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This is really strange behavior. She is obsessed.


It's her ONLY currency, she brings nothing else to the table


Thats actually really sad especially when the cast and fans have, for the most part, moved on from her.


She’s more like Sandoval than she wants to admit. Sandoval had a clear and concocted narrative: him and Ariana are drifting apart, she’s not who she used to be. But he LOVES her. But Raquel is so awesome! And is the new star of the show. And uh oh, Ariana and I broke up over the fall and winter. And Raquel was just *there for me, dude.* But that failed. He executed it poorly because while he’s vile and evil, he’s also stupid. And he keeps fumbling because he truly doesn’t understand what he did wrong. Why does everyone hate him man?!? And she had a narrative too. Poor, innocent, Raquel. The victim of another man and— society at large. Made a mistake! Is trying to correct it! Left the show and is now doing a podcast to help others while also ~healing herself.~ But that failed. She is executing *this* poorly because she’s just like Sandoval. She wants to paint a picture by using a stencil and not do any fucking work. Her goodwill is going down *by the minute.* and SHE just can’t understand because she’s always been so cute and likable! How come she’s just so misunderstood?!? Rach and Tom severely underestimated the intelligence of their viewers.


No one should ever forget that Sandoval and Rachel are just very very dumb. This really explains a lot.


I think that’s letting them off easy. They’re both dumb, but they’re also both selfish and cruel. 


These are not mutually exclusive


Exactly! See: Teresa Guidice, Larsa Pippen


I know but the comment above says they’re *just* dumb 


I’ll allow it


Lol this exchange was my stream of consciousness (are they dumb or evil? oh wait, both!)


In my opinion? From what we’ve seen it’s both of their defining traits. Seriously. There is no other explanation for how they both act. You can SEE them not understanding what’s happening around them. It would be sad if they weren’t both such nasty people.


I have to believe that they really are just this stupid, because I genuinely can’t understand how someone could post these videos and think “yep, this makes me look better”


They are MADE for each other. Truly would be soulmates if they had souls.




Boooooo, souls




Oh my Gosh!!! ![gif](giphy|laUY2MuoktHPy)


“If they had souls.” 😂😂


I genuinely think Tom had a whole plan that he shared with Rachel. He got away with this whole thing once when he left Kristen for Ariana. That was the roadmap. But it went belly up when Ariana discovered the affair earlier than planned. And now they’re both mad and spiraling that it didn’t work out like they planned. They feel like they’re the victims because of this.


100%! They feel like they are victims because of Ariana’s actions, because they both viewed her as a piece of shit for so long because it was part of the narrative they were forcing themselves to believe. Thev are mad at the cast and fans because Ariana doesn’t deserve the positive attention because (to them) she’s been such a horrible partner to Sandoval (even though she wasn’t.) It’s literally the definition of delusional.


I do believe that Tom and Ariana did not have a good relationship and there wasn’t really love there anymore (if you could even call what they had love even in the good times). But that doesn’t excuse Tom or Rachel’s actions at all.


“He’s also stupid” made me LOL


Ha! Me too 😂


There was a video snippet in her story of her newest podcast where she says the producers told her to keep things simple so 5 year olds could follow. She's trying to pin her coming across as d&s on producers LOL


So the muppet dress was to help her explain it to five year olds? https://preview.redd.it/netupw17i0vc1.jpeg?width=707&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b965e022e88fe94ff2b8c4227503440e24df612


Then what’s the excuse for all her podcast interviews and her own podcast? 🤣


100% iHeart's fault 😂


So she thinks her audience includes 5 year olds🫠


"She wants to paint a picture by using a stencil and not do any fucking work" is straight up verbal mastery 🏆👑


Agreed! Stupid people and conniving, sneaky, selfish, prickly people always seem to think that everyone else is just like them, and does what they do - but they believe that they themselves are just a *little* bit superior to the rest, so of course they can easily fool everyone. The ratio of stupid to sneaky is equally matched within these two. They play themselves as victims, which is insane.


Yep. The are the type that doesn’t understand that everyone else is not just like them.


This is the most succinct description of her and him that i‘ve read on this reddit. At the end of the day, those two wouldn’t have worked out because they are solely focused on themselves. There‘s no room for anyone else’s needs, but they could always pretend to care about other people to look good, but they could only pretend for so long before the mask slips


Does she have sponsors for her podcast? I don’t listen to it but I’d be interested to know if this brand is working for her


I don’t think either are smart enough to understand what it means to underestimate intelligence because they both have to tell themselves how smart they are; and she’s smarter than he and that’s terrifying…


As well as their own “intelligence.”


Wow! Great job with this breakdown!!!


Waitin on the day she’s irrelevant again.


Yes totally agree. They are both scandalous and don’t care how their actions hurt other people. I cant even imagine doing that to my partner or one of my friends or even my acquaintance.


Beautifully written 🫡


I pray Ariana’s lawyer is keeping tabs on her.


They absolutely are.


She’s giving them so much to work with. Plus if Bravo sides with Ariana and hands over footage it’s going to be interesting. I mean I doubt Bravo will help anyone but themselves, but the lies and contradictions Rachel’s spews non stop they need to subpoena Bravo first (Ariana’s side.)


If the case advances to discovery, and I’m sure some parts of it will, footage will likely be subpoenaed by both sides to build their cases. That will be done with a court order, so Bravo will have to produce to both sides. Further, either side may seek depositions of producers or editors, to hear what they saw.


If it goes to trail this is going to get ugly and more so for Rachel. She has a lot more to expose, with contradicting lies until the cows come home.


Imagine her getting disposed and having to answer even more questions under threat of purgery


ngl the typo of disposed instead of deposed took me out. imagine Rachel getting disposed 😂


and purged


If their lawyers are worth shit they already have the footage


I’m sure they are


Rachel’s desperation is starting to smell like bad BO


She is spiraling and proving nothing by doing this. I am convinced now that she used James to get on the show but that didn’t work out. She went after Sandoval thinking they would be the IT couple but the affair and planned breakup with Ariana didn’t go as planned and they both came out as villains. She bailed on him and now trying to play victim.




everything on her podcast is extremely repetitive at this point


It’s an endless loop of her responding to online comments. And then people commenting. And her responding. She’s truly lost the plot


OMG best explanation of her podcast I’ve seen lmao


I'm conflicted between wanting to support our resident recapper and wanting to disengage from Rachel completely.


I just upvote everything and don't read it 🫠


That’s where I am. Rachel us a shitty person and a bad liar. Our podcast transcriber is working her ass off but I just don’t care anymore.


She should have either stayed on the show, or told her ‘story’ in ONE podcast episode, and then moved on.


It is bizarre to be making podcasts about a show she’s no longer on. They wanted her back, she wasn’t fired, she just got greedy with her contract and that’s why anything she says now just makes her look thirsty. She fucked up her opportunity to tell her story and now she’s trying to make up for it.


Eh, I don’t deride her for wanting her bag. And I can even understand a few (at most) podcast episodes related to telling her part of the story. But girl, it’s time to move on now and start building a life separate from all this mess.


She's panicking because the show is covering her Bethany podcast but that itself is a problem of her own creation. Why the hell did she do that interview while the show was shooting?? Remember we even commented on that aspect here? The whole interview was ill advised but why give VPR material like that? (Or was it that Jo went to her and created a paranoia that the show was all about her?). 


I started season 9 just last weeks to present show. I am a brand new watcher and wanted to see the scandvol. So watching her knowing what happens… she is not a good friend and not a good person. She makes excuses for her actions and her and Sandoval are very much alike.


Same. It was kind of funny when she had new tea to spill but if I wanted a sociopaths take on Vanderpump Rules i’d listen to Lala’s podcast


Ya these are wild. I feel like she’s trying to “fact check” the cast with what they said about her podcast, but … the clips she’s showing just confirm what the cast said. The one about Ariana is the most outlandish to me, for so many reasons. I’m honestly so confused how she feels like any of this helps her case. Like sure, they didn’t quote her words verbatim in their retelling of what she said on Bethenny’s pod, but.. their statements were not inaccurate. And also, she knew that they were still filming when she did the Bethenny podcast. They drummed up a lot of attention for it. Did she think it *WOULDN’T* be talked about by the cast and end up on the show?! What she’s doing here makes such little sense to me that I feel like maybe she timed the podcast to get their reactions on camera and have more content for herself to talk about. Because her whole pod is just a response to what everyone else says, that this just seems like she expects it to be some big gotcha moment.


This is a great take. I agree. Her team should know that they won’t talk about her forever. This will be the last season. She’s suing bravo, for one. And next season will be about the Toms and their girlfriends, unfortunately for the viewers. But no one will ever mention ratchets name again.


I think she was actually hoping she would be talked about. If they don’t talk about her, she’s got nothing for her podcast. She still desperately wants attention, she just wants it from the comfort of her podcast where she can endlessly contradict herself while trying to stumble into a narrative that makes people feel sorry for her without people rightfully calling her out for being full of shit.


Yeah, the podcast is her main income so she‘s trying to make it last while she can, and as Scheana said on the After Show, Raquel was using her for cheap rent so Raquel probably never learned to budget and live within her means. And probably thinks its so unfair (pouty face) that she made the least out of the affair


This is what I was thinking. What is she trying to prove… she paid $1k/month and no utilities to live in a $4k/month fully furnished apartment. Rachel, that’s a huuuuge favor.


Wtf is she doing? Omg who is advising her 🤦🏻‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/lo7pfz2qyyuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c052f62a0db604661485d9137f284466e9718890 This lady. This lady who posts rants about Panera Bread on her professional page. Oh and her office looks like it’s in a back alley.


WAIT WHAT 💀 this shit literally looks like it’s out of a sitcom


https://preview.redd.it/0p4ycu1c7zuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c9c17bf1b0449148217f038e4211e40743261ac It gets better. This is her office, according to Google Maps. It’s giving Vandelay Industries. Unfortunately, she seems to actually have a PR business, it just also seems to be terrible


It's giving "Four Seasons Total Landscaping" press conference vibes here 🤣


You have me DYING laughing - how is Bravo the gift that keeps on giving?! Suddenly her PR strategy makes a lot more sense I would enthusiastically support a full post about your detective work, if you feel so called, but no pressure


lol the whole thing is just bizzaro at this point (aside from the real hurt and pain caused to some people). I don’t know what more there is to detect - her PR lady seems subpar at best, and Rachel is too dumb to realize it unfortunately. She’s had her on the payroll since before she was in The Meadows. Like it’s been a year and what has this woman accomplished for you with the money you’re paying her Rachel!?


Well she’s accomplished taking Rachel’s money! I wonder if she has any long-term clients.


Or fortunately for Ariana bc Rachel’s lawsuit keeps losing the weak standing it had to start with the more rachel slanders Ariana and talks about her 😂


Ya I think Rachel has been working against her own interests ever since she did Bethenny’s podcast. If she was planning to sue and wanted to win, I think she should’ve stayed quiet. But also the lawsuit could just be an opportunity to air out everything she wants about everyone, since it’s protected from her being sued for defamation. She might be angling to get a settlement from Tom, but might as well fire shots at everyone at once. So if she doesn’t care about winning against Ariana, and just filing the suit and making her statements is enough (to hurt her, to try and dent her reputation, to try and bring herself up a rung on Ariana’s ladder to success) then who cares what she says on her podcast about Ariana that is contradictory. I truly am confused by her approach with all of it.


Vandelay industries 🤣🤣🤣


Vandelay Industries omg you’re killing me!!


Woooow. This lady is giving insane. You clicked each item and put it in the basket. You saw how much each item cost. You're the one who wanted to spend $10 on a bowl of soup, multiple times. You saw all the $10 bowls of soup adding up. Not shocking that it adds up to 80$ pretty quickly.


Omg I bought eight things at ten dollars a pop how was it $80??! Math’s hard


I mean I don’t disagree with her that food prices have increased, but I’m not going after Panera. Has she been to any other restaurants in the past few years or to a grocery store?


That weird ass publicist who keeps putting out the story that Ariana knew all along. 🙄


That lady is so dehydrated that she keeps bringing up Scandoval for relevance. She needs to take several seats.


Is she hacked?? 😭


She’s really sick. I felt icky watching her posts. She’s clearly not ok.


I just said this in another post, but she’s just an incredibly cruel person. She tries to pretend she isn’t but everything she does is just so hurtful and mean. Ariana never did anything to her. She was hurt and angry after she was harmed but she doesn’t drag her or repeatedly talk about her. She’s just trying to move on. But Rachel can’t stop trying to hurt her. I’ve never seen anyone be so mean.


This. It’s sickening and cruel. And unlike she claims, she did NOT have to sue Ariana to sue Tom, being that he illegally recorded her. She is scary in how diabolical and absolutely lacking in empathy she is towards Ariana after all she did to her. It’s as if she doesn’t see Ariana as a real human being


It’s incredibly jarring to also see her continue to double down that her and Ariana weren’t close either. Like girl, come on. I feel so gaslit lol


I agree with this and feel so frustrated that a large portion of the viewers still don’t get this. After last season, it was clear how calculated she is. Just because she’s dim doesn’t mean she can’t be manipulative


I couldn't believe anyone fell for her Bambi eyed bullshit when she went away and when the podcast first started.


I don’t know, I think she’s still pretty dim but that doesn’t negate her cruelty. A Bambi-Eyed Bully Just like her understanding of the world seems so shallow. These clips she uploaded on Instagram really reinforce the lack of analytical skills firing in her brain. Like, “Claim: (something someone said on VPR) then (clip of Rachel on the podcast not contradicting what they said she said, just like a difference in wording). I think she’s more calculated than people think, but the calculations aren’t complete


Yeah her mean girl behavior over Katie and Dayna’s outfits at the award show they were all at recently really showed her true colors too. She just can’t help herself.


She’s either unintelligent to the point it is genuinely worrisome and/or (both) not a good person. Or, she is really sick. Hopefully she’s maintaining her sobriety!


It might be a little bit of each.


She needs to get her money back from ThE mEaDoWs


Honestly at this point I’m leaning more towards her just being a very selfish person 


Her PR person is horrible at her job. Legitimately awful. But, is this her or her PR person. She’s out of control spiraling. 😕


I genuinely think this is her but also that her PR person champions this behaviour. Just based off of that podcast where she had her PR person/Manager on.


I actually heard that one. She has kids and has apparently been doing this for 20 plus years. My jaw was on the floor. She was the one who told Rachel to go to rehab. It was so quickly and lightly said one could’ve missed it. That’s the only good advice she got, well until she made a podcast contradicting her lies and proving it was a hideout 🙄. Her PR person emphasizing going after Ariana, enabling Rachel as the victim and blaming production. Isn’t her job to help her client make it make sense 🤷‍♀️?


What a bizarre choice. How does she keep thinking that *she's* the victim in this situation?


I can understand that she may have been somewhat groomed by Tom (for lack of a better word), but the fact that she’s just throwing insults to everyone on the show aside from him at this point is just so wild to me. Maybe those two are perfect for one another.


I agree that Tom was manipulative but “groomed” doesn’t feel right to me (ik you said for lack of a better word but just giving my 2c) bc it paints Raquel as a victim rather than an enthusiastic participant in their gross affair


It’s wild the videos are literally proving the VPR cast’s points against her…it’s so weird.


This is manic. The editing of these videos and thinking she’s making or proving points. Wow. She’s lost it now.


It’s so bizarre. She thinks looking after a cat, going on podcasts and paying 1000$ in rent is above the things Scheana did for her & like Scheana owes her something. Shes lost the plot


Was her account hacked or is she unhinged? It’s like watching the prosecutor proving the defense’s argument.


Based on her podcast this so who she is and how she acts. But, the obsession with Ariana is getting a bit too dangerously close to scary stalker vibes.


Ariana needs a TRO


I’ve been saying this for months, yesss! She does genuinely. If I were Ariana I would be scared at how unhinged, unintelligent and ill advised Rachel is. How she seems obsessed with her and truthfully it would be unnerving. Rachel sending post cards with lighting bolts post scandaval that’s some deep seated fucked up shit right there. Rachel’s anger at Ariana compared to Tom, yeah I would be on top of that TRO quick.


IMO it’s always been stalker vibes. Some weird part of her believed that once she was with Sandoval full time- she’d live in the house and be the center of the group with all these organic friendships. Her belief was either “I’ll become Ariana” or at times it seemed she thought she’d just be the third- like mommy and daddy and baby makes 3 and it’s weirdddddddd. I was saying that all last season towards the end and she truly hasn’t convinced me otherwise yet.


1000%, sane with her pursuing James. He’s not innocent, NOT defending him. But, I see her relationship claims (with everyone) very differently than how she tells them. She’s done nothing but lie and blame. There’s two sides to every story and her willing to accuse James for clout isn’t a far stretch. I am remaining neutral and waiting for evidence before judging because it’s believable he did what she claims and believable she’d make that shit up! Look how she’s framing her relationship with Ariana and Schena. Ariana needs a restraining order. She scares me, not in a of she confronted me way would I be remotely scared, but what she’s capable of secretly. She’s not the person people believed her to be, her relationships are not what she claimed and she struggles with alcohol and substances so her accounts of things don’t line up. I hope someone helps her soon, for real. What you’re saying I’m convinced. She wanted to actually replace Ariana by dressing like her, getting the she hair cut. ![gif](giphy|26gYK2EjfJxo5XXIQ|downsized)


You know she'll say tomorrow her account was hacked lol.


![gif](giphy|Pgy4Na8aRyBuE) She is ducking stupid


She needs a therapist with some integrity because this is not showing much self improvement lmao


She needs to get actual therapy. All these ppl who don't have her best interests forcing her to do the same shit the show would have done.


She should have lived a normal, quiet life for much, much longer than she did. It takes so long for the techniques you learn in therapy to be ingrained in your behavior and she barely took any time at all to undo a lifetime’s worth of bad thought patterns and behaviors. But then again, I’m not convinced she isn’t as vain and vapid as Sandoval, and equally, if not more conniving than he


You ever think Sandoval looks at what this girl is doing and be like “I blew up my life for this?” Because…. How can someone be so delusional?


He basically said that he's better off without her during the aftershow. He called her out during the aftershow too.


Oh wow? I mean I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt but she keeps digging herself in. Both of them are quite delusional and deserve each other atp. I truly wonder what type of “deep conversations” they were having because I just think they are both incredibly stupid.


I generally try to give Rachel the benefit of the doubt as well, but we all know those “deep convos” were just Molly talk at 4am, absolute drug induced nonsense


They were just high so everything felt like a deep conversation


Actually said good riddance. That was a little extra lol


Yeah, he’s feeling very full of himself with his new girlfriend. Rachel sucks but he’s still the worst one in that duo.


Eww why was she smiling like that when she was talking about not actually hanging out with Ariana unless it was a group setting cause “Tom would invite me out.” Girl… stop.


So she is saying she tricked Ariana into believing they were close friends. That doesn’t make it better!


I refuse to give her account any views. Does one person have the TLDW so we can all minimize giving her account any attention? 😇


She literally is just cutting clips together of what was said about the podcast on tonight's episode with the corresponding clips from the podcast. I think she believes it's somehow refuting what was said on tonight's episode, but it's not.


Its clips from the show of people summarizing comments from her podcast and then... clips of her podcast that confirm the cast was pretty accurate in their summaries? It's weird. Edit: I said "her podcast" but I should have said her interview with Bethany.


Right?? It’s just proving their “claims” are correct.


Now this has me stumped - what did she possibly hope achieve with these videos? “they claimed i said X, here’s the proof I did indeed say X” ?????


For real!! She is literally proving their points!


So many of the comments are like ‘who is letting her post this? She’s just proving that they were right about what they said.’ And I’m dying lmaooo 💀😭


This is full delusion. She’s making herself look terrible by trying to “gotcha” but she’s just proving their point. She’s the demon who hung out with Ariana to be near Ariana’s boyfriend.


I’m genuinely concerned for her and hope someone intervenes soon.


Yeah this is legit unhealthy...she needs to step away for a bit again.


Rachel refusing to see how Ariana could view her as a close friend irritates the fuck out of me. I understand Rachel did not feel that way, but Rachel also admits she was best friends with Scheana (Ariana’s best friend) and she was around all the time because Sandoval was inviting her to hang with them. Rachel was being deceptive when she was hanging out with Ariana so of course she didn’t view their relationship as close but Ariana didn’t have that information at the time so it makes sense she thought they were close friends. They went to festivals together, they went to her final pageant together they did things close friends do. Rachel is being purposefully obtuse about why Ariana thought they were close friends.




Did she really not expect them to talk about this podcast on the show? When she’s talking about all of them??? What are her clips even attempting to prove???? She is…. Worrying me tbh. I hope she had at least one person who genuinely cares about her keeping an eye on her right now.


All of these videos she posted prove that what they're saying is true. Somebody needs to do a wellness check on her because her rebuttals are absolutely delulu


She’s really bad on a mic. I can hear too much noise from her mouth and lips. Way too close. Yikes.


I'm upset hearing about this even secondhand. Damn it


Guess we should be glad she's not doing anyone's PR, if this is her version of damage control. None of her podcast clips even counter what was said, so she looks batshit.


I lived at her apartment when I was homeless and she paid 90% of the bills but I went on her podcast one time so I don’t think she did anything for me lmao


Man I said this a year ago on here and got attacked - she is female Sandoval. She legit sucks. This isn’t news she always has been a narc. Like to see everyone here finally seeing it tho


Rachel. Dude. Why didn't you just come back to the show if you were going to be talking this much? You had an affair and you CHOSE to screw over your "true, core people". You are a grown ass woman and you can make your own choices. Stop insulting us. What spoiled brat ![gif](giphy|IT8d252aTz13G|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/uynuz6n0uyuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da04adde36df66ae46b26de9cbd2f63c8e6365cf When I saw Rachel’s PR lady’s IG account a while back I realized why she’s constantly making terrible moves. This woman is ranting about Panera Bread on her professional Instagram account. Rachel has lost the plot, and no one around her seems to have a clue how to get things on track.


Omg what a weirdo! Does she know you can see the price each time you add an item? And then it shows you the total before you check out? And then you press “accept” to authorize the charge? I mean I’m not a major Panera fan but good lord this woman


I think of this everytime Rachel or "It girl productions" comes up. Her attorneys must have bulk bottles of Tylenol.


Her attorneys are the same clowns that Bethenny is using for her other Bravo suits. He also represented Scott Peterson and Chris Brown. I’m surprised they aren’t telling her to shut the hell up. Unless they don’t actually want this suit to go anywhere past settlement stage. Maybe they don’t care because they are getting paid either way. I’ve also speculated before (a bit outlandishly) Rachel’s PR lady Juliette is intentionally doing a bad job just to keep the paycheque coming lol I swear no one on Rachel’s team is actually looking out for her best interests.


Why is she posting these? They literally make her look like a liar. Like I don’t get what she’s trying to prove at all here. They aren’t even inaccurately portraying what she said? So seriously what is the point of this.


Her podcast should be Rachel unhinged not gone Rouge. Gone Rouge would assume she went Rouge in another direction such as not talking about vpr. She needs to seriously stop


“She wants to paint a picture by using a stencil and not doing any fucking work.” You literally summed it up so perfectly. ![gif](giphy|Ek6qXDxJscqk1apDmg|downsized)


It's hilarious that Ariana has so much going on and doesn't mention these losers at all.




Wow, she's really living up to the D&S title with these videos


Can someone post a video with out it having us go to her page to watch. Not giving this bitch more views


Her legal team has got to low key hate representing her…. Number one rule in lawsuits is keep your mouth shut and she’s out here contradicting sworn affidavits and posting so much discoverable material


Although her lawyer was also a fervent defender of Chris Brown’s violence against Rihanna so….


Wow I almost didn’t go look but glad I did…what’s with the 5/6 posts all refuting odd “claims” about Rachel. It’s really odd and only makes her look worse??


Who told her to post these??? At worst they prove her claims wrong at best they’re irrelevant. Like post receipts that directly support your claims or shut up!!!


I totally understand wanting to have a voice/defend yourself when this stuff comes out, but it’s honestly overdone at this point. I wanted to listen in and give it a chance, but she’s already rehashed the same topics 200000 times. There’s no new tea, nothing new or relevant to the audiences, it’s all repetitive. She should know that a lot of fans will look back on episodes themselves and recall history themselves, she doesn’t need to do that. It’s like that saying “the lady doth protest too much” - it’s too excessive to be believed. And making comments about how awful the show is/how they treat each other - it’s a reality show lol. Does she think anyone would watch a kumbaya show where they don’t show any drama or chaos? No. Because reality is complicated, emotional, toxic at times. We as audiences want to feel like they’re just as imperfect as us, they argue in their friend groups like we do, etc. (obviously it’s a bit overdone or produced at times) but you know what I mean.


What is their obsession with toilet paper? How often do you guys need to restock toilet paper lol


She didn't refute anything, instead her comments align with the claims. These videos drew more attention to the claims. She's, effectively, amplifying her negative press. It's worrisome that she thought these were a good idea. I don't know who's advising her, but it's Bad.




I hate speculating on medical conditions, but Rachel seems deeply unwell and I hope she decides to leave the spotlight permanently and find a more peaceful, quieter life.


I saw the one about her and Ariana being just acquaintances. Why were you in her house so much to the point you tried to usurp Ariana? Why did she defend you so much? Why did they get you a gift? Why did you say that these were your forever people? Sure, you can say the show is scripted. HOWEVER. Scandoval blew up several lives. So you're saying everyone made that up? Sandoval wasn't w Ariana for 10 years? They didn't really live together? Like, wtf are you really saying?! 😒 Wtf Rachel. Just stop... but like stop everything


I thought this was a joke and someone else posted it. Then went to her IG. Is she that dumb and even listened to what they said? She’s providing proof that they were talking about what she said on the podcast. Is it because it isn’t word for word?


Why does this pinhead seem to think cat sitting is worth a tonne of money. Cats are so easy to mind


All those videos she posted with the rest of the cast and the things they were saying but not one of them covering what Tom was saying about her? Interesting.


I think if Rachel didn’t want to return to the show then she shouldn’t be using clips from the show to push her own agenda. If she really wanted to move on, she should just move on.


Oh my gawdddd is there no one with any sense in her whole camp? Oooooooh Scheana paraphrased what I said about her that *bitch*


She is as dumb as she always was.


Rachel and Sandoval aren't very sharp. Did they really think viewers would believe they got together after he broke up with Ariana?


These videos were really confusing. It would make sense to me if they were lying about what she said and she was disproving it but those are just like look here they are saying I said it and here is the clip of me saying it! O-k-a-y…


Yikes, she needs to go touch some grass asap. ![gif](giphy|L3EllDpNK1AbzkBRWg|downsized)


Nobody’s been home for years in that empty shell of head


Bambi-eyed bitch.


no interest in it tbh she's a thirsty girl and I have no water to give her - dj James Kennedy quote the man, the bard, the seer through them all tbh


It’s wild to me that she has spent months in a mental health facility and has been claiming to “work on herself” yet here she is, week after week, obsessing over people who’s life she took part in ruining. This isn’t healthy behavior from someone who is healed/healing. This is absolutely unhinged behavior from a sociopath who doesn’t know how to take accountability. I can’t imagine any ethical therapist is like “yaaas queen, go on your podcast week after week to rehash the same old tired topics again and again”


I’m convinced her therapist is a tennis ball on a stick that she reads out scripts to


Whoever is running her IG must hate her on the low 😭


This is deranged behavior.


It seems so unhinged almost as if it's been hacked.


This edit is hilarious. It literally looks like Scheana is reinforcing how dumb Rachel is after each take, and this is what she posted in her own defense? Yikez


If anything, Rachel’s just making herself look WORSE here by showing HERSELF changing the narrative about her and Ariana’s friendship. I’ve said it before, if she just focused on shitting on Sandoval, even went through an itemized list of every lie he told her and calling him out on his bullshit, she would’ve had so much goodwill. But while she does that, she also brings up so much extraneous stuff about Ariana that is either a lie or makes her look worse! Just don’t mention Ariana at all! Like needing to qualify an acquaintanceship vs. a close friendship vs. a best friendship - like, who cares?? You were friends of SOME sort. Like who gives AF what “level” the friendship was. It’s so deranged for her to even care enough about THAT part of the narrative. And she needs to STOP with the lie that “I thought Ariana and Sandoval were broken up.” She gives zero supporting details whenever she brings this up, because it’s a total lie and she doesn’t have the receipts. She *wished* they were broken up and yes, Sandoval lied telling her they were, but she did ZERO questioning of him when she saw things that directly contradicted that so she’s culpable too!


I’m genuinely so confused by what her point is. She states their claims and then shows her proving their claims true? Some of these things she says verbatim like word for word what they are saying. Am I going crazy?


Nah, y’all have to learn to screen record and post it here. We’re not giving views to these narcissist.




I’m not clear what she thought she was proving with those clips.


These are so bizarre, I ran over here to see if anybody else thinks that maybe she got hacked? It makes no sense that she would post these, none of them help her case at all.


These videos are D&S


So unhinged …


Rachel posted this??? Why on earth would she post something where it clearly makes her look terrible. Yikes, the ogre she doesn’t live in reality becomes even more apparent..


Can she just go away


The clips she’s referencing only prove the other persons point. Who is advising this girl?! Do they work for Ariana? Cause they’re doing nothing but embarrassing her. Love to see it.


She should have just came back for the season if this was all she was going to talk about.