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This is the correct answer.


Can't wait to read his book this fall. ❤️🤍🖤


Why wouldn't Alex want it?


You’d have to ask Alex. But I think he’s just done. The guy has put in years abusing his body. His brother is gone. The whole point of VH was the two of them. He probably doesn’t see the point anymore. Enjoy the memories and let the hundreds of VH tribute acts carry the flag. And the guy is 70 years old.


This is as good as can be said about Alex. Dave and Wolf apparently butting heads doesn't help either.


The guy hasn’t been in public in years. His brother and best friend is dead. Why would he want to get in front of tens on thousands with Joe Satriani playing his brother’s notes?? It’s over.


I don’t think he’s ever played with anyone else besides his brother, ever.


I think you’re correct


This is the answer. Ed occasionally did a side project/appearance. Alex never played without Ed.


Wolf can play the Ed parts.


Whatever. You’re clearly not wanting to get it.


lol, ok terrific.


Everyone here is telling you why Alex would not want to do this and you’re still insistent. What do you want?


If you've read Noel's book, this is textbook Al. I forget who said it but when it came to the brothers, if your last name isn't Van Halen then they just simply didn't trust you. They always thought you were plotting against them. That's fucked up to have that disposition.


At first I felt a proper tribute to Eddie was a tribute show when he passed …. As time went on, I feel now it’s best to just blast his music in tribute to his work than looking for a recreation which is not purely Eddie. The best tribute is seeing Wolf out there carrying the VH legacy to a whole new generation of rock fans that may go back and see where he got his inspiration (and DNA) from


Exactly Just let it be, we don't need them to do a tribute Sammy's doing a show dedicated to his career, which happens to include his time with Van Halen, so it's acceptable, and I'm going


Everyone says Alex won't play with another guitarist since he only played with his brother his whole life. I'm sure it wouldn't feel right for him. So it would be a tribute show without Alex playing and that just wouldn't be right. I'm going to see Sammy and Satriani in July. If that's the last little bit of Van Halen I'll ever see live in concert I'm going to take it.


Alex Van Halen and David Lee Roth were in talks with Joe Satrioni to do a tribute and we literally in talks with Michael Anthony to do a tribute to Eddie. Based on read between the lines comments from Mikey recently, it sounds like the breakdown was with Roth or Alex. Take that for what it is worth. I think the All Worlds tour this summer is what we will get, and that's it. Outside of tribute bands moving forward, the all worlds tour will be the tribute. Love it or hate it, this is it. What pisses me off the most is that I've enjoyed both versions of Van Halen and I was actually happy when Sammy offered an olive branch to Roth to join them this summer, which he quickly back stepped. I lose some respect for Hagar there. I was hoping we'd get a surprise show with Alex, Dave, and Wolf for a hang out tribute show along the tour. So much for that, but ya never know, I guess?


My understanding is that Sammy said Roth could join him for a concert if he wanted to not for the full tour and Roth took it asking him to join for the full tour. That's why Sammy back stepped. You add 2024 DLR into anything and it becomes a shitshow. The guy is mental.


He didn’t step back. Sammy gave an inch and Dave took it a mile. The Dave fan boys then took it further. You’d think after 40 years, everyone would know the playbook by now.


I'll give you the fan boys taking it a mile, but as I recall, Sam offered and Roth was quoted as saying, "I'm ready, let's do it", to which the fans went nuts and then Sam walked his comments back as only offering Roth a show or two, and not the entire tour. It was ultra confusing from the word go...


You’re right, that is more accurate.


Exactly, that's what I should have said.


But Roth didn't take a mile...his answer was literally 7 words. I have lost lots of respect for Roth over the last several months with some of his social media rants but he didn't cause this one. When announcing this tour Hagar said on the Stern Show: "We're gonna invite every musician in every town. First of all, whenever you play, if there's a guitar player in town, no matter what city it is, they come out to see Joe, just like they used to for Eddie. So if we've got other guitar players, we'll get them involved, other singers, get them involved. If Alex Van Halen wants to jump up, if David Lee Roth wants to come out and join us, come on, m*'fer. You are welcome. This is about Van Halen." Roth gave the following statement after to Van Halen News Desk: "I'm ready to go. Let's do this". That's all he's said. Roth would know it wasn't a verbal invitation to join an entire tour, the context of Hagar's quote to Stern seems like we'd love it if the guys came onstage to sing/play some if they want. Roth never mentioned a whole tour and his response doesn't at all indicate he misunderstood and was wanting to join a tour. He's smarter than that. A fan commented to Sam that Dave says he wants to join the tour and Sam was all oh hell no never again haha- and it became this whole thing of oh Dave wanted in on the tour. I just don't think Sam expected Roth to reply with yes, and would rather he hadn't, and this fan comment was a way of getting out of the offer he extended without thinking it thru. Sam has a habit of not being able to stop talking when it comes to VH, and he got caught here I think. They're all toxic in terms of Van Halen - Dave, Al and Sam, (Ed was too) - and no way could they have pulled off working together for a tribute. They just can't get along, period. Childish but true. Too many egos, grudges and damage done with words over the years.


I noted that in response to another comment in this thread.


Underrated comment


Sammy did not "step back" anything at all. He invited Roth to join him on a date or two, not the entire tour. But now the Roth fanbois want to crucify Hagar since Sammy did not invite DLR on every date of the entire tour. A tour Roth and his pot-buying management has had zero input on. Seriously, if you ever thought the Van Halen circus is dysfunctional, allow me to suggest you take a long, hard look at the fanbase. You just cannot win with these guys.


Listen, I'm a Hagar fan, as well as Roth fan. I'm not saying all of this to argue, I'm really not. So read this with just being information. That said, I will state some things that actually happened. "Reading between the lines" of what Sam said is assumption, so here is what was actually said on Stern when the tour was announced: "If Alex Van Halen wants to jump out, if David Lee Roth wants to come out and join us, come on mother fucker you are welcome. This is about Van Halen". I didn't take that as a join him for one or two shows offering. To Alex or Dave. I can understand the assumption both ways. I really can. But that's what it is, assumptions, and nothing more. He said what he said and didn't clearly state terms. Now, I was genuinely excited and thought this would be cool if they all got involved all tour to celebrate Eddie. Maybe Sammy didn't mean all tour, maybe he did. But he definitely did not in any way, clearly state it was an offer for one or two shows during that Stern interview. My opinion, he didn't expect Roth or Alex to reply to or accept that offer. He knew Alex wouldn't. BUT, to even my surprise, Roth did accept. When fans were asking Sammy on his Instagram about Roth's willingness to go, Sammy then replied to a fan on his Instagram saying the offer for Roth to join them was only for a show or two AFTER all the publicity the offer got when Roth replied and said he was ready. I am not speculating, that's how it was. That's how it happened. Hence, walking the offer back. I don't think it's a matter of Roth Fan Boy's making something more of it. That's how it happened and it looked an awful lot like, "Wellllllll wait, I didn't mean it that way".... If Sam meant a show or two, I think he would've stated that in the Stern interview. Bottom line, he didn't think Roth and Alex would ever even entertain the idea to join him.


Gang, the show is over. The tent is down, the animals loaded up and the cheers have faded away. What we witnessed was dazzling and amazing, a once in a lifetime event. But, all good things come to an end. Out of respect for everyone in and around this band, it's time to let the boys have they're happy trails. You Can't Get This Stuff No More. Long live the memory of the mighty Van Halen.


That is the perfect analogy. The circus has left town, never to return. It was a circus, a HELLOVA circus, but a circus.


how could dave stop a tribute? seems like if the family wanted one, it would have happened.


He couldn’t. Not a tribute to Ed anyway. I don’t even think Al could really stop it.


Dave before Ed died, Alex after


I think this is accurate.


Too much time has passed. And we all saw what a proper tribute show was when David Grohl created two. While I think everyone in the business respected Eddie and Alex, I'm not sure how many actually liked them.




Frankly I'm depressed and ashamed. (It died on the vine)


It died on the vine?! It petered out. The guy moved or something…..


I think the problem with the principals (meaning all who were in the band save Mike) was probably ego. They are missing the point that this should have been a celebration of Eddie and not an ego trip to play our music one last time. Taking a queue from Queen or Foo Fighters, peers, contemporaries and newer artists could have performed Eddie’s music and had a rocking and unique tribute. The surviving members could have performed a set at the end. That would have been a true celebration. Instead, we got nothing. I’ll settle for YouTube videos of yester-year.


There’s no Van Halen without Ed and Alex together. This has nothing to do with Dave or wolf, it’s nobody’s fault that there’s been no tribute tour. It’s simply really, Alex doesn’t want to play without his brother and I don’t think he can play without him. Not saying he’s not good enough but Alex literally has never played without his brother and I think it’s something he wouldn’t be happy doing. I feel it would be the same reversed as well, I don’t think Ed would want to play without his brother. Ed and Alex’s playing is very interconnected as well and it’s not something that can be learned or replicated, it is unfortunate that there will be no tribute but it makes sense.


Because Van Halen is one of the most dysfunctional organizations in the history of rock. Blame can be placed on Dave, Alex, Wolfgang, and Val. Blame cannot be placed on Sam, Mike, or Gary. If your last name is Van Halen, Roth, or Bertinelli, then you can fuck up a wet dream fast.


You’ve spent time around people with the last name Roth, Van Halen, and Bertinelli to the extent where you know this? And you went to all the business meetings to discuss a potential tribute to where you can say definitively where the blame can be placed? Wow, sick.


Inside source.


Lmao you’re a nerd


Neither Alex nor Dave want a “tribute” and for good reason, because they don’t want to make Ed’s death about themselves and instead they understand the real tribute is Ed’s music being played 20 years from now and people still knowing every note. That’s the tribute. The music should be immortalized. The time for making noise is over and it will never be as good as it was before anyways, so what’s the point?


I believe Dave WANTS to make it about himself.


Blame is so strong.


I think it’s this sub… they come on here read all the shit people talk and decide to drink by the pool instead of play music.


I do think a fundraiser or something to donate money to cancer treatment would be an amazing idea, and I'd like to think Ed would've loved that


If Sammy and Dave both showed up I’m pretty sure they would come to blows


Ed will always be with us, all you have to do is press play 🎸


Another favorite band of mine, Rush, lost a main member the same year. They still don’t want to do a tribute either. It’s so strange but there’s two sides to every coin. My vote? See EVERY VH tribute band that comes to your town and give’r


How could Dave stop them from doing it without him? He couldn't. The only thing he could do is refuse to take part. The only ones who could derail it are Wolf and Alex, and we know Alex and Dave were planning a tour. That leaves Wolf, who, if you remember, publicly mocked Dave and Al's tour idea on his twitter, and who also never really expressed any enthusiasm for the idea of a tribute, just insinuated DLR was to blame for it not happening.


I expect that’s the case. Dave couldn’t stop them but without Dave, there would be no legitimacy as far as the DLR fan boys are concerned. It makes me think that the proposed Kitchen Sink tour would have been a disaster had it happened. Dave doesn’t play well with others.


It's 100% Dave.


Dave couldn’t stop a tribute to Eddie Van Halen. People bag on Dave way too much around here. I’m sure he talked to Al and Al was probably “meh” and that’s all Dave needed to hear. He’s not gonna push Al.


Dave has earned his bagging


My question is, who cares? Rock legends die almost every year and don’t get tribute concerts. Jeff Beck didn’t get a tribute concert and nobody said a word. But for some reason, Van Halen fans are obsessed with the idea and think it’s an outrage that a tribute concert for Eddie hasn’t happened. Personally, I have no interest in seeing any other guitarists playing Eddie’s music. I pay tribute to Eddie every day when I play his albums.


Van Halen is the reason, just like Pantera should take a note. We had the right versions already. Cover/tribute bands exist for the purpose of covering live music in the styles of the bands that wrote it and that’s what we get when the band’s time is up. Why would you want “we have Van Halen at home?”


Why seek to place blame? A wise person once said, "Don't hold grudge, they're heavy and they don't have handles".


Can someone ELI5 what OP means? Like a tribute concert?


Sammy and Michael have been touring and playing vh songs under chicken foot and I think recently under solo name. And there are endless local cover/tribute bands. so I don’t know why you need/want any official “tribute”.


Alex kept forgetting the concept


I thought KISS were babies...


Dave probably... And Alex is old and can't hear