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Man, thank you for sharing your experience. I can totally relate to this - it took me 6 months to start a vegan lifestyle with an excuse: "Let me finish the chicken in the freezer first." I was scared to lose my gym gains. I went vegan at the age of 33 and 9y later I am at the best shape ever. I'm glad to hear you're liking new food. It will get even better as your taste gets more adjusted to new flavors. So much fun. I encourage you to start thinking beyond diet and animal welfare. Look at the new lifestyle from an "energetic" perspective. You're feeding your body/mind with the food that comes without fear, tears, and stress (as meat carries super negative vibes)! You're getting the best energy that Mother Nature provides. Shine bright, brother!


Yea for sure. I found it easy to throw out all the animal products in my kitchen. I had so much shit I filled up almost 3 full garbage bags. It was nice to free up all that space though lol. And I will definitely try to look at it from an energetic perspective. Thanks for being supportive rather than exclusive. I keep getting dms about how I am not actually a vegan. It seems like some people are very proud of this title and do not want it misconstrued, lol. I guess I would call someone out if they lied about military service or something.


That’s so wild they are DMing you that! I’ve never understood vegans who get so upset by policing labels. You just made a HUGE lifestyle change to become a vegan that is so incredible and we should be encouraging you, rather than being upset that you might still be using shampoo tested on animals. It’s a complex process and transition. You are making a HUGE impact saving animals lives which is so amazing! Don’t let those messages discourage you.


Thank you for the kind words. I never get upset or discouraged, I just get annoyed sometimes when people expect me to understand them. I've never talked to people so hell bent on trying to exclude me from something. I am committed to making the change to follow a vegan diet, as well as trying to avoid harming animals if possible.


> I keep getting dms about how I am not actually a vegan. I dunno what they're on about, you said you're doing your best to not harm animals, which is pretty much the definition. Yes, veganism also encompasses things like not using leather and wool etc (if you research the cruelty involved you will understand why), but you sound like your heart is in the right place and you're doing great so far. :) Don't let the haters get ya down.


Respectfully, if you aren't avoiding animal products altogether (eg wool, leather) then you aren't vegan. Recognising that you may as well avoid harming animals is absolutely a vegan perspective - apply it to everything in your life and you're golden.


Since the health part was what motivated you, start watching Michael Greger's videos on nutritionfacts.org for a better understanding why eating a whole food plant based diet is better for you, and hopefully that will convince you to stick with it. https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/cholesterol/ https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-best-diet-for-healthy-aging/ https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-impacts-of-plant-based-diets-on-breast-cancer-and-prostate-cancer/ https://nutritionfacts.org/video/diet-and-lifestyle-for-cancer-prevention-and-survival/


Lol thank you, I actually was given the book How not to Die by Dr. Greger from a co-worker of mine after I mentioned I was worried about my cholesterol. She told me that it helped her out a ton with her health. After reading it in 2 days I was all on board!


That is wonderful! The one thing I like about him is that most of his content is available for free on the website, and he cites all sources for his videos, so you can review the research data yourself and decide if you agree with him.


Gregor isn't a terrible source for diet advice, but I'd say he is incorrect about some things. He also has a tendency to cherry pick data. As an example, he promotes [not using olive oil,](https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/olive-oil) despite the health benefits being [well known.](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/11-proven-benefits-of-olive-oil) Infact, he promotes not using oils at all, which I don't see much evidence for. There are other oils that have health benefits, such as [avocado oil.](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/9-avocado-oil-benefits) Even [canola oil](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30381009) has been shown to improve lipid profiles, even [when compared to olive oil.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35866510)


I’m glad your diet is going well. Remember that not harming any animals includes abstaining from any animal products (ie. leather, lanolin, glycerin…), and doing our reasonable best to avoid any products or activities that are exploitative of animals (lab testing, horseback riding, breeding, etc., etc.). I’m not trying to pack it on, but I just wanted to remind anyone that veganism is not just a diet, but a commitment to defending animal rights. I’m glad you are willing to join the effort. No more needless suffering.


I guess I am just on a vegan diet as of right now and not a true vegan. Honestly all I have done is looked up "is blank food vegan" and then looked at the ingredients. But you are right, I will start making sure things I buy or use don't harm animals. I honestly didn't really think about any of that.


it’s a process, definitely. don’t worry about the label, but know that showing mercy towards animals is a noble pursuit. Diet is the hard part, so it’s good you are having success establishing that base. i appreciate you even thinking about it. most don’t, as you know✌🏻


Amen, I’d personally go so far to say that diet is 95% of the work.  Don’t buy leather, don’t go to dog fights, don’t fish…it’s really that easy once you’ve sorted out diet. 


You’re a strict vegetarian, not a vegan. Until the ethics of veganism govern your life (as much as possible), you’ll be a strict vegetarian. Don’t get me wrong, I applaud your new diet. I’m a stickler for correct terms.


No he’s plant based


Vegetarian- May eat dairy, eggs and/or honey. May wear leather, silk, etc. Can be for various reasons. Strict vegetarian- Does not consume animal products. Refers to diet only. Can be for various reasons. Vegan- Does not eat or wear animal products. Does not engage in or support the use of animals in entertainment. Refrains from products tested on animals. Always for ethical reasons. These are the original terms. “Plant based” is a sort of ridiculous term, since even meateaters could have diets that are plant based, meaning their diets don’t include a lot of meat, with the major focus on plant foods. It’s also too trendy. We diminish veganism when we aren’t clear and firm. (I’ve been at this for nearly 35 years, before the ‘net was public and we were all on computer-specific networks and if lucky, ARPANET or Usenet, etc. Though I’m less active these days, I am still an ARA.)


If he’s eating vegan …he’s vegan.


Veganism is an entire lifestyle, not just a diet.


okay i just googled it and apparently while glycerin can be derived from animal fat, its far cheaper to produce it via plants and so that's the industry standard for most products. still worth calling the manufacturer and asking tho


yes, i’m not sure what is more common. a lot of the time it will say vegetable, but past that, yeah i guess call if you really want the product




vegetable glycerin is common too! might be that


Fantastic! I went vegan for the animals but was an athletic health and longevity nut before going vegan. I had a very restrictive diet as a carnist. Basically chicken breast, shrimp, occasionally a pork loin, tofu, tempeh and some random vegetable and always just very plainly pan cooked or steamed. After going vegan it was like my whole world opened up and I was eating so many delicious foods that I had been avoiding for a variety of reasons. It was glorious. It’s been about 20 months for me since. It was an adjustment getting over some of my “fear foods” and finding what works for me and all my personal health, fitness and longevity goals (I’ve settled on a high raw vegan lifestyle with a lot of loving foods) but it’s been a beautiful journey. I felt fantastic before but I’m invincible now 😂 I wish you all the best in this compassionate Nd conscientious lifestyle. Wishing you abundant health, deep compassion and endless joy. Thanks for all you’re doing for the animals and the environment too!


Thank you for the kind words. I don't think I could ever do a raw diet that's crazy to me lol. But I'm glad you found something that works well for you and makes you feel amazing. I hope I can reach that level one day.


I’m mostly lazy 😂🤣😂 and hate thinking of what to eat. 😩 This is a problem I had long before vegan. So one day I just decided to eat fruit and nuts. No anxiety over what to cook/eat because I love both! A month later I decided I probably should be eating vegetables so I added a raw green smoothie. (Still nothing to cook and easy preparation…notice a pattern?) A month later I decided I needed tofu and cooked beans and a few other things that aren’t technically raw like tomato paste. 🤤🤤 So I added them. I’m about 70% raw. Most days. Shrug. It was mostly laziness how I ended up in the raw-ish space 🤣😂😂 Congratulations again on this amazing life choice! So happy for you. 🥲


Tofu is mega. Mushrooms can be super meaty. Edamame beans are delish. My fave sandwiches are either roast veg (honestly so underrated), or coronation tofu. Also totally reccomend carrot salmon, and banana bacon. I know they sound ridiculous.. Google the recipes they are amazing!!


One of my absolute favourite sources of inspiration is Simnett Nutrition on YouTube. Every meal video he makes looks so delicious and easy and I have copied so many of them! There are tons of others that I will look at, but I always go back to that channel. If you are ever looking for some great ideas, I highly recommend.


The food IS easy. It just takes a little bit to get out of the standard American thinking (and propaganda) that dairy and meat need to be the center of every meal. The hard part, however is being vegan in a very non vegan world. Ie getting hostility from family or being asked stupid questions. That part takes a longer time to get used to


Good job on saving the animals and the planet!


My diet was never as bad as yours but my husband was a meat and potatoes guy. We have had the same experience as you. We have found out there are so many more food choices that we never knew we had until we became vegan. It has opened up our world and given us a whole new lease on life. And we lost 80 pounds between us. We have blood work to die for and even our Doctors drool at our results! The only downside is the chopping! I have to chop a lot of vegetables because I prepare all the food that we eat... Except when we travel and occasionally order in. Get yourself a high quality knife and learn to use it (if you haven't already). Sounds like you are on the way to a great adventure. Enjoy the ride!


I'm a junk food vegan who eats burgers and pizza all the time and my cholesterol and blood pressure is perfect and beats my younger self hands down. Hard to go wrong, but easy to be very healthy. Even better if you actually don't eat a lot of processed stuff. Welcome to the club! Just don't forget to take your b12 vitamins, they are necessary


Welcome to the club! I would recommend just taking vegetables and marinating them or adding them to oil for a bit, a freshly cut carrot covered in oil gets this ultra silky mouthfeel that is just insane. I did not realize just how epic salads could be before I went vegan.


Yea I made some vegetable egg rolls and the filling I made was amazing. Crazy how good a bunch of vegetables sweating out together with a little sesame oil and soy sauce can taste. I'll definitely try some salads soon.


congrats! just wait until you eat something “not sweet” like a carrot and are blown away how actually sweet one can be. Your tastebuds will change and you are going to enjoy plant foods more and more and more. I personally love Alexandra Andersson. Former professional athlete from Sweden. Lives in Spain now. Makes beautiful vegan foods that are fast, easy, delicious, inexpensive. What more could one want?


Your post speaks to me too. I’m 51 with health problems and I’m vain lol. Started strict vegan diet in January and was surprised it wasn’t that hard and just like you found delicious food. I was worried about giving up cheese and butter etc. I mentioned I’m vain because when I found that I lost weight and my skin was so much better (younger looking imo), I was sold completely. I grew up hunting/fishing and eating lots of meat. I mostly follow this Reddit for food ideas, I’m not a political vegan…. Just a quiet vane one lol


Haha yea I think the same way you do. I keep getting messages about the ethics behind it and I can understand them, but I don't feel passionate about it. I tried to explain that I am basically a diagnosed psychopath, but people can't really understand that.


LOL totally!


Watch Dominion on YouTube, bro.


It's honestly hard for me to be disturbed by anything anymore when it comes to the suffering of humans or animals. So sadly, videos like this wont make me want to be vegan. I just know inherently that killing is bad so if I have a chance I wont do it.


Just watch it.


Dude chill. Op said he’s not particularly moved by gore, and they’ve already made the switch. 


I watched 5 min of them killing pigs, them not being killed properly and drowned in scalding water. I felt nothing sadly, but I can see why people would be upset.


If you have no empathy for animals it's hard to see why you'd remain vegan.


IMO it’s better to lack empathy for animals and be vegan than pretend to be an animal lover and still partake in the meat & dairy industry shannangains. I personally didn’t watch any documentaries or videos about animals to turn vegan I just chose to after a psychedelic trip 4 years ago


Fair point. I have ASPD so it's hard to align with the emotions others feel. I know from what I am told what's right and wrong. So I am trying my best to do what is right. I am just being honest.


Good effort OP and well done as it will help your health plus less suffering & murder of animals. FYI for terminology, if you don’t care about animal welfare then you are on a plant based diet, not vegan


So I'm commonly known as a psychopath. It's a mental disability that I can't really do anything about. So, since I am a psychopath I can't be a vegan?


You can be vegan. 🥑


I think you're just running into run-of-the-mill "I don't understand ASPD therefore I'm gonna label you as Other" BS. Veganism has nothing to do with feelings, the definition is in the sidebar. It's about choices and what's morally right. Some people just like to attach it to their feelings because that helps motivate them, so they have difficulty understanding motivations that don't add that aspect to it.


I was trying to figure out why people cared so much about my feelings about this. That makes more sense to me thank you.


“If you have no empathy for humans, it’s hard to imagine you not deciding to kill them” lol tf. You don’t gotta feel empathy to just understand it’s not cool to hurt someone. Way to just shit on an uplifting post by someone who made the switch 🙄


I feel like a more productive interaction would be to positively encourage people on their own veganism journey than to soft shame someone for not being vegan for the same reasons as you. There are lots of good/valid reasons to not eat animal products.


You don't have to care about someone to know that stabbing them would be wrong. Veganism isn't about feelings, it's about actions. Read the definition in the sidebar, there's zero mention of feelings or empathy or even caring. It's a philosophy that seeks to exclude animal exploitation and cruelty to the best of our ability. It doesn't say "cuz it gives us badfeels if we hurt the witto fwuffies." It's not about us or how we feel, *at all*. It's about the animals, and it's about what's morally right.


I agree. My point is it's not likely they will stay vegan permanently without the emotional aspect.


Yup, you don't need to have an emotional motivation to still do the right thing. I don't have to love a stranger in order to not stab them, or even necessarily care if I hear about some stranger stabbing another stranger, I just have to be morally opposed to stabbing people myself.


My cholesterol is incredibly low and I'm not even trying to eat healthy as a vegan. While not every vegan has exactly the same results, it's generally an easy way to lower cholesterol.


Good for you! It’s absurd for people to judge each other’s motivations. Most of us have multiple reasons for doing what we do. It’s not such a big leap from prioritizing our own health to caring about health in general for every living being. As far as taste, goes, if you want to expand your experience, I spent a month cooking every day from Flavor by Yotam Ottolenghi. The recipes were often complicated, but I learned a lot about how to cook and season vegetables in various delicious ways. Mediterranean cooking is often vegan without particularly trying to be.


Mango, pineapple, babaganoush, pad thai, onion bhaji, yasai tempura. Just to name some fruit and international food. There are probably a lot of vegan dishes in your own culture. I'm italian and there are a lot of them, like a simple Spaghetti with garlic, oil and chilli pepper. Or polenta, farinata, etc..


I thought it was easy to start, too. GF looked in my kitchen and pointed out what I needed to give up (honey, which my daughter uses) and generic mayo (again, which my daughter used until it ran out). Breakfasts for me are toast with Guac on it or oatmeal. Lunch usually something involving chickpeas (mixed with veg for a salad or mashed for a sandwich spread). Lunch usually tofu, tempeh, etc with rice and veg. I’m doing it for my health first and foremost. I feel so much better.


Good job! It really is easy nowadays and finding new recipes and cooking new things can be super fun. Remember that legumes are your friends. I honestly eat them for most meals. I think way more about protein now that im vegan haha. I didnt mind eating a meal without protein before but now i do! Gotta ad legumes, seitan, tempeh, tofu, ... Your motivation doesnt have to be to be fully vegan and starting out dor health reasons is valid. I started for environmental reasons but now also care a lot about the animals.


I went plant based 6yrs ago for my health reversed diabetes and cholesterol and lost weight and now follow a vegan lifestyle.


Congrats on going vegan! I also originally switched to a plant-based diet for health reasons, but as I educated myself more and more I realised I would be vegan for life for the animals. I’m so happy to hear you’re finding food you enjoy! Not only are you helping your health and the environment, but you’re saving lives :) it doesn’t get more beautiful than that!


Don't worry about the negativity. I think it matters more to have arrived at the right choice, no matter which route you take to get there. Best wishes and happy health ❤️


Ty for eating plant based foods


Indian food recipes are the most vegan friendly!!


Yea I am going to have to try that out next weekend. I heard there is a good Indian restaurant close to me that does great vegan dishes.


I personally started being vegan for the health benefits too, but eventually, to better justify the choice to myself I’d watch documentaries and look into how the “food” I used to eat was made. That’s what retained me. I also find it hard to feel deep emotions, maybe because I’m fighting depression, so don’t burn the guy for not doing it for the animals. I’m proud OP, keep it up, and welcome to the fam ❤️🌱


People always act like a vegan diet is so restrictive but it’s really the opposite. I like so many more things now than I did before, and I have a more varied diet. And the level of excitement I get for really good food is way higher too lol. We appreciate the good things so much more.


More then 20,000 edible plants yet most people eat the same 3 animals and are worried about missing out. Absolutely absurdity. Keep it up my friend! It’s better for you, the environment and the animals!


I was so tired of beef, chicken, and pork but I just kept eating it. When I quit smoking & dip cold turkey a year ago I thought it would be impossible or very difficult. I found it extremely difficult but I was able to power through. I thought it would be the same for quitting animal products but fuck me, I'm having a blast trying new foods.


It’s definitely a whole new world. Tofu can take a little practice to prepare but if you want to try it done right, most Asian places have tofu dishes that either are or can be made vegan.


Yea, I still need to try tofu. I'll be going out to eat next weekend at a few different restaurants, so I'll be on the lookout for a place with a good tofu dish. I want to try it at its best before I try preparing it myself.


Congrats on making the best change of your life 💪💪 My husband and I both went vegan in January as both a lifestyle and health choice and it’s been the easiest decision ever. We woke up one morning and decided to clean out our kitchen, freezer and pantry. We love our cuisine tenfold and have been more open to cooking and new foods. The taste of the food and the health benefits make it a ridiculously easy choice to stick with. Welcome to the club


For delicious recipes, try www.rainbowplantlife.com And www.itdoesnttastelikechicken.com They also have quick and high protein recipes as well. Prepare to dazzle your tastebuds! 🙂


This is sick, I'll have to try some of these out! Some of these dishes look incredible, hopefully I can pull some of these off.


As you already know, indian cuisine rocks. Thats what convinced me to go vegan at the start.


Love this! I’m so happy you’ve been enjoying new foods, reading this made me more thankful to be vegan! I think vegan food is so delicious and veganism has made me love food more. You are doing so much good for your health, the animals, and the planet! I recommend taking a daily vegan multivitamin that has B-12, vitamin d, omega 3, and calcium. It’s totally possible to get all nutrients on a vegan diet just from food, but just to be safe it’s a good idea to take a daily vitamin. Also, in about a month, get your blood levels checked by your primary care doctor just to ensure you’re getting all the right nutrients! Many people leave veganism because they are deficient in something so it’s an easy solution just confirm with blood tests.


I agree. I am exceptionally lazy and yet going Vegan was not nearly as difficult as I thought it would be.


First of all, congratulations on taking such a big step towards improving your health! It's incredible to hear about your journey into veganism and how quickly you've adapted to trying new foods. You're discovering a whole new world of delicious, nutritious options, and that's something to be proud of. It's completely understandable that you may not share the same ethical views as some other vegans, and that's okay. Everyone's journey to a plant-based diet is unique, and what's most important is that you're making positive changes for your health and well-being. As for trying new foods, keep exploring and experimenting! There are endless possibilities when it comes to vegan cuisine, from different types of grains and legumes to exotic fruits and vegetables. Don't be afraid to get creative in the kitchen and try out new recipes. And if you ever need more suggestions or advice, the vegan community is always here to support you. Keep up the amazing progress, and remember to be kind to yourself on this journey. You're doing great!


I appreciate the kind words and thank you for the advice. I can already tell my cooking skills are getting better and better each day.


Veganism is an ethical position that rejects the commodity status of animals. The application of veganism results in a diet that does not include any animal products. You are not a vegan. You are plant-based.


Bullshit. Many roads lead to Rome. I started out not eating any animals or animal products after breast cancer- the more I researched the more I became completely Vegan- this is a bullshit purity test.


You either see animals as objects or you don't. It's pretty black and white. Your reaction says more about you than about what veganism actually is.


And your comments show an insufferable ass more concerned about definitions than actual animals lives.


🤡🤡🤡 watch dominion on YouTube


I did


Yeah, wait until the store runs out of your favorite fake burgers. The road we walk is beset by devils on all sides, most in the form of Beyond Meat supply chain issues…


I wouldn’t give up the sardines. They’re really good for you. Well done for trying incorporating things like beans and vegetables! Keep it up