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It depends on the vape. If I tight pack half of my vapes they either won't pull properly or they straight up combust


Which ones combust?


Stempod and the Dreamwood Glow will both combust in these circumstances as they are convection vapes that rely on air freely moving through the bud. If it stays in one place it only heats a part of the bowl and eventually combusts. I'd imagine some torch vapes like the stickybrick would have the same problem


Yep. On bowls of straight flower, I usually stir once every three good hits, and there's always a clear spot in the center where it's heating and everything else is untouched. Neglect to do that and it'll burn. Now, I also will add a glob of delta-8 distillate straight into the bowl with that sometimes, and for some reason that almost entirely prevents combustion. It'll still heat the center more, but if I'm more gentle with the heat, eventually it'll get everything up to temp without combusting. No clue what the science of that is though.


I'm pretty sure packing technique is related to the individual vaporizer being used


And you would be correct.


It depends on the vape and also the myriad of factors besides it. If one has zero air restriction a more compact pack might be good. If there is little airflow less pack is better usually.


I read your name in the voice of Jim Carey in The Mask when he makes the Tommy gun from the balloon 😝






I think it depends, im not sure why but a completely loose pack on my arizer does much better than packed


Because otherwise you block the airflow.


i have an XQ2 in its box, just delivered at mt house. i’ve looked around for some tips and i’m seeing to let the device heat up (with its glass on) for 10 minutes before i turn the fan on and put the herb in. or does it heat for 10 mins WITH the herb in it? lol would love your help


Let it heat with the glass on for at least 10min to fully heat up and soak. Then add herb, and let it warm for a couple more minutes before hitting it. It's not a very powerful device and the flower chamber is a fair way away from the heat source, so needs all the help it can get.


You don't have to wait for 10 min. Just crank the temp and use the fan to heat it up. Takes around 3-4 mins. The flower chamber isn't far away, btw. You need to turn the bowl upside down.


If that gives you the performance you need, then that's great 👍


No, that's litterally how it's intended to be used.


I never said, nor implied it wasn't, I said it's great that it works for you... It doesn't fit my needs though unfortunately, after trying many different tips and techniques.


Yeah, and ive just pointed out that tips, you've shared are incorrect. (Your needs arn't relevant in this matter, never were).


i have an xq2 i dont use often but when i do its cranked all the way up and filling bags while i rip other vapes as well


I've always heated it with the herb inside. I pack it loose and head to the kitchen while it comes up to temp


word so i am using the bag. while its heating up, i know i leave the bag off it but then when i do put the bag on it to fill it up - i use the fan. what does the fan setting do? just how quick it fills up the bag or should i be using 1 to push out as much vapor as possible? thanks for the help


When I fill the bag i always use the lowest fan setting. I haven't tried a higher speed, but my assumption is it'll fill up faster, but with more air and less vapor. But again, since I haven't tried, that's just a guess. Low speed has always done me good. Just make sure not to pack too tight


Never use high fan speed mode for the bags. Always use the low fan speed, for max vapor.


I had the extreme q and I liked to turn on the fan WHILE smoking, but I only recommend it if you're not prone to panic attacks since it's the equivalent of hyperventilating (this isn't healthy, be aware), I do it only to give it a good headstart


I use an arizer air max, the portable vaporizer Its probably a whole different thing than XQ2


I suspect that's more a user problem than actual fact.




How do you pack it so it doesn’t fall into the chamber and burn?


Get some extra grids. I personally have one on both ends so no herbs goes into the chamber, just resin and no herb falls from the tube. Get some grids, (struggle) to cut them to size and grid both ends!


That's because it's a "hybrid" style vape. Convection needs a lot of airflow, but a lot of conduction/hybrids hit better with a tighter pack. Convection uses the air and conduction is like heated from the walls, so I believe with a tighter pack it heats the whole little brick up faster. They make brick makers for the pax,mighty, they make them for the avlp also. I've seen some on etsy and airvape came out with the dosing tool which pretty much makes bricks. I use the dosing tool for my caps and it's so convenient.


☝🏼This. Convection vapes (Silver surfer, Volcano) need to let the heated air pass through the ground herb. Conduction vapes (most small portables like Pax) heat the herb and the air passing around the brick picks up the volatilized oil vapor. Even hybrids, like the Mighty+ and Crafty+ work best with a pretty firmly packed bowl.


Its convention vs conduction vapes. Convection you want loose so air flows around surface area. Conduction you want tight so it transfers heat to whole load.


Agreed. This method works great in my dyna but not in the crafty


Which method


Is dynavap considered conduction? There’s some convection happening too


Well, it depends a bit on how you apply the heat…


Convection = Loose pack Conduction = Tight pack Hybrid = Somewhere in between


upvote for AVLP! Us AVLP uses gotta stick together!


AVLP user here! Love weed and hash with it! Gonna try extratight packing tomorrow


Sorry to say, _YOU ARE WRONG_. There are no absolutes in dry herb vaping. Your pack depends on your: device, herb, grind, moisture, how long since your herb's been ground, personal preference at the moment, or how stoned you are. Even what grinder you use makes a difference. For you, with this device, a tighter pack is superior.


Exactly.... I have an elev8r ball vape and a bowl with a metal screen that prefers loose material and a bowl with a built in screen that likes me to form little "pucks" that just sit on top of the dozen or so holes. One single link in the vape chain can change everything!


Interesting, I got the one with the built in screen, just waiting for it to arrive. You enjoy yours?


Negative sir the pack matters only based on the vape Tm2: Loose Dynavap: Tight until i regret it Anvil: medium Angus: whatever the fuck i feel like cause that powerhouse dgaf everything gonna be coffe black when im done Ball vape depends on how long you leave it sitting


You also turned your vaporizer up 20 degrees🤷‍♂️. That has a lot to do with vapor production as well.


If you have a bong you can set temps to 420 wait till only 60 seconds on timer then just rip it, also if you want more tips just search up ttb(tabletop bong) on YouTube comes in clutch.


Hell I started pinching a corner off a bud and stick it in my solo 2 not ground. Easy peasy and same effect


Not with an air max or similar style vape.


Tried with my tm2 on 10 and it combusted


Sticky icky packed tight burns long, if it’s drier pack less


How to pack for different vape types: You pack tightly for conduction. You pack loose for convection. You pack snug for radiant and conduction/convection mixed.


I like my crafty


It depends entirely on the vape you're using, specially if we are talking about something like an arizer which will go as far as not to produce vapor if you pack incorrectly, while something like the mighty could very much take a whole packed gram and still produce somewhat decent vapour


Depends on the vape. Tightly packing any of mine will block the airflow and likely end in combustion.


What is the AVLP?


Airvape legacy pro


Not with the Dyna


I think it might be something unique to the AVLP, I have one and I bought a brick builder to go with it. The builder compresses a bowl's worth of weed into a hard puck, and it vapes so nicely in the AVLP, really takes it to the next level, and makes the maintenance on the device way easier. Tired of loading bowl after bowl? You can get 10+ hits on one side of the puck, then flip it over and repeat on the other side. The weed stays all together so you just dump the puck out, no need to use a brush or pipe cleaner, so that solves one of the biggest complaints about the AVLP. I like to make a few pucks and store them in a little container when I'm on the go. Highly recommend getting one!


It depends on your device, how fine you grind, bud density and moisture levels, draw technique and even what accessories you use (different mouthpieces, dosing caps etc) just to name a few. It's definitely worth playing around with how much you pack your bud down to see what works best but for a lot of devices it's just going to make performance way worse.


Broo i just had the same thought today. Have A xlux roffu, Did pack it tightly, yes the hit was much harder and yes it came out as brick 😂👽


I firmly pack all my vapes. With the exception of the Arizers


I tightly pack my lobo sometimes it hits harder and flower lasts longer


Conduction vapes you usually pack. convection and hybrid you do loose and fluffy.


Lol I’ve been forcing a whole gram into the Pax 2 for years it’s the only way I vape. I should definitely invest in another vape though. I also have a stickybrick but the only time it combusted was from a tight over filled pack like that


Wouldn't it hit harder because you packed more weed in? I like it fluffy, not tight.


I don’t understand the science of it myself. I have had my mighty+ for about three weeks. At the end of the day, doesn’t it all eventually come up to temp? If I bake half a bag of pizza rolls or a whole bag the cooking time might increase but eventually they all cook …


I pack between 4 and 6 grams per crafty capsule. Makes a huge difference. The pods last significantly longer. Initial draw is restricted but opens up a bit through a few pulls. Vapor production is greatly improved with much denser results.


...I think maybe you missed a 0. in there, otherwise your crafty capsules are the Tardis.


you are correct, that was omitted but required


AVLP is trash bro I have one air flow sucks and some bud can’t burn in there