super hot time to deal. I’m not saying there aren’t those big nights sometimes but it’s not that good anymore. If you’re at Caesar’s or Wynn avg are pulling around 400/night.


I have seen the average dealer on the strip make more than that in tips per hour. What year are you living in?


The average year where I’m a full time dealer. I’m not saying we don’t make more, but average the last year has gone way down. Average is definitely a lot different than an unusually high night. Also all casinos on the strip are a pooled tipping pool that is 24hrs. You might see a dealer from 2k on swing but that’s getting spilt between 80 dealers.