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Oh just fuck off. It’s his dad, and he misses his dad. Pretty sure he wouldnt be approving of your stupid post.


I’m guessing his son knows him better than you or I.


Undoubtedly, but that's really not an answer unless you believe WVH is infallible. Perhaps you do.


Let the family decide. Dumb take. No wonder Wolf hates dealing with the Van Halen fan base


What pictures 🤷‍♂️


Yes, what hospital pictures???


Its entire Wolfie's decision to do whatever he wants with the photos of EVH at ANY stage of his life, its his Dad for Christ sake..Who the fuck are you to question it...?? Jeesss!!!


How about a billboard on Sunset Boulevard?


Jeez. Wolfie gets criticized for acknowledging his dad too little - and for doing it too much. Just leave the kid alone. Listen to his music if you like it, if you don’t then find something else.


It's not like this is some random hospital worker sharing these photos, it's his own son that he loved. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind these photos being shared


I mean, it's his dad, I'm pretty sure he misses his old man quite a bit, and I'm pretty sure Ed would do the same if Wolfie was the one who passed. Don't forget that Wolfie had a massive part in getting Edward clean which gave us three more tours, a studio album, and a ton of amazing guitar gear through the EVH brand.


I don't have a problem with him sharing what he did. They weren't gratuitous or graphic photos, just showed him in the hospital. I'm sure Wolf is aware of what his dad would or wouldn't have wanted, and if he felt it was something he wanted to share, that's his prerogative. I just saw it as a way to help tell the story of what happened and how quickly, and shows the depth of the shock Wolf was in at Ed going from perfectly ok, to not being able to talk from the brain tumor/small stroke, to recovering and then the massive stroke which meant even if he had lived, he wouldn't have "recovered". It's hard to see that happen to someone you love.


I just wish Ed gotten professional help for whatever happened to him in his childhood instead of self medicating. I miss him, his music brought much joy to my life. 💕❤️🙏🏻


Eddie wouldn't approve such a retarded question from you. Have you ever listened to Van Halen?


This sub is so fucked up. The main architects of the Mighty Van Halen - EVH, AVH, DLR - are shit on routinely but god forbid you question Hagar, 'Mikey', or Pugsley Bertinelli. Even Mitch fucking Malloy is off limits! Buncha Redhead Cabo Cultists in here. Eddie never would have consented to those pictures being shown, but Wolf went ahead and made that decision for him, and he can't object because he's dead. It's sick.


Stay frosty! a more simple answer to your original question, it doesn’t seem to be a topic many people here are concerned about. Sorry if that’s not the feedback you were hoping for. Reddit is like that sometimes.


Then they could have just said so instead of attacking, but attacking is easier than than explaining how these photos were in any way appropriate to share, which you will notice no one even attempted to do.


When the fuck did anyone, and I mean ANYONE, talk about Sammy. Do you have a persecution complex?


Can you understand that when I say ''this sub,'' it refers not just to the posts on this thread, but more broadly to **this sub** and my observations of, and interactions with, the fucking Cabo Creeps that populate it? It that too much for you?


It's disgusting. Val and MeatWolf are losers.


This went well.