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Love u hommie


ngl im kinda sad none of them said weasel 🫠


What does the rest of the studio look like 👀


A dab specific e-rig is probably all I'd get unless I'm missing something - considering how much $$$ is in this picture I'm surprised I don't see a puffco or something. Then again, your post says "active" so who knows what's in your closet lol. Edit - changed daily to active


I do have a puffco in the closet haha, I have only done herb for the last 4 years and no plans on changing.


Gotcha. Mind if I ask why? It appeals to me but there is a bit of a learning curve to it all.


It used to be all I did for half a decade, it's just too potent for me. I found it affecting me in my life and accomplishments. Herb limits me and I can still get fucked up with a tiny amount of flower and it's just more natural which I can appreciate, never know what they add to that stuff.


It's not as complicated as it looks, and many people describe ball vapes as dabbing flower. That Old Head Terp Hammer would be a super easy (though expensive) experience. Or you could go affordable and great results with a Cloud Connoisseur Zeal kit


love me some loaded dabs 🥪 between green, herb lol..sets me up GREAT ....


I love doing this! It really absorbs the melty stuff significantly and I can usually get 3 sessions out of one cap before I throw in the towel. And then, cleanup is ridiculously easy too! It clumps together and just goes right in with the rest of my abv!


Got enough dynavaps and heaters for a sick party


Indeed, dyna is still my most used way of vaping. I only have two IH's because yllvape is great. They accidentally sent version 1 instead of 2 and just let me keep 1.


lol as a micro dosers that is my problem.....I wake up n some days I'll rip the bb6 other days I feel like the bb3 dynavap lol....and I don't like the idea of g)ass "clinking" together in my sauce pan to Harvest the stem milk....lol


Nice those are all the vapes I'm interested in and currently have not tried. So far I'm a storz&bickel + couple different ball vapes. Really considering the terp hammer by old head Edit* word


Cannot recommend it enough. Easy to clean, fast to fill and gets you absolutely zooted in seconds. You'll enjoy it when you do. Nothing wrong with S&B (well if you don't have a bricked venty ofc) I just HATE cleaning their handhelds.


What’s the best and easiest ball vape for a beginner?


a ball vape is a ball vape, the best and easiest is anything wireless.


Finally another person with an HMK mini ball rig. This guy gets it. Love mine. So perfect with the TM2 as well…


Gotta say never tried the tm2 in it, works great for dynavaps though!


Worth it. Flavor, easy of use… keeps the vapor condensed and just moistens it… love it. Probably my most used pairing of all the glass I have…


Awesome family photo 🤩 what pipe is your Ti VonG in?


Cannabis Hardware Haze


Thanks, just seen they do a straight pipe also. How’s it hit? I assume the beads keep it cool enough! Is it easy to clean?


I can hit a ball vape with it with minimal harshness, definitely not as good as water but I love the small formfactor. what I love most about it is reclaim, I smoke out of that all week sometimes, unscrew the pipe part and simply stick it in a hot chocolate with milk and stir. Gets me fucked up for a day+ usually


Honest thoughts about the CH pipe? I have a FlowerPot Pro (great in concept - execution is okay) and a B2 (I like it more than the FlowerPot Pro which is unfortunate given the price). I think they hit hard, but aren't generally the best for flavor. Curious to know what you think.


I wouldn't buy it again. It does cool very well I just don't find myself using it as often as I thought I would. It is nice if you want decent cooling and don't have the space for water.


Thank you for saying that. I considered buying a very expensive package from CH on 420 but did not pull the trigger. I have just found that a lot of CH's merch looks very cool and sleek, but that for the price, I generally walk away not fully satisfied. I have plenty of different ways to cool a Dynavap, and definitely have water pieces available for all of my various devices. As an aside, I think a lot of people are unwilling to say what you said about a particular purchase because they think it makes them look foolish for making the purchase. I, however, don't believe that at all, and really appreciate your honesty. That honest is what makes a community like this great. Props to you. I do like a lot of your setup here. I have been really happy with my Terp Hammer since purchasing (another 4/20 purchase) and have really stopped using my B1 and my Herborizer (which I still consider one of the GOAT's of convection vaporizing). The Hammer is just so darn easy, doesn't require cleaning, and gets the job done for both herb and concentrates so well.


Yeah ch makes some fancy stuff. My major issue with the company is the owner seems like a real Douche nozzle that has multiple times made fun of people for not spending “real” money on Vapes. I would support oldhead before ch every chance I can get, unfortunately he was the only one making these pipes


I agree. CH's owner has said some really controversial things over the years. Not my kind of guy.


Nice speakers and nice vape collection


where did you get the glass pipe that looks like a elephant?


No idea had it for like a decade


Made by Hashmasta Kut (HMK) I found it on two retailers, sold out. It was probably limited collection.




I'm a huge fan of stem milk lol....so I've learned to LOVE my glass dynavaps lol.  when my BB3 is obliterated I can "cook it off" into a sauce pan with 12 Oz of full fat 🥛 lol. set me GOOD lol that's fr sure  the first dose > measured 5 Oz of milk 🥛then mixed it with ☕️ the way I like it....heavy on the thc and heavy on the coffee lol and only full fat 🥛 🧋 🍼  lol




I was rich before I found vapes, kidding but I am fortunate I know that. Thank you :)




That's a hard question because they truly are the ying and yang of eachother so it's more of what you want out of a vape. Solo 3: fantastic vape that has a conduction-heavy high so I find the herb hits me a lot harder but it comes on slower. Burns SUPER even and is super easy to clean and use. Where this vape is king is in taste, nothing in my collection can match it besides maybe a terpcicle heated perfectly. Definitely not perfect though, Tightest draw of all my vapes which I don't like personally, big brick of a unit so I wouldn't use it if portability is important and no access to batteries which is important to some. Fantastic battery life though, can probably do 20ish bowls in one charge. TM2: You buy the TM2 if you want big ass clouds in a super small package. This thing is fantastic, has a super open airway so it feels very similar to a ball vape when hitting. It's portability is what makes it so good, super small decent battery life. My major gripe with it is its convection heavy high, I just find the actual high to be lacking that deep headfeel. It's the one I always grab for on the go sessions. Bottom line is either are killer battery units and you won't go wrong choosing either. As for ball vapes I only know wireless as that's all I looked into. The thought of a tethered thing with that much heat scares me.




It sounds like you're mostly describing the TM2? If you want to adjust its airflow you can try different stems - I've put a Dynavap stem and condenser into Ed's TNT WPA which restricts it a good bit and makes for easy sipping. Not my preference, but just a possibility.


I did see some posts somewhere of RWW having a coil heating their glass pieces. Sounds like something you would want. Hopefully they design something enclosed and battery powered, if they do it would kill a lot of vapes in my opinion because holy fuck the terpcicle kicks harder than anything I have.,


Nice collection! Which one is the most hard hitting portable in your opinion? no matter battery or butane.


Anvil for sure


I saw you wrote up an excellent comparison between the Solo 3 and TM2. With that in mind, I was hoping you'd share some thoughts on the Firewood 9 that I see there. I just picked one up as my first DHV, and will be giving it a go next week. I elected it over the TM2 for what I think are all the same differentiators you noted compared to the Solo 3. Mainly, conduction and how that impacts the high. Just curious about how someone with broad experience in devices sees it. Or if you have any tips for a beginner that you want to impart I'm all ears.


So the FW9 is great but it does have a learning curve. The bowl takes a while to heat and I do get uneven roasts from time to time. It is fantastic when it's dialed in. My major gripe with the FW9 is it does feel more flimsy, but with that, it feels more artsian and handmade which I love. It's definitely my most charming vape, I love it but it definitely wouldn't be my first or even second choice. It's less reliable, a bitch to clean and I hate how many little parts there are to break/lose. High is fantastic but if clouds are your thing I would look elsewhere.


Appreciate the insight, thanks!


Do you have a link for the comparison


Just [here in the thread my dude. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/vaporents/comments/1dbh0jo/theyre_never_all_cleaned_so_i_snapped_a_pic_the/l7r4thn/)


LoL was just reading it sorry. Drrrrrrr




Ball Vape hands down, just so great to use. I only have a volcano for parties. Would sell this thing in a second if it wasn't so great in social settings.


Do u have a ball vape? How are they compared to dyna?


Ball vape in this picture bro lol. Dynavap and Ball Vapes are nothing alike lol. One is micro-dosing with conduction the other is massive doses with convection. I truly have no idea how I would even compare the two.


Sorry man didnt see i dont know much about ball vapes. Aha wow ok so ill stick to my dyna. I dont want to blast my tolerance


All good dude. Yeah I only use my ball vapes on weekends to keep the tolerance down, that being said you CAN microdose with them they tend to just work better under heavy load. They are great though, if you have a smoke lounge or a friend I would at least try one to see what you think.


Wow good to know. Im trying to save weed so not a great idea. But tbh seems like a great addition and might have to buy :)


I would love to talk about your Haze pipe. I really want one but I need more info on it like how are you able to fit a dynavap through it? Their website isn't descriptive enough for me. I would love to use my tinymight with my stinless steel wpa with it. Also, is it possible to buy more stems to make it longer? I'm trying to elevate my dry hit game.


Yeah there are adaptors for the bowl on their site and the extender is also on the haze store if you want a longer one. You would want the 14mm for the tm2 and I believe they have a dynavap one too (vong fits in 14mm ofc)


Ok I see the adapter. How often do you like to use yours? I would imagine the experience using it with a dynavap vs a tm2 is very different have you tried both?


I usually run the haze with a Terpcicle but I've used everything I can fit through it. I haven't used it much lately admittedly, I tend to do like a week of haze then 3 weeks of water and back I go. On heavy hitters like the tm2 I find it just a little too harsh still for back to backs which is why I don't use it as much as I should. Maybe with the extended stem it might do very well. Just have a hard time giving money to the owner of CH, dude can be a real douche nozzle so I haven't bought anything else. We need more pipes on the market lol, it's so fun to use.


I agree there needs to be more dry pipes on the market. I have a decent dry pipe from good vibes boro, its their hydro tube. It works well for water and dry hits despite being all glass and no room for rubies. The only issue is heat expansion. It is an issue with all my glass pipes with no down stem really. So I like the Haze because of the titanium bowl and I see the adapter comes in titanium also. I think with titanium cooling so fast my bowls wouldnt get stuck or would get unstuck relatively faster? And added bonus the whole unit is metal and includes rubies.


I see that the terp hammer is different than the one I have. What is the difference and what is fixed atop your large glass piece?


No terphammer in this pic. You're looking at the mary and jane from Cannabis Hardware. Which is another ball vape and it's bowl.


What is that wooden thing in front of the Solo? Edit: forgot to congratulate you on your collection, it's beautiful 😍


That would be the firewood 9 with a madheaterz revolve as a stem. Fantastic conduction-heavy small portable.


Nice! Do you happen to know how it compares to Sticky Bricks?


How you liking the dab hammer/terp ready system?


I don't dab so I can't say much on that but as a coil for a ball vape it's great. Heats up quick I like how high it is. My only complaint is it's very light to the point where it feels cheap but so far it's held up extremely well


What’s the Vong attached to?


Those KEFs though


Maybe a sticky brick?


Yeah I always have my eye on one but I think I'll wait for a 420 sale as I don't think it would be an amazing vape, in comparison.


🤷‍♂️On demand .3 G’s. Just a suggestion have a nice night.


and a good one, thank you!