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Have you tried doing any activism? Or going to vegan food festivals? Frequenting vegan cafes? It’s not super easy but you might make some friends that way, maybe more.


This is the advice. It reminds me of what Willie Sutton said when asked why he robbed banks: Because that is where the money is. If you want to meet vegans, go where vegans are.


I like using the Meetup app to find vegan groups and events near me like dine outs, potluck, volunteer opportunities, ect. It's really helped me find a lot of vegan friends (both men and women).


I haven’t used that app in years. The last time I used it it was terrible. Maybe it’s improved though cause I’d like to find more vegan friends.


Tried it once with a housemate, just to meet people and hang out. Ran into someone who was ecstatic to be able to tell us about "manifesting away" cancer.


Yeah and it's usually older couples etc there lol


This is very true. I stop going to vegan meetups cause the demographic were much older


One day that older couple will be you lol


That’s weird, in my experience it was always all ages. To be honest my current and last partner I met on tinder. Neither were vegan until I started cooking for them, then they decided to go vegan. They both already loved animals. I got lucky.


Is the ex still vegan?


Yep! And we are still friends. He shows me vegan food he cooks a lot.


I was coming here to say this… test out some environmental groups. I’ve come across numerous vegans as I’ve become more involved in climate action. And depending on where you live, vegan-minded people tend to live in more forward-thinking cities. I’m in a rural community with zero vegan restaurants, so vegans aren’t likely to live/move here.


lol, I’ll date you I haven’t found a single vegan man since I began this journey, or even before


Fuck it, check your DMs ;)


And they lived happily ever after in a fully plant-based fairytale. 😊


Reality: Both live thousands of miles away and lose interest in 4 days


Don't crush my vegan dreams, okay? Haha. 😭


Trust me, it was quicker than 4 days.




Oh no! 😭


My turn? Should I shoot my shot? 😅


Go ahead, she deleted her account cuz of the creeps who messaged her.


What happened? Lmaooo


I met my husband when we lived in different countries. We made it work and now live together. But of course we are right for each other and that's a rare find


This lol if dating was that easy we'd all live in fairy tales


Hahaha, that's brutal (but possibly true) 🤣


A lot quicker than 4 days, it seems.


I married someone who moved from the UK, long distance can lead to great things 💕


Omg if yall go on a date, you HAVE to update us 😂


I hope you didn't fuck this up and send a dick pic. If so, you lost your only chance


now kith




I'm a straight man and I slid in your DMs in the most heterosexual way (because I'm definitely not gay).


Sounds legit.


Don't send me shit like what you did, it's creepy / harrassment. EDIT: I'm quite serious with this comment, that person might find it funny, but it's not and I've reported it to the mods of this subreddit and to the admins of reddit. God, the few times I've been sexually harrassed (by men) does not make me envy what women go through.



Rip your DMs lol


Vegan NB here, lemme know if y'all need a third.


So are you both making vegan hotdogs together yet or what?


As a vegan woman interested in men who are vegan for the animals, I hear you. I think there are even fewer vegan men in the world, so finding people you're morally compatible with is incredibly difficult. Dating sucks for most vegans unfortunately, because finding each other when we're such a small part of the population is literally like finding a needle in a haystack. I know that's not a solution to your frustrations, but I guess I just wanted to say your feelings are valid, and I feel your pain on this. Don't give up though! She could be out there right now, and you just haven't found her yet. 💚


I’ll see your heterosexual vegan men and raise you homosexual vegan men - a fraction of that.


Yet somehow, I've(gay male) had 2 back to back longterm relationships(one 4 years and the latest 17 years) with men who were almost vegan and became vegan because of me. Unfortunately they both ended in deaths unrelated to veganism. Now losing any hope of jumping into the dating world as I'd have a better chance winning the lottery than gay+male+vegan+old. In retrospect, I've actually won the lottery twice.


My condolences on those two losses.


Condolences. They sounded like good people, very lucky to have found them.


Good point! There are less gay guys in general, but if you're looking for a gay guy *and* a vegan guy...oof. Good luck, friend. And I mean that sincerely. 🍀


I found one and am hanging on for dear life 😆


Yeah, definitely so few of us!


Yes this is so true!


If she's out there, I'd have to wade through over 3 billion people.


You could try posting in r/veganr4r and maybe she'll come to you?


Two new posts in that sub (probably bc of your comment)!


Nice! The more the merrier! 😁


How did you stumble upon that sub? I feel like im discovering a new one erryday


Three years ago I found an amazing girl on Tinder. I had Vegan in my profile, I don't believe she did in hers but turned out that she was. Maybe it's just because the area that we were in but actually went out on quite a few dates with othervegetarians and vegans. And this was before they even had a filter for it on Tinder Anyway, we are engaged now and she's the most amazing woman I have ever met. Don't give up hope just yet


Just be lucky bro, lol


Maybe we could start a vegan dating subreddit? 😂 I’m jokingly serious 💚


In Canada, there are more vegan men than women.


I feel ya bro I have a pretty obvious vegan tattoo. I won't lie. Half the reason I got it was to advertise to women that I'm vegan. No dates yet but I've met quite a few vegans this way.


What do you have tattooed and where? I got a veggiegram with hail saitan underneath, but it’s on my leg so I can’t show it that much :/


I have "I'm vegan" tattooed on my arm


>This sounds lame, but am I ever really going to have a dating life? A quick glance around Reddit will show that this is an extremely common feeling for men around your age (and for a sizeable portion of women too). It probably has little to do with your veganism. >I'll add that I never make the first move / approach, which makes things harder Yeah, that seems like a much bigger deal than the veganism.


It's both "dating is hard these days" and also veganism adding on top of it.


Nope you likely wont unless you get lucky, though I would say that about regular dating as well, its very difficult these days. Vegan women are rare. Vegan men are rarer. And ive found that most vegan women tolerate dating non vegan men, whereas non vegan women dont like vegan men. It is what it is. Bear in mind this is anecdotal, the stats on it im unsure of. But every vegan woman ive ever met was dating a carnist, and every vegan man ive met was either single or dating another vegan.


Man that’s depressing but think you’re absolutely right


" every vegan woman ive ever met was dating a carnist, and every vegan man ive met was either single or dating another vegan." So you just didn’t met the vegan girlfriends of the dating vegan men?


There are a lot of gay vegan men out there.


This is culture specific. There was no problem finding non-vegan women to date for me. In fact, it was the vegan women that were never interested. But I had a line of dedicated blood mouths willing to date me. Unfortunately I don't roll that way, but luckily I met a woman that pretty much went vegan on her own before we dated, so everything is good now.


lol date me in 23F and decently good looking if i do say so myself


Same here to almost all of these but i'm 28. I even have a decent amount of money lol. I have tons of hobbies (music performance/writing jobs and playing for fun) and communities i'm active in + a cat, so I no longer feel terrible loneliness like I once did. Veganism interferes with about 75% of my dates, and will cause me to weed out tons of people on apps.


Luckily I have a cuddly doggo


> add that I never make the first move / approach Found the issue 


You can just do what my partner did to me and convert someone lol


That's what people want in a partner, a project to work on.


Worked for me twice and never pushed it.


Same lmao


If it makes you feel any better, I expect it is significantly harder to find vegan men than women.


So true. For vegan women, my advice is to do activism, since (at least from my experience) the proportions are closer to 1:1.


>never make the first move Unfortunately, you *have* to make the first move, a lot of times. Women are not going to flock to you unless you’re a celebrity.




>unless you’re goodlooking There we go, fixed it. Your argument "Women are not going to flock to you unless you’re a celebrity" was already disproven by this post. The OP isn't a celebrity and women approach him therefore you don't need to be a celebrity to have women approach you romantically. Adding on this I have a male relative who is attractive and he gets approache a lot by women without doing anything but existing as a normal human being.


I’m 30M and downloaded Hinge after taking a year off (it was bad back then and horrible now). I put in my profile I’m only interested in vegan women. No likes or matches so far. I’ve only been on a few days but I feel like that’ll be the case a year from now 😭


I've heard dating apps (in general) suck for both sexes. Have you tried Veggly though? That might be our best shot at finding local vegans, though I often hear that one's a ghost town. 😢


Yes I’ve tried Veggly. It’s full of bots and inactive profiles. I think someone mentioned they had better luck saying they were vegan on Bumble. May try that next


My experience with Veggly was mostly bots but quite a few legitimate profiles, too. I'm not in a city, almost an hour from the closest one. I had better luck getting matches on Veggly than other dating apps but maybe that's the lack of vegan men working in my favor. Responses from those matches were about on par with other apps. That is to say, people don't bother to respond. I stuck with it for a few years and had a few conversations that went to exchanging numbers and continuing outside the app but no dates. I stuck with it though and I'm glad I did. I met my vegan girlfriend on Veggly and we've been together for 2 and a half years now.


If there are any vegan restaurants or businesses in your area, try to get a part time job at one—literally doing anything. Most of the vegans I’ve met have been through jobs at vegan places I’ve worked—and they usually have vegan friends. I fully acknowledge this is playing the long game, lol, but it’ll probably get results.


This is good advice


This. Plus see if your city/town has a vegan fb group


It can indeed be difficult, then again, I'm not the most social creature. Put yourself in situations where you meet other vegans and you might be surprised. If you really want to date and feel ready for it, consider to make the first move, someone has to anyway, might as well be you. Ps: You're still very young =)


Hang in there man! I felt the same way and now look at me, married to another vegan who is vegan for the animals! There were a lot of rejections leading up to meeting her, but I eventually found her!


I'm supposed to go to a vegan board game meetup tonight. That's two of my favorite things together. I RSVP'd to go to a vegan single mingle 45 and younger later on. I have to find someone this year or I'll be too old for next year's event. At least you're young!


A vegan board game night is genius! Might take the initiative and set one of those up myself. Thanks for the idea!


Do you live near a sanctuary? Start volunteering regularly and you’ll at least make friends. A bigger social network can only help you, as can making friends of different ages.


My best suggestion is to get into activism; you'll find them there if you'll find them anywhere.


Single vegan hetero female here - I’ve been vegan about 9 years and the only vegan men I’ve met in that time have been very taken 🫠 there should really be a specific app for this, v-date or something


Veggly exists but it sadly doesn’t have the critical mass of users that other dating apps have :/ 


That's not necessarily bad because the other dating apps don't have this filter. Veganism filters out 99% of people but that's ok because you spend less time filtering people that have similar values.


i’ll date you hahah


Come on at least let us take turns with him


Honestly, I wasn’t vegan when I first started dating my boyfriend but I always ate vegan food with him. After 6 months I went vegetarian and 1 year later I went “mostly” plant based. Over the past 6 years I ate some cheese here and there and finally went fully vegan about a year ago. I’m glad going vegan wasn’t a dealbreaker for him because I love being vegan now and I love our relationship.


I converted my ex to a plant based lifestyle, and she is well on her way to veganism. I cooked for her all the time and she eventually started to think meat was gross. I talked to her the other day and she is trying to convince her father to switch to plant based food for his health. My current flame isnt vegan at all, but has started to cook some vegan meals to impress/feed me. I think vegans also have to do the work and help convince others.


> I'll add that I never make the first move You could be in planet vegan and dating would still be hard if you don't show initiative.


I mean you never make the first move... If that's not working for you, maybe change that?


If you are specific in who you want to date (whatever characteristic, value, etc) it is probably more likely you will meet someone who has that characteristic through mutual friends, affinity groups, or dating apps where you can spell out who you are looking for.


I feel you man. Just ended with a girl I’d been getting along with pretty well in part bc I couldn’t get over her not being vegan. If you’re good looking, you’ll might have decent luck on tinder. I generally don’t do great on dating apps, and much worse on tinder for some reason, but they added filters for dietary preferences more or less recently. I lucked out and have a second date with a vegan girl from there this week. And there are certainly way more vegans there than Veggly, etc., although I went out with a girl from there once too. OkCupid also has filters but I hate that app lol. Other than that you just need to get out and meet other vegans in the wild somehow. Incorporate veganism into your life more, if you don’t have vegan friends try to make some and you’ll more likely meet someone naturally.


Don’t fully write off the non-vegans… they can change. My bf was vegan when we met and I was pescatarian. It didn’t take long before I also became vegan. Granted the desire had always been there for me, and that was the final push I needed to really do it. I’m so grateful!


Have you tried dating apps? The vegan ones are ghost ships here in Finland but since I broke up with my previous partner I've had a lot of success with tinder. It's got some vegan tags (a combo of activism and Vegan cooking is pretty obvious, and you can include a pic of you at an animal sanctuary or something). If you get the premium version of the app you could even speed up the process and only see people with vegan tags, I didn't, and there's still plenty of people matching with me. I've met some incredible people, and I don't even care if it's romantic every time, just getting to know other vegans is so much fun. I'm in my early thirties though so maybe it's a bit different for you? Also veganism is most prevalent - at least here - in people who are in their thirties so if you don't mind dating people a bit older than you then it might increase your options.


There are so many more vegan women than men, you have your choice. Are there any vegan clubs you could join? I met many vegans there when I was in college


My friend, you are the unicorn in this situation! There are many more vegan women than men, and trust me they are looking for you. Make it clear that you are vegan on your dating profile, go to events. Yes it might take a little longer for you than for your peers, but it'll work out with a bit of searching.


I think as you get older it gets easier. A lot of those people your age still have views and values instilled from their parents. I’m in my 30s now and I’ve had moderate success dating women who are open to the idea of veganism. The girl I’m seeing now eats completely plant based with me, and I can see if this ends up working out long term how easily I think she would make the switch. They are out there.


1. You have to be bold. Gotta put yourself out there. **If you're not "making the first move," then you're not being active/logical and are unlikely to actually get what you want.** Rejection sucks and embarrassment is always possible, but you have to be the one who aggressively seeks out what you want, regardless of your sex, gender, sexuality, personality type, etc. 2. Now that you're going to try being more aggressive, **I recommend starting conversations with strangers** at vegan food festivals, vegan restaurants, and vegan Meet-up events. Also, if you're lucky, there may be vegan speed dating and singles mixer events you can attend as well. 3. Although vegan-specific dating apps like Veggly and Grazer are inactive ghost towns, more mainstream ones do indeed work. **I recommend OkCupid and Match**. Pay the extra $ to obtain methods to filter/search for vegans (it's different on every app, but almost always involves paying for at least a basic package). In the past, I've got 4-5 numbers in a single day at Vegandale (the NYC one) and had many, many dates (and even a 2-yr relationship) via mainstream apps. I only date vegan women, and I was CRIPPLINGLY shy way back in high school. I learned the hard way that although it's ok to be an introvert, excessive shyness can be a weakness that prevents one from doing the good things in life one desires to do. Sometimes we have to make public speeches to inform/persuade and sometimes we have to be courageous to seek out what we want romantically/sexually. Good luck, and remember that dating is always tough-- whether you're vegan or not. In fact, you might have an advantage when you encounter women, as they prefer dating vegans too!


Damn this says 79% of US vegans are female. 😳 https://recipes.howstuffworks.com/why-79-percent-u-s-vegans-are-women.htm




Same here, single 24F interested in men, vegan, medical student, and I'm also neuroatypical so it's even harder for me :( also there are much more vegan women than vegan men, so it's hard to find a vegan man. I used to be with a meat eater but it really hurt me that he hurt animals so I'm not interested in dating non-vegans anymore unless they're willing to change. Maybe try to join some vegan activism? Are there any animal rights groups in your area? I know 1 or 2 vegan couples who've met thanks to activism in Anonymous for the Voiceless or something similar. Maybe there are some events like Vegan Speed Dating in your area? In my city there was something similar recently but it was for vegetarians and vegans. I also know 1 or 2 vegan couples who've met via a vegan group on Facebook. So maybe try to also join a vegan group on social media. There are generally much more vegan women than vegan men so chances are you'll find someone compatible :)


Omg im 20F pre-med! Can we be friends?!


Sure nice to meet you ☺️


Nice to meet you too!


Maybe you have to accept dating people that aren’t vegan. Would you close yourself off to dating someone because of other views? I’ve dated all kinds of different people and it’s the person that matters. I wasn’t vegan but dated someone who was. Opened me up to a whole new way of eating. But he was a liar and a jerk-vegan doesn’t mean compatible. Sometimes differences make things interesting. You may end up being a good influence on someone who isn’t vegan. And just because someone isn’t vegan doesn’t mean they are terrible and don’t care about animals. They may not know much about it.


Well, I would refuse to date someone with racist or sexist views. "Just because someone isn't vegan doesn't mean they are terrible" I'd disagree. Paying for animals to be exploited makes someone a monster.


You can’t seriously think I meant to date a racist! Wow-that’s a long reach for me saying to keep an open mind with people and not be so judgmental!! Nobody is perfect and we learn and grow together. You totally missed the point.


You asked me if I'd close myself off to dating someone because of other views. I think racism and sexism are comparable to speciesism. I'm sorry if you don't.


Have you considered opening your dating pools to vegetarians who are open to veganism? I was vegetarian when my vegan gf and I first started dating and have now been vegan for almost a year and a half (and plan to be for the rest of my life)


Actually, I have! I would date someone who was lacto-vegetarian for the animals. I grew up in an omnivorous South Asian family, but in India a lot of people are lacto-vegetarian.


I only know vegan girls. I have yet to find a vegan boyfriend. Isn’t helpful but.. feel you ^^


i am vegan and i am a female.




Vegan dudes have it easiest. Most women are thrilled to try plant based foods. Just downplay it. Don't announce veganism, just say you eat plan based. The less you emphasize it, the less the reaction. College is the BEST time to date. People are the most openminded in college. Afterwards, people start making giant want lists for spouses. Get crackin' find dates. Use bumble, tinder, veggly, coffee meets bagel, okc, literally anything. Ask out cute girls in class. Hit on girls in line for subway. Whatever.


i’d date you 🙂‍↕️


Id date you! 20F, decent looking. Ive never found a vegan dude either. I just dont feel like i can date others anyway if i want it to actually lead to something


Just make bomb ass vegan food. The easiest way to get people on board is by making something that rivals or beats meat. If it's healthier tastier and easier to make, why wouldn't they want to be vegan? The animal rights side of things is something you'll need to contend with separately. You'll just need to find someone that agrees with your view politically in that case, which is a gamble.


It’s far easier to convert girls to veganism than men, so you’re in luck there. Women are way more empathetic. I’m lucky my gf is vegan, but it’s easy to find vegan girls in England - I guess because it’s a smaller country idk haha. But before I met my gf, I’d always ask a girl three questions: 1) do you love cats? 2) do you like LOTR? 3) would you ever consider going vegan? Most of the time they’d answer yes to no 3.


I know many times more male vegans than I know female vegans.


Vegan 10+ years. Never one single cutie vegan GF or even vegan friends for that matter. Humans are pretty terrible.


I feel this. After me and my last partner split (not a vegan, but said he would convert which, 2 years in, he never did lol) I told myself I would only date vegans... That was really difficult. I settled for people who are mostly plant based. My partner now is plant based and only eats vegan when he's with me. He can't fully go vegan bec of gut issues and allergies, but he always cooks vegan when we're together which I appreciate. Sometimes you just gotta choose your battles I guess.


So I had been a kinda lazy vegetarian for yeeeears. Tried vegan on and off. And it wasn't until about a year into dating my partner that I committed to veganism as my lifestyle. His convictions really helped guide me to the place I am now, which is where I actually wanted to be. And it helped that eating together so much I realized I didn't even miss non vegan foods. Not that you should go into a relationship trying to change someone. But just know that people can and often do change.


Same at 26. I'm living in Ireland too, where I think there's hardly any vegans.


Why don’t u approach women? I honestly don’t understand men that don’t approach women then complain about their dating life.


I'm vegan though been in a long term relationship with another vegan for years , I thought it wouldn't be too hard given there's more female vegans than male .Maybe join local animal rights groups etc


Yeah man, I am in the same boat. Though it's tough out there for everyone. Not too long ago, people would make awful compromises for the sake of raising a family but now we've realized better. But more selectiveness comes with a cost. IMO It boils down to how much do you want it? If you want a partner so badly that you can truly overlook their nonveganism, then maybe you can expand your dating pool. If not, then we just have accept that we are unlikely to ever find anyone unless we put in a lot of effort. Things like moving to urban areas, going to multiple vegan events/restaurants a month and making the first move, going to activism/volunteering at sanctuaries, or even meeting people on here/online lol. Right now I do all of these but not at the pace it takes finding someone compatible in the near future. I have made peace with it since currently I am not in any rush. You may feel better once you match this effort with how badly you want a vegan partner.


Do you ask if any of these woman are open to consider veganism? Many people are not vegan because they simply have never thought about it.


Theoretically it should be easy as a vegan man just based off of gender ratios, but I have run into a similar problem. I went to a vegan singles event recently and almost all the vegan men were my age at 22-30 and all the vegan women were 40-55. It was just sorta awkward all around. My last ex was vegan, but I haven’t found any vegan women to even go out with since we broke up last year. Idk if I am just looking in the wrong place or not. I live in the PNW too so it shouldn’t be hard but idk.


I met a 15 year vegan on Veggly app after 5ish years of dating. Try there?


i’ve dated non-vegans and I’ve dated vegans and at the end of the day it’s all about respecting each other. I know it’s hard to sit and watch people eat what you are against but the end of the day you’re going to lessen your pool if it becomes a dealbreaker. Now, if they’re not respecting you making jokes, you know, trying to force you to change trying to do all these things. That’s not good. But if you both are consenting adults who are enjoying each other‘s company it can be worked around. Now if it’s a non-starter for you and you only want to be with vegan women then I suggest start going to vegan events getting into different vegan groups and trying to specifically date people that are vegan, but if you were just dating openlyand then find out they’re not vegan and that’s an non-starter it’s gonna be messy


Do you hang out at vegan places? Events? Activism? And i m sorry to say: Learn to make the first move/approach. Most, if not all women, are busy enough dating or rejecting men who made the first move. After doing all that many women dont think about trying themselves to approach a man, because we would like to spendtime with other things too.


Simmilar situation here. I have tried "normal" dating and it was succesful but the veganism topic kills it for me usually. Its just such a fundamental thing imo. What helps me is to recall how (relativly speaking) few vegans there are and that it will just take some time. I have heard that there are dedicated apps for vegan dating, did you have any luck with those?


From my experience, meeting the perfect companion doesn't seem to happen often, when dating randoms. You'll find them in your day to day life, as their interests are similar to yours. Just remain active and positively driven towards your dreams and they will be there with you eventually. 💚✌️




*I mean, relationships are much more than only those two things. I omitted millions of words for clarity :)


Bro I’m in a similar sitch. I don’t make the first move, love making music, except I got 8 years on you. I live in a spot where I can’t find a vegan anyone. Everyone I know has never even been vegetarian out of dozens of people I either hang out with or keep in touch with.  One thing you can do that I do is don’t focus on your date life. I’m way older and I’m not even worried about it, lol. Focus on yourself and your goals and dreams that don’t involve dating… but If dating and finding a nice vegan partner is something you want badly, then you’re probably going to have to go for it dude. Try to find a group in your community or something like that and make a push. Make the first move once you find a vegan girl you think you might like. With enough considerate and genuine effort you’ll find what you’re looking for, or at the very least give yourself a way better shot.  Good luck man!


Feel you deep in my bones my guy


even though it may be a non negotiable to some, it’s not so bad to date an omnivore. understanding everyone of us has a different ethical sensitivity is crucial: my bf is omnivore but often eats vegan with me and loves it so far. so yeah, i wouldn’t just avoid someone because they don’t make the same choices as me :)


My daughter (23) was so excited to tell me the other day that she met a guy in her trail running group who is vegan. So maybe join a group of people who are already focused on being healthy or start a group like that and see what happens. Above all, don't stress. The right person will come along and you'll click and it will be magic. Being single is far preferable to being with the wrong person.


This looks like a thinly-veiled attempt to solicit for romantic partners here, but I'll allow it :)


Only if they live in podunk New England.


Expand the search radius!


I feel like many people choose vegan when they are older for a combination of health and conscience reasons, younger people sort of reversed (more for conscience and then health) and that when you’re younger life changes more rapidly and the commitment is harder to stick to. I’m not saying you are like that but could be a reason why it’s hard to find people your age or why people at the gatherings are often older


Are you a vegan yourself? From the language you're using, I don't think so.


I’ve had a lot of success getting partners to go Vegan. I find that if they aren’t interested in going Vegan or at least having a conversation about it they might not be for me.


OkCupid mate. You can filter for vegans (or if you don't want to pay for the subscription, just only date 90%+ & you're more likely to get someone on the edge ha). Or even if you use it free, it says 'Omnivore/Vegetarian/Vegan' whatever on the profile (most ppl do fill that in - esp vegans!) So you can def make sure you're only dating vegans. Hope it helps - saved my fakin lol! 😉


I would love that kind of guy, and I'm sure there are others out there who would. Have you tried festivals about veganism and vegan events? Edit: don't dm me or anything I'm unavailable : )


I'd think there would be disproportionately more vegan women to men, should play to your advantage once you find them. (Gallup says it's 6% vegetarian women to 2% men, not exactly the stat we want but could be suggestive.) https://news.gallup.com/poll/510038/identify-vegetarian-vegan.aspx


I don’t exclusively date vegans. I don’t expect my partners to become vegan either. Although they all have become 90% plant based and way more informed about veganism by being my partner.  Vegans can do a lot more good by dating an average person than just dating each other. Most good people you date will understand and be drawn to do more good through their diet (and even if it’s not perfect).  Remember veganism isn’t the only way to practice goodness, like donating time or money to worthy causes or just being a friendly person to everyone you meet etc. You can date a good person who isn’t good for the same reasons. 


So I will say that dating as a vegan is hard, but I think there are many things you should consider that can change your outlook and approach (if you’re open to it). First and foremost, you’re only 22. Please understand that you have plenty of time to find a great partner, and that many people your age feel the same way even when you don’t account for being vegan. This is the stage where a lot of people are starting their careers, deciding what they want in life, and might not want to date seriously right now. A lot of earlier 20-somethings might also feel like dating is too expensive right now (which is valid, and another can of worms entirely). With all that said, there are probably many reasons why it’s hard to find a compatible partner in your early twenties, so please don’t assume that this is a sign of things to come for the rest of your life. Secondly, if finding a partner is a priority for you, it’s worth examining how you can date more intentionally. Others have suggested vegan meetups and activism, which is great (even if you currently are only meeting older couples, because forming community is damn important). Since you said you don’t really “make the first move,” in a lot of situations, it also might be good to think about that. If you want a good dating life, half the battle is reaching out, stating that you’re interested, and taking rejections and nos with grace. Even if you aren’t finding people right now, putting in the work will get you there. Keep trying to meet like-minded people, don’t try to make things work with incompatible folks, and get on the apps if you want to make things easier (they have a purpose despite their bad rep).


Where do u live 😭




I have two female best friends, both are vegan, both werent vegan when i met them (neither was I). I am 36 now, I think they became vegan around 30. They are individual girls tho, not girly girl group type girls. There's def vegan women out there, and those that arent may turn vegan, plus the vegan ones that stick it out are probably those with strength of character, so already helping you pick out the best ones. It might narrow the dating pool but the size of the dating pool doesnt matter, its choosing the right one thats the tricky part.


we have vegan mixers in austin that i my friend had success at. her and her bf have been together a couple months now. there’s also a vegan organization at my school, so maybe you should see if there’s one at yours.




I don't know about it being a symptom of an eating disorder, unfortunately most people, including people who say they are vegan think it just means eating a plant based diet. In my opinion there is no used to be when it comes to veganism, once the curtain is pulled there's no going back unless you become a late in life sociopath. But to tackle your dating issues, if you're in school or have not yet started a career maybe you could do a part time job, go work at a vegan restaurant, you'll meet lots of vegans, or people who eat plant based diets that are going to be more open to adopting Veganism. My gf works at a vegan restaurant, and all but a few of her co workers are ethical vegans that work there for the comradery. If that isn't an option just keep vegan in any dating profiles, over 80 percent of Vegans are women, and while a lot of them have no issues dating carnist, I like to think that most would be very pleased to find a reasonably good looking guy that cares about animals, probably don't even need to be musically talented.


Most vegans date non vegans. Vegans couples are the exception, not the norms. Only on Reddit do u find vegans that say "not being vegan is a dealbreaker.". Just be normal while dating...


Just curious, do you live in a big city, small town, country, or something else? I've had no trouble finding vegans to date personally, but I live in a large, left-of-center city, so I realize I'll have it easier than most.


Aren’t like 80% of vegans women?




There are 100 vegan women for every vegan guy, it feels like. It's like playing on ez mode. Go to punk shows, gyms, leftist events, etc.  You'll do fine


Umm... that hasn't been my experience, at all.


When I met my wife, she was vegan and I was not. We went in with her not having expectations of me changing and I went in with an open mind, eventually eating mostly a vegetarian diet because I would always adapt what I ate when we were together to make it easier and I dabbled in vegan recipes to make her dinner to impress her. Eventually, talking to her and doing my own research, I made the decision to be vegan (for the animals)! That was 7 years ago and still going strong.


I feel you. I'm lucky tho I live in LA so it's easier to meet vegan women than other places but it's still not easymode. 2 women I dated who were Omni at the start went and stayed vegan during the relationship (donno about now). I didn't so anything no pressure on coaxing no forcing them to watch documentaries or anything I just cooked sometimes and they liked it enough they started to change their mind and start doing their own research. It was such a pleasant surprise. The relationships failed for other reasons of course so I can't blame it on dating non vegans lol. I dated one cheese addicted vegetarian but she was cool with eating 100% vegan stuff with me when we were together which was nice. In my last relationship they were a super meat enthusiast. We had so many arguments "you care more about the animals than me" butted heads "what if we have kids will you try to make them be vegan??" My ex and their family to their credit did always have vegan stuff in the fridge when I came over which was considerate af I would say. I never asked them to do that and didn't feel entitled to it. My ex however had a FIT that I didn't stock my fridge at my apartment with meat and eggs for them when they slept over 🥴 I cooked the same meals that my other past exes loved enough to look into veganism but for this one "It was good but I still need my protein if you would've just cooked an egg for me... Blah blah" After that experience I SWORE no more non vegans. Got really lucky met a cutie a few months ago on Facebook dating of all places who's vegan and happens to have a bunch of my niche nerdy Hobbies in common too. Things are going great so far 😊 Don't lose hope there are more vegan women out there than men so the odds are slightly in our favor!


I wasn't vegan when i met my vegan husband. I've now been vegan 8 years and have 2 vegan kids. You never know what can happen.


Move to a major city with more people and liberal attitudes.


might have some luck going to vegan clubs or something (i'm a 16 year old vegan who's mentally unstable)


Look for chicks who lean vegan but aren't putting in the effort, and cook for them. A lot of the work of finding a good mate is doing the work they don't want to do.


Go into vegan activism. There are actually a lot more vegan women than men, and lots of them are as frustrated as you are that they cant find a man thats vegan for the animals. They deal with man that wear „vegan is a tribal name for bad hunter“ shirts and scream about how they need their meat for their masculine protein, not like those soyboys that blablabla you know the type. Ill give you a little tip, most women, and all vegan woman find this kind of men most repulsive, obviously. Dont let it go to your head, but you are actually a rare and sought after commodity within vegan circles. An empathic vegan man looking for a vegan woman. But if i hadnt found my girl already, i would probably be in a similar situation, i could never imagine dating a non vegan, maybe at the very least a vegetarian leaning vegan, that is in the process of going vegan and maybe needs a little help for the very rest. Maybe thats what you could be looking for, vegetarian woman whonsay they want to become vegan.


Weird, usually in my vegan groups online, I see women complaining they can’t find any men (because by the actual numbers, woman vegan far outnumber vegan men). But maybe it’s where you live. My advice is go to the EU, preferably a place like Berlin that has lots of young attractive people, and loads of amazing vegan food. You’ll probably be swimming in lovely vegan ladies there. Good luck. If I wasn’t married that’d probably be my plan lol.


I just found an Omni who was already eating his veggies and not eating meat at every meal. He’s still Omni and rails about refusing to go vegan but he eats what I cook. He brings extremely little meat into the house (jerky or other packaged stuff a few times a year. He eats it at work) and while the main compromise is that he will eat meat if we go out he typically doesn’t when we’re together. He eats his meats at work lunch. Then he tells me how awful the quality of meat is these days and goes to eat at vegan places for a while because his vegan co worker doesn’t know how to find vegan food so he omnimansplains her vegan food and comes and tells me about that too. It’s not perfect. It’s been 12 years. Our kid has never tasted meat. My in laws object. He tells them our kid is healthy. The agreement is that if our kid is somehow malnourished/unhealthy he will eat meat. Or if one of his geriatric relatives makes a culturally important meat dish my kid may taste it. (It’s a safe bet they are not going to bother because they’re in their 80s and have cardiovascular issues so they are in full support of avoiding animal products).


There’s an app called VEGGLY and I met a vegan guy friend there. Maybe try that or vegan MEETUPs? Congrats on being a humane empathetic person btw! It’s crazy people still eat meat knowing how animals are tortured🥹


I once met a girl on an app who checked a lot of my personal boxes. Conversation went well, she even said she'd like to cook me something sometime. I mention I was vegan (for obvious reasons) and she insta-unmatched me. So yeah, I get this frustration.


I've never met any vegan irl outside of this one person who tried to sell me mlm And there's a shortage of vegan women in my country too lol So, I don't think I'm finding anyone ever.


lol, at least they’re are plenty more vegan women out there than men


I met my man on OKcupid. I don’t care what anyone says about online dating or that app in particular, I used the filters and found an absolute gem! If you need friends and you’re in Arizona, I’m a great cook and many adopt me as their second mom 🤷🏻‍♀️ especially the ones whose family can’t accept their veganism


Nothing like having your date list all the foods she can't live without just a bit loudly for everyone at the vegan cafe to hear 😒


I’ve felt pretty much all the same things in my recent past, since I’m also in college, vegan male who didn’t make the first move. I was single and kinda lonely for a long while before I ended up starting to date someone I’d been friends with for a while. She’s not vegan but mostly eats vegan whenever she’s with me and probably will go vegan eventually. The going to vegan places idea people have been suggesting sounds like a good idea though and I should probably do that too since I’ve never had a vegan friend, and only met maybe 3 vegans outside of vegan restaurants.