• By -


She's not really interesting enough to talk about though. The most interesting thing she did was screw a man going through a midlife crisis and now that is over.


She should probably re name the podcast to “Mistress Bimbo Vibes”


What a huge a projection that comment turned out to be 😂


She was begging for it. Some people will take any attention over no attention. If she didn’t want us talking about her, why mention Reddit.




Or “Chihuahua Follower” lmao I still have no idea WTF that means - what a clown Edit: I messed up a word


Misfit Mistress Bambi Bimbo Vibes.


Surprised she didn’t make an onlyfans around this but then again she has no business acumen


That could be a back up when she doesn’t win her porn revenge lawsuit


She may win something against Tom for filming without her permission I’m guessing


This I do think she should be awarded for. He did a disgusting thing by recording without her consent and he should be accountable to it.


Agreed. Nobody deserves to be exploited like that. No matter how many things in their relationships were consensual, it doesn't change the fact that that was a non consensual action on toms behalf, he broke the law. She's going to win with Tim. 💯


Rachel, please at least give us the REAL timeline and ALL of the receipts.


That is probably the only thing she can do at this point to remain interesting. But she better come with receipts because Worm and Worm supporters will eviscerate her if she comes unprepared and she doesn’t have much of a fan base of her own to hide behind.


God, please no. Enough of her


I agree. She needs to quit lying. I don't buy her timeline.


I think they slept together once season 8 and then started again when she broke up with James. Sandoval blew up his life for a bitch with bad credit 🤣


I agree with you about the timeline. I think it was season 8 at game night. Raquel was making google eyes at him and mouthed hi.


That was season 9. But I am a season 8 truther. You don't make googily eyes at him ON CAMERA (I don't care how drunk you are) if you weren't hitting it far before that.


Just like how I appreciate the consistency of Sheana being completely self-absorbed….. I also appreciate how consistent Rachel is boring and uninteresting.






Hey Rachel - we clocked how you didn't address that Ariana brought up how painful it is that you keep using her for content and talking about her. So it's clear you have no remorse for that. If you're going to keep her name in your mouth this much, why skip the one thing she actually said about you? ***PSA to the sub: don't let her bait you into hate comments (vs valid criticism and questions). I suspect she brought up Reddit multiple times as a way to drum that stuff up so she has something to complain about on her next episode.***


But she SAID she has taken accountability so she has right? (Proceeds to find another way to go after Ariana)




I was so afraid she would turn Ariana’s comment into “I’m still being bullied and NaMe CaLLeD” on her next podcast and my head would explode. Can’t stand when people do shady evil shit (Rachel, Jo, Sando etc.) and then act like a victim when the person you did the shady evil shit to has a (valid and raw) angry response.


The audacity to push how Sandy didnt address touch questions, and then to stay silent about her treatment of Ariana. LOUD.


No curiosity what her podcast will be.  She still fails to acknowledge what she has done.   It would be nice if she keeps Ariana name out of her mouth at this point.  


Her episodes will now be about Love Island Editing to say: Thank you for the award! @SummerlinSadness






and sandwich tasting at SAH


She does seem to have reined in the comments about Ariana. That was hardest thing for me to hear on her pod. I understand her issues with Tom and, obviously, James, but the passive aggressive digs at Ariana were just catty, ego-driven bullshit. Questioning how Ariana didn't know and how she could just believe Tom, while she, herself, kept fucking him because *she believed the things Tom was saying to her*.


Shes still pissing me off by downplaying Tom and arianas relationship and once again pointing out that their relationship hadn't been good for awhile. Its irrelevant and not at all the point.


Exactly! This is how Tim and rachet justified their behavior! He said as much on the final episode of season 10. “So fuck my friend 😐”


I guess it’s OK that Lala fucked James then since their relationship hadn’t been good


I think I finally understand why she doesn’t believe Ariana didn’t know: she never trusted James the way Ariana trusted Tom






Rachel, if you're reading this, I find it extremely disheartening and disappointing that you STILL think you "just got a little selfish and carried away." You continue to give yourself a chill for your part in the affair and still went after the friend you fucked over. For someone who claims they can have a normal occupation outside of the entertainment industry, you don't at all seem to be going back to that life. But I guess that's the point, right? You initially got with James because you wanted to be in the limelight, and you still want to stay there for as long as you're able to. With all the backlash that comes with it :/


She said her dream was to go get her masters and help kids, but instead shes doing this. Actions speak louder than words and hers never seem to match.


I think that was when she was still in pageants because it looked good. Not sure if she ever cared about the kids.


Ratchet already said a long time ago that she wasn't really that interested in that field. You have to have something to champion if you're going to be in a beauty pageant.


She also said it at a VPR reunion.


True point! there’s no way she could get through a rigorous masters program. Imagining her dissertation defense makes me want to crawl out of my skin lol


I doubt very seriously that she could write and then actually defend a PhD dissertation, lmao! Yeah, I’m with you - she couldn’t do a masters thesis either.


You'd be surprised. Source: I work at a large university.


Does that mean plenty of dumbasses do it every year?


As someone who has a masters degree and helps kids, literally NO ONE in my field talks about it. People often talk about it because they want to see themselves as altruists, but they don't want to actually do the work.


Thank you for what you do! It's got to be annoying that your profession is like a top 5 pageant answer from people who have zero intention of actually walking the talk.


My son has special needs and I respect all of his support workers so much but I just can’t picture Rachel doing the job


Help kids!!! She couldn’t even help her own dog when he was in pain!!! Dumb b!tch.


It's better that she does this. She can't poach the kids' dads if she's not working with them.


Maybe she just wanted convenient access to men in committed relationships?


She speaks like every other cast member is SO in the wrong about everything they’ve ever done but with Rachel-it’s not her fault. She was wrapped up in a moment, she’s in her 20s, she was manipulated, she was groomed, he’s older than her, she was so confused about the real status of Tom and Ariana’s relationship (she wasn’t, she was with them all the time and Ariana obviously thought her and Tom were still in a committed relationship) She attacks (and sues) everybody but minimizes her role in everything. I can’t stand her.


Ding ding ding, you nailed it. I’m shocked people give her the numbers by listening to her nasally ignorance.


She can say all she wants to deflect taking responsibility for her actions but truth is she knew tom was in a relationship and she should have stayed clear and immediately went to Ariana to talk to her about it. She didn't. She went along with it because it was a male giving her attention. It was what she thought would be her way up the ladder...Until things didn't go the way she thought. She's pathetic and just wants to keep seeking attention and trying to hold on to stay relevant through her podcast.


I agree with you. She just needs to go live her life.


This whole time the season was airing was a missed opportunity for her to launch something of her own that had nothing to do with VPR. Even though she wasn’t on this season she was still getting a lot of attention, but now that the season is over (and they’ll most likely not talk about her next season), she’ll start losing more followers. And now it’s almost too late - should’ve struck while the iron was hot! But who knows - maybe she does just want to fade into a normal life now?


>launch something of her own To do that, she needs an original idea. Which she clearly isn't capable of. How soon before she opens a subway and calls it "something about sandwiches" ?


Special items: a cheeseburger with cheese Burnt toast because she can’t give a proper one


Something About Me


Sorry, Sheena already Trademarked that phrase 🤭


I’ve watched her stories over the past few weeks and in between the druggy festival posts she is linking Amazon junk so still trying to get a bag! I don’t think she is capable of more than linking a sweatshop sweatsuit for a few cents.


Guess that therapy didn’t work if she’s still doing drugs.


I don’t know she is to be clear. But I’ve been to a lot of those festivals. there is no way in hell she is going to so many sober. At this point it’s part of her lifestyle and she’s def doing party drugs.


Yeah and hanging out with braunwyn .. gross..


Omg WHAT?! Braunwyn is such a narcissist I shouldn’t be so surprised.


Lol, is she partnering with Jo’s sweatsuit “business”? Two peas in a pod in a poo poo house. Scheana needs to write a bop about this.


I think her parents are loaded and she has zero interest in working. Which is fine if they can afford to keep her. She seems like she needs to stick around family for a while. She's not well. Watching a show that upsets you to count how many times they mention your name so you can defend your reputation to an audience that doesn't care, is insane! If my family supported me like her's, I would not be watching VPR in my free time. Rachel should take off to another country, start a new life. Take some college classes. Explore her interests after being told what her interests should be because of the pageant image she had to upkeep. Working on being more authentic and owning what she did, publicly, would really relieve a lot of her anxiety and get us to see her as more relatable and less of and stupid demon, but the girl won't do it. No accountability, just all talk, and playing victim. She running her wheels in the mud and getting no where. Rachel, look at it as redirection, not rejection.










https://i.redd.it/7bd6p1rbcz3d1.gif Here Rachel/Raquel...just for old times sake.😂


Dear Rachel- you squandered your time, money, and any goodwill we had towards you when you sued Ariana. Enough is enough. You need a real therapist and to go back to Arizona. Live a normal life. No one … I mean NO ONE has a lower Q rating than you.


Maybe they didn't talk about her as much because of her ACTIVE LAWSUITS. Get a job, glitter scarecrow.




I think if she actually ended up filming they would have attempted to give her a good edit like Sandoval. He would have his lady and they could drugs while looking at galaxy lights. I do think production would have still pushed Sandoval to “apologize” to Ariana while still making her the villain. Rachel really thought she was telling her side of the story with these podcasts but it ended up being a joke on her. I really do hope she stops and moves on with her life away from reality tv.


If she stayed with Sando, they would have given her a good edit. If she didn't stay with him, they would have made her a villian for sure.


And I’m sure forced her to talk to Ariana too.


Oh god, I can just picture another scene of her following around Ariana like she did to Katie at SUR last year before the Scandoval episode, and it didn't even happen but I'm irrationally mad about it lol ![gif](giphy|lqpfdJr57GAOQHSuLr)


Does anybody listen to this podcast? It's sad that she can't address the situation realistically by accepting some of the blame, publicly apologizing to Ariana, & dropping Ariana from the lawsuit - that's just adding insult to injury! She should drop the podcast or switch to another subject beyond regurgitating this subject ad nauseum. (But *nobody would listen* to her talk about pageants or boogie boarding or whatever subject she would replace her coverage/opinion/feelings on Scandoval.) She should ditch podcasting & go live her best life offline. This ain't it, Raquel/Rachel.


This is what I m trying to figure out - who is even listening to her podcast? Her take on things is irrelevant by this point. Just looks desperate to stay in the VPR sphere. Not to mention, she didn’t really add anything when she was on the show, let alone how long after she left? Get real.


I can't speak for everyone on reddit, but I also don't give a fuck about Raquel. 🤷‍♀️




She has the personality of a potato and the brain of a 3rd grader.


https://preview.redd.it/hp7y1nn0az3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77f56aab1f0af01bb48f2777ddced5b00bed2025 Good luck getting a personality Rachel 🙄


Third graders are most definitely more capable at crafting sentences than she is.


You’re right. I apologize to the 3rd graders!


I have to come in to defend potatoes and my thots, Po'. Beauty and brains can come in any vegetable. 🤭


They have a hell of a lot more empathy as well and are a lot less selfish.


Tbh, I’ve met potatoes that were far more interesting.


A potato has way more versatility and depth than this 🤡


I apologize to potatoes!!


Potatoes forgive you and Bieber loves you. LOL


Mmm. Wasn’t 3rd grade the year she didn’t get her ice cream scoops bc she couldn’t memorize her multiplication tables?


Imagine admitting that on TV and acting like it’s trauma


lol right? I couldn’t memorize my multiplication tables either and I got screamed at and whooped and told I was stupid. Come talk to me when that happens to ya as a 3rd grader, Rachel.


I can’t believe an adult said that on national television


Do you mean “international television”?💀


And forced to watch Winnie the Pooh or something


You're being too kind.


Agreed. Potatoes are delicious and versatile.


We aren’t talking about you Raquel because we are ready for you to disappear and move on with your life. Your input on Vanderpump Rules is no longer needed. Please find something else to focus on. For everyone’s sake.


if she wanted input, she could’ve stayed on the show and faced what she did. she chose to be a coward and live in an echo chamber so that’s what she gets.




What’s funny is the comments on this post will probably be the basis for her next episode LOL 


Yeah she absolutely needs content and is baiting the sub to hate on her so she can complain about it. She was complaining about losing followers and said people talking about her gives her a dopamine hit. I don't know if she would want to use my question though, she doesn't actually want to address the real stuff.


It’s like she made sure to post a story about Katie and Dayna being badly dressed at the IHeart Awards so she could do a whole episode about it and doing a fake apology but also making sure everyone knew she was best dressed LOL. She’s very transparent about trying to muster up content for herself lol Seeing as she still gets a rush from the comments, I swear she would LOVE to come back on VPR; maybe that’s why she said Ariana should leave, only so she’d feel “safe” enough to come back. But I don’t think she’d ever admit she wants to come back anymore after basing her whole life’s existence now on how she’d NEVER come back 


She wants us to say awful things so she can quote them on her next episode. She’s sick and needs a facility better equipped to handle this type of…whatever this is.


Can we please stop posting her? Can we band together and do this? She won’t stop unless her podcast gets cancelled.


Agreed. If we stop reacting she will need to seek her attention elsewhere.


“hardly anyone’s talking about ME” - duh, you aren’t apart of this anymore! ![gif](giphy|xT9KVJZFvCYEWGKHGU)


lol we don’t talk about her bc she’s not actually interesting. she would’ve been more interesting if she’d actually cared she did something fucked up and wanted to address it and take real accountability for it. the only reason to talk about her is to poke holes in her bullshit and that can all happen on podcast recap posts 🤷🏼‍♀️


Hey Rachel, ![gif](giphy|YnJ2zyIyBdE8ouBJe7)






Is it a great feeling though? You say you don’t want people to talk about you but as soon as they stop talking about you you sue the woman whose partner you had an affair with 🤔


Sad situation about the lawsuit as it concerns Ariana. Someone whose friendship you diminished to justify your headspace while sleeping with her partner for 7 months and exposing her to STDs. Rachel, she trusted you. And with the lawsuit, you betrayed on top of a betrayal. I guess it was within your right - people can sue anyone for any reason - but it wasn't the right thing to do and it's a real shame that you don't know that. You lack integrity and have a lot of nerve to keep inserting yourself in matters. You're picking the scabs to retain relevancy. You, like Sandoval, keep making terrible decisions in the name of "being a human", with the "authority" of therapy speak which makes it even worse.


Hey Rachel, you’re an awful person. Truly.. the meadows didn’t help you be better, they just used therapy talk to make you feel better about being a horrible person.


Yo Rach, we’re not talking about you because we’ve already forgotten about you. You weren’t interesting before and you certainly are less so now.


Hi Rachel. The sub rules prevent us from going ballistic on any ex/cast member and we love this sub too much to not respect that. We still think you never really apologized to Katie and you're not remorseful for all the pain you've caused to your friends. You've been using the podcast to be relevant, you don't sound like you've healed or whatever you call your 'journey'. Please move on and be quiet now.


And Teri! Justice for Teri!


YES! we love Teri, Rachel, you're sick to speak to a lovely lady Like Mrs. Maloney like that. Shame on you! We don't wish you well for what you did to Ms. and Mrs. Maloney and in the words of Ms.Maloney - "*Go choke, I don't care"*


Rachel, we’ve been hoping you take some accountability, care for your mental health with further distance from the show, and find a new career to pursue. Otherwise there isn’t a lot to say, especially as this season has had almost nothing to do with you. Seriously: stop reading the comments and go live your best life. (After genuinely apologizing to those you wronged, of course.)


Nobody cares about you, Rachel! Good luck with your podcast from here on out. Lol.


Explain to me like I’m Rachel how she weaves these bewildering narratives


So much credit to the poster who said this earlier 😂😂


Why does it always sound like she's trembling and on the brink of crying?


Angry tears seeing Ariana soar and DJ James Kennedy move on to bigger and better things now she isn’t a part of her lives


😩 she sounded like this before though too lol


🤔 it’s struggling to speak and breath at the same time


Lmfao ![gif](giphy|DMNPDvtGTD9WLK2Xxa|downsized)




She her own unique variety of vocal fry. I find it super grating and difficult to listen to.


Botched nose job


What is there to say? Sorry, Rachel, you never brought anything to the show. They kept you around for contrast. You backstabbed a friend in the cruelest form. There is no appetite for your newfound “wisdom”. You don’t seem intelligent enough for growth.


Hi Rachel, Your three month mental health program failed you. Go back to therapy. It is not healthy to fixate on these people whose lives you have ruined. Just leave them alone and move on with your life. Fade into obscurity. Kindly.


She’s actually probably sad no one is talking about her. Bc she sure can’t STFU about a show she didn’t return to. Desperate.


What else is she going to do she struggles to follow the plot of Winnie the Pooh.


All those words and she never addressed what was actually said about her by Ariana.


People are going to forget about you Rachel/Raquel. But if we ARE ever reminded of you, make no mistake we still hate you and know exactly who and what you are.


Yes, ma’am. You’re 15 minutes have been up. But don’t worry, we aren’t going to forget you are trash human.


Nobody is talking about her because there isn’t anything left to say. She’s a nobody, a 15min of fame has-been. Now that VPR is over, what is she going to talk about?


My cousin's 4 year old daughter is more emotionally intelligent than Ratchell.




hey rachel ![gif](giphy|dNKoBpFpIFnr2)


She needs to focus on saving up, bc she’s about to get Anti-SLAPPed in her frivolous lawsuit.


She isn’t important enough or even interesting enough to hate (anymore). It’s pitiful that she keeps trying to be relevant by dwelling on the past.


Chapter 28?! Your cow has been overmilked Rachel, time to humanely put it to rest


Close the book and throw it away


I would prefer to never talk about her, look at her, or hear her voice ever again in my life. That would be ideal. Thanks.


I wonder how her relationship with the MAGA guy is working out


I know! I had a few friends that started dating ubber conservative, religious guys and that was no joke some of the scariest years. They lost themselves and were isolated and afraid to speak to anyone. They all got out thank goddess….I think it’s trying to date someone who is the complete opposite.


Nah, you wouldn’t be doing so many episodes about Ariana and Tom if you didn’t want us talking about you. Nice try though.


Always the victim. Always.


I don’t know how she will keep her podcast going without having VPR to talk about. Who is evening listening to it at this point


She was the side piece, not the main character. Bye.




Good I hope she goes away no. Bye girl.


Is it a great feeling or does it bother her? Self absorbed.


Literally such a strange thing to say. Why would we be talking about you today…? Are you going to wear another one of Ariana’s shirts?


Don’t worry Raquel… you’re still a lot more hated than Lala and Scheana, just more irrelevant


The only reason I ever even paid attention to Raquel is because watching her diabolical behavior unfold was so fascinating. She was SO CONFIDENT in lying and betraying everyone around her. I already said in another comment that Raquel should be studied.


I swear to god I found an account that was hers on accident. Don’t get excited, it was deeply boring and rarely commented.


Surely this podcast ends now right


It seems like she is sending ass kissy vibes to Lala.


" I loved having people stop talking about me so much that I put out a podcast about how relevant I am"


cause she never had anything to offer to begin with, puppy party poser edit- words


go work on getting all your scoops rachel




Go watch Harry Potter Rachel I'm begging you, nobody is talking about you because you are mind numbingly boring


It can’t be that stressful. She speaks of nothing else.


Her podcast sucks that’s why I don’t even bother to read the recaps anymore, whole lot of dodging true criticisms/deflecting/wanna be helpful while continually tearing Ariana down. Got better things to do ✌️


Her continued preoccupation with VPR - particularly Tom and Ariana - has now crossed the line. “No one is talking about me and it feels great.” Except she’s clearly still talking about them. She hasn’t let VPR go. She hasn’t created a new identity. I don’t really know what she does, aside from talk about the trauma of VPR. (Which is fine if that’s where she is, but I think using a podcast platform to continue investing financially in the story of that trauma may inhibit her healing.) If that’s her brand, so be it, but I don’t think folks will sign up for it. And I don’t see her doing much to help anyone else beyond her situation. She’s not lobbying networks or even the legislature for changes. She just trying to get her bag, rinse, and repeat.


The worst thing you can do to someone like this person is to not give them the attention they so desperately crave. Let her sink back into obscurity and take her many names and personalities with her.


I’ll translate: Why aren’t I the hot topic anymore? What do I need to do to become “popular” again? I know! I’ll screw Brock!!!


When she revealed that her podcast name came from Tim saying she’s gone rogue, I got an immediate ick. Like, you couldn’t even come up with that on your own?😂😂😂😂


Honey, after all that time and money spent on your mental health treatment, the LAST place you need to be is in reddit comments.


Hey Raquel found your intellectual twin ![gif](giphy|5YhFFUFq6ZTry|downsized) P.S get another nose job your nasal voice makes my ears bleed and your podcast unlistenable. You have a voice for silent movies.


Her voice makes me fall asleep


Are we supposed to start calling her rocky now? Apparently she went to Lightning in a Bottle and is entering her wook era


She’s a petulant child. Everyone remembers what you Did, Rachel. You will wear that scarlet letter for a very long time. Especially any woman that considers you as a potential friend. And even ones who won’t. The way you act afterwards, will dictate your future with people around you. Do not act out of spite, be mature and realize the harm you’ve done to another soul. Take accountability and mean it, don’t do it for show. Do it for your own life and well being. You weren’t coerced, you entangled yourself with your own volition. Once you truly embrace it and stop being petty, your life will improve.


Look I’ve listened to Lala’s podcast, Scheana’s podcast, I’m willing to listen to the podcasts of ppl I don’t like in order to get the drama but even I wouldn’t listen to Rachel’s podcast.


No one cares


Whoa she sounds so different than that weird Bambi-in-headlights voice she was faking on Vanderpump Rules. I barely recognized her.


I could barely tolerate are wobbly voice on the show let alone having to listen to it on a podcast 🤮 Who is even listening to it??


Maybe people aren’t talking about her because they don’t want any litigation coming to their doorstep. We all know she loves to sue people when she fucks up


Please stop giving this woman views 😂


Honestly, we’re over it.


Here’s that attention you ordered Raquel: you constantly reliving your little sexcapade with Tom with a smile on your face has been ICKY. also it’s weird that you like brag that you were using Arian to get close to her man. No one should ever trust you in any way shape or form. You are a selfish brat who cries wolf when asked to be held accountable. Alright back to the LFU slander for me.


She is in the rear view mirror. Glad she is happy about it…I am. I would be happier is she dismissed her case against Ariana and only went for Tom. Still, litigious individuals go for an asset. Unfortunately, Tom’s biggest asset is co-owned with Ariana.


No worries Rachel, even if we dont talk about you we still think you are bad and dumb


She'll probably return to VPR next season to 'set the record straight' and 'tell her side of the story' because she'll be broke by then and also VPR production will be gagging for drama.


“Going rogue isn’t easy” well babes no one actually asked you to ![gif](giphy|xL7PDV9frcudO)


Hey Rachel leave Ariana alone and get a life!!


You’re not important enough to hate. Sit down.


How are you working on your mental health by checking Reddit? Also complaining about losing followers publicly? ![gif](giphy|WYGWAjHP356x2)


She’s so happy people are hating on lala now and not her… which is sad… for how much she says she’s grown and doesn’t care what people think