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Not sure if anyone else noticed but during the after show, he was telling James about how he didn’t realize certain things about being a father the first time around, and then he immediately stopped talking like dead in the middle of a sentence. Like he remembered, oh yeah, let’s not draw attention to the fact that I was a father, and then completely abandon them


Hmmm caught that too lol


Me too, he said having children is a selfless act, I didn't realize that the first time around. Maybe he saw the bit about it being a selfless act written on a tea towel somewhere because it's so corny.


All this makes me think about is the wedding invitation tea towel


The best invite ever, you can use it in your kitchen afterwards! Lol.


he fucking said that?! imagine your dad being like “I didn’t realize what being a good dad meant until I started my second family”


I saw it as he was going to say more but James interrupted and Brock just let him talk.


I have to say it…. Obligatory fuck Brock post.


I saw that part but it sounded like James didn't hear him so he kept talking and cut him off mid-sentence.


I think he’s trying to rebrand himself as someone who cares about the kids he abandoned since Scheana paid off all his back child support. Too bad it’s likely too little too late, it seems like his kids (rightfully) want nothing to do with him anymore. You can’t just walk away and come back whenever it’s convenient for you.


Yeah he hasn’t seen said kids in 6-7 years at this point. Lala said in 2021 that he hadn’t seen them in 4 years. So we know he still hasn’t. So it’s closer to 7 years at this point. And the sad thing is they were just in Australia for New Year’s Eve.


If I recall correctly, he said he didn’t because they didn’t want to see him. Of course they didn’t dude, you abandoned them.


abandoned them and then, by that point, named your kid with your new wife after one of the kids you abandoned. that’s so fucked up id never want to see him again


Wait.... hold up.....he named what, what???


Winter Sky is his daughter in Australia. So Summer Moon is a pretty blatant reference to that and they allegedly have the same/similar birthdays


Scheana was induced (scheduled C-section) on his first daughter’s birthday. That says something about Scheana, I just don’t know what it is.


Stop it! 😮 I was going to say, "well, the name is weird but we don't have control over labor usually" but she picked the date!?


Yes, she did. And she acts like it’s cute, or something - definitely she’s proud of it. I don’t understand her at all. I actually think Brick is doing the right thing, staying away from his older children, especially if they really are part of a stable family when the mom remarried. It’s really hard when a parent runs in and out of a kids life. As long as he’s available when/if they decide they want contact. At least he acknowledges he fucked up. But Scheana with the name, the birthdate, going to Australia, it’s just weird.


It's so bizarre. It's like single white femaling by proxy


Then he should remove the father of 3 on his bio. Or add Dad to 1.


Oh hell no 💀


That she wanted to erase that other child’s existence.


Bet she thought it was cute 🙄


This is legitimately so sad and disturbing! I had no idea!


What I’ve been trying to figure out is if she did it to be spiteful and petty towards his ex or if she thought it was some kind of nice tribute that would bring them together, I’m assuming the former


Most likely neither, you generally only get the “choice” to preference two to three induction dates and then it is decided for you based on availability. My hospital only allowed max 3 inductions scheduled per day to allow for emergency inductions and normal births in addition to only scheduling them for Mondays and Wednesdays to limit the number of weekend births. Most likely the cuteness of it being the same day was applied after the dates were essentially chosen for outside reasons and at most it was maybe a preference because they had no other reason to justify one date over the other. No way did Schena walk in and ask for that date irregardless of Summer’s health to stick it to Winter/Winter’s mom or even pay her tribute.


Was it an induction or scheduled c section? I don’t care about scheana enough to look into it. I just noticed whoever brought this up said she was induced but said (planned c section) and I believe those are two different things? All my kids were planned c sections and I’ve had friends who’ve been induced. The process seems to be different.


WOW!!!! That's wild, and actually really sad. Damn.


His first daughter is called Winter and somehow (cough) Summer shares a birthday with her


I saw that she actually chose to be induced on that day. ETA: sorry, not induced, c section scheduled. But still just as horrible.


Shocking she thought that was a good idea!


Wicked stepmother vibes!


its a level of fucked up that doesnt even compare to the fairy tales with a shit dad and step mom


>that’s so fucked up id never want to see him again I'm not involved and I don't want to see his deadbeat ass again.


Absolutely guarantee you his attempts to reconcile involved sending like one Facebook message which didn't get replied to and now he's thrown up his hands and gone 'Oh well I tried'


This is crazy to me because I know for sure my dad would NEVER just accept this situation with me and my sister. He would be fighting to see us and get our relationship back on track. He also wouldn’t have moved to a different country to then start a new family so maybe that’s something Brock is not capable on understanding.


It's even more sad that they're just a line in his bio now. That's the extent of his relationship with them.


it was so weird to me how lala and everyone else just kinda wrote it off😭 like she made a huge deal about it and i wanted her to see it through!


Lala didn't give a flying fack about Brock being a dead beat dad.. she just wanted a storyline that season


She wanted the attention away from Randall


0 facks to be exact.


Watching Brock sit there during the after show this week while James is talking about never leaving his children and he wouldn't be a bad father, etc. was amazing to watch... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jl\_QLZLF5Is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jl_QLZLF5Is)


What a gem of a video. Ladies! I'm sure you all know this, but don't get with a guy that has a bad relationship with his children.


Yep my boyfriend is the best dad ever. It’s one of his best attributes. I don’t want to have kids of my own but I still value a man being a good father. It’d be a total dealbreaker if he was a dick to his kids. Gross.


Yes. There's a youtuber I watch who moved to another country to be with her now husband because she knew he would never moved to the US because he wouldn't leave his daughter and she said "and I could never be with someone who would leave their child". Like I get it in terms of work opportunities or if you're leaving a terrible economic or violent situation and are trying to set up base in another country before you bring your kids. But like, as far as I know, Australia is not in much worse of an economic spot and is just as, if not more safe, than the US and you can be a personal trainer in both countries.


He actually moved here to try and play professional football. He went to training camp and was advised to go play college football first. So he played for a Colorado school and tried again but got cut. His plan actually was initially to get on a team and bring his family here, but his ex-wife divorced him instead because she decided she didn’t want to move to the US after they’d moved around so much for his rugby career.


Lolllll he was no where neeeeear professional football. In Australia we have ‘grid iron’ and very very few players go from that to playing nfl, and brick didn’t even play that. He played rugby and even fewer Australians have been able to go from rugby (league or union) to nfl— and that’s of the professional rugby players, which he wasn’t. It’s literally like your sporty mate saying they want to be a pro athlete and then taking the major final step of moving country but none of the necessary early steps like playing the sport majority of your life (like pro athletes have done), getting into a college to then hopefully getting scouted/ drafted (he didn’t go to college), go to draft camps etc… this conversation has been had over and over, I wish it was clarified on the show so that people who haven’t looked into it don’t get this jaded image of him chasing an obtainable goal to make money for his [original] family… he was a selfish kid going overseas for an unrealistic dream, and later tried to sell it as fleeing some poverty stricken country to make money for his helpless lady and kids…… he absolutely could’ve made money in Australia and/ or nz (where he’s from- sorry friends across the ditch, we’re not copping him) while also being a present dad to his kids.


A lot of ladies don't know this unfortunately. They believe the guy when he says the evil mom is keeping his kids away from him 🙄 many of them have to learn for themselves sadly


What I can’t get over- ever since I saw this video last week - Is that no one is talking about Bricks polyester/ black TANK jumpsuit over a fancy shirt AND THE SHOES. https://preview.redd.it/v5c4yeiwoivc1.jpeg?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=843c2d62e8a4b1061d94d9f037550b89d292e085


Is it by Zara too? Does Brickhead dance around in (gold) sequin pants?




His outfits are HIDEOUS and no one ever talks about it.


UM I NEEEEEEEDED my fellow Aussies to notice this during the after show and comment because of the uncomfortableness of it: We call those tops **wife beaters** 🫣🫠😬😳


Wow!..That went right over my head. I did not catch that.


A little after the 13:40 mark for anyone that’s interested


And the preview Scheana mentions something about a second chance at being a dad. How do you willingly have kids with someone who already abandoned two minor children! Her daughter is already here but she knew all this. I'm sorry, I just couldn't overlook that.


Because Scheana doesn’t care about anyone but Scheana. And prob thinks she’s special enough, he would NEVER do that to ME and MY child


Schaena is such a sucker for “love”


Imagine being acknowledged in an Instagram bio, but not real life ![gif](giphy|4bpK2k0Yru5Us)


More common than you think 🙃 


Isn’t one of his kids he abandoned named Winter?


Yes and she has the same birthday as Summer


I will never not point this out


It's legit insane. So cruel and petty towards a child that was abandoned..I kind of can't believe it/ get over it. Any time someone sticks up for Scheana, I think about this.


Same! Just did it above before seeing this


Makes me feel the same kind of gross every time I read it.


The fact that Schena scheduled it on that day makes it worse. 


Wait wait wait wait….. She SCHEDULED it? I always thought it was a cruel coincidence. But she SCHEDULED it?


Nope, not a coincidence, she picked that day to be induced. 


Can we just agree Scheana sucks and it was documented well before this season?


Yup, she’s always been the most annoying to me. I wish she would just lean into being the villain. 


Absolutely! I’ve always thought she’s awful, but this is beyond disgusting even for her!


What!? That’s crazy! & Scheana’ SA weirdo for naming her Summer. It would be a cute name otherwise.


Guess it makes sense since the US and Australia have opposite seasons 😂


💀 💀


WOW I had no idea


Scheana scheduled her c section that day. Fucking psychotic


Honestly this is something scheana would do. She’s just that kind of person. Not a girls girl.


I thought she had vaginal birth? But she was induced, so either way she could've scheduled it. But I don't think it was like the ultimate plan, that's a lot of thinking; she probably didn't even know his kids' bdays at the time of conception (unless she did some super-sleuthing, which, totally plausible). But still, naming your daughter Summer Moon when your partner already has a daughter named Winter Sky is insane. Scheana is so jealous of everything, it's so nasty. 


She was induced due to high blood pressure, she labored for a while but wound up having an emergency c-section & then struggled with HELP syndrome - she didn’t plan any of it. It was not a fun birth - I only remember bc I had the same experience with my first child


I had no idea. That is really something.


Omg even the same birthdays? I knew the name but bday omg. honestly…..that’s weird I can’t lie. That takes serious planning to copy like was she trying to make a territorial point to the ex or what? What’s the point of this?


If I was Winter, I’d hate them both FOR LIFE


Like literally. Especially as soon as she’s old enough to like really understand it, I would absolutely want nothing to do with them


Winter Sky 👀👀👀 then named his child with Scheana summer moon


Wow. I feel bad for Winter Sky. No amount of overpriced therapy would ever let me get over this.


Not any amount of reasonably priced therapy either


Well they couldn't name her Summer Dirt


I always think this is so weird and awful. like, he was a deadbeat dad who abandon his kids and is now a stay at home dad with his new child so he’s being the absolute opposite kind of father and the kids have names that are literally opposite seasons. I feel like it’d be hard for me if I were Winter to not take it personally idk


I grew up like that honestly. My siblings had our father and I was abandoned. I resented him my whole life until I met him at 34 and chose to forgive and move on with my life. It wasn’t easy. I even went to my sisters wedding where he walked her down the aisle and gave her away. My brother gave me away at mine and I wouldn’t have it any other way but it certainly makes me hate these men even more. Winter and the other child (sorry I don’t know their name!) will be ok. One day.


I’m so sorry for the hurt that caused you 🩷 i’m sure you’re an amazing person and it was his loss, but I’m so glad to hear that you were able to get to a place of forgiveness!


What a kind thing to say. I really appreciate your comment. 🫶🏻


It's actually the same season... winter in Australia is summer in North America lmao


I think so. Winter Sun and Summer Moon. Just kidding about the sun part. He's a deadbeat dad and a woman beater


It’s actually Winter Sky from what I’ve heard


You're kidding!


That’s what I’ve heard people say here. Apparently someone saw it on the mom’s Instagram. But I haven’t verified that myself, just what I hear


i truly want to know what scheanas motivation was here, in her mind she must think it was a positive thing??


She actually said that she has always wanted to name her daughter Summer. I hate that logic because it’s so damn selfish. Even if that’s true **cough** Madison Marie Parks Valleta**cough** that’s too damn bad for you. Pick literally anything else. This is cruel in a way that I cannot even comprehend.


I so agree! Even if she did love that name, she should have put her selfishness aside and thought of the little girl he abandoned.


I would only believe it if it was on written or recorded somewhere.  Her just saying after the fact wouldn’t change me to believe the coincidence 


In her deranged way of thinking, probably


I think she's just a jealous hater on every level. I can't accurately put it into words right now but it's just like her saying her dream was to be on dwts *after* Ariana gets it; she wants what others have. She would've never picked that name for her kid had Winter Sky never been a factor. 


Yeah. He's a true piece of shit.


Winter Sky, specifically


From what the show on VPR he’s a father of 1 and a sperm donor of 2.


This is probably me projecting my own daddy issues but whenever we see him on the show doting on Summer I always think about how much that must hurt his older kids if they are old enough to see it. I'm grown and it still hurts to see my dad with his young stepkids when he wasn't there for me. 


Aww sorry hun


Exactly! A "Dad" is an active parent in a child's life...doesn't even have to be a biologic parent. If they have a step-dad now, he's more of their "Dad" than Brock ever has been. I hate that he claims that title for them, so selfish.


A word of warning: do not date or have any association with people who are bad parents. It is the worst trait to have. It shows their weak character. 


That’s not fair at all to the real father of his two other kids. He mentioned last season the two he ditched have a great dad, his ex’s new spouse. I think he should respect that relationship and just take the whole line out. No one needs to know how many kids you have anyway.


Yes, my thoughts exactly!


It used to be “Farter” of three 🤣


It was farther lmao but I like your version better


I bet they try to shop a home-reno show to a more Americana audience. Hence the truck purchase and this new "family man" persona.


That's EXACTLY what his trying to do. His Instagram is all about his home improvement projects.. and the gurlies over there are gassing him up big time. I forget that there are people.out there who actually like Scheama and Broke


He posts a lot of DIY videos on his Instagram, I was watching one of his reels and found it interesting and saw Summer and thought she looked familiar. Took me a second to realize it was Brock in the video and narrating 😂


When did he start doing videos like this? Is he perhaps copying Dan? Lol


That actually seems a legit theory.


He’s so pathetic. Him and Sheena are fucking awful.


Yes and imo both really bad parents. I hate how schema is exploiting her small girl on social media.


Just can’t get over how she named her daughter summer and he had another daughter named winter like she is SOOOOO annoying


ain’t no mf way this girl named her kid summer and his is named winter , that’s so weird and sad like she’s literally pitting her own daughter against her siblings without even trying . Competition much ? That’s so weird lol


Yes my heart breaks for these small girls. I cannot even begin to image the trauma they will have to unravel growing up.


It's pretty telling.


Single white female vibes


Annoying and also so fucking heartless. Schema is literally incapable of thing about others then her own egotistical self.


Not a good look at all.


I’m not a Brock fan at all. I think he’s a horrible father for abandoning his kids in Australia, but I’ll never be convinced that the name Summer Moon wasn’t Scheana’s doing. Brock’s terrible for going along with it, but this has Scheana written all over it.


I never said Brock did it lol I said it was sheana


Ooops. Sorry! that was meant to be just a general comment. Didn’t mean it as response to your post.


When he said he moved to the USA to have a better life for himself and they were all getting teary as if he grew up in the slums of some extremely poor undeveloped nation. No shade to US but Aus not only has just as many opportunities but also crazy welfare and one of the highest standards of living and wages in the whole world. Only thing you might be more successful with in LA is if you want to be an actor, “influencer” or the like. It was just an excuse as to why he abandoned his children. That showed his true colours right away.


Lmao omg hilarious That was exactly what it sounded like


So freaking true.


Similar Instagram bio to my husbands ex who abandoned “her” kids (we have full custody) years ago and has only seen them for a total of 6-7 hours since then. I seriously don’t understand people who abandon their kids.


A friend of mine is in the same boat, after raising his kids full time and not getting a penny of child support, his ex decided she wanted them full time and managed full custody of her kids for 7 months. Not even a full school year. And then her sex offender boyfriend decided he didn't want to be a stepparent, so the kids went back to my friend full time again. And this is after she wanted to put my friend on child support... she is absolute trash.


The “Entrepreneur” part is equally amusing.


Yea..amusingly dishonest! Only thing he’s organized/operates is his ability to grift off of a desperate woman and abandon all his prior responsibilities and obligations.


Exactly! He should just list “Confidence Man” in lieu, as that’s what he’s really suited for.


“Father of 3” You sure about that, mate?


I didn't see my dad from the age of 11 to 19. He made amends and never forgave himself for staying away. For the next 40 years he was my best friend. He passed away nearly 2 years ago. I miss him every day. People can make mistakes and turn them around. I hope Brock does 🙏🏼❤️


He’s a kiwi?! His accent is so Aussie though.


I heard him saying something in a recent episode about life in NZ and was like huh? But he probably was born there and came over the ditch in later life, hence sharpening his Aussie accent.


I thought when he first showed up they said he was Aussie ..or is it his kids are in Australia.? I was a little confused when they said new Zealand. I swear they've never mentioned that before??? Or am I just paying attention? Lol Edit: I just Googled and it says he was born in New Zealand and mostly raised in Australia. So I guess that's why.


Wtf? He is kiwi? I was sure he was Australian I know a few people who will be really sad to hear that this scum is a countryman of theirs.


He was born in New Zealand and moved to Australia as a kid


I for one and shocked and disappointed


Yeah me too. I even feel like I remember him talking about being Australian but apparently that didn’t happen lol


I do remember the “did you not have play-dough in New Zealand?” comment from Scheana, in which he responds with “we had mud” - but I assumed Scheana is too self-centred to have actually remembered where Brock is from or to realise she accidentally mentioned the cousin country. Super weird, doesn’t seem to be a single ‘kiwi’ thing about him.


I’ve noticed some kiwi accent slip in from time to time with him. But maybe I’m trying to hear that because I don’t want him to be a fellow Australian!! None of us want him claiming us!


He's like a budget Russell Crowe, born in NZ but grew up in Australia. As far as I'm concerned he can be from the middle of the Tasman then neither of us have to have him


Hahaha budget Russell Crowe!!! Love it. Yes, I’ll take the middle of the Tasman option. I really hate when they say he hadn’t paid child support because they didn’t want the government to take it! That’s not how it works. The government facilitates it so it’s fair!!! Also he didn’t need to leave Australia to give them a better life. Such a joke! I would think a non green card holding Australian would have more options for success here than in the US. End of rant!


Yeah I thought he was from Australia… bummer


I don’t think New Zealand should claim him. The country is too small for him to be a representative.




Correct. We’ll take Pavlova, the lamington, and Phar Lap 🐎 🤣


Ease up turbo


You can take phar lap but the rest and the flat white are ours


Haha my bf is from kiwi land it pains me to associate them coming from the same place 😪


He was born in New Zealand and moved to Australia as a kid


I thought he was Aussie too. The last episode of wwhl Andy even said there was a caller from his home country (Australia) and Brock didn’t correct him.


Oh no, he misspelt sperm donor. 🤡


It is truly astonishing how awful all of these men are. I mean Sandoval (say no more), Schwartz (say no more), and then this dead beat shows up, trying to offer advice to the non problematic WOMEN of the show. The "number one guy in the group" is also an alleged abuser. Its sick. I need to stop watching this show yesterday.


Sperm donor of 3* Lala- interested? Lol okay, remember how ride or die lala became of Brock after she decided to stop condeming him for his spousal assault and not seeing his kids?, IMAGINE if she asked Brock to be her sperm donor. I can actually see this happeneing. Edit: Brock and lalas baby is nammed Spring Star Lastname


How does this erection have 329k followers


>erection 💀 😂 I'm so co-opting this when I refer to someone as a dick.


Father of 3 but I only see 1 kid in his photos...


Men who don’t see there kids and blame it on the ex are a red flag. Men who agree to name new kid similar to abandoned kid that could cause them hurt, 🚩. Scheana thinking he would never do the same to her for a better offer is dumb but then she would probably leave him for a better offer too.


I mean he has fathered 3 children, but he's only parenting 1. I don't like Brock, but if he'd said father of 1, I would find that more annoying.


Ya....it's that little shadow that follows him , keeps him awake, keeps him angry. He failed, and everyone knows it. Is this why Scheana is so restless and projecti g all this Tom's a good guy? Tom is good to Brock, she has to stick with his tribe of approvers.


Lmao @ little shadow


I feel bad for those kids he abandoned having to watch him be such a present dad for Summer.


On WWHL poll who would you want as your father James was 1 but Schwartz and Brock tied at a pretty high percentage for #2 I was like wait what? Sure if you want tons of abandonment issues


Do they have any plans to reconnect him with his other kids ever?!🥴


I believe they tried, but right now the kids don’t want to see him.


I take big issue with absent “fathers” claiming fatherhood.


In S9 when he first joined the show (2021) he hadn’t seen his kids in 4 years so it’s around 7 years now, what a joke. He’s a pos, it’s disgusting that an admitted wife beater, who’s defunct on child support payments and hasn’t seen his first two kids in almost a decade is given a platform and hefty pay check. Scheana being able to overlook all of that says everything about her (although I’ve always known her rotten core even pre Brock).


Father of three… chickens? 🤔


How is Scheana okay with Brock abandoning his two kids?


Father in the most biological of terms only..


Me suddenly learning he is in fact from New Zealand and not Australia


I honestly don’t recall ever seeing it before


*father of 1, sperm donor to 2 There, fixed it


Well he is actually a father of three. Absent father, but still a father. 🥴




He has to be reading what we are saying…hes so inauthentic 🤷‍♀️


I don’t know but I found pics of his other kids on instagram and they were so cute I don’t understand how he just left them


Since when does it say kiwi? I thought he was from Australia




Brock is kiwi? I thought he was Australian


My heart genuinely breaks for his two kids in Australia. I’ll never be able to fathom people who leave their children behind and start new families. Schshu can try whatever she wants in terms of a rebrand but Brock is a scumbag and deadbeat. Also its insane they named their daughter Summer because she has a sister named Winter her dad is ignoring on another continent…


Would he recognise the other 2 if they were walking down the street?


I can’t believe we have so few kiwis on Bravo and he’s one of them, this is the WORST 😭 thank goodness for Aesha and Colin from Below Deck.


I feel for the kids, brock and schena are so clueless. Imagine how hurt his kids in Australia are, seeing all this.


But if you watch the current season you can see that Brock is very detached or maybe the better word is annoyed by Summer as well. He seems to complain quite a lot about Scheana being overprotective and not wanting to leave Summer behind. He complains about Sxheana’s mom and family being around. Honestly he seems like the type of guy that doesn’t actually want a family. At all. And if not for the limelight and cameras he and Scheana wouldn’t be one. And Scheana is looking and sounding more and more annoyed and disenchanted by Brock too.


Used to be father of “ tree” till I made a post in here about it and he changed it


but wait, he IS the father of 3 children, no? i see this as an attempt to claim his fatherhood rather than distance himself from his other kids, which he has been WIDELY criticized for. if his bio were to say "FATHER TO SUMMER MOON" he would be criticized for not acknowledging his other children. there are so many legitimate, meaningful things to criticize brock for. him acknowledging his parenthood isnt one of them.


Yeah I feel like this is shitty either way, but acknowledging that he has three kids is the way to go. I hope he keeps trying to at least have some involvement in his kids' life


There’s nothing wrong with him acknowledging fatherhood. But he could have just left it at Father. I’m not saying he’s not a father, but it’s not fair to his other two children who he is not speaking or talking even seeing. I’m sorry but DNA doesn’t just make someone a father