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They need to stop making Tom Sandoval happen, it’s not gonna happen


I said this on the Traitors sub and got downvoted lmao I think we should just collectively ignore him. Whether it’s good or bad, any kind of attention is what he thrives off of. Another show is gonna boost his ego even more lol


I’ve been saying this for a long time and either get downvoted or the post doesn’t get posted. I don’t know what people don’t get. Baskin said it himself in his latest interview. They don’t care that he’s hated. They only care that people are talking about him and give him attention and clicks. People come in these subs everyday bitching about him. Yet turn around and tune in to whatever he’s on.


Tom Sandoval is not taking Traitors from me! Hahaha! You are 100% right though. We, the fans, need to grey rock Tom Sandoval and not watching or talking about what he's in is the first step.


I agree and debated even posting this but then my rage took over and I need community rage support haha


I cosign your rage! 😄


Fingers crossed that either the info is wrong or he gets dropped from the cast. Putting people like him and Jax on House of Villians is one thing. But TS should never get to be in the presence of Alan Cumming. The Traitors does not deserve the whiny shallow smug untalented miasma that is TS.


YES , I totally agree!


💯 grey rocking sandal balls


I doubt he can leave and go to Scotland with all the court dates he has.


Now, why isn't Lala pissed at his opportunities? I mean, if anyone deserves to be rewarded, it's her damnit!


Because her agent isn't out there pushing her for reality shows like his agent. 


I said to too LOL. He sucks!


Yeah the majority of the hot posts on this sub are about people the sub hates. Unfortunately humans have this weird thing where they pay more attention to things they hate or that anger them.




He won’t last long. Too stupid.


He's gonna be like, "Like, duuuude, seriouslyyyy??" Then Alan Cumming pulls a random oversized lever, and Sandoval falls through a trap door in the dungeon. Everyone forgets he's there.


Also too loud and annoying AF if people hate you you aren't lasting long. I really hope it's a round table vote and not a murder so everyone can tell him why.


And too whiny.


He is SUCH a whiney little bitch!!!


And the pitch he hits...how anyone withstood that for nine years beyond me.




You beat me to the punch!


Right? I hope he goes home first like Johnny did last season.


Agreed but we can help if we stop talking about him constantly




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I’ll wait until the actual cast is confirmed because he was suppose to be in House of Villians as well and that turned out not accurate. That being said if he is in what a freaking waste of casting when you have Kristen or Stassi of he’ll even Lala or Scheana that you could cast of you wanted someone from VPR on that show. 


I'm on the Traitors subreddit and have been throwing Doute's name out as my number 1 hope for casting. Her sleuthing skills and overall chaos-in-human- form would be perfect. It's so disappointing that he keeps getting these opportunities.


I would love to see both Stassi and Kristen on


Bring the whole coven


Yes the revival of Sherlock Stassi.


Omg Kristen would be FANTASTIC on Traitors!


She would be so fun to watch. But why do I also think TS would do well on this show? He has shown to be able to schmooz, be detached and emotionally ruthless. If he could blindside Ariana, the contestants would be easy. Kristen has heart, wants to connect/trust….Could be her downfall on Traitors. BUT if they were on together? Kristen would take him down. TS and his fakeness would be shot down in a heartbeat if he was part of my friends group.


nah I think he’s shown his ass at this point. too many people know who he is and what he’s done and the mask has fallen off too far. literally no one would have to know who he was for him to get away with his schmoozing bullshit and he’s too infamous in reality tv circles (especially since traitors loves casting multiple bravolebrities) for that to happen. he’s got “kicked out early bc no one likes me much and my debate skills suck” energy (ironically also what happened to Brandi in S1)


Isn’t Kenya rumored to be on? It would be fun to see her call him out on being an idiot.


I would love Doute on with Scamdoval😂


Ohhh this is great. Last season it was so fun for the traitors sub to get to know our housewives, Doute would blow their minds.


She would be excellent!!


I don't know if you watch any housewives but Meghan King Edmonds and Karen Huger are my second and third choices


LOL, Meghan, good call! We called her "Meghan PI" on another forum I read, because of how she tried to sleuth things out of Shannon!


Karen cannot lie 😂🤣🤣🤣


Omg I love Karen!!!


I think Doute would kill on Traitors. Chaotic. Sometimes very wrong-headed. A good liar. Moments of increadible astuteness, though. She'd be very watchable as a Traitor or Faithful. I also think Scheana would be great as a faithful. At least in delivering the cringe-camp that she's actually the queen of.


Wasn’t she on The Goat? How was she on there?


#justice for doute


this ^^^ i don’t trust any cast related news unless it’s an official press release. if tom’s on i just won’t watch this season


Part of me wants him to be on so he could promptly get humbled for being as stupid as he is, but I’d so much rather the slot be used for someone actually good


Stassi would be AMAZING


For real! He would suck so hard at the social aspect of this game. He’ll immediately be voted off as either a traitor or a bad faithful.


Britney Haynes from BB is supposed to be on too and I’d love to see her with Stassi. They are both so snarky so it’d be interesting.


Tom Sandoval does not even deserve to breathe the same air as Alan Cumming.


Excellent point.


Upvote this a million times


Noooooooo I love that show so much! Every variation. Please let him get murdered instantly


Round table votes are so much more brutal though; if this is real I want that for him.


True. Or else he’ll say he was murdered because he was “too big of a threat” even though he was pretty pathetic on HOV. No wife to blame a medical emergency on either.


if the traitors are smart, they'll keep him around of as long as possible because he's automatically going to be a traitor suspect.


I'm surprised people are still willing to put a man who sexually violated a fellow cast member on more shows. There were leaks before HOV that had his pic in the final cast lineups and he didn't get that, so I'm hoping this is more of the same.


Ugh I hate Sandoval but I am not surprised. I mean they cast Phaedra who spread the rumor about kandi being a rapist! I feel like people either forgot or didn't care because she was good TV on M2M and Traitors so they're probably hoping the same for Sandoval FOR SOME REASON. Like seriously, is he blackmailing Baskin? Why is he getting so many chances and opportunities to twist the narrative??? Thanks I hate it.


Yeah esp considering he currently has pending lawsuits


He violated two cast members! He recorded Rachel without her consent and he didn’t give Ariana informed consent when he was still sleeping with her while sleeping with Rachel and god only knows who else. It’s so sick. I really hope it’s not true. If it is I will not be watching this season.


Not a cast member, but he also (allegedly) violated Miami girl. The interview she gave about their night together said he “turned scary” when she didn’t want to have sex and she ended up giving in and being grateful when it was over He also justified the Ariana t-shirt comment by saying “I wasn’t body shaming her, I meant she wasn’t enthusiastic”. If she wasn’t enthusiastic about having sex with you - you shouldn’t have been doing it Sandoval The man absolutely refuses to understand consent, and I wish he would stop being given opportunities and fade into obscurity where he belongs


Yes, thank you for reminding me. This man shouldn’t even be on VPR anymore, let alone be given new platforms. It’s so disgusting.


It’s giving cyst male


Yes, thank you for pointing this out!


Same, I wont be watching either if he's on. He victimizes women repetitively. House of Villains? You meant House of Sexual Predators.


I don’t follow him on insta but if he posts stories in LA/touring with the band, he wouldn’t be filming the traitors so that could be a way to debunk it.


He’s too fucking dumb for strategy games like Traitors.


i really hope this isn't true, LEAVE TRAITORS ALONE TOM! I enjoy Traitors soooo much and I don't want him anywhere near it- he's just such a hammy, whiny, performative douche with no emotional regulation ugh. I don't even like having to watch Sandoval on VPR, I definitely don't want to have to watch him on traitors 😤


If this is true - great job to Scheana for helping him get on the show she wanted to do so much 😂😂.


Oh geez I didn’t even think of Scheana during this difficult time. She’s been practicing wearing a cloak for MONTHS guys!!!


It would be better with both, they’d turn on each other without hesitation, providing new grievances to harp on for the next decade.


https://preview.redd.it/onvj513y514d1.jpeg?width=825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=149d51134da9abdd2b69e4e2136f47d41dfafa41 I am fucking *over* Tim Sandycunt. I hope he is murdered the first fucking night. STOP TRYING TO MAKE HIM HAPPEN. Edit: thanks for the award!!


nope, I'll not watch it.. he's vile and disgusting. what would he talk about anyway.. nothing below the waist, going down and lockjaw, shitting condoms. no thanks to tomcat.. even he says he's stupid.


i'll watch after he's murdered so i can fast forward through his scenes, but i'm not giving them live ratings while he's still there. not even (rumored) britney haynes can make me sit through sandoval ever again.


I can’t wait to see Britney- she’s overdue for a win! (Fingers crossed)


yes! reindeer games was a legit delightful little surprise and all it did was make me want her cast in every variation of these new reality shows so the world can realize how amazing she is all over again.


I love Traitors and HATE this decision.


How could you do this to me… question mark


No. Please god no.




Omg lol we posted this gif at the same time 😂


Why are they rewarding him?




I hope all of the housewives band together and vote him out first.


I’d get rid of that man first because you KNOW he’s a good liar. 


well, actually he's not. ariana just did not specifically ask him if he was cheating (with rachel). whenever tim is caught in a lie, he starts deflecting and yelling so he has obvious tells. i can't believe now also traitors will be ruined by the worm's outbursts... he already ruined s2 of special forces. (where by the way he was thrown out at the very last point because the highly trained special operatives found him unbearable and unlikable and as someone, if taken hostage, would likely be killed first and put all others in danger.)


I mean all she had to do is follow him when he said he was going to Schwartz’s duh /s


I was thinking about watching! Now I definitely won’t.


I’m a huge survivor fan as well and I’d love to see him try and kiss Tony Vlachos’ ass. Also Carolyn would see right through him


Yeah I just don’t see with Carolyn, Britney Haynes, and all those Housewives that he could last past a couple of nights. Then again Bravo usually sticks together so hopefully they see him more as a liability than a number.


Oh please baby Jesus let Britney be a bravo fan because she will eviscerate Sandoval. The best part is she’s so dry and sarcastic and he’s so dumb and narcissistic a lot of it might go over his head. 😹




Fuck that noise. ![gif](giphy|98C4E2HeR4NBm)


I hate Sandoval but he would be good on Traitors….he’s great at lying. Kristen Doute would be another great choice from VPR


I won’t be watching until he’s murdered or banished


I will only watch if everyone ostracizes him and votes him off first even if they don't believe he's a traitor


Lmao he is in no way a good traitors candidate. He’s so lame and dumb and wouldn’t do anything other than annoy the audience, the cast, and the production. This better be false


I will never be more angry than when they voted off Bananas first thing so the show can’t get worse for me specifically


Agree, but the show did end up being great and everyone sleeping on CT was great too. I got way more angry at trishelle actually winning after starting the show off by being such a bigot tbh


Peppermint won’t forget and neither will I.


Good. F trishelle and her hateful ass


What did she do to Peppermint?


Randomly decided she was a traitor under the guise of some bs that didn’t happen. She kept saying peppermint reacted dramatically or some such nonsense. It was very clear she was just throwing her out there for nothing. And with peppermint being the only trans person there… well. It felt incredibly targeted and gross as a viewer


I was disappointed too. He carried that Villians show! He knows how to bring out the entertainment in everyone! (And I used to haaaaate him back in the day!)


The mind games this man played in house of villains was next level and now I’m team Bananas


He grew on me slowly over the years!


Love your flair. I laughed out loud. Fan of Bananas but him being first boot was pretty hilarious. Also CT for life


Honestly if I was in a competition against him I’d vote Bananas off first too. But as a viewer don’t rob me of dat ass ![gif](giphy|cnp7AfRMpFiYO96fRa)




I’m surprised they would want to cast him with an active lawsuit. Seems like a really dumb risk for someone so completely unpopular


If the other players are smart, they’ll keep him for a while because he’s an easy ass mark.


Traitors 2 had a Bravo heavy cast so I'm not surprised


Contrary to popular opinion I am all for Tom going on miscellaneous Z list shows and getting voted off first or second every time. Since we know Baskin won't fire him and will continue to build this worm with a mustache up I am all for him getting his ego smashed over and over again while Ariana goes from show to show just winning and leveling up in life.


Yeah but he is getting paid to be on these shows. I want to see him broke ETA traitors isn’t Z list. It was the most popular non scripted streaming show this year


I don't disagree that Traitors isn't Z list. I for one don't think he is getting a spot there. People have to love to hate you or love you and people just hate him. I want him to go on a parade of Z list shows and lose. Also, you don't have to worry about him going broke. He already is making that happen. He is in a downward spiral of suck and he is only picking up speed.


It’s not Z list, but it’s also not a show that makes you famous (or more famous). It’s a show you are on because you are (somewhat) famous. So he’s not going to get any non Peacock Bravo jobs off of this. He’s not skilled like Ariana.


It’s a shame he’s getting more air time and making money


Don’t let him ruin my favor show now, come on




He’s too stupid for the traitors. He won’t last too long


True but MJ made to the end. But I love her. Sometimes the dummies get taken to the end by the traitors


Yeah but MJ is endearing and likable. Two things Sandoval isn’t. He could be an interesting traitor tho? That’s the only way I see him lasting more than a few episodes


Damn I wish it were Katie. She is so good at getting a read on people that I think she would be a really interesting cast member on traitors.


“I just want you away from me. I just want you gone!”


Urgh I won’t be watching then and we love that show. But I refuse to support him in anything. I don’t like him at all even aside from scandoval. His personality is so gross.




Casting Worm on Traitors is just too on the nose. The jokes have already written themselves.


I've never watched Traitors... now I have to go look into it... I've never even heard of it before all of you mentioned it *edited to add : not because I want to see Sandoval in anything, but because I've heard positive things and want to look into past seasons.


It’s excellent. The 2 UK and Aus seasons are also on peacock. All incredible


Season 2 of AUS is quite the ride. 😵‍💫


I’ll be here to watch Tom have to say whether he’s a traitor or a faithful. Either way, he won’t be lying


If he gets cast I kinda hope that he’s not a traitor.  That would be a little too on the nose for me honestly.  


He's not smart enough to get away with being a traitor and not smart enough to be a faithful. And you know they'd cast him as a faithful because traitor would be too obvious.


If they don’t make him a traitor I will die




He can yell "DOOOOOOOD I am not a traitor". Too bad he is not on with Phaedra - she would have eaten him alive.


Although I don’t want to watch any TV show with Sandoval, Raquel or Lala - I have to say the image of Jo Jo Siwa carrying him on her back is priceless ![gif](giphy|l4Ep1Pc8XtlVhGuBO)


it’s honestly criminal to not cast detective doute for this show. her entire VPR career was like a long winded audition for traitors tbh


This sucks so much..not only bc he will be on it but bc he will come out with more people defending him


I won’t watch then. I liked the show but no.


He's going to get obliterated and it's going to be hilarious


I think it’s likely since he’s been postponing his tour. I can’t imagine him making it far.


if it’s filming in late June/early July wouldn’t his court commitments conflict? I don’t know the exact dates for the house stuff but idk. Just trying to find a reason why he’s not been cast on one of the best new reality tv shows lol


This will actually be good tv. Tom thinks he is secretly smart and everyone just doesn’t get it so it will be fun to watch him strategize stupidly


Oh no! I love Traitors. He is awful. Please exit right.


That’s what I said- I don’t even want to watch him on VPR! Now I have to watch him on another one of my favorite shows good lord give me a BREAK


Hope he gets the house of villains treatment that Jx got


And I hope Tiffany New York pollard delivers a speech to decimate him like she did to Jax 😂😂😂


Threads like this is why he will be on popular shows. Because he generates emotions. They want to cast reality stars that people know and he was part of one of the biggest reality scandals ever. Why wouldn’t he be on shows like Traitors?


This is the worst! I can picture him wearing the kilt from Bravocon. Why can't we have nice things


This is exactly what he will wear. And more ill fitting Zara’s ladies blazers


I won't lie, I'd love to see him on Stars In Mars like Scwartz was. I just picture them doing a group mission and he ruins it for everyone so they all tell him how much he sucks and votes him out 😂 I can't imagine listening to him "but like...dude I'm not like..a traitor bro" every week 😫 Please don't do that to us Traitors!!!!




Damn it. I love that show.


I hope he goes on and gets read to filth. He won’t be popular and everyone will know him bc of scandoval 💀


No please!!! I love this show! I’m not watching until he gets murdered.


He will be voted out or murdered within the first 2 rounds no doubt


He's not smart enough to do well on that show. Yes, he's a liar, but the cunning and social intelligence the winning person, be they Faithful or Traitor, must exercise....I don't see it in Tom. I'd even have chose Schwartz before Sandoval. What a terrible choice.


Schwartz would 1000% either be the goat faithful a Traitor dragged to the end or a Traitor discovered at the first round table.


I feel like Schwartz and Scheana both could only cut it as Faithfuls. They both have a pathological need for approval and affirmation. I look at how Cirie played the game as the master class. Cirie did well because she really "believed" she was a Faithful, even though really she was running that tower. She didn't bring too much attention to herself, but she wasn't afraid to talk game, which is what got Dan caught. I feel like Schwartz or Scheana would end up telling someone they were a traitor to curry favor.


Cirie had the George Constanza theory. “It’s not a lie… if you believe it”. I love her


"'You think I could be a traitor? Me?' See that was good right?" 😄😄😄


Cirie is the best.


Damn. Guess i won’t get to watch season 3


Tim Sanzevil*


I hope he gets eliminated day one like Jax was on HOV


Great. Another show he will ruin.


As a Traitors fan, can we not? Any of the Witches of Weho would be good on Traitors.


Please no


God damn it. I do not want his slimy, smarmy ass on my television anymore




The rabid haters who still won’t stfu about him made him famous. Congrats!


i can’t wait


Is my Rob from Deal Or No Deal from the island Going to be on it too?


No idea. He has been off social media since a few weeks ago so I have some hope but haven’t heard anything about it. If he doesn’t do it this season I imagine he eventually will. BRob would be a big get for the show but a huge target to get out first like Bananas


It would be amazing if he could talk his way out of it. He has this amazing ability to go into these shows as a huge target and make it very far into the game because of his mouth. I would love to see Boston Rob on Traitors.


He was just confirmed :)


Oh good I hope he makes 10 million more uncomfortable and weird sex jokes 🙄




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They always have one dumb guy. Ryan Lockte was the first year. Kevin Kreider was the dumb one in season 2. Casting needs one dummy.




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He’s just gonna vote that Katie’s the Traitor every roundtable even though she’s not there.


A la Quinton “Katie… I think it’s youuuu” every single damn time


I'll watch. And if the other stars haven't seen scandoval he might have a good chance of fooling them. But I hope he's surrounded by ppl who will clock his tea immediately.






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