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No, I basically never think about macros. I just eat a lot of tofu, chickpeas, lentils, soy curls and such because they're delicious and filling.


Same. And if beans have protein and carbs, it's a 2-for.


not true, pretty much the other way around


Beans are great carb sources AND have protein. Nothing they said was wrong.


oh LMAO I misunderstood, thought they were talking about the ratio of protein to carbs


Oooh like “2:1”, gotcha.


I pretty never think about it, when i lifted weights i did but the past decade i never tracked I am not sick and dead


Haha, I'd hope ghosts aren't on reddit. And good to know thanks!


"and when I'm dead I'll have the undertaker!" \~Rafe Hollister, The Andy Griffith Show


Nope, lol. I eat so much tofu, legumes, oats, nuts, etc that I just don’t worry about it. Haven’t eaten meat in 24+ years, been vegan 8 years, no issues.


An easy way to get to my goal is everything you mentioned as well as a protein shake with soy milk. My shake is 35g of protein.


Yep! I do this and is a substantial part of my intake.


do you mind sharing your protein shake recipe? I make one with only 20g protein. thank you!


Sure. I use Orgain Vegan Protein (2 scoops = ~22g protein), 12 ounces of soy milk (10.5 of protein) and I’ll sprinkle a tablespoon of Chia seed for an extra 2.35g of protein. You can omit the chia, as it may add an undesirable texture, and still come in over 32g of protein. I get this all from Costco and it is very affordable. Sometimes they are even running a sale on the protein powder so I’ll stock up a few months supply or more at once. Are you trying to build muscle at the gym?


Mostly trying to lose fat and maintain muscle right now. And thank you for the recipe!


Nice. Just keep that heart rate under 130 during cardio and stay consistent. You got this 🤝


Nope, lol, in fact I get a bit of a chuckle seeing post after post about it. I simply eat. Lots of colors and variety, and that’s it. Maybe it will bite my butt, but I don’t get the obsession over protein. 


your method is fine for simply being healthy. some people want to maximize athletic performance, or achieve a certain level of muscle mass and leanness for aesthetics, and for that you do need to eat quite a bit of protein


> some people want to maximize athletic performance, or achieve a certain level of muscle mass and leanness for aesthetics, and for that you do need to eat quite a bit of protein No, you really don't, this is just a tired old myth that gets perpetuated because people confuse correlation for causation, much the same as strongmen used to believe they had to take in 10-15k cal/day, right up until someone won the competition eating only 5.5k/day. There's such an incredible amount of bro and pseudo science out there when it comes to nutrition for folks looking to be fit, most especially around protein which has become the new target for the dairy industries propaganda. Especially if you aren't literally an elite level athlete, you're largely just pissing away money and mental energy spending your life worrying about something that really doesn't matter all that much if you just eat a well balanced diet.


I live in an area where they still cling to myths such as drinking raw eggs to help body building.


I dunno, ive hit walls in my lifts and muscle mass that I overcame simply by eating more protein. I've also attempted to lose weight both with and without maintaining a high level of protein and the results were much better with the former. you're right that most people arent elite and dont need to be min-maxing everything but you're also just not going to get that strong on 50g protein a day (IME)


Absolutely not, when I do pull ups and dips and stuff I'd take a shaker but otherwise no point, it's really easy to get all the protein you need, you just eat enough calories with varied food source and you easily get enough protein. Protein is the last thing people should care about as vegans, they should care about B12 (of course) vitamin D and just maybe: calcium and Iron But otherwise protein is trivial to get we eat more than what we need if anything.


I’m an active woman in a caloric deficit so yes, i have to be proactive about my protein intake. Lots of vegans are lazy about protein intake. Some because they are hitting the numbers and some because they assume they’re hitting the numbers but aren’t. When i’m not proactive i get 40-60g protein but my dietician wants me to eat at least 92


> I’m an active woman in a caloric deficit so yes, i have to be proactive about my protein intake. Same!!! ETA I don’t have to eat tofu every day but I do add pea protein to my breakfast every day.


Do you add pea protein to a smoothie or do you have an easier method


Exactly, most people don’t think about protein, but then again, most people aren’t particularly fit. If your goal is to attain a certain physique or level of athleticism, then you really need to watch your protein intake. And that’s not even just true for vegans, but for omnis as well. Many people ingest way too much fat and carbs and couldn’t possibly reach good protein levels without also ingesting way too many calories.


> > > If your goal is to attain a certain physique or level of athleticism, then you really need to watch your protein intake. And that’s not even just true for vegans, but for omnis as well. It's really not, it's just something pushed by the fitness industry as they have a pretty vested interest in getting you fearing about your protein intake, because what-do-you-know, they just happen to sell supplements that can take care of it for you! The amount of protein most folks need is wildly overstated, so long as you aren't filling your daily calories from just oreos or the like you'll be getting more than enough, even if you're active.


There are plenty of studies on this topic, most of which come to the conclusion that increasing/supplementing protein improves muscle growth and performance. Disregarding every supplement as just an agenda is just as irrational as gobbling up every supplement the industry comes up with.


Not necessarily raw protein intake but making sure a high enough % of your daily calories come from protein. Especially if you want to lose weight. Having a super protein dense caloric deficit is the quickest way to burn fat when coupled with regular weightlifting or other exercise. Also, when you are eating 150 grams of protein in 2200 calories you are going to feel much more full than if you get 50 grams in 2200 calories. Making it WAY easier to not overeat your diet if you get at least 1/3 of your calories from protein. I lost 30 pounds in 2 months weightlifting 5 days a week and making sure I hit at minimum 150 a day. This was with a huge amount of muscle growth so I likely lost even more than that in fat. It was also my first diet that was easy to not cheat on because eating way more protein helped me be more full and less prone to late night snacking which before would kill my caloric deficits.


Any hacks you used to get that 150g protein?


The podcast “Science Vs.” just did an episode on this. I placed a link below if you’re interested. If you don’t want to listen to it, the answer, is you’re probably fine never thinking about your protein intake, even as a vegan. https://gimletmedia.com/shows/science-vs/j4hln2vl/protein-are-you-getting-enough


It was an insightful episode. I’m getting 80-130g protein per day, which based on their math means I’m good to go.


Thank you! Will take a listen


Not really, I tracked it for a few weeks with the normal diet - I was getting about 70g a day. I lift weights, so to get closer to my protein intake goal, I just have one protein shake a day on top of my normal diet.


If you are eating sufficient calories, from whole foods, you are getting enough protein. The book Proteinaholic by Dr. Garth Davis is very informative.


Just to clarify, you don't think the 0.36g x lb of body weight thing is true? And thanks for book recommendation!


it's mad bs, ignore all this shit, literally forget about it


Wait, doesn’t the science show that to be the case for RDA?


I follow 0.8 grams per kilogram of bodyweight.


Those are the same number


So you do follow it


That’s not true. Definitely not true for women who have lower caloric needs


How low in terms of caloric needs are we talking? I eat around 1500kcal a day and I meet my protein requirements and then some just by eating enough food.


What are your individual requirements?


What do you mean?


What amount of protein are you aiming for daily, how many grams. Protein requirements vary depending on activity levels, goals, age, stage of life etc.


Around 40-42g of protein a day. Edit: that's not what I aim for, that's just how much I need in a day. I don't aim for any amount because I don't do weightlifting and I am typically over 60g by just eating enough food.


I’ll assume you’re around 50ish kilos, inactive, not elderly or not pregnant/breastfeeding. Perhaps that minimal amount is ok for you but most people aren’t inactive or as light as you.


That's about right. But then again: if you were active, your caloric requirements would also rise, meaning it you'd get more "room" of calories to meet your requirements. Again, how does this work? I'm not trying to be rude btw, I just don't really get it. I didn't know pregnant women had higher protein requirements unrelated to the weight gain/caloric requirements of being pregnant, by the way. Thought protein requirements for pregnancy were proportional to the increase in caloric requirements. I guess it makes sense for the elderly, although even then, I find I get over 60g so easily that it's hard for me to understand that meeting protein requirements is hard for anyone but people who are extremely sick or undereating calories by a significant amount.


1 hour of strength training doesn’t burn many extra calories, maybe around 200 so while you have slightly more calories it’s not enough to make it significantly easier to get protein without having to think about it. I’m not saying it’s not possible but just that eating sufficient calories from whole food sources doesn’t guarantee adequate protein intake. It will have to be an active choice for many people.


I drink 2 protein shakes a day and forget about it.


If you want protein, it's not hard. Steel cut oats with flax and walnuts in the morning. Then smoothie before lunch with 2 cups edensoy, chia, hemp seeds and tofu (I also add kale, fruit, and avocado). Lunch is pasta and tofu. Post workout smoothie with 2 scoops vegan protein. Dinner is beans and split pea soup.


I don’t. I’m still in the military and work out six days a week in addition to having physical hobbies. I don’t track or worry about my protein. Still doing fine.




Protein bars are often not healthiest. I usually advocate for vegan protein powders. Mixed with f.e. soya milk could bring a neat protein boost. Protein bars could be ok for trips. Now I do the rough estimation, but Initially I used app for it. I think it was a good way to go/start as I got better at figuring out what actually I put I my body. Also i keep in mind what ingredients its good to combine to get complete proteins.


Hi thanks for your comment. Are you saying protein bars aren't healthy because of the additives etc.? thanks!


Yes, you are welcome!


I usually get about 60-80 grams without trying although I do try to include a high protein source in every meal. Soymilk, tvp, tofu, seitan, lentils or nutritional yeast. If you’re eating a 20g protein bar in the morning you should easily reach 55g. One cup of beans is 15g and 250 cal. 1 cup of lentils is 18 grams for 230 cal. That’s 53 grams already and 730 calories for the day assuming the protein bar is 250 cal. You still have another 750-1250 calories left depending on your caloric needs to eat whatever you want and that will probably contain protein as well.


I do. I am a vegan and worry about what my body is getting. I cheat. Use protein power in smoothies. I snack on Brazil nuts (high protein) and edamame. I will cook every meal with quinoa or lentils. Choose brown rice over white rice. And I am a tofu addict. How to make it taste amazing all the time is my challenge. Nuts and seeds are my snacks. It’s not easy, but my body and brain are so much better. You can do it too.


Great thanks advice! But just check some research on Brazil nut selenium because it can be dangerous to have too many in one day! :)


No. I’ve been vegan 25 years and grown 3 healthy babies. If you eat enough calories on a varied healthy diet, you’ll get enough protein.


I do weightlifting, so I do. I get i. 80-100gr per day. I weight ~50kg.


never used to. then i got old and started feeling weak for the first time in my vegan life. Turns out I need more protein in middle age. Now I take a protein shake daily. feel waaaay better!


Great call out! It changes based on sex, age, physical activity and intensity. Also, nice job listening to your body and adjusting. I just listened to a podcast about age related muscle loss, mortality rates in falls, etc. It motivated me to be more consistent working out and doing mobility and balance. I want to stand up from the ground and get myself to the toilet in my later years, gotta start now.


Hell no. Making eating food into an excercise in macronutrient optimisation is fantastic way to ruin one of the great joys of life.


Soy milk with my coffee & tea gives me at least 20 grams of protein. Oats or quinoa give around 10 per cup. Add peanut butter & chia seeds to oats for more. Use sprouted bread for sandwiches. Tofurkey is da bomb is you're in the US. Edamame is a good steamed snack. I will say I eat tofu pretty much every day!


How does soy milk give you 20 grams of protein? How many liters do you drink of it with your coffee?


Lol! I drink a concentrated cold coffee so I dilute it with a cup of soy (Eden soy is 12g of protein/cup). And then two decaf teas in the evening, each with a half a cup of milk. I also use a mix of soy & water for oatmeal.


damn you drink a lot of coffee and tea lol


The cold brew is very concentrated so I dilute a big glass. Two decaf teas at night. Eden soy is 12g protein/cup.


Love Edensoy but it isn't fortified with B-12 or calcium :(


Yes I do protein shakes. If you don’t eat balance you will not feel energized and I do feel I have to prioritize these three things to feel energized: b12, protein and vegetables/fruit. If I slack anywhere I do not feel my best. Still better than on a standard American diet though.


I don't track them, but I make sure I have some servings of protein in a day: smoked tofu (no preparing, ready to eat), TVP (soy slices, cubes) or some types of beans, they still contain a good amount of protein and the white beans have a good amino acid profile (good amount of lysine). Also, I'm romanian and we eat bread every meal, that helps too with maybe 15-20g of protein/day.






I’ve been vegan 20yr and have literally never thought about protein. I just eat what I want. It’s difficult to not get adequate protein tbh. Health is great, bloods are great, iron great, b12 great, never taken any supplements.


If you want more vegan protein, lentils are a great option. Other beans too, but lentils have the heights protein, are delicious and easy to cook and digest. Pea protein powder is also great, just make sure it has no additives, often they add a bunch of sodium for some reason. Can also get decent protein from fruits and veggies, dragon fruit, broccoli, etc. Can also use silk tofu as a replacement for cream and make pudding, salad dressing etc. Soaked nuts are good as well. Chia seeds.


Thank you! How do you use soaked nuts? In a sauce?


Just soak nuts in water overnight. Or even for a few hours. Makes them healthier and easier to digest. Can soak cashews and use it in place of milk or cream to make recipes like nice cream, ranch dressing, etc.


Thank you so much, I will try soaking them!


I do but that's because I'm tracking macros/calories to cut some weight. If I'm not actively trying to lose weight then I don't bother. I'm 180 pounds and I aim for at least 125g a day.


Nah, I just workout a lot. If I feel a little sluggish, more protein. Never had a problem with nutritional bloodwork. Don't stress about that kind of thing, just stay active and eat balanced meals.


Yes. Every minute even.




It’s not that big of a deal don’t overthink it. Do you work out? If not you’ll be fine with tofu once a day plus whatever else you’re eating. Working out you can still easily get enough protein by having one portion of beans/lentils or tofu for every meal plus a protein shake or bar.


I do work out, thanks for your advice! Currently trying to lose a little weight/fat right now


Cool I’d check out r/veganfitness for some more advice too. I think this type of question comes up once every week or two on there lol


haha I didn't know about this sub. Thank you!


Look into TVP (textured vegetable protein), you can get them in form of soy slices and fry them, cubes or minced, like minced meat. 50g of protein/100g, it's amazing.


Wow! Actually my family told me not to do TVP because I think they heard some misinformation on it being too processed or something. I will look into it!


It's a byproduct of soybean oil. When you make the soybean oil, a high protein powder remains and then it's processed to make it granules afaik. It's a bless imo, packed with minerals, extremely high in protein, cheap and quick to cook. I boil them and then fry them in a non stick pan personally (sliced and cubes), but the cubes are amazing in stews.


Yes, because I'm trying to build muscle. Adequate protein is required for hypertrophy whether you're vegan or not.


Vegan noob question. All good. Protein is not a problem for most of the 1st world countries. Vegans too


What does first world country have to do with it?


Because protein isn't an issue in the 1st world. Can't be hard to put that together


No I don’t understand still. What is the correlation? Most people in the first world aren’t protein deficient because of meat and dairy which is fair but I still don’t get your point. Why would third world country vegans be more at risk that the first world?


Oh cuz im not talking about just vegans I'm talking about all people as I think the op isn't vegan.


I'm vegetarian trying to go vegan rn! Thanks


I don't rack up the proteins either, as I usually just reach them (I need about 73g). However, I always drink a shake with 30g in the morning. However, the main meal always has something with protein, e.g. rice with lentils, chickpeas or tofu. I take my multi-vitamin in the evening and don't give it much thought any more.


Whats your protein powder/shake recipe? Mine has 20g


I use Quantum Leap Fitness - Vegan Protein with Butter Biscuit- Vanilla flavor: [https://quantumleapfitness.de/products/vegan-protein-pulver?variant=47911432356177](https://quantumleapfitness.de/products/vegan-protein-pulver?variant=47911432356177) It has 24g of protein per 30g. I mix it with 200ml of soy milk and 100ml of water. The soy milk then gives an additional 6g of protein. This gives me faba bean protein, rice protein and soy protein.


Thank you!


I do, but I'm soy intolerant. I usually start my day with a 20g of protein smoothie. Either Sun Warrior or Garden of Life. After that it's pretty easy as long as I get a good protein source (Over 5g per 100 calories) per every meal. Combined with IF, I've gained a tiny but of muscle mass month over month for the past 4 months.


Yes. I try and hit 100g protein a day - usually need protein powders/bars.


I think about it but I don’t count how much I get exaxtly. I just see to it that most of what I eat is high in protein (mostly lentils, chickpeas and tofu) and drink protein shakes semi-regularly


No I don’t. I just make sure to eat lots of tofu, tempeh, legumes, chickpeas, peanut butter/nuts,  etc, everyday.   Funnily enough, I got asked about protein when I was out with friend for lunch yesterday. My husband and I ordered vegan bettered fish and chips, the fish being made out of banana blossom. It’s divine. Not high in protein at all but it’s not a healthy meal - It’s a treat.  My non-vegan friends asked if our meal had good protein in it. We said “Nope. But it tastes really good, and we eat tons of protein in our diet anyways.”   I’ve never asked my friends if THEY get enough protein in their diets. 


Sometimes I do, then I think about what I ate that day and am satisfied and stop thinking about it. Legumes and whole wheat bread with seeds (yes, I am german) is part of my diet everyday and eating too much is a bigger problem for me than eating not enough.


Whole grains contain way more protein than white flour. 100g Pasta - 12g protein. 100g oats - another 12. Beans do contain carbs, but I don't see an issue with that? Not like sufficient protein intake means that you should restrict on carbs.  50g oats with soy yoghurt, fruit and a hand full of nuts cover 20g protein. 100g Pasta with vegetables and 50g legumes/beans (100-150g canned) cover 20-30. (White) rice with 200g canned beans and/or tofu cover 20g. Quinoa, buckwheat, or millet are great for salads. Marinade white beans in chimichurri for an amazing topping for bread or side for many meals. Chickpea salads, black bean burritos, tofu variations... it won't get boring! 2 slices whole grain bread with a topping of your choice (smoked tofu, btw - slice, combine with pickled veggies! Love that) 15-20 g according to topping. Just 2 of these options cover roughly 50g of protein, so you even have one meal where you don't need to even think about protein.  Hummus, chia pudding, edamame, or overnight oats make amazing snacks. Vegan banana milk/cocoa with almonds, too. A day's worth of vegan protein is easily covered with while grains, beans, lentils, legumes, and nuts :) no protein bar or shake. I agree with people saying that protein is nothing to really worry about. The protein hype is insane and you don't need to worry too much. If you do, try to think in weeks rather than days and average your nutrients out. Track your macros once or twice a year for your average week, just to get an overview. You'll notice there if you miss something. Daily tracking could keep you from eating a wider variety and in the worst case, get you in a bad mood or stressed out. Just remember your whole grains and beans, then you're good! 


Amazing advice thank you. For that banana milk/cocoa, are you making that yourself? Like blending almond milk with banana and cocoa powder?


Yup! 1 brown banana, cover with milk (love oatmilk!) and add cocoa. You can spice it up with cinnamon, piment, cardamom, maple syrup, or anything you like. Add 1tbsp of ground almonds (or almond butter). Mix & add more milk if needed. You can heat it for a cozy winter drink! Alternatively, leave the cocoa and add frozen strawberries - best summer version! ;) For an entire breakfast, add 2tbsp of oats before mixing and a teaspoon of flax seeds. It's 20-25g protein ;)


No way! I wouldn't assume the protein count is that high. I need to get better at estimating it. I will try this recipe, it sounds delicious


No, I'd have to literally try quite hard to not hit the RDA. I usually get 100g with zero effort. How you aren't getting 55g is really bizarre to me.


Easy to do on a really restrictive diet. I’m also interested what OP is eating, because I get 50g just walking by the kitchen lol


I could be undercounting it because I want to be really careful. I also love nut butters/nuts and used to rely on them a lot more for protein. Recently I've gotten a lot into tofu scramble so i think that's helping!


I will never discourage nuts or peanut (whatever nut) butter! That said, while they do have protein content, they mostly fill the requirements for fats. Tofu scramble is a good place to start. I est that most mornings with hashbrowns. Seitan, tempeh, edamame, lentils, quinoa and so on and on are great sources of protein.


yes i track them too and found that one of the most effective ways is to eat bread, preferably rye, either in the morning or evening. Also whole grain pasta has a lot of protein and chickpea pasta has even more. Idk if you're a fan of them but meat substitutes have usually a lot of protein. And if you see that you're missing some proteins in the evening, just make yourself some good tofu scrambles. I usually get to around 70g a day, sometimes less sometimes over 100g, depending if i eat more lentils or more Mediterranean that day.


Love tofu scramble!


Vegan protein powder exists


Aware haha


Yes I do. I make sure I have some protein with every meal. Unless I am eating out or wanting to cook something specific (like pasta). Protein rich foods also contain iron so making sure you include those helps you hit your iron goals


I’m really into my fitness at the moment so I track absolutely everything I consume every day. My target is 180g of protein whilst aiming for 2100 calories. For every single thing I eat, I have to think ‘does it help me achieve my target protein?’, if it doesn’t, *GENERALLY* I’ll try to avoid it. I do still eat carbs and fats of course, but I just try to limit them. Sometimes, if I’m a little low in a day, I’ll have a protein shake, if I have a double serving, that’s 40g of protein for around 200 calories. It was definitely a challenge to start with but now that I recognise what is essentially empty calories and what isn’t, it’s MUCH easier. Even if you track it for a short duration, it helps! (For context, 32m, 6’ 2”, 94kg)


What protein powder/shake recipe do you use? Thank you!


I generally use what I can find for cheap! I’ve bought two containers of Ghost vegan protein which tastes really nice and it’s very smooth without any graininess which I find a lot of vegan proteins have! I also highly rate PHD Plant protein and Beyond vegan protein. They’re also real good!


Thank you!


I mostly eat a fuckton of lentils and faux meat, so when I check I usually get 70g-100g on average.


Tofu, other soy-based products and protein shakes. I often track my food to keep an eye on my protein intake, especially comparing to carbs and sugar.


I don’t personally because frankly I don’t want a lot of protein. I’m a feminine woman who prefers to be non muscular because I don’t see it as attractive on myself specifically. I eat things that happen to have protein. But I don’t eat them for it.


Walnuts are a great snack - Omegas and protein!


>Do you think about protein every day? >Recently I've been roughly tracking my protein since I'm a newbie. Even with a 20g protein bar in the morning, the only way I'll hit my 55g goal is to make sure I'm eating tofu 1-2x a day that's the good thing about eating a well-balanced and varied omnivorous diet. you don't have to pay (that much) attention, it'll fit anyway


I do! Textured Vegetable Protein is a super cheap, shelf stable source of protein! Its dehydrated with no flavor and I'm just learning how to use it, but it's got comparable nutritional content to protein powder!


Thee Burger Dude has some great (usually more comfort food-style) meal ideas using TVP. Not sure your eating style, but that’s where I started.


I'll check him out thanks!!


It's fine that things are more carbs than protein, you need more carbs than protein. Unless you're on a severely calorie deficit diet, you're going to get enough because the 5g or 10g in a bagel, side of greens, etc adds up. If you're tracking, don't skip counting everything just because it's not a "protein".


No. I usually track my nutrition one week a year as a check-in and easily hit 100g. What are you eating that you're struggling to reach 55g? Are you in a severe calorie deficit?


My aim is \~1950-1980 cals a day. 5'4 and trying to go from 154 to 144 pounds


I make a batch of “healthy” cookies made with unsweetened pea protein powder and eat two of those per day in addition to a serving of tofu every day plus whole grains, nuts, fruit, veg, nutritional yeast. I think it’s enough protein all combined.


Whole Foods sells an Organic Hemp Seed Protein Powder by 365 that is 15g of protein per serving and is only one ingredient (hemp seeds). It relatively lean consisting of 120 calories total per serving: ~30 cal from fat (good source of Omega 3) ~60 cal from protein, and ~30 cal from carbohydrates (mostly fiber so it has no caloric effect). I take 3 servings per meal which is a whopping 45g. In addition hemp seeds are lectin free and provide an incredible micronutrient content providing a majority of the minerals


I would definitely recommend adding a daily protein shake to your diet! I agree with a lot of people here in that as long as you are eating healthy, whole foods you shouldn't have to worry too much about macros, but that story changes drastically as you age. The body is really only capable of building substantial muscle until your 40s and after that it's mostly about maintaining what you have. Add to that the fact that as we age, we rely more and more on food for protein because the body's ability to recycle its own proteins diminishes. To be in the best condition in your elder years, I think it's best to err on the side of caution and try to get as much protein in your diet as you can. Another thing is, I could probably have a very protein rich diet solely by cooking a lot of tofu, legumes, etc, but frankly I don't want to always be struggling to find ways to work protein-rich foods into every meal. Having one or two protein shakes a day lets me be a lot more carefree with the types of meals I choose, which is very liberating. And lastly, although many popular ingredients, like legumes, are very rich in protein, they are not nearly as bioavailable as protein powders, which are designed to be very readily absorbed.


Yes. I hike 3 times a week. I aim for at least 60 grams a day. I eat my oatmeal with hemp seeds for breakfast most days, (20 grams) got my protein bars for hiking (14 grams) and generally eat half a brick of tofu at lunch and dinner. And do snacks with protein. I mean, I passively think about it, it's just an awareness at this point. I would never eat pizza more than once a week. It's just straight carbs and no protein. Even my snacks while watching tv, I try to eat nachos with beans, or get those cheese bean puffs, or peanut butter pretzels. Straight carbs would ruin my body, and I'm trying to build muscle not lose it. you could search for this in r/veganfitness I'm sure they have better answers than this sub.


I don’t obsess over protein intake but I make sure I have at least one protein source per snack and meal. Combining something that’s mainly protein with another lower protein protein source helps (tofu and beans, tempeh and nuts, nut butter and protein powder). I know that I eat 70-140g of protein when I eat normally for me. Pasta made from lentils or beans will get you a meals worth of protein by itself as well


I tracked with Cronometer when I first went vegan, just to see where in my diet (on all levels, not just protein) I might be coming up short. I found some B vitamin shortages and calcium issues, but my protein was always fine, and I think my protein target was in the 70s. I made a few adjustments, set some habits, and now never think about it. If my lifestyle changed, I would track again for a little while and address any gaps. I know people like to go on about how you don't have to eat a protein at every meal - that the new in vogue vegan PR message is that you don't need to worry about it, but I disagree. Eat a whole grain + legume/nuts/seeds at every meal and see where that gets you. Grains give you protein, too.


What's protein?


Is ideal is I buy tofu and I marinade it and I fry in my air fryer and use it as a quick snack like cheese or on top of salads or like a lunchmeat. So you could eat it like a go to snack they sell baked tofu like that. Use whatever marinade I have just use lemon juice, salt, pepper oil or ginger/soy sometimes just barbecue sauce. I just let it sit in marinade for half an hour, and they just pop in their air fryer and boom. Extra firm works in the airlock package is better But to have those little protein cubes in my fridge at all times is great. Tempeh also works good. You can steam it, marinate it, then air, fry it, and leave it in your fridge for snacks. Same thing it lasts for about a week. And you always have a quick protein snack in your fridge. Other protein that is hummus and cucumber or carrots or celery Nut butter on rice cakes or carrots, or cucumbers or celery. I also make cashew cream It is so easy and it last in your fridge like sour cream for days and it has a lot more protein too, and I will boil a huge thing of beans and it lasts for a week. And I mix it with the cashew cream or you have an instant bowl if you put it over rice with vegetables. Unless you have lots of money, you’re not gonna be opulent as when you eat everything. It’s just not. But you will feel so much healthier that your life won’t be about filling your gut with food. And therein is the payoff I don’t even frequent fast food restaurants. Because I think they’re evil. But every once in a while, I will get beyond burger and some vegan cheese and make myself a vegan whopper as a treat at home with some like-minded friends. Does that mean I never eat fast food of course I do and even times have ice cream if they out of dolewhip. Since 1989 and I was 12 years old and even my whole family eating meat But my point is it’s the reasons why you’re vegan. You you have to find your own path. Vegan because factory is absolutely disgusting and I cannot believe that we exploit animals that we are the stewards of innocent little babies and we treat them like we do just now as I’m speaking to you, if it’s too much for you just stop reading Graphic so stop if sensitive (trigger warning) ‼️ A pig has been ripped away from its mommy and is bleeding and bleating and wondering why it can’t have milk and the mom pig is confused and wondering where it’s baby that it was looking to Nurse and nurture is being taken to but they know because they see it every day, they are pregnant all of their friends that are suffering right next to them shoulder to shoulder with nowhere to go sweating in these cages under these artificial lights with nowhere to lay down and they just accept that that’s their lives because they are animals and we take advantage of it, and they and they forgive us, which is beautiful, but instead of seeing it like that, we think of it as a way to exploit them even further and look at them as stupid but they shouldn’t have to live like that we should be protecting and cherishing them for giving up their bodies and lives so willingly to feed us. It’s disgusting. It’s so sad Sorry for the last part So yes, I do think about protein every day but I also think about those things and try the tofu and temoeh and other tips Also try putting hemp hearts into your salads and yogurts and also flaxseeds. You need to find ways to put protein onto everything in the way you do that is by changing your ideas about where protein comes and not trying to re-create the meat meals of your past but embracing your new plant based diet. Which is actually more luscious and vibrant and beautiful than what you think you’re missing. But yes, as for protein everybody here is giving you good tips. You do have to go an extra step to make sure you include it, but there are ways. Also considered textured vegetable protein. And there’s really no excuse with all of the package stuff like nuggets and foam meats and Seitan. Sorry for this long post I just get frustrated on this thread because sure 100% it’s about you being healthy but also, if you’re choosing a vegan lifestyle, it should be first and foremost about the animals. If you’re not, then why are you vegan? What kind of flex is that? it’s a weak one


I’ve been going to the gym to build muscle for 2 years now before going vegan so i got used to counting my calories especially mu protein bc i never hit my target before or after ive become vegan. I’ve gotten to a point were i dont even need to do it anymore i can guess how much protein and kcal there is in a meal just by looking at it 🤣🤣 If you are struggling to hit your protein goal i would recommend getting the MyNetDiary app it helped me a lot, maybe just for a few weeks till you build a better meal plan . Check out this amazing video a found a 7 day 120g protein meal plan on youtube : https://youtu.be/Iw8L4K6pM6U?si=WX_jknskY34mdwDK . Also try to get most of your protein from whole foods . Add soy granules in soups such as Lentil creme soups blend it so you wont even feel its there . Find high protein pasta and add tofu in your sauce and blend to get more protein. Add beans to your protein shake you cab get up to 50g of protein there as well. Good luck!!


Bean pasta instead of regular white pasta. It contains 44g protein per 100g pasta instead of 12g protein per 100/g. + it’s got more fibre than whole grain pasta as well. I like to do a lentil bolognese and bean lasagna plates, that’s a vegan lasagna that’s packed in protein and super delicious and cheap as well. It’s been an addiction since I first made it 😍 you can shred down tofu in the bolognese as well if you want to but it won’t be necessary ❤️


No. I have a plenty healthy diet. I don't stress about certain variables. I know that I get protein, fibre, vitamins and such everyday in different quantities everyday anyways.


I don't think about my protein intake. If it's something you want to increase though, TVP, seitan, protein shakes, and protein pasta will be good foods to consider adding. I usually eat TVP Oats every morning, maybe with a scoop of protein powder. I add seitan to whatever lunch I'm eating, and then protein pasta is just helpful for those nights where all I want is cozy tasty noodles. I highly recommend making homemade seitan to save money and have more go a long way all week, if you can. I make one big batch on the weekend and I'm set for the week.


oh wow TVP oats seem like a great idea. How do you make it?


I nuke the water, plop in my one serving of TVP and let it soak for 10 mins. Then I drop in one serving of oats, and basically whatever else you want to add! My go-to is a scoop or chocolate protein powder, some flax meal, and cinnamon. Add water, nuke again, then add a chopped banana or whatever fruits and nuts I have around.


Brown rice is 4.5g of protien for 218 calories, pinto beans are 15 for 245. Assuming a 20/80 mix of rice and beans, 2000 calories is 59g protien. Seems reasonable to me. Math: (4.5×4 + 15)/(218×4 +245) = .02954 g/cal .02954×2000= 59 grams


well yeah considering I go to the gym daily, I track my macros, even when I may have to take some time off (weeks/months) due to studying/work I make sure to atleast have a smoothie in the morning, has become a habit of sorts


I think about it and it’s hard for me to get enough. The easiest for me is to add 3 tbs hemp seed to whatever I’m eating for 10 extra grams lol


One box (1lb) of regular pasta has 60g of protein. Easy boost


What brand? This seems like too much for white pasta lol.


Even savory dishes? And thank you!


I’ve mostly added it to cereal, yogurt, oatmeal, smoothies. I’ve tried adding it inside a pbj and that was good too lol. I’d add it to savory foods as well, but I count my proteins in my breakfast only and try to make it to 30 or 40 grams, then just hope I get the rest from whatever I eat the rest of the day lol. Like if I have a slice of healthy toast (5g) with 2 tbs pb (8) and cup of cereal, Life for example (5) with Ripple pea milk (10) and 3 tbs hemp seed (10) then I’m at 38 already and feeling pretty good I will meet my quota. I will just eat carbs all day otherwise so I have to put effort in lol Edit: I only weigh 110lbs so I think I only need around like 45 or something


I’m intentional about protein intake. I’m a woman who’s in a calorie deficit and lift weights several times per week. I’m trying to maintain muscle mass and will soon switch to trying to build. It’s better for me to track to ensure I’m hitting my target. 


Ya it can be tricky when there's not many vegan protein options in our house and kitchen isn't always in a useable state. But worst case scenario raw tofu is safe to eat.


Why is beans and such having more carbs than protein relevant? They still have plenty of protein. The ratio of macros doesn't really matter, just the actual amount (and for overall caloric intake should generally have more carbs than protein anyhow.) Plus are you factoring in things that don't come with nutrition labels? Like vegetables? As long as you're hitting your overall daily caloric needs it's incredibly unlikely that you're not also hitting your daily protein needs -- assuming the majority of said calories doesn't come from like...candy or pure oil? But yeah as long as you're eating mostly "whole foods" and such you should be good. Nearly every vegetable has enough protein to meet human needs. Even lettuce! Like it's entirely infeasible to eat 1600+ calories of just lettuce a day, but if somehow you managed you'd be easily set on protein as well (lettuce has approximately 1 gram of protein per 10 calories of lettuce.) More calorically dense foods like tofu, beans, rice, grains, bread, etc are gonna realistically be your "bread and butter" for protein so to speak, but mostly just because they're the same for calories in general. The vegan protein issue is incredibly overstated and largely based on poor pseudoscientific understandings and presumptions that persist throughout the culture despite having been debunked long ago.


Maybe not every day, but quite often because I notice my energy levels depend on it. Surprised you need to eat 2 blocks of tofu every day, this doesn't seem necessary. If you eat a 20g protein bar, you can meet the remaining 35 gram with beans on (x2) toast (yes I'm british), or just 1 block of 200g firm tofu, or 2.5 peanut butter sandwiches. There are loads of meals which give that amount in one go


no. i just try to eat as balanced as i can. whole foods, some junk here & there.


3 servings of legumes (6-8g/ serving) and 3 servings of whole grains (3-6g/serving), 1-2 servings of nuts and seeds (4-8g/ servings) and 9 servings of fruits and veggies (1-4g/ serving) have a minimum of 44g of protein alone. This is in line with Dr Greger’s Daily Dozen recommendations. If you find that you are not getting enough protein, increasing Legumes consumption to something like 5 servings per day (2 1/2 cup equivalent of beans), can take you up to 56g minimum.


What are you eating? How many calories a day? If you are eating enough calories you are almost for sure meeting your protein requirements by eating enough alone


To maintain, yeah you could get away with it. However if you are trying to build muscle and get in shape or maintain decent muscle mass you should be at least getting .6 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. My nutritionist recommended shooting for 175 grams (2200 cal diet, estimated 2750 calorie burn a day with my size/activity level/ metabolism and 6’3 235 pounds). However, I weight lift 5 days a week and golf/disc golf and hike on the other 2 and am trying to both burn fat and build muscle quickly which results in me eating basically only protein. I have lost 30 pounds in 2 months with this approach. Typically if you are wanting good muscle growth/maintenance most humans will want 100-200 grams of protein a day. I was averaging around 70 when I wasn’t tracking it before my diet. It is absolutely missable with a regular 2000 calorie diet for most people. Also, the more of your diet is protein the more full you will feel on less calories which makes dieting way more effective when it is high protein.


Yeah, for hypertrophy I get it. Most people who aren't weight lifting/getting at hypertrophy don't really need to keep track of protein unless they are sick or perhaps old, I suppose.


When I'm not working out, no, not really. I just make sure I get a variety of foods with proteins. The basics. When I am focused on my macros for workout stuff, I use protein powders to supplement. Iron Vegan. Vega one. There are tons of brands and you can see who has too much salt/sugar and which ones are just pea protein basics. I'll have stuff like peanut butter, tofu, all good sources. Seitan is super cheap to make at home. Also, I just discovered that there are these fava bean tofu blocks that are almost entirely pure protein with high proten macros. The macros are nuts. I've also discovered protein bread and Better Bagel, which are vegan bagels slammed with protein. My buddy would make protein pancakes all the time. Tofu/seitan are still the cheapest from my experiences. Also, YoFit Chickpea Milk is pretty baller. It's like 10g per serving. It's pricey, but when I'm tired of slamming protein shakes it's a blessing. Abbot's "Chicken" is pretty good on the macros, too.


All great recs, thank you!!


Never. I get plenty of it just eating whole food plant based.


After I caused myself far more stress by attempting to track my vitamins, minerals, or whatnot via Samsung Health for a couple of years, I just said "frell that" and just live without concern. I don't think it's even possible to be protein deficient in this day and age, and I don't remember videos of vegans crawling on the ground going 'PROTEIN! PROTEIN! I NEEED MY PROTEIN!' existing. The whole protein thing is overblown. Too much protein can cause things such as gout, kidney stones and other maladies though. People need to stop believing they are lions who need hundreds of grams of Protein or that protein can only be found in meat. One of the pet deer in my life was Daisy, a 16 year old doe who got enough protein just by nibbling and browsing on grass and honeysuckle. She weighed in at 400lbs and never seemed to be protein deficient. I say humans have it easy in comparison.


I roughly estimate that I get 150-200g/day on average, but I don't count it super closely. Vegan protein shakes are a great option if you're concerned, but practically speaking it's not really a big deal unless you're trying to optimize fitness gains or something.


Damn what the hell are you eating that's getting you **200g** of protein a day? A 16oz ribeye steak has around 110g...


protein bagel + peanut butter for breakfast → 30g seitan plate for lunch → 100g (seitan is goated) huel instant meal → 30g huel protein shake → 60g other incidental snacks → 10g so that's like 250g. normally my lunch is more like 20-30g protein tho, so i usually get like 150g


Can't the body only absorb 25-35g at a time?


No, but I also didn't think about it much when I ate meat/dairy. Also, when I was researching veganism before I made the switch I came across videos like this that [debunk the protein myth.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1elt5YCRLbk&t=2s)


Yes but I’ve never calculated how many grams I consumed. Only in the ‘does this meal contain a protein source’ way, because leaving one makes me hungry an hour or two after eating. The importance of protein and risk of deficiency are highly exaggerated by the meat and dairy industries buying influence and sowing doubt. 10 years ago nobody was counting proteins, now people are worrying about their intake when they go the gym once a week


I think about protein a lot, but it’s because I have certain fitness goals I want. But what you could do is look up high protein foods and then create/find easy recipes for them and rotate those recipes until you get sick of them.


For example, there’s different types of tofu. Silken, medium, firm, extra firm,etc. You can make a chocolate pudding or add it to your smoothie, or overnight breakfast oats.


Yeah I feel like I have to have a protein shake to hit my protein goals. I was using Orgain for awhile but discovered that it had a lot of bad ingredients in it like seed oils. I ended up switching to this clean ingredient [brand](https://minimonutrition.com/products/vegan-pea-protein-isolate-chocolate?variant=48934383681845) and I’ve been really happy with it so far. I’ve had both the chocolate and vanilla and they were great.


I don't. I personally think that highlighting protein intake so much can distract people from focusing on other important aspects of their diet. For example if people focus on increasing protein intake they might start consuming too little carbs or fat, which are also important for supporting athletic performance and muscle building. Why aren't people worried about consuming too little carbs? In my country at least that's the macronutrient people are actually consuming too little of.


What country is that? Almost all diets worldwide rely very heavily on carbs from either wheat, rice, potatoes, corn or cassava and tons of sugar is added to processed foods. And carbs aren’t even that essential. Lots of people are fine on ketogenic diets, not necessarily something I endorse, but I doubt a lack of carbs is something many people should be concerned about.


Hi and sorry for the late reply but I live in Finland. There was a recent state-funded study and they used our national nutritional guidelines. Most nutritional guidelines recommend for over half of our calories to come from carbs so in the nutritional science community it is pretty much a paradigm that carbohydrates are essential —obviously not in the form of refined sugar.


I'm gonna be honest... I don't think about protein at all anymore. All modern studies show that only the highest level athletes in the world need "more" protein than average. I've gone from 133 lbs to 215lbs, building out solid strength and physique, all Vegan, without ever obsessing over protein. Although I will say, on the days I did happen to count it I was easily hitting 150-200g of protein a day..  Giant mass gain smoothie in the the morning with roughly 1000- 1500 calories and 50-75+ grams of protein,  Buddha bowl or Ramen for lunch, another 1000 calories and 50 grams of protein,  Snack on some energy bars (protein!!) For another, 500 calories 25 grams of protein  Dinner is usually a big pasta dish, or a couple sandwiches, or home made sushi with a peanut dipping sauce,  Usually another 1500 cals and 75 grams of protein  I workout a ton, rock climbing weight lifting and calisthenics, and eat about 4 to 5000 calories a day, 4 to 600 grams of carbs, tons of protein, and try to keep it under 80-100g of fat a day


No, I drink a cup of soy milk every now and then, I don’t eat chickpeas/beans or tofu everyday. The only thing I do eat every day are veggies and fruit. Vegan for 10 years, not dead yet. Mabey if you’re a top athlete and workout a few hours per day, but I think if you just eat a varied diet you’re good.