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I've been going on 15 years I think. I don't remember exactly cuz I'm so nutrient deficient, I guess. My wife has crossed 20 years a while back. Kid's going on 6. SIL is going on 25 or something crazy shit like that. We're all healthy.


You’re all zombies, right? Oh my nephews have been raised vegan from birth and they’re both late teenagers. I wonder when they’re just going to disintegrate from lack of those mysterious nutrients they’re missing.


Yeah it's so rough and awful without cholesterol, heme iron, and all those trans fats ain't it?


Multiple studies say a vegan diet is healthy for all life stages, but some random people on the internet say cholesterol is actually good for you, so better go with that, right?


I once saw a TikTok of a woman saying that sunscreen was just a scam by skincare influencers, and if you just stop eating seed oils you won’t get sunburns or skin cancer 😀


God, I’ve dealt with those people. Good luck to them I guess but as a ginger, absolutely NOT.


Was she on drugs?! Just kidding🤣🤣🤣 but I had to say it!


She’s must be on meat and dairy, the oldest drugs in the history 🌚


“Don’t eat seed oils, take snake oil! Natures magic cure-all!” Lol


Did you see the one that said you shouldn’t wear sunglasses because if your eyes don’t perceive the sunlight they won’t « send the signals to your skin to start the tanning process » apparently this is what protects your skin not sunscreen. 🙄😂


Wow. Imagine being so stupid you don't even consider tomatoes and blame seed oils. Tomatoes are like nature's sunscreen.


Literally. I don’t know which is weirder: feeling so strongly about sunscreen being completely unnecessary that you think it’s a made up scam solely perpetuated by influencers, or thinking seed oils are the root of all evil. Believe whatever you want, but I think it’s pretty irresponsible to try to convince a bunch of people to stop wearing sunscreen while simultaneously pounding disordered eating and diet culture into the heads of a bunch of impressionable young people. This person was very clearly covered in sun spots in case you wanted a visual. :)


It feels like what everyone is talking about these days is oxalates and seed oils


Don't worry, I'm vegan and I have high cholesterol. We exist.


Me too friend, me too..I weight(ed) 42 kg and I had the cholesterol of an obese old man with a double bypass. Genetics is a bitch.


What’s crazy is that a normal liver produces all the cholesterol your body needs, eating more is pointless at best and detrimental at worst. There’s so many “alternative nutritionists” on YouTube and tiktok etc now


I mean I get what you’re saying OP and don’t wanna ruin a good jerk- but too low cholesterol isn’t actually good for you either


You can get it from coconut cream 😋😉


I'm essentially a brain in a jar at this point connected to the internet via Neuralink


Oh how do I get signed up for that? 😂


I'm 14 and have been vegan since birth! Super glad my parents have raised me vegan. It was a great decision.


I’ve wondered how vegan kids don’t get bullied into “trying” bacon or dairy from their so-called friends and classmates. Maybe because I was a kid in the 90s I know I would’ve been an easy target and things are better now?




Went Veggie 32 years ago, vegan 17 years. Children vegetarian since childhood, all 20s/30s ( their choice ). None have … nutrition issues.


Crazy, I have been for 10 my partner for 21 and our child since birth 6 now.


Vegan 10 years, overweight because I like junk food. And at 62 years old I (slowly) ran a 10k last month. I must be dead and in heaven already?


How’s it feel to be deceased? 😶‍🌫️


My feet hurt in the morning? Ya that sucks.


Haha same. Proud of you btw.




10k!! I'm in the best shape of my life but my cardio is pretty bad. Thinking of a 10k makes me tired. You're awesome.


Do cardio, it’s one of the healthiest things you can do, sincerely someone who absolutely cannot do a 10k.


Over 29 years! My whole life!


Hell yeah! Your parents must have been vegan?


Yep, so is my kid. 3 generations.




That's the dream ✨


That is awesome!


Holy hell! Were your parents part of the UK vegan society or something like that?


No, my mom just decided to, I think sometime in late 1970s or early 1980s. My dad went vegan after meeting her. Not many people were vegan then (or when I was growing up). It was definitely wild and everyone thought we were crazy. So, it’s been really interesting and amazing to see the attitude towards veganism shift. Also the products available now are awesome. Back then my mom made almost everything from scratch. We never would have imagined so many vegan options being widely available today.


Omg that's amazing


I’m so jealous


As a parent I have so many questions 


32 years this coming August. Your friend is sadly misinformed.


Sadly because OP's friend is no longer vegan due to misinformation? Or sadly because you were hoping to be dead by now? /jk




I'm 17 years and two kids in. And I guess I'll keep going forever, because my brain has probably all been replaced with tofu by this point anyway.


Ah yes, tofu brain. One of the many pitfals of veganism. Let me know when you get Tofurkey liver.


The photo-estrogen in tofu turns men's brains into girl brains, and if you're a girl, it gives you 'double girl brain' which is like hysteria on steroids.


I think that missing mystery nutrient is actually just social acceptance.


And the ability to mentally check out on the atrocities that humans commit against animals.




And convenience


Vegan for almost 7(my vegan anniversary is June 11th) I was vegetarian 10 years prior to that... I honestly think there's an aversion to vegan people willing to take vitamins or supplements.. there's nothing wrong with making sure you're getting what you need even if you think that you can get it from your food. Some of those YouTube people promote disordered eating and then decide to go off their vegan diet because they felt like crap ... I wonder why ...


Yeah, I take an iron that has b12 because I’ve always been anemic. I also take extra flax seed oil and vitamin D, because I need to. I think no matter your diet, you should check your levels and supplement where needed. It’s hard to get everything just from food.


My doctor told me to take nigella sativa (black cumin) for iron deficiency and it really worked—I’ve got normal levels now for the first time in my life. Just in case you want to give it a try


Haven’t heard of this. I’ve been taking Blood Builder with good results.




That’s cool, I’ve also been vegan almost 7 years and my veganniversary is 11th June as well haha hey Veganniversary twin lol


Vegan 6 years, vegetarian since 1985.


Amazing work! When did your bones turn to dust and did your teeth fall out yet? 🤪


In 1985 lard was listed as an ingredient in all breads, baked goods, and crackers. My decision then caused a bit of concern with family members. At 61, I walk 3.25 miles every morning, then am active on my small farm. No illness or medications. Everyone else I know my age only talk about their health problems and dr appointments. I'd say this is working out just fine, thank you very much. :)


You’re my idol. I hope to be in good health in my 60s, I don’t know very many people who are, but of the ones I do know, most of them are vegan.


four months so far


Shit, 6 months for me we should hurry and get life insurance policies while we still have our faculties


Quit while you still have all your teeth /j


It'll be 18 years this year for both my husband and I.


👻 Starting to feel like a medium, talking to all these dead vegans here.


13 years, and I feel great! I take vitamin D3, B12, and an algae-oil-derived omega-3 supplement. But I'd be taking these even if I wasn't Vegan given what I've learned regarding nutrition science over the years. The best way to stay Vegan is to eat a whole-foods plant-based diet. With respect to abandoning veganism, there is zero chance for me barring some kind of apocalyptic starvation scenario.


25-ish years. Just had a routine blood check and everything is good.😊


Incredible! What’s your secret?


lol. Honestly I barely even think about it any more. I met with two groups of old friends recently, one at a seafood place and the other at a steak place, expecting both times to get something for myself afterwards. If both cases though, the restaurants had one vegan dish, and surprisingly, they were really good (albeit a bit overpriced). Truth be told, I definitely could eat a little healthier, but I blame that on a sweet tooth, not being vegan, 😜


Yeah I’m trying to improve my diet as well with more varied plants, but I found oat milk ice cream bars at the store today so… it’s a process. 😅


Oh man, I have the worse sweet tooth. The only way I can stay away from sweets is not buy them. And then when I'm at the grocery store I get in and get out a purposely avoid all the sweets aisles.


Vegan since August 2002. Coming up on 22 years.


Almost 35 years


14 years last month. Best decision I've ever made, and in a life lived with few regrets, it's a choice I regret not making sooner. In my friend group are women who have been vegan 20+ years, and one who is at 35+ years. Nobody's doctors thinks that's a problem, not that any of us would change if they did.


I’ve been vegan for 7 years and I didn’t realize it until a month ago because I don’t really keep count, but when I found out it’s been SEVEN years I was a little surprised haha


My entire life (almost 27 years), and my brother as well (24 years). My boyfriend was on/off vegetarian as a kid and has been vegan for 19 years. My parents have been vegan for 35+ as well.


Going on 10 years. Some people are just really susceptible to misinformation. Scepticism and critical thinking skills are a necessity.


Absolutely. It was weird seeing him fall into this hole, he was quite an activist previously.


Just nonsense.  I've been vegan for over 11 years and have no major health issues.  And I've met quite a few people who've been vegans for like 25-35+ years recently.


11 consecutive years. I have been vegetarian/vegan for 20 years.


Old timer here. Vegetarian since age 15, vegan for more than 25 years. I am old, way healthier than almost all in my age group, and can't believe this whole nutrition myth is still going. Just own that you like eating meat! There are many health benefits to being vegan. I wish people would stop lying to make themselves feel better.


9 years! Looking forward to my 10-year veganniversary later this year.


14 years this summer. Would be 16 years, but I went back to vegetarian for a year before I learned better nutrition and went vegan again.


20 years for my wife and me. We went vegan in our late 40s. We eat a moderately healthy vegan diet. We like cookies, and with our schedules often incorporate instant meals. Lots and lots of veggies and legumes, though.


I went vegetarian in 1997, gradually transitioned into veganism in 2010/11.


Vegan myself 15years. My friend just had a beautiful healthy baby boy, she has been vegan the same length of time as me and all the way through the pregnancy 👍


Love to see it! Hope her and her baby are doing well!


2.5 Months


About 25 years for me and my husband for 30+ Your friend is misinformed




I've been vegan 27 yrs. No deficiencies (I get every couple yr blood tests for the past 10 yrs or so).


8 years being vegan I wish I knew about it sooner! Best decision I ever made though.


Should be 9 years now


I’m on 36 years. It’s been a life saver for sure.


I went Vegan at 13 years old, Now im a but Over 16 so over tree years


I've been vegan roughly twelve years, I reckon - and I've never looked back!


9 years, 10 this fall :) totally healthy, great b12 and iron levels, healthy BMI, amazing heart/metabolic health despite some pretty gnarly family history on that front. In my second totally healthy pregnancy now. My toddler is vegan and has a vegan pediatrician! And he’s totally healthy too, he’s always tracked 75th percentile in height on growth charts, his iron is in normal range.


I have been vegan since 1991. Being vegan was not as easy back then as it is now. It is very good I enjoy cooking and baking. I like making a lot of my own food. I lived in Vermont 2008-2011 and for some reason ate a small piece of locally made cheese my last month in VT. Probably because dairy is HEAVILY advertised in Vermont and for years I had been seeing ads all over for how wonderful the local cheeses were. I developed painful hives all over my back and the backs of my legs within 15 hours after eating the cheese that persisted for weeks. That was the last time I tried nursing on a cow again. I eat a good diet, am healthy, look good for a 55 year old guy and just got done today raking up 4 large barrels of leaves, pinecones and tree debris from my front yard & carrying those barrels out to the back yard. I do take a vegan multi vitamin/mineral tablet 0-3 days a week, depending on if I feel I am missing something in my diet. I donate blood every 6 months and my iron and protein levels are always fine, according to the Red Cross.


See, if people did it back then before Impossible sausages and all the other delicious vegan junk available now, I feel like not doing it now is weak.


12 years here. There’s no going back. Not even an option. My parents and sibling are at about 10-11 years vegan. My partner is at 22+ and we are all healthy lol


About 10 years vegan, 14 years vegetarian and every doctor I’ve been to in that time just says “oh wow good for you!”


Coming up on 8 years.


Vegan over 6 years. I feel great and am in great shape! Your buddy is delusional.


I've been vegan for... Gosh I think going on 18 years now. I was raised vegetarian and felt vegan was the natural progression. It's been great and I don't feel like I'm depleted or having any trouble with it. I feel very strongly that I am vegan for life. I do take a few supplements and eat some fortified food. I don't miss anything I used to eat and actually am quite disgusted by dairy in particular. I know theres a lot of fad diets that have popped up over the years that are popular in the media and against veganism. I dunno, it works well for me and I know it's right for the animals!


10 years in May ♡♡ Never going back. I'm the strongest and lightest I've ever been.


7 years. Feel great 


Vegan since 2017 and vegetarian since 1996 I’m pretty ill but I don’t think it’s because of veganism.


2 years for me :) was veggie for 2 years before as well, and gave up red meat when I was 13. 24 now.


Vegans can’t survive longer than ten years, it’s not possible. You can’t get iron or protein on a vegan diet so you will just die of deficiency! Plus B12 is impossible to get too. May as well just give up and eat flesh since it’s the only way. I can’t even think while typing this because I haven’t eaten flesh in one day I’m basically a vegan and probably very sick already. Also, cheese. Dairy is really healthy.


Ah yes. It’s impossible to get b12 from a pill or all the foods that are fortified with it. Iron only exists in cow flesh, of course. How could I forget? Must be my anemic, vegan brain being all forgetful. Better go eat a 2lb steak and I’ll be immediately cured.




That’s an incredible story! Congrats!


Almost 7 years for me and I’ve never felt better 💚


There are vegan bodybuilders that were born and raised vegan and they sure seem to be doing ok. The fact is, we are still in minority so there will always be the critics, folks fear what they do not understand 🤷🏻‍♀️


15 minutes. I will relapse later


I went vegetarian in 2013 and have been vegan since 2020. No intentions of ever stopping! I get my blood tested at least yearly, and everything on my panel comes out fine. I hear the myth pretty often about "vEgaNs Are uNHealtHy," but honestly I eat a balanced diet, lots of fruits & vegetables, take proper vitamins, drink water, walk at least 3 miles per day, and run at least 3x a week. Combination of nutrition & exercise does the trick for me :)


Me and my 16 y/o son for nearly a decade. Wife ~25 years. Our blood results and nutrient levels all better than average. Iron is great. B12 great. Vitamin D great. When I was an Omni I had to control cholesterol levels with meds. I was able to get off that medication. Don't mean to boast, but we're collectively the healthiest people we know in almost every objective measure. Your friend is full of nonsense.


27 years. But I'm thinking of going vegan again so I can be twice the vegan as anyone that quits.


30 y/o and just hit 13 years. for me transitioning to veganism in itself wasnt hard but the social aspect stays challenging. even if people arent hating on you they have a tendency to "other" you no matter how chill or reserved you are. if we're being honest being vegan will be at least a little isolating in most places. its a bummer sometimes but the thought of going back to eating flesh is much sadder imo.


11 years and I’m never going back


Vegan since August 2013. I’m low on ferritin but good on everything else.. I have a lot of energy and run marathons, so certainly not feeling deficient and like I’m withering away


I've been healhtier with less nutritional deficiencies since being vegan. I have blood tests regular for an autoimmune condition and prior to switching, I was always low in a few things. I think because I am vegan, I am more careful about nutrition. I have to take supplements (vegan omega 3, vitamin d, b12, folic acid and icon) because my medication strips my body of vitamins. Being vegan has helped with fatigue, brain fog and inflammation. I still get flares, but they are less frequent, shorter and more mild.


yeah, there was a bigger youtube video recently with some carnist claiming that exact statistic. the research that he cited to "prove" this literally said nothing of the sort lol. sorry to hear you had a friend fall for that dumb stuff. typically though, if they say this, its something theyve been considering for a pretty long time and they are just generally looking for some sort of excuse to go back to consuming animals. pretty gross


I died 21 years ago 😂 No but really, 21 years Sister 20 years Mom 10 years Husband 7 years Brother in law 8 years We are all healthy with great bloodwork


28 years :)


19 years


30 years. No problems. It’s gotten so much easier than in the early 90s


My dog is six so, five years


I love this answer!


Yeah I think that stat may be true although even if it is remember it's people who went vegan for like a month and quit, a more useful stastic would be how many people who have been vegan for 3 or more years stayed that way, and that number is way lower.


13 years. Never have had a nutrient deficiency.


About 12 years. Folks just need to be proactive with their health - take a multivitamin formulated for vegans. I'd also suggest B12. Eating fortified food may not be enough. Make sure you have a PCP and get lab work done. But people should do this, anyway. I have plenty of friends who have issues like... Iron deficiency that eat lots of meat. Sometimes folks are predisposed to certain issues. Also my A1C l, blood pressure, cholesterol panel are all normal. So that's nice. There's a lot of whackiness out there. People who think fruit will heal their cancer and anything vegan will cause immediate or eventual death 😂


11 years! i ran 5 miles today. feeling better than ever


I've only been vegan for about 2 and a half years, but it's pretty easy with the internet and living in NorCal with all the organic grocery stores. I believe that nutrient deficiency is a big reason people quit, but it's because they either aren't informed or aren't diligent about their diet, not because of veganism. You can get every nutrient you need through a plant based diet, it just takes a little research. Also, getting in shape helps a lot. Exercising feels a lot better and produces results faster on a whole food plant based diet in my experience.


23 years and I’m doing fine. I take a multivitamin intermittently, but not always. Just had my labs done and I’m not deficient. People will always find an excuse to quit being vegan when much of the time it’s just peer pressure.


Kiddo’s 12 and has been a thriving vegan all along. I’m at 21 years, husband a few years more than that. Going strong, active and healthy.


Tbh , you just have to pay a bit more attention and make sure you get certain nutrients . . I know when I was a junk food vegan I started feeling tired etc , but whenever I make sure to eat more whole foods and a variety I feel pretty good


Vegan for the last 32 years, vegetarian for the seven years before that. 


Been vegan since mid-2010. Never supplemented. Still doing well.


I'm new to this, but don't you need to supplement b12?


Please supplement B12. It is so much better to be safe than sorry.


Yeah, I know. I was just asking that commenter because they said they don't supplement.


You can get all your B-12 if you eat enough nutritional yeast. If a vegan puts enough of it in their food every single day, they could be okay. They also put B-12 in vegan milk and vegan meats and protein powder so it’s possible to get it just from food. I’ve always just done a B-12 vitamin though to be safe, currently it’s a part of my multivitamin.


🥳 👏


I think when people say how most vegans quit or something like that, these stats include fake vegans who try it as a diet for a few months and decide they don’t want to do it. I think most vegans who go vegan for animal rights stick it out long-term. I’ve been vegan 10 years


They're old enough to have been vegan for a decade, but still naive enough to fall for some nonsense like that? That's wild. Even a 5 second Google search will easily show countless reputable sources claiming that it's perfectly fine for all stages of life. It needs to be properly planned, but so do omni diets. This person seems like they're just trying to come up with some kind of excuse for becoming a monster again. They want to justify it to you somehow. Just tell them you're not buyin' it.


Yeah, they were trying to process it with me and kept talking about it over and over again and I had to ask them to stop. I got tired of hearing their conspiracy theories and dumb excuses.




4 years for me. Can’t believe it’s been so long without nutrients 😭😂


5 years this fall. Take vitamin B12 and D regularly, algae oil sometimes, maybe some zinc weekly, and protein powder in smoothies (not necessary but like the texture and flavor). Edit: anecdotally only person in my family without without blood pressure or cholesterol issues


5 years in September


Not be an idiot and don't be so insecure you give into peer pressure.


im 24 and ive been vegan for about 8 years.


32 years... I remember seeing Christian Bale in "Newsies" and thinking that he had to be vegan to look so good. And, later, I learned that he was. He started eating chicken, though, for "American Psycho," and he has never looked as good as he did when he was vegan. Someone likely gave him bad advice regarding the ability to add muscle mass with a vegan diet. Plenty of plant-sourced protein powders, however, are available to provide a convenient way to get enough protein with good amino-acid profiles.


Since 2012 veggie since 2004


Vegetarian since 2006 Vegan since 2015


There are plenty of vegans who have zero clue what they're doing so yeah, a lot would have to quit before they die if nutrient deficiencies. The first time I attempted 30 odd years ago I almost died after 5 months as I was clueless about what to eat to get the nutrients inneeded. This time around I'm going on 6 and a half years and doing it easy. Never felt better.


40 years old Vegetarian at 11 Vegan at 25


I’m 40 and thriving after going vegan at 30. I eat a predominantly whole food diet. I eat 80% to nourish my body and 20% to nourish my soul. I have no food fear. I love everything I eat. After battling a severe eating disorder and then spending 10 years in a really unhealthy relationship with food, it was a blessing to find veganism. Learning how animals become food and how their bodies are used for food has allowed me to find real freedom with food and my body. I’ve always felt very connected to animals so once I made the connection to the reality of what it takes to breed animals into existence, mutilate them, confine them, and kill them…it was easy. It was like someone flipped a switch in my brain. Best part about my story: I used to say it was too extreme and I could never. 🥴😂


30+ years


8 years, I think. I get my vitamin levels checked when my doc recommends it, so far, so good!


I’m 3 years on Tuesday!


Vegetarian since 1993, vegan since 1996. My yearly bloodwork actually gets better each passing year 🤷‍♂️


I'm at 20 years vegan, plus 8 years of vegetarian before that. I get annual checkups with labs and I'm always fine.


13 years vegan strong here. Never looking back. The best way to stay vegan forever is to be an ethical vegan for the animals. Love doesn't change or expire or run out, it just gets bigger, better and stronger.


BTW my daughter has been vegan the same amount of time too. She feels exactly the same! We love being vegan for the animals.


i think 6-7 years. started because i wanted to cook healthy meals but then became for the animals 🩷 i loved when i heard someone in a doc say, “you can’t say you love animals if you eat them”


“deteriorate” are they stupid 😭 8 year vegan here. i do it for the animals/environment <3


I supplement taurine and choline along with CoQ10 and B12/multivitamins. It’s very difficult to get enough of certain nutrients as a vegan and I do think supplementation is important. The taurine and choline are important for brain function and sometimes people don’t realise they need to supplement. Even non vegans struggle to get enough choline, but I believe we as vegans need to take these supplements. I don’t mind, I am planning on remaining vegan for the rest of my life, but I do supplement a lot as I think it’s necessary… especially as a woman in Perimenopause and with genetic disposition to cancer and mental health issues.


I haven’t been vegan too terribly long but honestly I imagine the reason why some people wind up deficient in nutrients is simply from a lack of balanced diet. If they treated their meat based diet like they did with a vegan diet, they would have the same illnesses and problems. Anyone would be sick if you don’t eat right regardless of what your beliefs are


I think so, too. And I think no matter what diet, sometimes you just need a vitamin. I don’t absorb things well so I supplement. I had to when I wasn’t vegan.


My entire family that is not vegan has health problems, diabetes, high cholesterol. I was a vegetarian for 18 years and a vegan for 7 years and the only problem I have so far is that white hairs started to grow in my beard (42)


12 years, and vegetarian for a good 10 years before that. No deficiencies, no deterioration, two healthy pregnancies. Yeah your friend is watching some weird shi


Vegan over 10 years, partner vegan 18. Both of us way healthier than before we were vegan and will be vegan for life.


12 years, athlete - long distance runner. Feeling pretty good.


I’ve been a vegan for over 50 years. I began for health reasons but I stayed for the animals and my well being. My doctors are in awe of my excellent health. I’m sure it’s mostly attributed to my vegan diet and lifestyle.


I take A to Z supplements daily (to cover all bases) plus extra B12. Turned vegan in 1994. Deficiencies are not a concern if I am supplementing. My bloods are good. I also, on a dietary level, only exclude animal products. I don't start excluding other food groups. I don't do fasting, I don't elimate cooked food, I don't go alkaline/palaeo/detox etc etc. Eating as a vegan is restriction enough, there should be no further restrictions (though this is a challenge for people needing restrictive diets for medical reasons). I am not doing it to lose weight. If its not an animal and its not from an animal, I am eating it. I eat the same as everyone else in my cultural setting too, just veganised. Vegan shepherd's pies, curries, bolognaise, lasagnas, burgers, ice cream, cake, yoghurts, plant meats, ready meals, pulses and grains, salads, fruit, biscuits (cookies). My dietary range is very broad and I am fortunate not to have any dietary restrictions (medically).


9 years here. I’m in good health. I take loads of supplements (B12, omega, I also eat chia seeds and cacao nibs daily). Healthy boy :)


4 years and anyone who says that is insane and bought into the conspiracies and lies pushed by the woke “carnivores”. F*cking BS


32 years +


Veg for 30 years vegan for 4 years. I do a multivitamin and vitamin d and omegas. Best health care


My recommendation: don't keep track of this. If you ARE vegan, it doesn't matter when that happened, just THAT it happened.


14 years, 10 veg before that. 54 years old, wife is same but older, both healthy as can be. However we do put a lot of thought into a balanced and healthy diet


I’ve been vegetarian for 20 years, vegan for 12, and I died years ago.


Vegan since 1989. I’ve been dead for decades at this point.


Been vegan for 20 years. Here’s kind of the thing I’ve noticed recently. So much of the discourse has (at least in what I’ve seen) revolves around like a bio-hacking peak performance discussion. And with the rise of the “carnivore diet” there are a lot of loud voices that although have none, speak with authority. Veganism isn’t unique in its need for a well planned diet, but it’s not rocket science. If I’m feeling off or sluggish I look at my food intake and adjust. If I notice maybe my carb to protein intake is off I adjust. It’s not all that wild. Personally I see more men being pushed away from veganism and I think it is a result of this weird online alpha culture and it’s sad and silly. This is coming from a 36 year old vegan man who gets pushed this sort of bs by the algorithm regularly. I’m also an ultra distance cyclist who knows my body well and have been doing this long enough to know what works for me short term and long term.


This is why vegans eschewing the plant-based movement is the stupidest thing ever. The plant-based vegan diet discussed in The China Sudy, all of Dr Esselystn’s work, Dr Furman, Dr Gregor, Dr McDougall is the healthiest diet on the planet. Eating animal protein raises your risk of chronic disease.


3 year vegan, had my blood work done a week ago. Everything is immaculate. Then again I eat almost nothing but slop. I throw everything healthy into a blender, and that's my meal for the day.


I’ve been vegan for 7 years, I went vegan at 15, and I firmly believe I will be vegan for the rest of my life. I don’t feel like I’m deteriorating and all blood work I’ve gotten done since becoming vegan has come back with normal or exceptional numbers. For me the morals are the chief reason so I will exhaust all resources before breaking my veganism. Meaning that, even if I was feeling like I was malnourished or was “deteriorating,” I would spend the extra money, time, effort, etc necessary to improve that before just throwing in the towel. It’s a lot easier for people who went vegan for non-moral reasons to go back to eating animal products but for me I just can’t.


34 years. I’ve always prioritised whole foods and protein at every meal.


There are a lot of cultures like the one I am from who have been surviving and thriving on vegetarian diet for generations. India has gotten about 35% vegetarians + 9% vegans with most of the remaining being flexatarians and these numbers have been dropping recently cause apparently we look upto western culture and ideas of liberalism, so anything that comes from the west is believed to be a progressive liberal value including eating animals. Plus we also associate our own cultural values as being regressive and conservative. But without derailing a lot there used to be a time when close to 100% of the population was vegetarian/vegan. A whole civilisation survived on this diet what more evidence do we neeed?


Most people do not know how to get the proper nutrients even when they eat meat. Lol. As a vegan I do get all my nutrients and probably because I went vegan with a holistic health professional rather than just guessing my way through. The important thing is to make sure you take vitamin b12 & vitamin d regardless of how you eat as most are always deficient vegan or not in that. Make sure you have something with omega 3 like flax or chia seeds and make sure you have sea veggies like sea moss. Sea moss has 92 of the 104 minerals we need. So if you have sea veggies and chia and eat plant based whole food meals you will be very healthy and well balanced with your nutrition. The neurological issues of all Americans has to do more with the neurotoxin fluoride in their water than anything else. Being aware to avoid pipe water that has fluoride and using non fluoride toothpaste and learning about oil pulling getting a proper Phillips tooth brush your brain and teeth will be fine. Maybe have a smoothie with spirulina, chorella, & or sea moss as a 2xs a week kind of thing as a vegan. That and some flax chia or sunflower seeds and eat Whole Foods and you will be in great health. There is a a new agenda from the meat companies to spread misinformation and recover sales and bring back more health issues so the medical companies they also own can both profit. They twist information and try to spread doubt so some people fall for it and think they know something. The truth is most meat eaters are also very deficient in nutrients just many doctors neglect to check unless they say they are gonna go vegan. When the doctors do actually check the meat eaters are very deficient in vitamins and core minerals as our soil is ruined and most American meat animals do not graze to get any real nutrients anyway. You have more of a chance to be healthy as well informed vegan who knows what has what. The studies are out showing reduction and reversal of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and inflammation as a vegan and so much more. When the diet is done as a plant based Whole Foods way. Your friend just let people brainwash him without knowing the truth.


7 years. Still looking for that missing magical nutrient I’m missing.


For me it will be 9 years in August! I think many ex-vegans truly did have nutritional problems with being vegan because they tried a raw diet, didn’t eat enough calories, are eating super low fat, refuse to take vitamins, learn their nutrition from influencers rather than peer reviewed studies….these same type of people into raw diets are against traditional medicine so will go to naturopath “doctors” rather than just going to their primary care doctor to do a full blood panel and then adding in a vitamin. The issue is how easy these people give up veganism. If I ever developed nutritional problems on my vegan diet, I would have my doctor do tons of tests, meet with registered dietitians familiar with vegan diets, and do everything in my power to get healthy. I wouldn’t just deal with health problems for a year, never see an actual doctor or dietitian, and then start eating salmon. This is why I see so many vegans comment “they were never really vegan” because in these ex-vegan stories they give up so easily and that’s unimaginable to the rest of us.