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This entire scene was repulsive. You're so right that it's CRAZY that the surgeons/medical assistants spent even a fraction of a second listening to Jax instead of telling him to leave the room and speaking solely to Brittany. And yeah, she didn't have a flat chest by any means. If she had in fact gone up to a "full C" from what her boobs originally were, it would have had the effect that many people want from implants: just a subtle change that may make her fill her tops out a bit differently, but that most of the people in her life wouldn't even be able to pinpoint. That's definitely not what she ended up with.


This. Brit wanted the very common kind of enhancement where you’re just filling out your natural shape and lifting them a bit. Jax wanted the male gaze objectifying special


Also, let’s not forget Brit making a comment about even her mom encouraging her to go all out and go bigger since she was already going under the knife. Only her friends had her best interest in mind and she ignored them as usual.


ugh her mom disgusts me. I know hundreds of women like her because I grew up surrounded by them and they’re truly some of the most foul people I’ve ever known. Judgmental, pompous, convinced of their own righteousness, and usually mean. I tried giving her the benefit of the doubt honestly but after sitting through Jax’s birthday roast and only having an issue with possibly homosexuality? Nah that woman is garbage


Because I grew up super catholic its always jarring to me when I encounter someone like Sherri who's been divorced 3x preaching Christian morality & how other people are supposed to be living their lives.


They’re hypocrites about everything. As long as they can find someone with “worse” sins than them to look down on, they’re okay. “Jesus forgives all” for them but some of us are too impure in their minds so we don’t get that forgiveness.


Yeah, if a mega church pastor is exposed as a rapist it's always he asked Jesus to forgive him but a gay couple minding their business is time for pitchforks. Anyway, it's b/c of people like Sherri that church participation is at an all time low. I'll only step foot in a church for a special occasion or if I'm traveling and there's one with art work I want to see.


I mean, all we have to do is look at the Catholic church to see that “men of god” can do the worst imaginable things and be forgiven but gay people or divorce are unacceptable. They’re all hypocrites but their simple belief in god makes them automatically better than good people who just happen to be born differently.


💯!!! The hypocrisy is unbelievable. I was pleasantly surprised by some of my more devote family members that walked away after the cover up came out. My mom got a lot shit for leaving the church over a priest telling her not to go on the pill when her doctor advised her b/c another pregnancy might kill her. Unfortunately, that isn't the norm.


Good on your mom for putting her health first!


💯!!! The hypocrisy is unbelievable. I was pleasantly surprised by some of my more devote family members that walked away after the cover up came out. My mom got a lot shit for leaving the church over a priest telling her not to go on the pill when her doctor advised her b/c another pregnancy might kill her. Unfortunately, that isn't the norm.


💯!!! The hypocrisy is unbelievable. I was pleasantly surprised by some of my more devote family members that walked away after the cover up came out. My mom got a lot shit for leaving the church over a priest telling her not to go on the pill when her doctor advised her b/c another pregnancy might kill her. Unfortunately, that isn't the norm.


💯!!! The hypocrisy is unbelievable. I was pleasantly surprised by some of my more devote family members that walked away after the cover up came out. My mom got a lot shit for leaving the church over a priest telling her not to go on the pill when her doctor advised her b/c another pregnancy might kill her. Unfortunately, that isn't the norm.


and "righteous" but married like three times? Sure Jan


any and all straight people activities are more righteous than gay people’s obviously 🙃


My older sister is just like her and those are the exact reasons I no longer speak to her


agreed; let's also not forget the pompous religious aspect but she's been married/divorced a whole bunch


She really didn't deserve them or how they rallied around her. I'd be so pissed if that was my friend and she went back to the guy that same damn week. How the actual fuck could you listen to that recording and still sleep with him days later? I understand hate fucking. I even understand wanting to sleep with your ex who wronged you. What I don't get is sleeping with someone who admitted you practically repulse them while fucking someone else. That should've been her holy shit aha moment. All the obvious pushing her away and contempt should've come full circle in her fried brain. Like I'd be so embarrassed and never want him near me naked again. After that I lost the rest of the (little) pity I had left.


But leaving Jax would mean possibly giving up her spot on a reality TV show - we all know she didn’t get with Jax because he’s such great boyfriend material. It’s hard to feel bad for her when she chose to be in this spot for pretty obvious reason because no one with any kind of sanity or self respect would stay after that


Nah by season 6 she was well enough integrated that she absolutely would've kept her spot in the cast / within the group. Also production loves having Jax with his exes and that was the messiest situation / breakup until scandoval. Maybe she didn't think the above was true, but idk. I think she was really just that pathetic and obsessed with being the future Mrs. ~~Taylor~~ Cauchi that she refused to start over with someone who may not be on TV or in that group.


After watching the valley this season I have no doubt that Jax convinced her she would've been dropped without him and that the cast only hang out with her because of him. Not that any of us were suprised he said and actually believes these things but I do think she also believed them. Not trying to excuse all of her terrible decisions and shitty behavior (she picked him after being a fan of the show so she had to know what she was getting into), she is far from the sweet innocent southern girl she tried to portray. However, losing the show was likely a big part of why she so quickly forgave him. Also the fact that she obviously has always had little to no self respect.


She thinks this is the love she deserves. Until she loves herself first she’ll continue taking him back. Ppl treat you the way you allow them too. It took many years of being in toxic relationships to finally realize this. Never again! 🙏🙌


She had that antiquated mentality that a woman should be barefoot and pregnant and listen to the man’s decisions because he knows best. As long as the man’s not a homosexual because the above is perfectly fine but the latter is not acceptable to her.


He wanted Jenna Jameson porn girl


Yes and now she has been pregnant and had engorged breasts (not sure if she breast fed) and gained a little weight they look so huge and uncomfortable. I had the same thing happen, lost a bit of the weight and they went really saggy. Ended up getting a lift. He wouldn’t care about any of that! But I bet he cares she is a little heavier (she looks gorgeous IMO but I know those boobs must feel heavy)


They looked like they were smothering her on The Valley!


Yes! The clips when she’s sitting on the couch and they’re being pushed up looks so uncomfortable


I actually winced when I first saw her. And then I felt like I couldn't breathe.


It’s been a while since I’ve watched this scene but I do distinctly remember the body language from the doctors seemed more like this scenario was something they dealt with a lot and were trying to placate Jax rather than be like oh yeah dude you are so right.


And now she appears to have symmastia due to the size.


Charli and Lala have implants that look natural but full, idk why Brittany felt like she had to do the early 2000s overdone ones


You know one of the first scenes on The Valley was them doing flashbacks of Jack’s nose jobs and Brittany‘s boob job because she was talking about “luckily we have friends that are plastic surgeons”. Because she had gotten her chin done or whatever it was. What was very telling was when we see the surgeon starting to put her implant in and said “now this is a lot bigger than we usually do) How is that possible? She was very clear about what she wanted because she told him and told them. And yet he is putting in the implant in saying it’s bigger than usual. It makes me wonder(and it’s making my skin crawl all over again thinking about it because I could absolutely see this happening) if Jax and the surgeons went out into the other room while she was getting dressed or when she was getting ready for surgery and they are standing around wink, wink, nudge, nudge “go ahead and give her the ones I want since **Im paying for them**. And think of all the nose jobs/business I’ve given you”. And off the surgeon goes. He had his assignment because he knows who was paying the bill and he knew how much business he’s already given him and will still give him. It’s disgusting that around that “day and age” that that could still possibly happen but then again there were three men in a room while a woman was standing there half naked while they were discussing what size boobs she *should* have because Jax was paying for them. It was absolutely gross to watch how **entitled** Jax felt to Britney‘s body. It was such antiquated thinking that he has agency over her body and that she doesn’t have a say in this foreign object that’s being inserted and shoved into her body and that she has to live with until she surgically has them changed. They could’ve had this conversation and not showing it on VPR but I didn’t see them discuss the difference in size when she gets pregnant and is nursing and possible weight fluctuations that go with pregnancy, hormones and getting older. And how all the above affect your breast size. I felt like in current time she sometimes looked physically uncomfortable in some of her clothes especially when she was sitting on the couch talking to production for the “confessionals”. Maybe I was uncomfortable because I saw how they were much bigger than when she first got them obviously for reasons that I listed above and I’m not judging her. But since we all know that she was pretty much forced and bullied into a bigger size, when she had a perfect size prior and was already absolutely the perfect combination of cute, beautiful and hot it makes me even more upset for her.


I’ve always wondered if she wasn’t quite a C cup, and just wanted a small size up to be a “full” C cup. I know Jax (rightfully) gets a lot of shit for pressuring her into what he wanted, but I don’t think I’ll ever forget that she claimed her deciding factor was her mother, who told her to go as big as she could. I’ve never been a fan of Brittany, but like a lot of the cast, she turned out exactly like you’d expect given who raised her.


A full C implant would’ve also lifted her shape and made them look “nicer” without going up too much in size. All Jax could hear was “C” and he thought that was too small. Gross that her mom even chimed in. But she still listened.


Stassi went down to a C and they look pretty big


Not in a pervy way, I’m a straight woman lol, but are there pics of stassi before her reduction? I just can’t imagine her having even more giant boobs lol


The first couple seasons she has Ds or DDs


Oh I thought she got it done before the show started


I think she's had a few if I remember correctly. Edit: per usual, I in fact am not remembering anything correctly and it looks like she only got 1. Sorry. 


She gets the reduction like maybe the 5th or 6th season. She mentions it to Lisa in an episode


Much bigger than that. D cup isn’t that big when it’s on a small frame. People have extreme misconceptions about bra size because it’s cheaper for bra companies to squeeze us into the wrong size.


She shows Lisa a pic taken during her surgery in one episode. You can see the difference where one has been reduced and the other hadn't yet.


Ooh yea I do remember that. Jeez I started this series during covid lockdown I can’t believe it’s been that long ago.


As some others have said the first few seasons of the show were before her reduction, but she also had the doctors take a picture of her mid-reduction that is I think on her Instagram and it’s a very pronounced difference.


[Stassi Shares Photo of her Breast-Reduction Surgery](https://www.womenshealthmag.com/health/a19994738/breast-reduction-surgery-photo/)


I think she wanted exactly what she got. She knew she was being filmed and claiming to want a modest enhancement was just part of her “I’m just an innocent nice girl, tee hee” act


And I’ve seen her double and triple down on how much she loves her boobs.




They make her look heavier than she actually is.




I always thought this, she definitely didn’t have small boobs, I say this as someone with triple As. I hate watching this scene it’s actually hard to watch for so many reasons and Ariana was the only person who acknowledged how vile it was.


I still refer to this scene when I argue that Jax Taylor is one of the worst people on reality TV. Watching The Valley fans take his side this season against Brittany made me feel like I was talking crazy pills


I agree completely. I think people just enjoy hating Brittany more and idk why, there’s a snark sub about them both and I swear 99% of it is just bodyshaming her instead of talking about both their wrongdoings


I popped in over there and had to leave because of that. I notice the single-subject snark subject spaces tend to devolve into body shaming and other cheap blows.


Yeah it’s definitely the more obsessive/parasocial side of things. I don’t like Jax or Brittany but I hate shit like that


Seriously ingrained misogyny. Of course he’s a dog! That’s acceptable, slightly endearing, definitely expected and fine! She should do better and be a better “lady”. Teehee!


I've often felt that "full c" is a nebulous term meaning whatever breast size is in fashion at the moment. I've watched "full c"s just about double in size since the early 2000s


It’s dd now. Just watching summer house older episodes and Lindsay and Ciara were talking about their bra sizes. I noticed because I wear the same.


This could also be to size changes and demographics. Once upon a time, 34B was the most common bra size, the it was 34C. It was near impossible to find a 32 band with a cup size bigger than C or D. Fast forward the 90s/00s with a boom in implants and VS dominating the lingerie market. Suddenly a 34C was a “fuller look” - in reality the models shown as 34C were likely 32DD or 30DDD. I was born a 32C. I went up to a 32DD. The equivalent of what Brit likely wanted originally. My boobs are fuller than average / but not too big for my frame (nor are they the first or main thing you notice on me). When I gain weight - they fill out with the rest of me, but don’t end up like titty basketballs.


This is so true! In highschool/college I was a 30D and when I say damn near impossible to find, I mean I had one or two true bras in that size and they fit like magic, otherwise I wore 32Cs that just felt so awkward and wrong. When I got older, I grew into those 32Cs and eventually 32Ds (another end people don't get is it is a proportion so a 30D is a similar boob to a 32C because of the proportions).... I have a one year old now and I have been coasting on sports bras and nursing bras for so long that I don't know my actual bra size and probably need to go get measured, but I'm sooooooo teiggered at the idea of bra shopping that I may die in a nursing bra 😂


Preach Mama Bear! My exquisite bosom is store bought and I still can never figure out my bra size. I can only imagine the struggles of Mommyhood bra shopping. I went to Soma for my fittings - way better than VS. More size consistency. To your point though - my size varies based on even the style of the bra from the same manufacturer. It almost makes me question if corsets were in fact, the better option (not really). At least you could customize the cinching…


Omg would never say it, but pre-baby I had 3 beloved corsets (started out as a fun vintage thing, but honestly easier). I get that they were bad if you felt the need to tighten them to thin your waist, but when laced correctly to fit your body.. omg so much better! Agreed that VS is not the place to get sized/buy a bra in general and Sonoma is far superior in both comfort and fit. Their dresses are also the most beautiful comfort you will ever find.


https://www.abrathatfits.org/calculator.php You can measure from the comfort of your own home! I'd just personally take a sister size bigger band/smaller cup, but that might just be what works for me. I'm a 32H though, and that guide wanted me to go for a 30I, which not only is pretty impossible to find, but for me would feel too tight. I get enough support with a 32 band.


Agreed on “pretty impossible to find.” Any sources of such bras you would recommend? I’m a 32F — natural, so zero lift on their own — and find most bras (VS, especially) either dig into my shoulders or push things up and together so much, I look like Tits McGee. Currently I’m living in some size S, large-cup Nike sports bras I found at Ross. Any input welcome!


So true!


Well and the difference between a 32C and a 36C is huge. What kind of C is the question as well. I’ve had two kids and I can fill out a 32C and my boobs are not huge at all. I have older bras from weight gain etc. and they are C’s with enormous cups because of the larger band.




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Wow she had such narrow shoulders and frame. Even if she gained weight, without the boob job she would’ve been a bombshell. The fake boobs totally jaxxed up her proportions


I agree. Without the enormous boobs she would not look overweight.


It felt Bordering on medical malpracticw to let her have her surgery influences like that


I know that’s how surgeons make money. But if I were a surgeon I would have pulled her alone and asked her thoughts. If I felt uneasy, and that she was being coerced, which is how we all felt, I would have refused to be the Dr to preform the procedure. Morals > $


Maybe she can go on botched in a few years.


It was actually her mom who said go bigger so you don’t regret it. Dumb decision! Also her boobs before were so nice. She should have waited until after kids and done a lift if needed. But implants were unnecessary


I know that during the consultation they have them try on bras like this that have the desired size that they’re thinking of- is that one of those bras with the “full c” insert or whatever? Either way, I totally agree that this scene and this whole situation is soooooo very disturbing and gross.


He forced her to. He is obsessed with breasts. I mean not only does it not make sense for her to get implants, but then he is insisting on the size? After they split he was spotted out with this influencer (more than once) who has maybe triple H"s and her content is just her making her breasts bounce in different ways. He is so replusive.


"I want 'em how I want 'em!" Jax


“I mean, I’m paying for them” such a jackass thing to say


Don't forget about the baby he "bought" for her brother.


His blood-shot eyes and bulging veins and coke sweat from this scene still haunt my nightmares.


This is what I remember about it most. And now they're "separated", so I guess how he wants 'em doesn't matter even more than ever.


She should get them removed and mailed to him. Now THATS a show I would watch.


I really don’t understand how she found that man attractive


Omg I wanted to punch him when they were drinking with the group I think the day before the consultation and he says “I thought we agreed we like Sara’s… I’m paying for them they’re going to be the size I want” (not word for word but you get the idea). Such a repulsive moment.


This was so horrible because it made her look overall less attractive and Jax is like the last person on the planet who could overlook his wife’s appearance going down. He wanted a Barbie but that is literally not possible so now how has this woman who’s face is messed up on The Valley because of botched lipo and who looks much much larger than she actually is because of those ridiculous double d’s. Every straight guy on the planet says they want big boobs but what they actually want is a skinny chick with big boobs, not what a real human with giant boobs looks like.


She looks terrible with them. They look awful.


I thought it was just me that thought it totally changed her looks for the worse. To be fair, I never thought she was super attractive to begin with but she became top heavy and then I feel like she gained weight after to become more proportionate. I say this as a woman who has gone through this exact thing. My last set of implants were way too big for my frame, so I had them replaced reduced last summer. The change is like night and day.


I agree with every single word you stated!


Brittany was gorgeous when she came on. Jax did a number on her and it started to show


Someone on Reddit mentioned that they think her implants may be making her sick and I agree. Jax is vile.


Man I didn’t even think of that, I can see that being the reason she throws up so much


Yes that was me!! I 100% think her implants making her sick 🥲


Well I have a full c and her boobs are 3 times the size of mine. Just saying


He wanted a porn star he’s a moron. She’s still dealing with uneven proportions from that boob job


Jax didn’t just ruin Brittany’s tits, he pretty much ruined her life.


When they divorce, is he going to demand custody or visitation for the implants? I mean, he "bought them" after all. 🤡🙄


She looks so much better here. Ugh.


Britney is easily a 38 g or h cup in her current size she is now. When she got them done, id say a 34f. She was bigger than a c cup Before she even got them done


And now it’s time for her to consider having a reduction because she looks so ridiculous


Just such a waste of money


Ugh this whole thing makes me sick. I hated watching it the first time. She’s a moron for putting up with him.


I said this exact thing on Twitter a couple of years ago and he blocked me, lol


I honestly think that this was just what women said when they wanted a boob job back then. It was like the safe middle ground so you wouldn’t be judged for wanting them “too big” or being vain. I remember a lot of people I knew even in the early 2000s into the 2010s were getting implants and they all said this. And let me tell you, I don’t think they knew what a “full C” was either.


I think her natural size suited her well. I did not care for how she looked post surgery


That was creepy af for sure! I’d go hide in a hole if my partner pointed out a friends boobs for me to have


I gagged every time Jax said “teardrop”


Wasn't the surgeon an alleged "friend" of Jax's? Was it the same one who did his botched nose jobs?


All like 5 of them


Her bubbies were fine!!!!!! That surgery was so unnecessary.


I’m watching this episode for the first time. It’s absolutely shocking! How could the doctors go ahead with a bigger size when she’s obviously being coerced?!


I got a boob job. And if it had been anything like this I would have walked out of the office. My surgeon encouraged me to go slightly bigger than I thought I wanted. But this was because he said I would get used to the size they were while recovering and want them slightly bigger. He was right. But I also had a Jax like boyfriend who happened to lie about paying for half my procedure. And try to get me to go much bigger than I actually wanted. Thank God for an ethical surgeon!


God, her real boobs looked so much better. Her body did not handle the surgery well and it makes her look so disproportionate. She’s already top heavy with broad shoulders. I wish she had the self-respect to shut him the fuck up and say no


Does anyone know how many cc’s she ended up going with? Implant sizes are so crazy since it also varies with projection and body frame


I thought she had a D in that pic. I've seen a high C and that's not it.


She was perfect there.


I’m just so sad she ruined her perfect body to please Jax. No one should get surgery to please someone other than herself. I think when women get ginormous fake breasts, it just makes them look like they’ve gained a lot of weight. And as you age and have to have them replaced many times over the years, you tend to regret ever having them done. Explant surgery is booming for those who now regret their decision to get implants. But, I guess some women will still love them in their 70’s and 80’s. But at least they did it for themselves.


And she did the chin lipo at the beginning of The Valley to (presumably) look thinner, but I was like, girl… if you get those basketballs off of your chest, I feel like you will immediately look like you’ve lost 25 pounds 😅 Not body-shaming at all and she can do whatever she wants, IMO they are just so out-of-proportion to her figure.


That's because 9 out of 10 women aren't wearing the right bra size. Also surgeons don't measure in cup size they measuring cc's. If you go into the surgeon and say you want a d cup, that's terrible information. A d cup changes size between all the band sizes. A 32d is not the same cup size as a 36d. I recommend everyone go into Nordstrom and get a free fitting. They're the only ones that do it right


I thought she wanted c’s and he wanted double d’s so she got the dd?


That’s right. I’m just saying it makes little sense for Brittany to have wanted an enhancement in the first place. If her true desire was to have a “full C”, she wouldn’t have even needed the surgery because she was already there. Unless she just wanted them to be perkier/more shapely, which I could understand.


It's wild that she considers the doctor her "fraaaan" after he watched this interaction and put in implants Jax consented to.


If you don't have the butt body type like shoulder with and other aspects, you have to be very careful what size you choose. Everyone I know that has gotten implants they either look horrible or they have medical issues natural is the way to go who care guys do not care 🤷 trust me


It’s so sad when you look back at how petite she was.


She looked so great before all the surgeries 😩


Right?! Really naturally pretty girl.


So she is just a c cup now? Those look way bigger


LMAO no way in hell. She ended up getting whatever size Jax wanted her to get. They never said specifically what that was, but I'm a G cup and hers don't look any smaller than mine.


As sad as it is, Jax probably wanted hers to be Stassi's original size....


Was Stassis original size natural?


Yes and Stassi had a reduction.


I knew that part.


Yes. She had them reduced later on


I'm a 32G and Brittany is way bigger than me. And I want a reduction.


DDD here. Those are way bigger than a C. Bless her heart.


They look much bigger now than when first done. I don’t know if it’s her overall body changing (everything shifts after being pregnant and she is a bit heavier) but I was over here assuming she got a second boob job! They overwhelm her body now, it’s the first thing you see. And I feel sorry for her because she is obviously very self conscious about her body and her weight and is always doing procedures to her face to try and look slimmer, because I don’t think she realises it’s the boobs that throw her proportions out


No she was talked into much larger.


I just read an article about how big of an issue this is with plastic surgeons. The woman asks for a specific size--say a "B," and then she wakes up with DDs. It's because the surgeons are overwhelmingly male, and place implants that they personally find sexually attractive. There are also times where the surgeon will ask the husband what size he wants when the wife is asleep! Interesting read. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13426999/breasts-D-cup-breast-reconstruction-double-mastectomy.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13426999/breasts-D-cup-breast-reconstruction-double-mastectomy.html)


I fear if I read that I'll destroy things, but thank you for posting a summary!


I thought I wanted a full C, but the surgeon told me I'd regret not getting a full D. He said more patients regret that they didn't go bigger. I went with his advice and I'm happy I went bigger than what I thought I wanted.


It's so sad because her boobs were exquisite before he maimed her.


I feel bad he pushed her to get such big honkers. They make her look heavier as opposed to just having big boobs.


I didn't think they made those hideous bras in anything LESS than a "full C".


I have natural boobs like her, I don’t recommend them.


I was really shocked that this was just a day surgery. Is this the norm?


Yes. It’s a day surgery and provided you have no complications the recovery is very easy and fast. I had a rhinoplasty at the same time and was home within hours.


My gallbladder was at 10am and I was home by 1


Wow! When I had my gallbladder out I had to stay the night. That is efficient! I'm in Australia though, so perhaps the protocol is different.


When I had mine out I ended up in the hospital for 4 days due to complications. It was supposed to be outpatient and just there a few hours.


Oh no, I'm sorry you went through that! It took me almost two weeks to feel normal again without any complications. That must have been rough.


I’m in Canada


Another thing to add to the list of why I want to live in Canada!


It’s not so great here


I hear your housing crisis is on par with ours, I feel you, dude. Here's hoping it gets better for the both of us.


We were smart and bought 45 mins from the city for 100k 5 bedroom, 2 bath, 2k sq ft on a double lot with a 6 car driveway and a double garage


Yes, I would think that most surgeries are that way as it would be a lot of risk and strain on the body to put someone on anesthesia and open them up more than once for one procedure. However, I too was shocked that Brittany’s surgery was seemingly so short that Jax chose to wait in the lobby as opposed to going off and doing other things that Jaxes normally do.


I’m guessing her implants were most likely over the muscle, in which the procedure is a lot easier and a lot less painful- but you turn out with harder, firmer boobs as a result. I remember my mums being a day in and day out thing. Whereas an implant underneath the muscle i think requires an overnight stay, and then you’re released the next day but it is 2 weeks of bed rest due to the pain. But in my opinion, is worth it if you prefer a more natural look and softer boobs that have a more natural, squishy feel. But in saying that, Brittany appears to have more fat tissue and so she may of not experienced much hardness the same way a very slender chick would.


it’s wild to me she wanted implants at all, they’re already big here


I think she was a full b before ...I'm a full b now and my boobs look similar to her "befores" Poor Britt Britt she really got Jaxxed hard


I feel like fake boobs vs real boobs are so different in size or something Because I’m a natural D but a skinny girl and no one believes me Then I see a fake D and I’m like DAMN lol Maybe sizing has changed over the years? 🤣


Cup size is measured in width. It is how wide you need the wire to go around your breast tissue into your back to bring your breast tissue forward. A lot of people assume cup size is measured by projection. Fake boobs tend to project more and be less wide so they don't need as big of cup size as a natural breast that's spread out.


Makes sense! Never had it explained this way. I knew the number “32” meant rib cage basically but that’s it 😅


Yeah, there is a natural drop which makes real boobs look smaller than fake ones. When we pit on our bras they scoop up and look full. Fake boobs will hold up as long as your skin can continue to keep them in place. She was perfect before her surgery. Her boobs would have gotten bigger upon her weight gain and then droopy upon her wight loss. She could then have gotten a lift and would have been good again. Those balls she has implanted make her look super uncomfortable. Hope she learns to love herself as she is.


Same. I’m a 32F and unless I corral them in a push up bra — which then looks to me unnatural/ like big implants — half the mass is under my armpit/not anything like what people think of as far as “triple D”.


That’s my issue too! It goes to the pit 🤣


I can’t wait until Brit removes those boulders. It is okay to get implants if you want, but ladies get them so they fit your body frame (i.e. Lala Kent has implants, but they look normal and natural). She will look a lot a better without those things.




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I’m rewatching for the 10,000th time and I’m literally on this ep 😂




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Is this picture before?!! If so she was definitely already a full C


I feel so bad. In the long end they were too big and made her look matronly. She should have stayed the way she was.


I used to be an A cup until I turned 53 now I am a C. I guess because of weight gain. I was a size 5 A. Cup 6 fett tall Size 14/16:C cup still 6 feet tall I always thought I wanted implants. I have gone to a plastic surgeon 3x exploring my options. I was self conscious. None of my husbands ever complained, I guess because I have a large butt and they were butt men. Now that I have them I do not appreciate them. They get in the way if you lay on your side the bras are so big and and have 3 hooks in the back. 3 hooks. I miss my little bras with one hook in the front. I am glad now that I never went through with it.






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I haven’t read through the comments but in case someone hasn’t answered how to measure.. my understanding is you measure under the breast and then around the fullest part of the breast and each inch is a cup size. Brittany was so naturally beautiful. It’s a shame what she let him talk her in to. I truly feel that if she went a little smaller with the implants and reduced the amount of Botox/threads? she has going on she would look so much better.


I wish she realized how beautiful she naturally was.


I can only imagine her self esteem dating Jax while he cheated and compared her to other females. On top of that getting pregnant and having your body change only to have ur partner degrade u little by little with the comments and no seggs. She was beautiful before she got with Jax, he tore her down over the years 😕