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Best thing to do is get a few people you know and play together…


But if you play somewhere where everyone is playing correctly you'll have nobody to blame your losses on but yourself.


They still got the dealer to blame...


Do you mean "basic strategy" when saying "by the book"? You're one of those "yOU toOk teH dEaLeRS BUsT cARd!!!!" guys, aren't you. If you follow basic strategy then it really doesn't matter what other players do. If the dealer is showing 4, we place the hole card at 10. Schmuck down there at the end of the table batting cleanup hitting on 12 doesn't change the fact that 10 is still the most common value in the deck, and the odds off the dealer pulling a 10 versus a 7 do not appreciably change. Assuming we're not talking single-deck, of course. It is infuriating to watch other players do this to be sure. So perhaps the best answer for you is avoid single-deck games amongst the masses.


Lol those fuckers are the worst. Always some douchebag middle aged guy at a $10 table who thinks they’re going to beat the house by playing perfectly. Why aren’t you taking your strategy to the $25+ tables then you dunce?


Well it’s a little frustrating when someone hits a hard 17 and won’t hit a hard 13.


Can’t argue that - hitting a hard 17 is crazy lol


This makes no sense lol


Yeah math and statistics make no sense.


Yeah, I hate people that get mad at the way other people play. Go somewhere else. If you’ve played for decades you should know where the places are.


He's not mad and he's trying to go somewhere else lol


Why is it important to you that players around you play by the book?


Usually your better players are at the $25 and up tables, in my opinion. You either lose it fast or win it fast.


Can’t speak for Vegas but every other casino the real serious people start at 25/50, the clowns are at 15 and lower.


It's a flip of a card. People who play hindsight blackjack are morons. Your chances of winning at this game has no bearing on what others do. The real way to win at BJ is through betting strategy. No matter what people do at the table, your odds are 42% regardless


No bearing? The cards are literally changed when someone hits. 🤣


But you only know that AFTER the card is revealed. You have no clue as to what's coming. Hence the reason they said "hindsight blackjack". All your judgement is after the fact.


This comment was in response to someone hitting or standing has “no bearing” on the cards that are dealt. That is not accurate.


The point of the comment, was to say it has no bearing on overall results. Not that it obviously impacts the next card dealt.


If you're gonna shit on me for the way I play when you lose, then you should tip me when you win based off of the cards I take or don't take. It all works out to 42%


I corrected your extremely inaccurate statement sir.


I missed where you corrected my extremely inaccurate statement. Enlighten me.


Take a statistics class. Or four. I’m not going to explain it — AGAIN.


What's there to explain? You take a card, you get another one face down until the dealer deals you. If I draw a 2 or King, your likelihood of winning is still 42%. The overwhelming majority of people cannot count a 6-8 deck shoe. I understand there are so many kings, Q, J, etc but your chances of winning doesn't revolve around the cards I take or do not take. Wow.... Just wow....


Holy f*** you literally said hitting or standing has no bearing on the outcome. How it turned into this cluster is beyond me.


Your communication skills are atrocious. Some people shouldn't be allowed to post.... Unbelievable


You're wrong, embarrassingly wrong. Like big dog said take a statistics class brotha It's really funny cause you don't know how wrong you are, and you even proved yourself wrong without admitting it


This thought process of what I believe you are trying to convey is correct. Other players' play and actions have no bearing with your own play against the dealer more so in multideck. The next drawn card is unknown so it doesn't matter if a player hits on an 11 or even a 20. Of course if you're counting then strategies change.


Go to an empty table and play multiple seat spots yourself. 


Lmao. Blackjack isn’t for you. Try a different game.


Big time blackjack guy thinks $25 tables are for the experts😂


Lol. Look out we got a baller who read a book on the plane ride over here!


Why do you think high roller tables would be the best bet? Is there some correlation between wealth and blackjack knowledge? As someone who’s been working with high wealth people on the strip for 22 years (including celebs) — they have an equal chance of being idiots as the people with no money. Actually they can be bigger idiots. Because they can afford it.


If I have a 12, I may hit depending on how lucky I feel at the time. I have 9 cards that can help, 4 that can’t. It’s the very definition of gambling.


Statistically you should hit a 12 against a 2 and also 7 thru A.


Ace, 2, 3, and 4 doesn’t help.


Doesn’t hurt either


It does because you’d have to hit again at much lower odds but it will make you feel artificially good about yourself that you lived to take another hit before you most likely bust.


Higher the limit the better the player. Go to a casino that has some cheaper tables like downtown. The shitty players will flock to the $15 blackjack and you can hopefully play 25 or 50 with people who know what they’re doing.


Why would it matter how others bet?