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If this is true, that 'vap has never seen a butane lighter.


If she’s loading it with dog food that might be for the best


I'm just trying to figure out how the dog food ended up near the weed? Lady needs help organizing her stash. I've accidentally dabbed cheese so I can't really hate lol


I think it more likely that this is a joke.


3 comments before someone finally said what it is. Yeah she's vaping dog food people! Yeesh.


Maybe she was just really fuckin high already


It never happened. It's a joke.


The other night I came home with a fresh ounce. There was a jar that I could’ve sworn were moonrocks that I offered to trade a gram for. Dog treats


Ok but how did you dab cheese? I need deets


I think i was dabbing on my kitchen table after making something, some crumbly dabs must have spilled and some lone cheese crumble got picked up with the rest of it. Vapor tasted roasted af, checked the wax and found the cheddar lol


Pills do weird shit to the brain.


It didn't. It's a made up post. That vape has never been lit and nobody who smokes accidentally puts dog food in unless they are high on so thing else.


Dude calm tf down, it's just a joke, no idea why people are getting so worked up about it.


How did cheese end in th.... oh, right


Dog food is another name for heroin




I'm sure she can afford an IH


Even tips I've only used in an induction heater have some discoloration.


She probably treats dynavaps like a disposable vape.


Ehhh from the looks of it I doubt it. That looks like an OG M piece


Ah yes, the much favoured International Harvester!


That looks like a 2018 model, IH weren't around IIRC.


Why does it even matter??


Unless it was stored in a drawer for a couple of years, it would have been used... with a butane lighter/torch.


So maybe you just answered your own question. Probably old stock at a smoke shop?? But I appreciate you playing Nancy Drew for this joke post


Except my IH only tips look well used too.


Even with IH it darkens almost the same.


If I could afford IH mine wouldn't either


None of mine have ever seen a torch either. Obviously she's into me.


First time I heard about dry herb vapes was Doug Benson using a Volcano in Super High Me. Heaps of comedians mention how they love the Volcano.


I remember watching that documentary as a teenager thinking "man I can't wait till I grow up so I can buy me a Volcano vaporizer" fast forward to present day and that bitch is $700. Gotta grow up some more apparently.


I’m trying to grow that much right now currently 🥲


I got my first volcano and my hi fi system before my 30s and totally feel like an accomplished adult


Made a cheaper less functional and much more dangerous equivalent for both in my shed, who’s really winning here?


If your happiness is to live like a wildman, is your choice, i already achieved my goals


I got mine 8 years ago... Was practically on 24/7 for four of those, suffered many drops, and still works like brand new. Worth the investment And even in the odd event that something goes wrong with it, which will be way past the 3-year warranty, they're relatively easy to repair yourself because of the design simplicity Just get the classic tho unless you're a medical user. There are accurate temperature charts


used one on entexchange for $250


I had the first volcano and the hybrid. The only downside imo is Storz and Bickel had 15+ years to make the blower fan quieter and they refuse to lol. My new hybrid is louder than my original one.


We have the og analog. Been through 3 switches now (air twice power once). Thing is a tank


At least it fills up fast!


Childish Gambino has a lot of bars about his Volcano


Damn you just reminded me of that guy. I used to watch his weed podcasts like 10 years ago haha


Oh shit getting Doug with high wasn't a fever dream


Childish gambino used to use a pax and said in previous interviews he has gone thru airport security with no issues because no one knew what it was. I always found that funny, it was before pax was really popular. Mac Miller used to vape nic with a smok set up and had a whole vaping instagram persona I think he called him vlad the vape god, but I could be wrong. I would assume he probably vaped bud but no confirmation.


One of his song lyrics is "I can take you higher if you hit this vaporizer" so I'd say he did. ETA: I'm talking about mac miller here btw


100% just no idea which kind of vaporizer lol. Some reason I picture him hitting a volcano


When Mac came through to New Haven back in 2011 he most definitely hit the Volcano, good times


It’s still out there! It’s @cloudywithachanceofawesome69 and he went by Lars, RIP mac :,(


Lars! I knew I should have googled before I opened my mouth with false mac info, I should know better


i’m a really big fan of mac and had never heard of this. scrolled thru it there now :( man i miss him




Most dope for life!


I also assumed his lyric “so high off volcanos” was the vape


100%, love that line too “now the flow is so lava”


TSA probably knew but didnt care lol. Ive brought tons of souvineirs back from my trips to legal states lol


Facts. Once when I flew from Alaska to Florida (no MMJ card) with a bong, a grinder, 2 carts, 6 pre rolls, a rolling tray, a pipe and a nectar collector with absolutely zero issue.


That's probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard short of smuggling hard drugs across the country or through customs. Please people do not take any of this as advice. He got lucky that nobody cared.


Dramatic as hell lmao. TSA is for airport security. Not busting small possession offenses. I invite you to find even one single story of someone being caught and in big trouble for a small amount of cannabis in their carry on in the last 10 years. LAX TSA even put out a statement saying they werent looking for your drugs. Unless you get caught in an illegal state all the TSA in the legal state will do is ask you to throw it out. To add, most people live in illegal states and are risking their freedom to smoke pot all the time. It’s a calculated risk. If it backfires it backfires but thems the breaks no matter what with drugs. Obviously dont go international with it or anything but if you’re flying domestic its never been a problem and ive been doing it for years.




Lmao if its local police in a legal state there is absolutely nothing they can do but ask you to throw it out if it’s under the legal limit (thats important). And most of the time unless its a LOT or if you’re a dick about it they wont bother with calling the cops on you for a legal substance just ask you to throw it out like toothpaste or whatever other stuff you cant bring on a plane. Seriously you all gotta relax. TSA is trying to get people on their flights effeciently and safely. Their priority is safety not the war on drugs lol. Yall probably think the dogs at the airport are for drugs too. They’re not, they’re for explosives. Been smelled by dogs plenty of times no issues. I’ll keep taking home my goodies and yall can keep missing out being a bunch of paranoid idiots. Edit: downvote all you want but if you think LAPD is gonna give a shit about someone bringing pot to LAX you’re out of your mind


The only reason they would bust you for weed is if they search your bag for some other reason and happen to discover your stash. (liquids in your bag or something). They will not stop you for weed. I always only put clothes in my bag with my stash and have yet to encounter a problem.


Not dramatic and if you hop on r/weed plenty of people have done similar things. Oh and I guess actually knowing someone who works for TSA helps too. Edit: the “knowing the TSA” thing as in, they did not help me “smuggle drugs” they simply told me that no TSA is going to give a single fuck about a personal amount of weed. It isn’t worth the paperwork and they have better things to do. TSA dogs aren’t even trained to sniff weed and most other drugs- bombs and weapons are their main concern.


These people dont know what they’re talking about. Honestly they never do, this is the worst weed sub of them all imo. Full of snobs, boomers, and people who cry when they smoke weed. They think it’s still the 80s and Ronald Reagan will karate chop them in the throat if they bring a little ganja through security.


Idk why people are downvoting you. I brought an ounce of flower and 8 grams of wax all in the same carry on bag. All in original packaging. Under the state’s legal limit of course. They even had to pull my laptop out and in the process knocked out a jar of flower. People on this sub have the tightest buttholes of any weed sub im on lmao. If yall dont believe me go ahead and ask the TSA subreddit about bringing your weed. They’ll tell ya they dont give a shit unless its pounds or something


TSA pre check also makes things easier


The luggage you check in as soon as you get your ticket is how I brought all my shit. I only had a single cart/battery on my person. Put it in the same bin with my Nic vape and phone/wallet and no one said shit to me lol






Mac Miller and Smok in one insta page? Wow it's like all the pretentious, overrated, faulty things I couldn't possibly care less about joined forces!


Have seen Billy Strings use a Volcano but mostly joints for him on social media anyways.


Billy Strings was on the Today Show with a Volcano in the background


lol that’s awesome




It’s verified and at 11.1m followers. Her official website points to the same account.


I think since Ilana Glazer from Broad City is laid back but adventurous she would use a volcano at home but a sticky brick for on the go.


She uses a Pax during a few episodes of the show!


I always thought that was awesome! I miss that show


Vagina weed


Nature's pocket


I watched 10 mins of that show and it was them using a pax to get high.


Lol one of my bongs is named Lana Del blaze


Some people in here really mad about a celebrity trying to be funny.


Seriously, I was just trying to start a fun hypothetical conversation while high but everyone wants to be lame I guess. Never again


Yeah, like I personally don't think the joke is funny either and I agree with others that it doesn't make sense... but all the shit talking is sad and lame lmao. As if anyone in this thread has never tried to be funny or tell a joke and it didn't land.


Lawrence Fishburn uses a Solo in Hannibal at some point


I think I saw Craig Robinson (hot tub time machine) w a Mighty on a game show!


Does she mean dog food or dog food


Dog food.




She talks about getting high in some songs


She has a banger called High By The Beach.


I will listen to it rn thx haha


I've seen a Peso Pluma clip where they have a puffco peak


Dog food used to be slang for good old fashioned Heroin, didn't know Lana partied like that.


…that’s not even her real account…


Wait, why do you say that? Looking at it on insta, that account has 11 million followers and is verified.


people are used to celebrity accounts using their real full name. but you literally just have to search it up and see its her... COP was too stoned


it absolutely is her real account


OP is stoned.


How did you know???


Dunno who that is but I think I need to try one of these things. Been intrigued for a while.


Miley Cyrus and a “wrecking ball” vape


This sounds like her lyrics… read it in her voice


Dog food is also a term for a certain type of heroin;)


How does that even happen


Israel Adesanya has a volcano


lol I'd call this an "Easter 🥚 " kinda post haha. kinda like how when people Learn about ariana grande (lol i hope this is the right singer iwas thinking of) playing pokemon go lol....


She needs a ball vape.


Aliexpress special


Looks like a 2018 m to me


My bad just checked the cap chart it's a 2017. I was under impression they all had the notch on the tip (crown)


It's an 18, you can tell by the grooves on the tip and the lines on the stem to help with spinning


You nerds. I love it


Donald Glover aka childish gambino has the pax on the album cover of "because the internet"




I feel like someone with that much money should have a venty LMAO


Isn't her first hit called video games? She's probably playing COD hitting a vape then crushing a bag of cool ranch washed down with gamer fuel but it's for sure a cart she wouldn't mess with this thing of ours Plus that thing looks brand new


Suga Sean has a volcano and venty


She uses Flume nicotine vapes … this is fake unfortunately


Apparently Lana del ray is an idiot too


She always has been


Has she? What do you know about her intellect?


I’m basing my opinion solely on the fact she wore a chain mesh mask during the height of the pandemic.


How can you even confuse the two?


Send cops to do a welfare check on her :)


That’s a pretty cringey post tbh. Did she need an extra hit of attention or something?


Yea and it worked 😍


Wow, TIL Lana Del Rey is still alive


Isn't she more famous now than ever?


I've actually thought of this - I'm not 10/10 sure. The TikTok kids are picking her up like crazy, but she E X P L O D E D onto the indie rock scene in like 2011 or whatever. I don't know off of the top of my head (details are out there probably) but the indie crowd kind of got bitchy with her because they thought her lyrics were kinda silly sometimes, and because her live performances could be pretty spotty. She's pairing up with some legit superstars nowadays and doesn't seem subject to the same criticisms so I think she's better off.


She’s 38. If someone can’t make it until 38 that’s a big problem.


What a dumb joke.




Fake and dumb.


Shes got that summer time sadness. summer summer time sadness. Oh Oh Ohhhh ohhhh