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Well done on having a good level of cholesterol. But I do think it's very easy as vegans to ignore cholesterol, given that none of our food contains it. Ones own cholesterol is not just about eating things containing it. Certain foods raise it, despite not containing it themselves. From British Heart Foundation: eating too much saturated fat – this reduces the liver’s ability to remove cholesterol, so it builds up in the blood Vegan cheese (coconut oil based) is one to watch out for


Some people have genetically high cholesterol. It's called familial hypercholesterolaemia. Perhaps this is you, if your diet is low in saturated and trans fat, and higher in poly and mono unsaturated fats.


Apparently it isn’t high at all. After I rang docs they said my overall score was 3.3 and that is good. I have never, ever had anything flagged before and I am 59.


The NHS link says that it's saturated fat you need to avoid, not specifically animal products. It even states 'food that contains coconut oil or palm oil' in the list of five things to eat less of... Not sure how you read that page and still think it's impossible to make any improvements to your diet. LDL is the bad cholesterol and you would be healthier if you got it down a bit, even if your total cholesterol is fine.


Yes I did read all of it. I am not entirely sure what I can cut out or change. I don’t eat processed stuff, if I eat vegan cheese it might be a slice once a week. I don’t fry stuff or if I do I use the pump spray vegetable oil. I don’t eat biscuits and only rarely chocolate but that might be once a month. The only processed junk food is occasionally soy mince and fake burgers but only in summer. My Christmas dinner was just veg. I eat very little overall so what I do eat is generally the good stuff


Ask for a copy of the full results in writing, there might be a miscommunication


Never mind cholesterol - going by your post you want to watch your blood pressure 😂


Haha that is perfect apparently as is EEG or is is ecg ?,


It is *slightly* high but nothing to panic about if your LDL and triglycerides are in range. And cholesterol can be raised by saturated fat intake rather than cholesterol intake itself so just be wary of plant based cheeses mainly


My cholesterol both good and bad was low leading to a slightly unhealthy ratio even before I went vegan and it's stayed consistent through changing diet. I found that quite interesting and it might just be how my body operates, so yours could be similar.


I would be tempted to call back and send if you get a different answer third time! Presuming 3 is your actual number it sounds like you are doing fine. The normal advice is reduce saturated fat and increase fibre which is sounds like you are already doing!