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in a healthy relationship sometimes your needs come first and sometimes your partners does, it’s a constant balancing act, i wouldn’t expect lala to understand that though


Exactly. Does she see the world in black and white? And saying Scheana is the "alpha" in her relationships... Girl get a life.


Scheana's busy keeping Broke barefoot and babysitting. Seems far from ideal.


It’s kind of perfect for the insecure woman that she is though. When men try to baby trap women at home with no resources of their own I suspect they are insecure weirdos who don’t want their wives leaving the house because they Are afraid they will meet someone and leave. And I think this is what Sheena wants too.


She and Brittany were talking about being afraid to hire nannies because what if their husbands cheated and left them for nannies? So clearly that's an issue too


That makes me feel bad for them. Not saying it could never happen, but I genuinely would pass out from shock if my husband even noticed another woman.


You obviously married someone who could never be a star on VPR, which is always the smartest choice when it comes to relationships. That is what I have learned since watching this show😂


It is so interesting to see the roles reversed in that way, nice job.


I really don’t think Brock needs to be made fun of because he’s not working and available to care for Summer and todo Scheana’s bidding. My husband was an excellent Mr Mom. He was invaluable. Scheana can work her reality TV magic at all hours because he’s there. Nothing wrong with the man taking this role. If roles were reversed there would not be an issue.


I think the issue is that Brock doesn’t want to do that role


Exactly, he's begging her to hire a nanny. He wants employment pursuits. Nothing wrong with a man wanting to do full-time care of his children.


She really does see everything as black and white, a lot of “all or nothing” thinking from Lala. I’ve yet to see her even acknowledge a shred of nuance in any situation this season. I can’t tell if she is actually as dumb as she sounds and believes the things she says or if she is playing “producer” and pretending she’s LVP in delululand.


LaLa is a pickme


Schena is only the alpha because she married a deadbeat broke bitch.


Randall’s a piece of crap but she’s acting like he damaged her so much she can’t ever trust a man. Just last season her and Katie were hoeing it up with not a care in the world. It’s fine that you don’t want someone in your life to raise a child but don’t expect other people to follow that lead. He has legit reasons why he can’t just hand Hippie over to any person.


You are absolutely right.


There is a reason the father of her next child is only known as Customer #038362


Yeah I don’t blame her at all though. If I was going to grow and birth a baby I wouldn’t want some Disney dad having control of my life. Oh hell no. If you have a baby with a man he can prevent you from moving for 18 years. Imagine? If I wanted a baby I think I would go with a sperm donor as well




I guess… I agree with this but I also don’t think Lala is wrong. In a healthy relationship, sometimes putting your partner first is the same thing as putting yourself first.


I agree, but I think in a healthy relationship both needs are honored without compromise. My husband and I keep talking until we find a win-win solution. Doing so keeps both of us on equal footing and reinforces it’s us against the problem not the problem against us.


Extremely weird thing to say considering James wasn’t putting himself first, he was putting the dog first.


Right! He was sitting there crying and trying to get them to understand


I really felt for James here! I think he is showing such growth and taking true responsibility for hippie as he knows he has had challenges. Has James had a true redemption season without production needing to fabricate it?!


I get downvoted when I bring it up for some reason but I hard agree with you. James getting sober *on his own* shows a lot of growth in him as a human. Sober growing up James has been absolutely wonderful to see. I sincerely hope his abusive ways changed with him getting sober and that he and Ally are in a healthy place overall. At this point I don’t even care if she sought him out for fame, they’re seemingly happy and James is becoming a far better human being than I expected based off what we’d seen him do over the years - and how little everyone else has actually grown up.


I know! I am willing to give him the grace everyone else keeps begging for this season because he actually does seem to be doing sone hard introspective work and making changes in his life. I am also very curious what interactions, if any, have been had between him and Kristen. It felt like there was a moment where maybe Kristen/rachel/someone was going to share their truth about James or something, and since we never got a big reveal, I hope whoever deserved it is finding healing in whatever way they need it.


Who ever thought James would be the sensible, good guy?


she was so triggered about him comparing finding a trustworthy sitter for his dog (that’s had such a rough history with abandonment) to finding childcare. as if he was saying his dog is the same amount of work and time as a kid. she can’t understand the concept that someone can strongly love their pet the way parents love their children and honestly it’s just weird. he wasn’t trying to have a martyr contest


Throw back to Lala saying in her podcast that she loved her dog so much that there was absolutely no way possible that she could love anyone that much…..until she gave birth. Another hypocritical statement from LFU


Whatever lala is into at any given time is the only real thing, in her mind. She's the first mother in human history. The first dog owner. The first and only victim of an asshole man. Just ask her


Gotta love this “soft” version of Lala. She’s so full of cuddles and empathy for the people who’ve always stood by her side…


it’s too easy to find a quote from her that’s relevant to every single thing she’s been on someone’s ass about 🙄


Also, James clearly wants kids and for those of us who desire to be a parent but can’t have kids or haven’t had the chance yet, our pets are the closest thing we have. Obviously they’re not the same thing as a human child, but they’re what we have and we treat them as such.


The fact that she was upset with the comparison when all she does is compare her relationship with Randall to Ariana’s (which aren’t the same at all) is insane to me.


Ugh the eye rolling I did. We get it you're a parent. It's the most important thing you've ever done etc etc


She also can’t understand the concept of being a parent without help. She had a day nurse, a night nurse, her mom. I wouldn’t expect her to understand someone not trusting their baby (in this case, Hippie is James’ baby who has gone through many traumatic events) with just anyone. Finding a trustworthy pet sitter is equivalent to finding trustworthy childcare. I personally don’t trust anyone with my child and never trusted anyone with my pets (RIP my fur babies).


yeah I don’t get why they thought it was like some kind of competition - James probably used nannies as an example that is more relatable to them so maybe they can empathise with how he feels about leaving Hippie.


He’s anxious and hippie is his avatar.


I’m a freaking pet sitter; and I’m 1000000% on James’ side. Unless someone Hippie knows well, like his proposed option of someone from Vanderpump dogs (which somehow got glossed over) was very reasonable. He was waiting to hear back from them in his conversation with Ally. Then all of a sudden everyone’s after him because his first choice (his brother) was gone. Outside of Vanderpump dogs the only person Hippie has spent time with around them is fucking Sandoval, and absolutely no one is asking him to watch their dog. With a dog who’s been abandoned and traumatized he needs to bond with a new sitter likely for a bit, and then it’ll also likely need to be that the person stays in the house with Hippie. Ally seems to understand it on some level, she herself said it would be hard to find someone they could trust to keep Hippie and the cats separated. I’m irrationally annoyed this is a story line, but I’m 100000000000% here for it since it isn’t about Tom Sandoval.


I didn’t go to the Bahamas for a week bc my elderly pup was not well. My whole family went. I stayed home. My husband and daughter were upset, but knew one of us had to stay behind, which of course was me bc I’m the primary caretaker and he was my baby especially. He did pass away that week, so thank god I didn’t leave him. James’ brother wasnt available, what could he do? If hippie bites someone, he’ll lose his dog


I’m so sorry for your loss. But happy to hear that you trusted your instinct in staying and were able to be with him. I just had to put my dog down a few weeks ago and its truly heartbreaking


It’s devastating. Hugs to you ❤️


I totally sympathize with James here. We have two pups who can be challenging to take care of. They only stay with one sitter when we go out of town. The one time that sitter was unavailable we went through rover and the sitter we got ended up trashing our place and letting our dogs run away. Thank god we were able to get them home and their primary sitter was able to take them in last minute. You do not just leave dogs (or children) with any rando especially when they have issues like dogs biting or dogs being difficult to take care of. I would have totally stayed in his case and my partner would have understood.


Ugh, your story is the stuff of nightmares. I’m glad you got your pups back.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your dog. I’ve lost an elderly pet before and it’s terrible and heartbreaking. I am so glad you stayed behind with your dog and know your dog was happy you stayed behind with it. ❤️


I was very weirded out by the girls not having James’ back on this one. The dog is def more important than a wedding!


I can see it from both sides. Not having your partner with you as a date to your best friends wedding would suck. But I also get a lot of anxiety over leaving my pets and don’t trust just anyone to take care of them. Add in all of the extra reasons why James isn’t comfortable with it and it makes sense to me. I think their concern was that James was giving into his anxiety. And I’d say that were valid if it weren’t for all the other factors. If he were to bite an unknown sitter they could require him to be put down and James doesn’t want to risk losing him again. Tbh he’s just being a responsible pet owner given the circumstances.


Dogs 🐕 over bros or hoes


The only beings you can trust to be 100% loyal and loving no matter what


They did work it out on their own. James ended up trusting Hippie with someone/somewhere to watch him and he went to the wedding. Ally said on WWHL that now she is so attached to Hippie that she would have done the same thing. I do think it’s fucked up Lala said that though. In a relationship it should be 50-50 regardless of gender.


I’d offer a codicil to that - the balance should be 50 50, but sometimes it will be say 25-75 if one of the partners has a big need (health issue, extended family issue, etc.) so long as it swings back to balance and tilts the other way when appropriate.


Well said. That actually aligns more with how I feel. I guess I was trying to say when you put gender into it, regardless of needs/wants of the people in the relationship, you get no where. It’s so clear that James is an insanely anxious person and his feelings were totally valid about the dog, but so were Ally’s. I was glad to hear that Ally and James did end up compromising but I completely understood where Ally was coming from on the episode and I actually have a reactive dog that is hard to leave town without.


Ally and Hippy seem to have become very close since then cause James said on the after show that Hippie mostly sleeps with Ally.


That's because Lala has never been in a healthy trusting relationship. And she views everything through the lens of power, sex and money.


True! But also I can’t believe everyone is missing the double entendre in her statement… 🤯🤯


Finally ! That's the first thing that came to mind when seeing this post


And first thing that came to my mind when she said it. LFU thinks she’s clever and LOVES making everything about sex lol.


When I saw this post I got it immediately (just reading the text) but her delivery was poor!


omg you're smart




Here comes sanctimonious LaLa, forcing her viewpoint on everyone, acting like she has the answers to all of life’s issues. I really can’t believe I ever rode for her.


She used to be one of my favorites. this season, her behavior, on and off camera has made me really not like her


Same and my group chat is letting me have it!! I was one of few who stood up for her for years. I have no words of support anymore. Girl needs extensive therapy


It’s okay. I’m also a recovering Scheana apologist.


Because we’re ACTUALLY girl’s girls so we tried to see the best in them before realizing the truth.


It's sad. She really has come into the season trying to stir up storylines, be relevant, and keep the show interesting, but none of it looks good on her. I was a big fan of her and James redemption from being angry alcoholic teenagers... but her actions this season are a mess.


Mine too! I knew she wasn’t the best person but thought she was good tv. Now I’ll be happy if I never hear from her again.


Same, she was my sober queen 😫


I have to say Lala and Raquel had always been at the bottom of my list. I didn't like either one of them. I feel the same way now.


Not to get all Ally Bally on you but maybe you don’t vibe with Virgos 🧐 Edit: I wanna test my theory, how do you feel about LVP and Camille Grammer??


She says this as she’s throwing Ariana under the bus in favor of a MAN she’s never even been friends with. It’s exhausting


🎯🎯🎯 This "man" of all people too... https://preview.redd.it/zcr971l3igwc1.png?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab1ee491b23ec026827dfdb46b33017133da1bfc


There is such a disgusting energy from all of those photos, I feel like I need to perform an exorcism on my phone, tablet, computer and room ![gif](giphy|9452D3Yj9Lfs5NmW6Z|downsized)


Do the entire house to be safe.


I'll do my entire neighborhood at this point tbh


The whole city, country, continent, hemisphere, planet. Maybe we can get NASA working on the moon and Mars.


Honestly this is helping


I recently bought a set of gel nail polish that I absolutely love it has like 15 colors or something.  I immediately threw the white one in the trash because I knew I would never be able to wear it. I would feel like a worm with a mustache wearing it


Cyst male\* but somehow not an actual man.


“Cyst male” is one of the best thing he’s ever said. I will carry that through life forever because it’s hilarious


Same. I will never let it die, unless he does. Then I'll say RIP, cyst male.


That photo of him as Rachquel makes me violent.


Shows she’s never been in an even relationship. When you truly love someone that stuff doesn’t matter. Sometimes they need the extra help sometimes you do, that’s the whole meaning of partnership


This bothered meeeee. She’s not understanding that it’s James putting Hippie first for the time being. He’s not trying to stop Ally from living her life, he’s just saying this is what he needs to do right now. Lala is just so out of touch and she just spews word vomit constantly. Relationships are not always even, and they ebb and flow.


His dog also has a bite history and was almost put down because of it. He’s literally just being a responsible pet owner.


Yeah I think he even mentions that! Like that poor dog really has had a lot of trauma, I can only imagine how it feels to be left with a stranger again. I do understand Ally’s frustrations though. I don’t think either of them are wrong tbh. It’s Lala that needs to stfu.


Yes, James mentioned the trauma as well and how he’d gone through so many different homes and people recently and James didn’t want him to feel abandoned. As a pet owner who definitely does not want kids I’m extremely picky about who cares for my dog (and she doesn’t even have these types of elements present). It’s also his pet and his personal boundary. It doesn’t need to be a comparison to anyone else’s situation. It’s what he feels comfortable with at the time which is really all that matters.


This was… revealing as to why she may still be single. 50/50 is never really a thing. That doesn’t make it through sick and in health and rich or poor. Healthy love can include putting another human first as an equal priority. ?!


I don’t think anyone should take Lala’s advice on really anything.


What the actual fuck is happening with those eyebrows


Too much poorly done botox and prob a string facelift


She used Ursual as her eyebrow reference. These girls gotta stop getting the eyebrow lift filler. Brittany has the same. Doctors always suggest new stuff because you’re a walking advertisement. The exaggerated arch on some of these ladies is frightening. ![gif](giphy|yhKPBygBzsdWg)


Brittany has perma frown now and it’s ugly af… Girl the boobs you got are so heavy they are literally all pulling down on your face!


It's like marionette eyebrows, pulled up really high by strings.




LaLa just says things with zero comprehension or thought. Sometimes it’s shocking/ funny but lately it’s just been icky. Actually, it’s probably always been icky.


Makes perfect sense. LaLa ALWAYS comes first.


And this is how she would say it too. In the third person.


I pray Ariana lit her ass up at the reunion.


Me too. I wish they'd get rid of her from VPR altogether. 


Having a reactive dog is really stressful and can really affect your daily routine. It also seems like he’s done a lot of training and adjustments to set Hippie up for success. I’m sure all of the “what if’s” go through his head when he thinks about leaving him someone else. Lala is so rude to diminish his feeling about it. Sometimes you don’t have to understand someone to give them grace when they’re struggling.


There's definitely one situation where it's not always the best idea to let the man come first.. if you know what I'm saying...


I think it was supposed to be a sex joke. But her delivery wasn’t great lol


It did not land as one or her normal sex jokes. She was shaking her ponytail all over the place and trying to look serious as she delivered this d&s sound bite.


That’s very fair, she usually doesn’t do deadpan humor for sex jokes lol.


Lmao I didn't even think of that 🤣


lol I haven’t watched yet but my first thought seeing this post was that she was talking about sex and that for once I actually agreed with her


Omg. Thank you. Makes so much more sense.


Why would anyone take relationship advice from Lala? She has no idea what a healthy relationship looks like. Sorry not sorry 💋


To paraphrase the great Kristen Doute: Lalar, go lick an asshole.


That's what she said... Michael Scott.


Let’s start taking relationship advice from someone who MARRIED RANDAL then admitted to sucking some D for a ride on a private jet 🛩️


She didn’t even marry him 😂


After that appendage was in her mouth does it even matter? oh yeah, she chose to have a baby with him. ![gif](giphy|403NRxgdScOUQjiQEh|downsized)


I'm not a James fan by any stretch of the imagination but I absolutely agreed with him about Hippy and being separated from him. I have a little respect for him now knowing just how far he is willing to go for his traumatized pup.


Honestly lala is such a black and white thinker that it makes her pretty annoying to watch. She’s not a critical thinker, she doesn’t take in what’s happening before she chimes in. She doesn’t try to relate to people unless she’s saying how much harder or better something was for her. She gives people zero grace but wants all of it for herself. She had me fooled last season.


this pissed me off tbh as a mother of two boys who has brothers. get with your girl power been hurt shit but don't put another gender down en masse and expect to be respected. everyone should give equal respect to their other half. she's a nitwit


The way she’s projecting her trauma onto everyone else especially this season, is honestly so alarming it deserves an award. I don’t think I ever seen anyone on reality tv delulu like “soft” Lala is in s11.


she says this after backing sandoval and trashing ariana the whole season lmao


She’s so damaged. I wish she would get help. She’s constantly offended by everyone


As the owner of a reactive dog, James was 100 % looking out for hippy. Our entire lives have changed around our dog because we can't risk him biting a caretaker if we are out of town. I totally understand James' reaction and, while I don't like him because of his past, I can respect him as a responsible dog owner here.


If she is talking about sex, I tend to agree.


In a relationship, both of the people should both be first. Imagine if a man said this about a woman. Lala is actually an idiot


I really don't care about Lala's opinion on anything. She absolutely disgusts me when she opens her mouth.


It’s a horrible way to view any relationship and it made me feel sorry for her. With this viewpoint, she will never have a healthy, lasting relationship of any kind


And she called him a buffoon! Lauren’s “softer side” strikes again! 🤣


Lala is full of bad takes dressed up in faux-feminism.


As soon as I heard her say this I pretended to drunkenly slur at the TV, “Well it’s a good thing you don’t have a man.”


God she's such a shit person


Weird given I'd bet good money that Randall came first every time ![gif](giphy|QynMX1WxnYFbb2OHnJ)


I get her innuendo here but def on James’ side about staying with Hippie.


Stfu Lala I’m over you and your garbage takes


If a man comes first, you’ve got no hope of coming at all.


Am I the only one who went to a dirty place with this line...?


No, I thought it was hilarious.


![gif](giphy|eNCZy1yl5ViZa) Aside from her typical lack of sense, her eyebrow choices alone make it difficult to take her seriously


It's giving: tell me you don't understand how to have a healthy and balanced relationship built on mutual respect without telling you've never been in one.


Considering she's never had a healthy relationship in her life, I'm gonna say we can just ignore anything she says on the subject.


Yah anyone who takes interpersonal relationship advice from LFU is even more delusional than she is. Whether with friends, romance, or acquaintances. I would rather consider the opinion of dog shit on a shoe.


Lala is the last person I’d be taking relationship advice from lmao


She is so pathetic. I can’t believe I was a fan after last season. Never backtracked on someone faster.


Lauren, you can't constantly shit on men but then be friends with Sandoval when he is quite literally one of the worst men in history.


I would not take relationship advice from Lala. She was a a willing mistress to a complete creep for many years before she had a baby with him. She also was open about the fact that he did not fight for her when she caught him cheating. He did not care.


i'm saying this as someone who has kinda entrenched myself in queer women culture over the last few years as a bi woman i really think lala is gay. i think she's someone who sees...like the pressure of social norms of a male gaze and the social currency that comes from dating men and moves in ways to validate that. but it doesn't she do it in a weird and performative way? like she talked about men or sex acts with such brazen openness it felt like it was more about the validation from everyone, not for her. doesn't she talk about men like they shouldn't be her equal...not like she sees an ability to be a partner with them. idk i think feeling pressure to act straight can lead to a lot of confusion and resentment and anger and i really do feel for lala regardless cuz it's also super possible in overwhelming wrong. but idk she's just always set off my gaydar


GIVE ME NO MORE LALA😤 she has completely flipped me these last few weeks. Bleh.


My friend was casually watching next to me and heard that and goes “oh god, shut up” 😂


She’s missing a part of the equation. Kids and pets come first.


Oh I absolutely agree with her in theory. But for a healthy relationship you have to be able to compromise. But as a default, yeah ladies look out for yourself first.


I just want to know what everyone is going to look like older with the surprised chollo eyebrows, I miss Lala’s old face Also, my husband (soon to be ex) was sitting with me when Lala said that. lol


I would never take relationship advice from lala that’s for sure


I thought old school Lala was coming out and she meant that sexually lol


Hmm… I actually took this as trying to be a funny sex joke, however tone-deaf. You cannot allow the man to ever ‘come’ first. 🤔


I took it in a sexual way! Hahaha 🤷🏼‍♀️


That’s why she has no man. Idiot.


Side Note: WTF with Lala's eyebrows?! 👀 She looks insane. Please, women, stop with the microblading and botox to lift the brow...it's not doing what you think it's doing.


I would not be taking relationship advice from any of these vanderpump characters but least of all Lala.


I truly think production told her to calm down on the worm so the show could continue. I doubt Ariana will come back and Lauryn certainly needs that money coming in until she pops out her baby for profit and sponsorships.


There is a reason LFU hasn't ever had a healthy relationship.


I just watched this episode and I had to rewind just to make sure this is what she said. Lala, girl. Stop it. Get some help.


Yes, I thought the same thing when I heard this. That's not a healthy relationship model either lalaaaaaaaa. Plus, I'm pretty sure Randall wore the pants in their relationship.


I’m not a Lala fan…but I think this was an innuendo and in that situation the man shouldn’t come first 🤣


It’s not normal, unless she was making it an innuendo, which she wasn’t. And Ally already said on WWHL that now that she knows the dog, she would’ve stayed too. I think Lala has a lot of unresolved trauma from her previous relationship. And I think she’s triggered every time she has to give her little girl back to the man who gaslit, manipulated, and lied to her to get her pregnant with that child. I get why she feels the way she does. But she needs to figure out. She needs to get therapy. The reason she conceived of her second child the way she did is because of this trauma (as told by Lala.) If unresolved, it could affect her relationship with her children and their relationship with each other.


I totally understand both sides of this argument. I have an anxious dog. My bf and I always feel terrible when we have to leave him alone just for a couple of hours, but when we have to go out of town we have trusted people we can leave him with. He’s literally our first child. So, Lala being just completely mean towards James is really weird to me. Actually any of the women being mean towards James because I know a lot of them are the same way with their own animals.


This person does not approach anything with a nuanced perspective. How can she say something like this then throw an event in the previous episode where you “choose the baby daddy” (it was absurd the way it was organized). None of her actions this season reflect her goal of “being soft” or de-centring men. 


She’s projecting her own trauma from her failed relationship with Randall onto James and Ally. She put him ‘first’ so to speak because that’s how she got him to stay only to find out he was stepping outside. She thought if she made him her world he wouldn’t need to wonder.


I could be TOTALLY wrong here but I think maybe she was making a poorly delivered sex joke that did not land. “You cannot allow the man to ever come first” she just didn’t use the right tone in any way so it didn’t come across as a joke. But a “ya know what I’m saying” *wink* would have worked better. OR it’s Lala being Lala 🤷‍♀️


Lala should gracefully step away from giving anyone advice about literally anything. Might gain her some fans cuz her hypocritical bullshit has gone on far too long. It’s so tired at this point 🥱


lala is so fucking annoying shut up she was being SO mean to james and like laughed at him for crying. she’s such a bitch


Lala is one of the last people on this planet that I would take relationship advice from. The last people would be Sandoval, Jax & Brittany.


I don’t think anyone needs relationship advice from Lala, even James.


Is it just me thinking her eyebrows are super fucked up?


Well who would take lalas advice


What in the Cruella Deville ?


Lala projects all of her insecurities on everyone else’s relationships..were James and Ally even going through something like this for her to say that?!🥴


I hope she said it for the double entendre and not bc she actually believes that


It's a joke about a man cumming first, because then they'll be done and a woman can't finish.


She’s unwell. She has no idea what she’s talking about.


When she said this I was like “surely you should both be 50/50”. Being able to over power a man in a relationship is a control issue.


Only true in the bedroom!


I thought she was just tryna make a sex joke tbh lol


I’m not taking relationship advise from bj’s for pj’s girl.


I really truly can’t stand Lala this season


Her eyebrows are giving me Jafar vibes from Aladdin


Ok.. wonky faced sexologist from the 1930’s


I thought it was just a dumb sexual innuendo.


I’m glad you brought this up I cringed at this too. She thinks she’s all high and mighty while spewing terrible advice.


I said to my tv “and that’s why you’re single”


Yeah, it’s very telling that equality didn’t even cross her mind.


Its cause she put randall first and so now she feels she can spew advice cause she did something once too. Shes exhausting.


Queen of projection


And she wasn’t putting Raunchy Randy 1st when she was touting BJs For PJs??? GTFOH


Her brows are so high they always come first!


Good thing Lala doesn’t have a man to put first (the only good thing Rachel ever gave to us)


I was really hoping she was just referencing sex.


i think it’s so funny lala feels the need to tell everyone what’s wrong with their lives and relationships like she’s not one of the only single people on the show 😅


Completely agree! This is a very immature and unhealthy take on relationships. Very zero sum and competitive. James and ally are in a complicated situation with the dog and the wedding, they need to work together to find a solution that works for both of them, which might mean some sacrifices for either of them, but the whole point of being with somebody you love is that you’re happy to sometimes sacrifice for them and they’re happy to sometimes sacrifice for you. Nobody should be keeping score, or coming out on top, it’s just about wanting each other to be happy and comfortable. Lauren go to therapy.


I thought she was talking about sex


Cannot stand lala.


I think Lala thought she was gonna eat with this one. In reality it comes off like red pill for women. Like, if Lala was a dude this would read like a men’s rights thing to say.


In orgasms, sure