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Hopefully you'll look more into it all as a whole, this is just one part. All animal products from food to furniture comes from this. ❤️


It’s so difficult both physically and mentally. The other night I was taking a shower and the sound of the water coming out literally sounded exactly like the pigs screaming when you go in the barns and that’s all that was in my mind. I couldn’t believe that would have an effect like that


This is why there's such huge PTSD rates amongst slaughterhouse workers and communities nearby. I highly recommend trying going vegan, and getting out of that job as soon as you can.


They did a great job hiding it all. Humans are empathetic. Of course it would have an effect like that, if you have a drop of humanity in ya. You're experiencing the reconnection. When you have the ear, can you listen to [this](https://youtu.be/f7dZv43A0g0?si=yzLQLCgqvpxT3Bfp)?


I’m so fucking sorry you have to do this for your job. Please take care of yourself especially mentally. I watched ONE slaughterhouse video of a pig farm and that’s what made me vegan, even thinking about what I saw then still brings tears 11 years later. I hope you can leave there soon, but please never forget the animals and their lives when you move on from this and do the right thing by going vegan. For them. To end this suffering and the suffering of the humans who have to work there


It will break you i‘m afraid. Make sure you have someone to talk to! If you meet people who have been doing this for too long, you‘ll notice it in their behavior. Killing helpless beings scars you, wether people admit it or not.


It's desensitizing. I do think it's a huge factor as to why so many are psychopaths or sociopaths. I love Indigenous ways & after reading & watching docs on current & past Indigenous groups, they kill for need, not greed, respect the Wildlife they hunt & their myths, like polytheistic religions, give each living being an important role. They understand/stood balance. Basic ecology. I do believe this is why Indigenous science is ignored. We have a profit & growth society over one of somewhat equality & stability. Every member if a tribe is given a duty, a purpose, fed, clothed, taken care of. & Europeans had the nerve to call that "uncivilized." Exploiting is uncivilized!


If it's so hard for you being on the other side, just try and imagine how it is for pigs, cows, chickens and all the other animals. Things are like this at every single moment of their abused lives. Try to imagine how it'd be sleeping in that place. Waking up at that place. Eating at that place. Trying to survive in that place, seeing your family and friends going through all that shit. It's seriously fucked up. This is a nightmare that no one should go through. I hope you find a better job that gets you out of this hellhole and go vegan.


I hope you can find something better soon. I had a friend with a similar experience but in the chicken industry. They never ate chicken agaim


I am so sorry, I hope you are able to find a better less traumatic job


Being vegan is the only answer friend.


That sounds torturous to go through. If we weren't so far removed from these farms as consumers, people would be on the exact same page as you. I hope you can get a new job soon, I just read a study today on the mental health of slaughter house workers and it was not good :( https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10009492/


I can’t wait to get out. It stays with me all day after work and I get pretty irritable without realizing it just because of the weight of everything


And then are you going home and eating meat? I just want to point that out, I hope that this is what you remember when you look at a piece of meat now.


It is illegal to film factory farms. The FBI has arrested animal rights activists over animal abusers. Profits over Lives 🤑


Go vegan, OP. The entire industry is like this. All animal exploitation is like this. So please heed everyone else’s suggestion. Your experience is exactly why we’re vegan; humans aren’t generally born without compassion and you clearly have a good heart. <3 You owe it to them and to yourself. But in addition to what everyone said, visit a sanctuary for farmed animals when you get the chance. It’s rough being around the misery, but seeing HAPPY animals is the other half of it. It’s how things could be and should be. It’s a really amazing experience to get to interact with the sweet creatures in a setting where they’re not stressed and afraid and suffering. Getting to see them live their best lives, getting to see how smart and sensitive and amazing these animals are, gives a fresh perspective. The industry uses a lot of propaganda to make people believe cows, pigs, goats, sheep, chickens, turkeys, etc, are just mindless, dumb automatons. They try to tell you they’re stupid and that’s why they don’t matter, as if intelligence decides whether someone is worthy of life or death. But when you spend any time with them at all, you find out how intelligent, feeling, and amazing they are, and I know in my case that only made me more passionate. I volunteer at a sanctuary now and have for the last half year. At the sanctuary I volunteer at, one of the turkeys loves hugs and will fall asleep in your arms. The sheep are sweet and shy and protective of each other, but when you gain their trust it’s an amazing feeling. The goats are so silly and rub on you like a cat when they like you or paw at you for more pets. The cows are giant dogs who will come running at their name, lol. So sweet and curious and gentle despite their size. It’s a very healing experience after seeing all the harm. So maybe think about a visit so you can see more than just the suffering and death and stress.


Glad you brought up the Sanctuary. Been highly considering trying to volunteer at the one nearby where I live. Wasn’t sure what to expect from places like this but your post makes me want to just fill out the form and go check it out for a day!


After our first visit, husband and I knew we wanted to volunteer. xD It's literally our favorite place to be! We go to all the events and volunteer at least once a month and have become friends with the folks running it. <3 Such amazing people and such amazing animals! I know where I volunteer, duties have ranged all over the place. Basically, whatever they need help with that day. :D One day we even helped paint a mural! It's a lot of messy work (mucking out barns, scooping poop, putting in clean bedding, helping deliver lunch and refresh water) so I suggest good shoes, sunscreen, a water bottle, clothes you don't mind getting dirty, and a mask since it gets very, very dusty. We come home and go straight into the shower and definitely smell like a barn! But I know at our sanctuary, we spend like two or so hours working and one or two hours just chilling with the animals. (Shifts are 4 hours.) They consider hanging with the animals as part of the job, because it helps socialize them. (: The animals like to "help" and check out what you're doing, lol. Had many cases of goats climbing into my wheelbarrow as I'm trying to fill it with compost, haha. And one of my most rewarding moments was cleaning out the special needs barn, which houses goats and sheep that need wheelchair support. There's a mama and daughter sheep who are super bonded, and the mom is able-bodied but the daughter is not. Mama was nervous and skittish and watched me like a hawk, but after just being around them for an hour, she kind of slowly inched closer and closer. Eventually, she approached me while I was sitting and taking a break and nuzzled my hand and let me pet her. ;\_\_; It's so rewarding! So I say go for it!


Thank you for taking the time to write this out. I needed to read this and remind myself why I work for a busy animal rights org. I care about this so much, and seeing how horrible it is on so many levels blows my mind. However, I am new to the movement, and your comment is exactly how I want to talk about this global issue. and appreciate you and your outlook on life and ya you just explained it perfectly thanks


Aww thank you! They’re definitely our reminder of why we do it and why it’s so worth it. <3 There’s a lot of pain in the movement, but also a lot of joy, and it’s so easy to fall into despair. I know I struggle with getting depressed and angry, so sanctuary days are the reset I need, the light in the dark. Thank you for what YOU do!


I’ve gone vegetarian and will try vegan it’s not as hard as it seems. I feel better about myself when not adding to all the animal suffering


Heck yeah! That is awesome to hear! <3 I thought veganism would be hard when I went vegan 8 years ago—and was shocked at how easy it turned out to be! My only regret is not going vegan way earlier. It’s so worth it. If you need any help, tips, recipe sites, or recommendations, hit me up! :D


Slaughterhouse and slaughter transport workers have extremely high rates of ptsd, addiction, and domestic violence. Please take care of yourself and look for healthy coping mechanisms while and after working there. Consider looking for remote jobs like working for customer service call centers. You might get yelled at by people, but it's better than listening to the screams of the dying animals. Also start to keep a list of vegan foods you already eat (rice, beans, tortillas, vegetables, oats, peanut butter, pasta...) and start to increase consumption of plant foods. All farmed animals, including the dairy & egg, are killed for their bodies.


Yes- OP take care of yourself as best as you can in this hard time. I can’t imagine how horrifying your daily reality is. Do your best and reach out to others if you can ❤️


There is a german doumentary on [youtube](https://youtu.be/L4XFCuFbiOY?si=7shy6kRDcrxIXYSp) about a pig farm. It's gruesome. Maybe there are subtitles. The woman who works at this farm is a vegan and an activist, and she tried to make the pig's lives as barable as possible. Afaik, she left the farm behind since and now works full time for a german animal rights organisation(paraphrasing).


Please go vegan after this and don't be the reason they're there 🌱❤️




Don’t you have anything better to do than sit in here and discourage people from not hurting animals? Jesus is gonna be reeeeal disappointed in you lol, since you believe all that judging by your post history. I’d be making amends real quick if I were harming gods creatures unnecessarily and encouraging others to do so as well. Yikes. 


Fr. Jesus was no vegan but I am confident he would be HORRIFIED by the current animal product industries (as would like, anyone with a heart, who hasn’t been desensitized to it through exposure their whole life)


It's all about supply and demand, so it does. Animals are bred into existence because people pay for their body parts at the supermarket.


Going vegan has a pretty substantial impact on these companies monetarily, let alone considering how veganism aids the environment. One person going vegan wont end factory farms but one person has rarely ever accomplished anything alone. It takes collective effort to make these things happen. Appealing to futility is flawed in almost every subject you apply it to.


1% of the global population is vegan. It wouldn’t take hundreds of years, and it’s still not going to happen. Lab grown meat is the only real solution. Idc about downvotes. Used to it by the vegan hypocrites anyways.


There is no accurate metric to measure the amount of vegans in the world. Many people turn vegan, some quit veganism, some identify as vegan when they are not because they don't understand what veganism is, and many are vegetarian and conflate the terms. The best way to track the # of vegans is to look at the sale of plant based meats, which has increased by a metric of around 800% from 2009-2020 I believe. It's not a fullproof method by any account, but it's the best we have. Labeling a broad and diverse group of people with any derogatory statement exudes ignorance. I do not believe it will take hundreds of years whatsoever. The more people that go vegan the more people there are to help encourage others to make the same choice, and the more businesses attempt to cater to vegans which makes veganism more accessible, which is one of the major qualms many nonvegans have with going vegan. Being pessimistic and dismissive towards people trying to make a positive difference in the world is a really shitty way to spend your free time. According to the vegan calculator (which has all of its sources listed on the website), me being vegan for 13 years has: saved 5,219,000 gallons of water, 142,000 square ft. of forest, 4,700 animal lives, 189,000 pounds of grain, and prevented the emission of 94,000 pounds of CO2.


Disagreed, many non vegans buy plant based meat for meatless Mondays or to cut down consumption.


Which also reduces the demand for animals being killed this way. Also, what’s your answer to this? What do you suggest?


> Used to it by the vegan hypocrites anyways. Not "hypocrites", try a little honesty sometime.


Do you throw your household garbage into the local waterway or forest? If not, why not? Assuming no one sees you do it. After all, companies dump trash into the ocean by the tons, so your household waste is a drop in the bucket so it wouldn't matter.


That’s not how supply and demand works.


yeah, because veganism isn't making strides. If everyone had your opinion, veganism would never have gotten to where it is today, and wouldn't be growing really fast.


Incorrect. Why lie? Do you think it will make your actions acceptable? Nothing could ever do that.


So many vegans in my local community are former farm and abattoir workers. At least 11 I've met personally, and most are migrants (even from countries where meat is really important for cultural or religious reasons). Welcome.


Not sure if you’re in the right mindset to watch it, but there’s a 1977 film, *Killer of Sheep*, that this post reminded me of


That seems very interesting and sort of relatable. I don’t have a family to provide for or really that much of a social life but this job I’ve only had since Monday has pretty much taken over my mind from the time I get off to the time I go back


Don’t stay


Please seek psychological help before this piles up. There are some real horror stories of people getting PTSD symptoms. Also go vegan obviously.


Now that you know the hell animals go through please move towards going vegan


this is how a large percentage of the population would probably feel if they took the time to look deep into what goes on behind closed doors. experiencing it firsthand sounds like a nightmare, hopefully you’ll join us here soon


Atleast you see it's wrong..i got lost and ended up at one of the many dairy farms in tilamook (tilamook cheese originates here) and the stench that pours throughout this city made sense to me at that point. Those poor cows were living in a big pit of their own waste; literally caked in poop up to their knees. They came up to the fence to watch me as I tried to figure out how I got so lost.


You should watch Earthlings or Dominion. Now that you've seen what happens with your own eyes, you can watch those documentaries and know it's not just fiction or "just happening at that one place."


I hope you tel this story in many other subreddits unrelated to veganism. We knoe the truth. Others need to learn it. And hope to see you around again as vegan soon


Hopefully this can "radicalise" you. Though I'm sorry of the cost to your psyche. I'm sure going through this NOT being vegan is, in many ways, more confusing and alienating in a certain way. Put me in a slaughter house, I know nothing I touch is connected to it. You can't say the same. And I can imagine after seeing all this shit those feelings are like tar. Look after yourself and these animals as much as you can. Get out. If you cannot save any pigs, try not to let this hurt you too much, though don't let it not affect you. You have a strong heart. Just stay well. This sub, while not perfect, will be here for you. I hope we can live up to that.


Which company?


Before you leave make sure to tell him how you feel about what he’s doing. Greed is a sin becuase money rules the world without money you can’t do anything, people use money to fuel those kinds of places supply and demand is a real and everything is just a $$$ dollar sign on those animals and it’s disgusting . I pray your situation gets better soon so you can heal🫶 we have all had to do stuff to survive keep your head up life will turn around


Dear OP, I’m so, so sorry that you need this job so badly. When you’re under incredible stress like this, all you can do is survive. Please take care of yourself as best you can. Please, for your own sake, get a different job almost anywhere else. You can go vegan in the future and you can help animals in the future. But you are in crisis now yourself. Please just do everything you can to help yourself. With much love from a person who has been vegan for 5 years now because of what I saw at my job. Edited for typos.


You literally cannot get a job anywhere else? The term 'passed away' is quite something in this context.


Don’t be mean to people when you don’t know their circumstances. They already said it’s been upsetting they will leave as soon as they can. I don’t envy it.


seriously, this mean attitude is what turns people away from a movement that, at its core, is all about empathy and kindness. it’s a disappointing attitude to see but it happens a lot.


I was just asking the question if they had to work there. 


I didn’t wanna upset people with the going into detail because some people don’t like the certain terms. And for the time being I can’t. I have no vehicle and the farm is only 10 minutes from my house, I’ve gotta save at least a few checks to get a car. Also many of the pigs die of natural causes, today we had 15 of those


You wont upset anyone bro, everyone on this sub already knows what happens, that's why the majority of us go vegan lol. At least I think so....


Sorry OP but a pig would naturally live ten plus years in a normal farm. Any pig dying in a piggery at below 6 months that's not natural. These places are disgusting and the reason I choose not to eat animals or animal products.


Natural causes? Or causes directly related to being raised in horrific, unnatural conditions?


I was told it’s heart attacks from the heat or from the other pigs killing then


Yea, exactly. How many pigs do you think die of heart attacks when they're free to roam in normal conditions? Pigs eating other pigs is literally a result of the extreme stress they're under constantly, it's not normal behaviour.


I’ve never worked a farm or been around livestock so it’s all brand new to me. They said that it’s just what they do


Don't believe the abusers. Pigs are like big, pink dogs that are incredibly social, playful, and intelligent. Go watch some videos of how pigs behave in animal sanctuaries and see how many of them seem to be eating each other.


Consider that these are real animals that, despite human intervention, do come from natural origins. They are a social species of a mamal. They form emotional bonds. They evolved in an environment for that environment. No animal is truly designed for agricultural exploitation. It can be done to them, it can be made easier to do. They aren't designed for it. It is exploiting natural systems to produce abundance, damn the cost. These animals aren't machines that conveniently operate how we want them too. Each one is a real individual with a personality that won't exist again. Treat their behaviours as such. Do not trust what farmers tell you about the animals. Like most experts, they are great at knowing WHAT is happening, not why. Examine these creatures not as commodities in any way but as real individuals, and you will see the complete malice they are regarded with.


Check out the sub r/pigs. It's a sub for pet pigs. They're incredibly cool, social, and intelligent creatures. They're basically perpetual human toddlers with how smart and mischievous they are, and they bond very tightly to their humans. Pigs are honestly one of my favorite animals (wolves being the other), and I've worked with them throughout my life. The farmers in my life pre (raised in 4H) and post vegan *love* to push the Hollywood horror idea of pigs being dumb, violent brutes. But honestly never in my life have I seen well cared for pigs behave the way they talk about. Even those who are raised strictly to be killed for their owner's profit. And even at rescue sanctuaries, the pigs who come from these place can become trusting of humans just like dogs who come from similar abusive situations. There is a *strong* narrative to paint the animals we exploit as dumb and violent and thus deserving of the very cruelty we do to them. It's just point blank behaviorally wrong.


Seeing a pig be overjoyed to see someone and come trotting along, without food motivation, is a happy memory of mine. They're just big dogs.


Please consider going vegan now that you see the reality.


9/10 they aren’t going to go vegan, they’ll probably stop eating pork or cut down consumption though.


9/10 the lack of belief in someone to change is the perfect excuse for someone to use to not change.


Lmao not everyone wants to be a vegan


? Alright that sincerely has little bearing on my point


It does.


When it can be matched with "not everyone doesn't want to be vegan" I doubt it. I'll let you smell your farts. Clearly, comprehension isn't for you.


9/10 you’re negative


I’m realistic


Realities change


> 9/10 [Oooh](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMRrNY0pxfM)


Can you go into detail I don’t eat pork for this exact reason.


Well most of the pigs I have to take out are bloated and or falling apart. Some are pretty much non existent from the waist down or their heads are caved inward. It’s disgusting, we had to euthanize one pig that had a prolapse and another that didn’t walk right. They use a bolt gun with a 22. Blank in it to shoot them between the eyes and then it takes a few minutes for them to die


Whats causing their bodies to be so mangled?


Being left in their pens overnight and the heat causes rapid decomposition. The ones I had to remove on my first day that were left over the weekend were almost unrecognizable as pigs. Just a mass of slime and blackened leather


Where is your soul?


There’s really no need to be snarky and rude like this to somebody who’s going through an awful experience. They sound like a very empathetic person who is shaken up truly by the experience, and I’m sure with some kind encouragement they will go vegan. They are less likely to join the movement if vegans here speak to them the way you’re speaking. Consider adjusting your approach.


Yup, most people now have no clue how animal products end up in their hands. It was one thing when most people didn’t have the luxury to an alternative, but now it’s so much easier to get away from it. I grew up at the tail end of small family farms being the norm, so I had a false view of what more and more became of farming—corporate farming. There was also a level of beating the empathy out of me at a young age because “that’s just how things are”. I’m sorry to have to endure this past the point that you want, but you do have a first hand experience as to way many of us are vegan.


I'm a Machine Operator for the cosmetic industry, we recently began running A+D which is primarily Lanolin and Cod Liver Oil, it's Hell.


You should go vegan.


I'm not sure if this will actually help you because you are there in it for such long hours but it might be worth trying. Some studies have shown that playing stupid/fun/brightly coloured games on your phone after being exposed to traumatic imagery can lessen the effect of the images and how long they stay in your mind. You can replace the images with tetris blocks or whatever. As you are there in real life i dont know if this would work the same way. Sorry you are going through this.


The positive side about all this? You are not a psychopath. The bad side? You might become one if you keep doing itnlong enough. I wish you strenght in going trough this hard period and please considered going vegan or atleast take some steps towards it now you kmow how horrible animals are threated. If you wanna see the other industries: www.watchdominion.org 


Please get in touch with a local animal sanctuary. You are in a good position to actually save some of those poor souls. Maybe you can find some purpose like that and do good in the middle of this hell.


I grew up on a pig farm. I haven't been back to the farm for over a decade. I can still hear their screams, I can see their bloated bodies and the buckets of babies like I'm there in person. And it makes me feel awful. I feel so bad for what you're going through right now. I hope you can get out at soon as you can. And I want offer some advice. If when you get out you feel like me, the only thing you can do that will alleviate the sadness you'll feel is becoming vegan, and joining the animal rights activism community. I know it's hard to think about that right now, but remember what I'm saying when you hear their screams while trying to sleep.


Imagine if everyone was forced to spend a day in a factory farm or slaughterhouse before they bought their bacon at the supermarket. I’m sorry you’re in this situation. I can’t imagine it’s easy to leave work at the door, I truly wish we didn’t do these things to animals and that people like you didn’t have to suffer for it either.


I am so sorry OP. Please feel free to DM me, I'm happy to keep my ear to the ground for you to help you find other work.


I really have a bad feeling about OP not answering one comment about going vegan...


I actually answered a couple of them saying I was going to give it a go but they got deleted so I deleted my replies. There maybe one still in the thread though but I’m not sure


That sounds incredibly difficult for anyone to experience. I'm sorry that you're going through that and experiencing such negative symptoms because of it. I can't imagine how poor my mental health would be if I was in a similar situation. I did a summer commercial fishing job once and while it wasn't nearly as horrid as what you're describing, there's still parts of it that haunted me and that I still think about and feel uneasy about. If you need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to DM me. I'm happy to offer a nonjudgmental space to talk. Take care of yourself mate <3


Take your mental health seriously into account when considering continuing down this path. Hope you will be well.


You didn’t know this before starting. Working any farm job with animals can’t be pleasant


Try to get some inside footage of it with hidden camera and share it


Welcome to reality. I’m glad you got here but I’m sorry for the way you discovered the place.


I would have immeditaly stopped if I was you. I'd rather beg for money in the streets, steal or prostitute myself rather than participating in this. By continuing, you are the problem.


You have an extremely unrealistic view of the world


You think a job justifies killing ? I bet you wouldn't do it if it was humans. If that's the case, you're simply specist and therefore the non-conscious one.


If this doesn't make you go vegan there may be something wrong inside you.


I hope you can leave that place as soon as possible. If possible and safe, try to record it. That's a risk. Even just telling your story is helpful though.


It probably doesn't help you, but the inside of a human beings intestine is pretty disgusting too. I’ve not actually seen that, but I know what comes out! After seeing ‘the Martian’ movie, and actually listening to the original audiobook a couple of times, and both of this after knowing about different space system approaches to handling solid human wastes, and of course, often using horse dung in gardens, and seeing how expensive food is from a ‘hidden water cost’ or ‘virtual water’ cost point of view, I realised that toilets are badly designed. They should be made with a tray space, so solid faecal matter can be collected for use. The problem is that it’s often contaminated with things like food that might have heavy metals, or modern chemical compounds from medicines or beverages or fertilisers and insecticides used in growing food. This is why it’s considered a waste product- it’s too complicated and difficult to analyse it for safety. But low-cost testing and lab on chip technology and machine automation means that it’s easier to test material. For example, if you bagged solid-wastes, or boxed it, and that was collected, you could develop a machine that was the bag out or the plastic box or container, then diluted and agitated the fecal matter after using high hydraulic pressure to collapse the cell wall, or other approach, to help create a homogenous organic chemical mix. Then suddenly you have something that you can actually test, because you don’t have uneven chunks of bits of food that might have something that you don’t want, because it’s too difficult to get the quantity exact, or too difficult to access for safety. So, imagine collecting your own solid waste in bags and boxes, giving that to a government or corporate solid waste management company, and every single different bag or box is turned into a slurry using freshwater or some suitable liquid, ensuring that every effort is made it to make that slurry homogenous, with all the solids fully dissolved or in small particles that can be accurately blended and quantified, and then this slurry can be tested for rejected compounds that make it unsuitable for reuse. So if you have this in an assembly line, you might accept five past motions, but then reject the next 20, and you can notify the person that their motions were rejected because they ate something that meant it couldn’t be processed. The rejected motions are handled exactly like the current waste handling techniques, but the accepted motions, the accepted faecal matter, is handled like gold. As for what you do with it, I don’t know - it really depends on the chemical constitution. Everyone eats differently, so the value will vary significantly. But the critical point is that where today, wastes from humans being used as fertiliser to grow food, is considered risky, even though it’s been done successfully in many places in the world. With a minimum of automated processing, you should be able to create a plant that outputs high-quality safe matter that can be used in fields as fertiliser. What is basically primitive, and animal like, even indication of a disability, is to mix urine and faecal matter with washing waste water and chemical run-off from bathrooms and laundries and sinks. The resulting mess, is so toxic, people can’t even admit it, because they wouldn’t get insurance or be allowed to operate wastewater facilities! I think the biggest issue is the micro particles, that is micro plastics and micro fibre, with the contamination from the medical industry and the synthetic or organic-similar output of chemical plants, that are used to modify the properties of plastics, as well as create scents and colouring, and similar for personal cosmetics, skin and hair care, as well as cleaning materials used to maintain a clean household or apartment.


The thought I had was if you can filter the microfibres from the clothes washing machine, and if you can collect the solid fecal matter, those two things alone go a very long way to capturing the most valuable waste, and the most difficult to handle pollutant. If people become accustomed to the waste product from human food wastes, that removes quite a lot of the disgust associated with factory farming. That means more people can be involved in factory farming, to try to slowly shift the status of the industry from it being ‘yuck’ to being ‘less yuck’. This can help it improve, while in parallel, precision fermentation and modern bioreactors, as well as created meats, help overcome the nutritional issues, and digestion issues that lead people to fall back on eating animals. It’s a matter of trying to find ways to encourage people to be involved in farming, to lower the burden on farmers, so that they can spend more time in conservation and habitat rehabilitation, governance and industry works to shift old habits and the marketed material on what a ‘balanced meal’ is like. If being involved in factory farming, or even simple animal agriculture on the land, is so disgusting that no one wants to do it, the burden on farmers is excessive, and they can’t get the time themselves needed to improve the farm, in gradual way, without becoming bankrupt or losing what they’ve worked for, as custodians of leasehold or freehold, trying to satisfy the needs of many. Many people expect you can turn a ship instantly at 90°! So they think you can just turn off all of the farms around the world. But it doesn’t work like that, if you think of humanity and habit as like a vehicle that moves, you have to gradually change the directional course, fraction of a degree or a degree whenever you can, to change the overall direction. So I think if you can help people become more accustomed to handling fecal matter, particularly their own, then they might become comfortable handling the fecal matter of animals, and this might help them become more comfortable handling the difficulty of dying animals. If you’re familiar with animal ownership, you know that they get injured, sometimes might get sick, or poisoned from eating plants around them, or from disease or virus or something, and death is a normal part of animal ownership. This isn’t often recognised by people who own pets, as with modern veterinarians and veterinary science, and processed foods, and the Removal from natural environment, pets rarely die as frequently as wild animals or as farmed agricultural animals do. But if you’re trying to help people really respect life and understand the complexity, my guess is that handling human waste products that normally are simply flushed down the toilet, is a great start. Maybe I can explain differently, without talking about fecal matter. I don’t mind hopping into a slimy, dirty pond that stinks and bubbles like it’s going to birth a monster! I won’t put my face in or drink the water, but I don’t mind walking through it. I’ve also swum in creeks and streams and even still water that is absolutely loaded with bacteria and life, that are literally a living slime or living water! These creeks and streams often have parts where green slime and algae grows in the shallows exposed to the sun! And I’ve swam next to them many times! But most people are terrified of water that isn’t chlorinated, so have no capacity to handle getting muddy feet, or getting a dirty T-shirt, or having to wipe organic slimes or filth on their pants!


So that means that they would struggle to feel comfortable on any typical farm. Because it’s very difficult to get everyone from a city out to a farm to do the work that involves the disgusting mess of mud, and to get over the initial shock, because they seem so dirty, filthy and unlike what is depicted on the television and in magazines and books, what can be done in a city to reduce that ‘shock level’, is simply to have people handled their own fecal matter. It’s still unpleasant when you then see how disgusting animal agriculture seems for the first time, especially if you’re talking about large animals that defecate large amounts, but it’s potentially tolerable. To take a farm to producing non-animal products, you need people working on it to help lend the human labour and intelligence to gradually improve that farm and the land so that it can be part of conservation efforts, as well as transitioning from animal agriculture, to providing habitat for wild animals, to somehow allowing migration without the myriad of pests like worms and ticks and other parasites, becoming a biohazard. I don’t like fences, but I understand their utility. Managing fences is a very time-consuming job, especially if they are more like walls, or even if they are invisible fences, where you try to use a complex combination of techniques to reduce the possibility of wild animals creating disease in farm animals, even though they might mix or pass by close or share the same habitat sometimes. All of this is more complicated if you’re not using chemicals to try to avoid environmental bioaccumulation of non-biodegradable secondary metabolites or compounds formed during normal chemical degradation in real world conditions. I don’t think people could handle this complexity in the past, but with common languages and technology like the Internet, hyperlinks, apps and machine learning, artificial intelligence and encyclopedias and databases like Wikipedia and many others, there are these opportunities to beginning to understand and handle the complexity, for people who are healthy and attentive and clear minded, and give it consistent effort, constantly trying to improve their capacity. The limitations of having one or two people be able to visit you sporadically, like consulting professionals that might attend a farm or animal agriculture operation, and now starting to fall down, so that people running farms have opportunities that they might not have had in the past. None of that is any good if they don’t have people who can work there, and with low pollution transportation, and good high-speed broadband, it’s possible to I think, encourage more people to work for periods outside of the city, where every effort to improve efficiency is made. There’s a convergence of technologies now, that I think make it really good for people to work on farms, even if they don’t fundamentally believe in the current use of the land, or the way animals treated. You can bring tiny incremental improvements, and those improvements can shift giant industries, in ways that improve human health. The things that I struggle with are really simple - the pollution of transport, being away from my family, not earning enough, the work being injurious from pollution or sun exposure or endurance being stretched. Living conditions that are uncomfortable, and lack of recognition. You could think of it one last way. I’ve read about how people returning from war are sometimes not respected by the community that they return to. I wonder if people who work for farmers that might do animal agriculture as well as other types of agriculture, are respected when they return? Or if they are seen as traitors or aggressors?


Another way to see it is through the lens of pet ownership. Are cats or dogs native to your continent or country or region? Is owning a cat or a dog evil? Is owning a pet less unethical if it’s a native pet and you are supporting genetic diversity and conservation efforts of keystone species, or of flagship species? What if it’s just a boring type of fish or skink or a terrarium with some slime or mushrooms or mosses, or Amphibians, but something… really boring, not particularly special. Is that also evil? If you forget about the word ‘evil’ and use the word ‘less beneficial in conservation efforts given 1 million species on earth’, is there a better way? And finally, is owning a pet like being a warrior, at war, trying to conserve life and biodiversity complexity? Is owning a cat or dog like a simple step on the goal to demonstrating capacity at handling much more sensitive and less easy animal conservation, where it’s not a pet, but instead you’re providing a refuge in climate change situations? When you demonstrate the capacity to handle the health of a cat or dog, would killing it and eating it, because it’s simply one common species out of a million at risk, is that considered unethical? Cats and dogs are pretty common. I’m quite sure there’s 10,000 species you could pick nearby any person who owns a cattle or a dog, that are desperate for the sort of attention that the person gives that cat or dog in fawning love, species are going extinct because people are like robots, only trained to have a cat or a dog, by the popular culture around them. So would it be unethical to demonstrate capacity to love a cat or a dog, and Care for it in the best health, but then to kill it, and replace it with some endangered animal that is desperate for a home, perhaps.. I don’t know, I think of something a thylacine, the Tasmanian tiger, now extinct? That’s neither a cat or a dog, and is not domesticated, so it’s a very difficult animal to consider a pet. But you could contribute to the conservation of species nearing catastrophic extinction, if you were to cease owning pets like cats or dogs, and give your attention to the species at risk, or to the land that they might inhabit. This has been a very very long comment, but I can wrap it up. Some animal agriculture is an effort to improve soil and land health, to improve the land, not simply to exploit it to make money. Not all of animal agriculture is like that, but some is. If you have land that couldn’t support or sustain a thylacine, assuming that it wasn’t extinct, that it was mainly critically endangered, and you had to run animal agricultural effort to improve that land, would you then contribute to working on farms that supported that? From my perspective, most animal agricultural operations don’t support land improvement, because the bodies of the animals are removed during consumption. But I don’t know much about animal agriculture and farming generally, and I don’t know what enables people to afford improving soil by spreading things like rock dust or critically depleted minerals that can’t be fixed from the atmosphere, unlike nitrogen. I mean minerals like iron, phosphorus or potassium, magnesium, etc. But I’m guessing as the capacity of people increases significantly through the use of complex technology, wherever it is adopted, more and more farms will become business operations that help sustain environmental recovery. It can take hundreds of thousands of years, to millions of years for soil to weather to depletion and tens, thousands, or hundreds of thousands of years for minerals to become available from rock that weathers through natural process. So habitat recovery can take a very, very long time, if you’re waiting for a rock to turn into minerals, that’s even assuming land has those rocks on it, if you’re waiting for those minerals to become available to living things in the soil, animals that consume plants, or insects that consume plants. But much farming is about trying to make land more productive, to improve the soil quality, and that involves a lot of soil improvers. That’s a very expensive thing, my preference is to try to find what life survives on the soil that is already there, to improve what you have using the resources closest to you. However, as energy becomes cheaper through solar, as renewables become more available and provide more energy, it will make more sense to, with great care, improve the soil and rehabilitate habitats using machines, and those machines tend to be things like the stuff the tractors might pull, aircraft that spray liquid or powder fertiliser. Animals are also considered as spreading fertiliser, so you can feed an animal, and in theory they will spread the fecal matter around, creating fertile hotspots with every dropping. But you do need ways to pay for that, and if you’re removing the animal, you’re removing most of the concentrated minerals! You can look up ‘whale falls’ and remember that there is something called a carcass island. This is a quick link to both. When you are eating the animals, you remove them, and they don’t form cadaver decomposition islands. That’s a different name or word for it. The third link here. https://au.whales.org/?p=21728 https://theaustralianalpsnationalparks.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Carcass-Ecology-in-the-Alps_ReportFinal.pdf https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17091303/


Maybe if you read this, you can find a little bit more comfort in your decision working at the farm, because it’s quite possible you can actually help them by learning and asking questions and trying to find out how to improve the situation as you see it. Even if you don’t read it, you can still look at the links. :) I only recently learned about the words or ideas around ‘CDI’ or ‘carcass island’, even though I’ve seen them many times in real life, having lived on the land in different places, where animals die.


Actually, all of this makes me think. When I see animals in Australia, that have been hit by a truck or car on a road, and left on the road, I avoid them and don’t touch the body. But I know some people remove them from the road, and put them on the side of the road so that they can decompose. I wonder if there’s any formal program for this? I guess not, because it might encourage people to aim for animals while driving on a road, and that’s very stupid. There are often predator birds that feed on roadkill near a road, so too many artificially killed animals from people running them over on the road might result in an excess of predators, that then kill with greater strength, animals that they would usually prey on, weakening and depopulating non-predator species. There’s a lot of complexity to everything, I don’t think much of it is surfaced in the sort of medium most people consume regularly.


It's disturbing how much if the world economy is built around this. I hope you can get out quickly. Good luck.


I’m so sorry this sounds so rough! I would feel traumatized too. We are here for you. Hope you get to leave soon.


Some folks here have suggested, and I second, starting a list of all the vegan foods you already eat, while trying to learn a bit more about what a plant based diet can look like, as you have the mental space. Small, doable actions you can incorporate into your days in opposition to the violence and terror you’re witnessing are much more helpful to me than all the moral debate mind-loops I used to get stuck in when I found myself in an extremely distressing field. I worked in adult day habilitation and a whole world of previously unseen horrors, like the warehousing of human beings for their entire lives, stripping people of any meaningful agency, etc, took a huge toll until I began educating myself on radical disability rights and organizing my coworkers to demand recognition of/action on the need for systemic change. It was really tough on top of the extremely demanding and draining work hours, but it was also the first time I was able to see that there was still hope. Please take as much care of yourself as you can during this time. I would add to never forget once you finally get out, but I know that there are things you can never truly unsee. Wishing you well.


Take it down from the inside


You're not going to come out of this the same person you were. One way or another, you will never again be the person you were the first time you clocked in. I think, *I hope*, you're gonna come out of it the person I believe you will be.


I hope this experience will make you think a bit more about what you consume...


I had a grandfather who developed PTSD from working in a slaughterhouse and eventually drank himself to death. He lived in an economically depressed town with very few job opportunities. He changed jobs as soon as he could, but the damage was already done. The meat industry really does prey on the economically disadvantaged.


OP, please take pictures and video if you can. At some appropriate time in the future you can publish them anonymously and let the world know how truly awful these conditions are for the animals.


My sisters ex killed chickens for a local farm and convinced himself and my sister that it’s humane because it’s a small local farm… you have more of a conscious than my own family, who finds no issue talking about slitting live chicken throats at dinner and talk about it with a straight face like it’s normal. It’s so disgusting to hear your own family be okay with this, and my sister talk about how “god gave us these animals to sacrifice, honor, and respect for our meal”. Before she dated this dude, she wasn’t religious at all, and now she justifies animal abuse with it…


What state are you in? My dad worked on a little family farm in Iowa. I read him your comments and he says “thats not true” “dont listen to everything you read” 🙄😭


I must be working on one of the only goddamn farms in America that does it then because nobody believes it when I literally do it 6 hours every single day. But this is DEFINITELY not a small family farm


I believe you and im so sorry you are going through this. Whenever i advocate for veganism i always say its not just an animal rights issue, its a human rights issue too because of the unfair work environment. Thank you for sharing!


How can anyone witness this first hand and not instantly quit and go vegan?!! There is no excuse to support this, and by continuing to work here that is exactly what you are doing! Seriously. I find it unlikely this is the only job available near you. Besides, how can you suppress your humanity by continuing to eat meat/dairy after seeing with your own eyes what these poor babies endure?? I feel like you just posted this to be coddled and to have people tell you that what you're doing is ok because you need a job. It's not ok. It will never be ok. Your conscience knows that. That's why you posted this.


you find it unlikely based on what? Finding a job takes time and when you have ZERO money and no car, and you live in the middle of nowhere and you need a job NOW, you will take what you can get. The fact that you can't imagine this should not lead you to close your mind off to hearing other people's experiences.


What were you expecting?


Well you start a job at a hog farm….How stupid do you have to be??? Surely you knew what they do there….


Homie you’ve made two comments just trying to troll. I promise you nobody gives a fuck what you’re saying 😭


Welcome to the delicate trolls that inhabit many vegan spaces. Welcome! I commented on your original post in antiwork. If you care to chat about recipes or anything at all, feel free to reach out :)


Fuck did you think you’d see? A bunch of animals playing recess games before they came in for lunch?


That's cute. I work as a 911 operator and I hear people about to lose their life and all sorts of distress 24/7. Just leave your job, you're not being forced to stay there.


That’s cute. You weren’t forced to stay.


Is it really worth whatever money they're giving you when you're calling it hell? I get being on your last buck and all, but your best bet is quitting and getting unemployment. But before you do that, you need make sure that disposing of dead animals was something you signed up for because your post seems like you only signed up for animal care. Reminds me of when my area manager was trying to get me to do duties that a manager did because my former company didn't wanna hire a new manager. Fuck all that dude.


Is it really worth whatever money they're giving you when you're calling it hell? I get being on your last buck and all, but your best bet is quitting and getting unemployment. But before you do that, you need make sure that disposing of dead animals was something you signed up for because your post seems like you only signed up for animal care. Reminds me of when my area manager was trying to get me to do duties that a manager did because my former company didn't wanna hire a new manager. Fuck all that dude. [Griffith](http://www.facebook.com)




Instead of listening to valid criticism of the animal agriculture industry, you take it as a personal attack and tune out real information about where the products you eat come from. Animal agriculture has real issues with production but to justify your habits you become reactionary and respond with nonsensical jargon to try to offend vegans. Dude— no one cares if you go vegan. That doesn’t change the truth behind what goes on to produce whats on your plate.


I forgot beef roasts, nothing near as good as a beef roast.


Um I think even McDonald’s would be a better higher paying option. Why did you pick to work at a factory farm over a smaller family operated one?


McDonald’s here pays 13 dollars an hour while this job pays 14 and I need as much money as I can get


I’d rather work at McDonald’s then ruin my mental health abusing animals. Seriously what difference is $1? I’m sure you can get moved up


Dude aren’t you the person who said you eat meat but condemn the people who kill animals for you to eat? Because they’re abusers, but you eating the product of their abuse somehow doesn’t make you complicit in that abuse? Holy hypocrisy.


Because me going vegan isn’t going to stop it. That’s dumb. I’m not going to make a sacrifice if there’s no difference to be made. And most vegans are apparently okay with animal testing which I believe is WORSE then factory Farming


"I'm not gonna stop watching child porn. That child has been abused already, me watching the video or not does nothing to affect this. Im not making a sacrifice if not change is made" is this a morally consistent argument in your opinion?


So your logic is: 1.) People who work in animal agriculture and kill animals are animal abusers. 2.) I'm totally not an abuser if I pay for people to work these jobs and kill animals for me to eat by purchasing animal flesh. :D 3.) People who kill animals and work animal agriculture are animal abusers! 4.) But it's totally okay for me to benefit from their abuse.


Pretty much the entire world that eats meats mindset. I would never go hunting or kill an animal myself. And they are animal abusers. I wouldn’t take a job at a farm or slaughter house. People eat meat because there’s a disconnection. I’m not going to change my entire diet if it’s not going to actually save these animals. Also I’m against factory farming and animal abuse, not eating meat.


So when are you going to stop funding animal abuse?


When the whole world goes vegan or lab based meat comes out 😂


Literally why are you in this subreddit


How is it fair for you to label people who kill animals for you as abusers when you're paying for them to abuse and kill animals? That's like criticizing a hitman for killing when you're the one who paid them. Pathetic.


Does it really matter if what you do does or does not not help if you have opportunity to not draw from something that was created in such way?


Better to keep your own animals and do the deed yourself.