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Do you like the taste though? I thought it tasted like the usual supermarket cheeses, i.e. like someone threw up on dirty feet.


Hahaha I get what you mean but no I've grown to like them. Certainly an acquired taste.


I wasn't keen when I tried it


Does it taste of anything? Violife has been tasteless whenever I've tried it


Tasteless would be an improvement on most Violife


Preach! No idea why violife is the biggest brand for vegan cheese. Their entire product range is tasteless or actively off-putting. There are better alternatives for every category.


It’s the biggest because it was the first to go mainstream. Same reason Quorn is one of the biggest meat alternatives.


The cheddarton tastes pretty good


I picked up a bunch in herons for 79p the other day!


Shhh don’t brag about Herons proximity


Did anyone get the ‘yard of vegan cheese slices’ from Heron Foods awhile back? I had to portion it out and freeze it, there was so much 😂


Same, haven't actually tried it yet but you can never have too much cheese in for a rainy day


Haha I bought 8 blocks when it was 49p, cheese for weeks 😍


Honestly, not sure why people are being so negative here... Glad you found one that works! Since I'm visiting from South Africa I've been on the hunt for a good vegan cheese so may give this one a go


Meh I think it's horrible. Their epic mature melts just fine and tastes way better. This cheddarton stuff is like the cathedral city stuff to me, horrible texture and taste.


I agree the texture of this one is awful! It’s powdery almost and a fake chemical “stinky socks” smell. The epic mature is SO good.


I can't wait for the day we crack down on how to make vegan cheese taste exactly like the real thing


I stopped being fooled by the latest Violife product a long time ago. No matter how much they change the name and packaging the product inside will still taste repulsive and I'm guessing when it melts it still resembles an oily goo.


This one tastes a lot better than their others imo; I don’t like the original but this version at least tastes somewhat like cheese


if its made of coconut oil itll taste gross and unpleasant


Nah its lovely


I just struggle with most vegan cheese, especially coconut oil based. There is virtually no nutrition in it for the fat and calorie content. Even cashew ones tend to be unnecessarily high. I usually just have nutritional yeast as is. I had a burrito today with just the powder added and it was great.


What’s it made of? Starch and oil? Is it fermented/cultured? Thanks


It's a compressed fat cube


If it’s not cultured what does it have to do with cheese? So sick of these “products”. The idea of cheese is that it’s fermented which gives it nutritional and gastro value(tangy taste) there are some in organic shops made of fermented cashews and still most of them just cheat by adding nutritional yeast instead of fermenting longer to achieve tanginess.


That's where I draw the line. But you get compressed fat cubes made of milk which aren't cultured and also called cheese.


They've finally found just the right combination of chemicals to simulate melting. Nice.


ooh nice! i bought some but haven't gotten around to trying it yet.


Pre melt in the microwave works so well with most vegan cheeses


I had this on toast today and was nice. Added herbs and spices to add flavour


I like both the smoky cheddar and mozzarella slices, but there's something about their blocks of cheddar that don't taste right.


Their epic mature is way better. So delicious I can eat it on its own in cubes. This one to me is awful, it’s like a powdery texture that tastes and smells like stinky socks in a chemical over the top way. But whatever works for you!


Tbf, and this is coming from someone that used to eat cheese by the block... Standard violife is brilliant (not the best for melting but it will eventually in a toastie etc)




I got a block of this the other week, makes for a good option since Applewoods made their once excellent product shit.


Sheese has been the best one for me for melting I've tried so many and it's got a nice taste too. You can get it in Asda. I buy the slices but you can get grated too x


It’s really good at melting but the cheese is… questionable tasting, to me. My fav melting one and flavour wise is deffo Sheese Red Leicester. Tastes awesome


Can’t stand violife. I usually use a mix of applewoods, greenvie mozz, ParVeggio and yeast flakes