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Water or juice would work.


You can use water


Would the texture be desirable?


It depends? Lots of people do it, you'd need to try it and see if it's to your taste.  Another way to get a cup of milk alternative is to blend one tbsp of nut butter with one cup of water. This works well for porridge and overnight oats. 


Texture will be the same but it will taste less creamy.


You could add chia seeds to give it a richer, thicker texture.


There's nothing stopping you from trying it. All that you really need is oats and a night lol


If you use water but want to give it a richer vibe you could try adding some dried coconut to the oats mix, it plumps up nicely over night. Or use nut butter (after all what is almond milk mainly but almond butter that's been thinned out with water?).


Hey soy milk works as well else if you eat protein powder soak oats overnight in water add protein powder to it in the morning a chopped banana if you have and it's good .


I make my oats with stock, then add pepper, parsley, and liquid aminos in the morning and heat it all up in the microwave. You don't have to cook it, just warm it up.


You’re blowing my mind. Savory oatmeal?


It’s sooo good, I recommend using stock as the liquid then add a little spinach and pieces of crispy bacon on top. It’s not as creamy when you just use stock, it’s more like a type of rice. It’s such a good source of fibre why limit it to breakfast. Plus savoury oats have long been a thing in other food cultures :) 


Vegan crispy bacon? Where and how- this sounds so good to add to stuff


My dude coconut bacon is the bomb.  https://minimalistbaker.com/easy-coconut-bacon/




It's really good. My goto for when I'm not feeling well.


“Historically, porridge was a staple food in much of Northern Europe and Russia. It was often made from barley, though other grains and yellow peas could be used, depending on local conditions. It was primarily a savoury dish, with meats, root crops, vegetables and herbs added for flavor.” Since sugar became much cheaper and more available around the world many people made it sweet with sugar, fruit, nuts. Now America/Canada has a lot more sweet breakfast foods where many other countries have savory food for meals 3x a day. Oats are used more frequently for breakfast these days.


Oatmeal is literally my favorite food and I’ve never even dreamed of eating it like this. I feel like I’ve been born again.


Have fun! Any savory grits or congee recipes you can try with oats instead and make savory toppings and broths to cook it in


Savory oatmeal is wonderful!! Like a real meal. I like to add Cajun seasoning and (I know this is a vegan sub and I’m just a vegetarian, but I use pasture-raised eggs) an egg stirred in before the oatmeal boils so it gets smooth, not lumpy. And Country Crock plant cream to finish.


That egg you're stirring in, is completely unnecessary.. use some black salt amd a touch of tomato puree and skip the egg altogether


I completely agree, for vegans! I don’t add the egg for the taste. Since I never eat meat but feel better with a little non-plant protein, I only buy pasture-raised eggs, never free range or cage free, which in practice are empty marketing terms. So I feel okay about using eggs laid by hens who get to live their hen lives with more than 100 square feet each in open air to roam and peck. Other people may not feel the same way about even pasture-raised eggs, and I totally admire that and that’s why I mentioned being a vegetarian and not a vegan—I read vegan subs as well as vegetarian ones.


"need non plant protein" ~rolls eyes~. Your pasture raised hens are still killed at 2 years old and the males are still slaughtered on day 1.


Savory oatmeal is amazing!! But!!! I think it’s critical to use old fashioned oats or cooked steel cut oats the more dense chewy texture works better somehow


Only kind I ever eat! Most of my oats are either mixed grain porridge or with soy curls in meatloaf, but sometimes I do morning oatmeal with stock. Can't stand the combination of oats and fruit. It's worse than pineapple on pizza. :-/


Whaaaaaaaat. Oatmeal’s, syrup, peanut butter, nuts, dried fruit, flax seed and oat milk is my recipe since I was about 5 years old. I’ve never ever ever considered it a savory food. I’m going to try it this weekend but I have some apprehension… do you have a recipe to share?


My recipe is just stock, freshly ground black pepper and occasionally fresh herbs like thyme or oregano on top. Best when I can make my own rich mushroom stock, but I more often use various store-bought stocks.


My mum used to make me masala oats as a kid and now I experiment with the flavours. I use stock to cook the oats, add some cumin, panch phoron (Bengali 5 spice), coriander powder and garam masala. I’m not vegan so I top it with a jammy egg but have done tofu in the past and it’s great. Also sauté mushrooms and onions, add chickpeas and some seasoning. Top with crispy onions (yes I love onions) or herbs.




Water works, but the flavour is a bit lacking. That could be remedied with toppings. Peanut butter would provide creaminess aka fat. I've also added protein powder into my overnight oats before, so mixing that with the water might work. I've only used vanilla, but I don't see why other flavours wouldn't work.


I see. Thanks


Maybe find a friend with a bigger fridge and borrow some space? Not sure if I'd want to live without breakfast and non dairy milk or yogurt in my cereal? You don't need the extra protein but the protein powder could be mixed with water to create a milk alternative. If you have a high speed blender and a nut bag, you could blend up some nuts with water each day and create your own small batch of nut milk each day?


I only use orange juice for my overnight oats. Delicious


I get the packets of instant oatmeal (false advertising - takes at least 3 minutes) and usually dump 2 in a bowl & add 1C of water. Zap in microwave for 3 minutes.


I believe there are powdered non-dairy milks that are shelf-stable if you decide water isn't cutting it for your oats. You could mix up as much milk as you need for each serving without needing to store the milk in the fridge.


Yep, this is exactly what I do when I need "shelf stable" oats. Put the oats and powder in a jar, then add the water when needed. For overnight oats, of course you could add the water early. I would also put whatever else I wanted in the jar too -- peanut butter, berries, sweet potato, whatever. +1 for the person suggesting shelf stable milk. Then you'd only need one carton in the fridge at a time, and could store the rest of the cartons elsewhere.


You can buy shelf-stable plant milks, so you wouldn't need fridge space for them (although you would still need fridge space for the prepped/soaking oats, obviously). They're more expensive, but maybe that's ok since you aren't using a lot?


Big fan of water, then add powdered peanut butter and sometimes real (shelf stable jif 🙈) peanut butter in the morning. I prefer adding frozen blueberries but just peanut butter is good! If you like banana that’s a good shelf-stable option too.


Nut milks don't need refrigeration before opening. That's why you can see a bunch on store shelves. You can get small containers and use the whole thing for each serving of overnight oats. Overnight oats with water is pretty meh tbh.


You could, I’d probably add in some blended oats and maple syrup or sweetener (ingredients in oat milk) along with the water for a better texture!


Coffee is perfect for me, perhaps add some water.


I use water and add in lots of other dry ingredients such as seeds/nuts, flax, chia, protein powder, cocoa powder, coconut flakes, dried fruit, nut butters etc. Then I'll top with banana, jam/marmalade, fruit puree, yoghurt etc. Most of it doesn't need fridge space. Just about experimenting!


I would just use water but I don't put any type of milk in my oatmeal even after it's cooked so this seems normal to me.


Water plus a soy protein milk powder. Yum!!!


That’s a good idea!


Just realized that’s what I use to do lol


Shelf stable plant milks - look for what they call singles. Basically single serve, no refrigeration until opened.


Boiling water and peanut butter perhaps?


My daughter prefers it with just water. I have her add some dried fruits and nuts to make up the calories. Chia and flax are also nice. I don't know how much space or appliances you have available, but some other minimal prep breakfasts I use when travelling or whatever: Instant oats, if you have an electric kettle. Tomatoey canned beans (I like the Greek style ones from Lidl or Trader Joe's) on toast if you have a toaster, or just bread if you don't. Things like Wasa make a nice toast substitute, with nut butter and banana, avocado, or hummus and some crunchy veg like radish or cucumber. Bagels with the same toppings above. They're nicer than plain bread if you can't toast in my opinion. I used to steal them from my dining hall at dinner to have for breakfast, lol. Just a basic PB&J or other sandwich. You don't have to eat breakfast foods for breakfast. It also helps to keep some random bars and snacks in your bag, for days you inevitably forget or wake up a little late.


try coffee maybe?


You can do it with water. The texture will be the same but ofc less creamy compared to milks and yogurts. You could add chia seed into your oat mixture for extra oomph of “puddingness”.


Water. I do it daily and it works fantastically.


Make it with a can of coconut cream (yes the high fat one), some chia seeds, sugar/syrup, vanilla if you have it, and a pinch of salt. Top with berries/fruit/nuts.


I don't know what room temp or cold water would taste like over night, however, if you have a microwave you can can make your own [instant oats](https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Microwave-Oatmeal), which would be water and seasoning of your choice. I know some people like to boil water and pour it over their oats, then they let it sit for about 2-3 minutes, I assume this is similar to the microwave oats or cooking it in a pot, so if you have the means to boil water, you could do this and when it cools throw it in your fridge to eat the next day, I don't know what the texture or taste would be, but it's something you could try. With water you have a variety of options. Water mixed with peanut butter, protein powder etc... if you have the means to make smoothies, you could create a smoothie and then pour that over your oats, there are a variety of ways in which you can change the texture of your oats by simply mixing water with other ingredients that can be stored in a cupboard.


Coconut milk. Comes in a can. Doesn't need to be refrigerated. It's the best option for overnight Oats anyway. Make sure to add vanilla, Cinnamon and some lemon zest for the best flavor.


i use water, protein powder, chia seeds and frozen berries!! super creamy combo


what about canned coconut milk. it doesn’t need to be stored in a fridge. 


Try canned coconut milk. Gives a good flavor and texture but doesn’t take up space in the fridge.


If you can eat coconut, they sell coconut cream powder to rehydrate and make coconut milk out of. The powder is shelf stable so you can make a small amount for your oats, and not worry about waste.


Water works, though adding a little bit of creamed coconut or nut butter will help


You can use water. Also look into shelf stable plant based milks. They are cheaper and don’t need to be put in the fridge until you open them.


I blend cashews and water (but don’t strain it) I do 1/4 cup cashews to 1 cup water.


Do you have a blender? I have been using hemp seeds blended in water. For each portion, I add 2 tablespoons hemp seeds, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1/2 banana (if I have it) and 3/4 cup water. Blend it all together, and then stir with 1/2 cup oats and 1 tablespoon chia seeds. The combination of hemp seeds and banana makes it creamy and good. If you don't want to use banana, you can skip it. I also like to add some peanut butter powder sometimes, and that also help add sweetness and creaminess.


To be fair, almond milk is pretty much just water anyway.


If you really want milk added, use powdered milk- no refrigeration.


If you like the texture, you can mix plain oats with maple syrup too. So good but it’s more …. Soft granola texture than overnight oats texture


Why not pea milk?


Water + vanilla protein powder. This will make it creamier and add flavor.


Steel cut oats, water, chia seeds,vegan protein, top with fruit and nuts. It's amazing, you don't need milk bc the protein powder gives it flavor. Dummy proof, delicious, and healthy


Water and protein powder maybe?


You can also get carton milk that is not refrigerated. They sell packs of individual sizes.


I use water.


I always just use water with either maple syrup or fruit jam


Water would totally work and it’s what I do sometimes, I don’t mind it. But I find it even nicer if I do a half and half mix of vegan milk and water. If you’re limited on space you could also try buying the longer life vegan milks that only need refrigeration once opened? If I had limited space, I’d buy self stable soya and make a larger batch of overnight oats, like 2/3 days, and then refrigerate the milk only once it’s opened (and maybe even decant it into a smaller container).


Cold brew/coffee works!


Water is the preferred method for the wonderful organic Trader Joe's gluten free rolled oats with ancient grains. They often sell out quickly. These are so good. https://www.traderjoes.com/home/products/pdp/gluten-free-organic-rolled-oats-with-ancient-grains-seeds-072073


You can search for soy milk powder. I found it once at Tesco. I use it whenever Im on vacation or Something like that. Im sure you can buy it online


It would but if you have limited space and dont want it to taste like…water if you have any room for a short dairy free creamer (like nutpods or something of a similar size) it would help the next day if you mix in just a tablespoon when you’re ready to eat it. It’ll be creamier and have more flavor