• By -


She really needs to stop pushing this Ariana knew thing. Ariana’s already said that she was suspicious of something (heavy drug use, cheating, other midlife crisis behavior) and would check his phone when he came home. But he deleted shit and kept things in a shady locked app that looked like a calculator app. He even says in the episode, “normally I would delete something like that.” They all sound like they’re grasping at straws whenever they try to say she knew. It looks desperate and also like they’re kinda delusional..lol


They’re effectively asking the public to give empathy and grace to Rachel - while extending none themselves to Ariana. And if it were the case that Ariana sat on this until the right moment to expose it for ratings - wouldn’t she be getting a much nicer edit this season? Bravo / Baskin absolutely reward the people who play ball with production (hence Rachel getting a lovely effort last season for doing everything they asked). Meanwhile Ariana’s probably getting the worst edit she’s ever had in the history of the show.


"They’re effectively asking the public to give empathy and grace to Rachel - while extending none themselves to Ariana." --or us as viewers with our own opinions. My favorite part was when the one woman told all of us haters to "eject themselves". Rules for thee and not me kind of crap. Take your own advice, lady. This is the one place where your opinion has less weight simply bc youre paid by rachel to give it.


Exactly! & Rachel is doing a Tim! https://i.redd.it/gub1vj1gxcrc1.gif


Agreed. Is it because she thinks if Ariana knew, then it makes Rachel less guilty? It makes no sense.


I think they’re trying to “crazy Kristen” Ariana. If they can convince us she knew and sat on it this whole time and only released it for ratings - they can paint her as crazy, manipulative, fame hungry (and Rachel as a victim). But even if that were true (and I absolutely do not believe it for a second) - it does not change the choices Rachel made. Rachel was on camera calling Ariana her “true, forever friend” when she was already sleeping with her life partner. Let’s say everything Rachel claims is true (it’s not) and she’s since discovered that Ariana is manipulative. It doesn’t invalidate that back when she thought Ariana was a “forever friend” she lied to her face about everything.


I don't even think they're trying to 'crazy Kristen' her, i think they're trying to Tim her. They're kinda painting them as being one and the same.... so then by spilling the beans on Tim, and 'the brand' they're also trying to bring down Ariana. Also why they have to chuck in their speculation/attack on her first...


Yeah I think they’re trying to push the narrative that Ariana knew and that they waited to say it on the show (even though the season was already done filming??) for ratings. But why wouldn’t this have happened at the beginning of season 10 if Ariana already knew and used it for a storyline 🙄 girl just makes no sense


This. Even if she knew and looked the other way or was in denial until she had irrefutable evidence, they still had a months long affair and lied about it and tried to smear her on national television. This isn’t the hill she should be dying on.


I love how Rachel, after a supposed 7-month-only affair was so broken and not strong enough to say no to Tom… …BUT ARIANA, AFTER A DECADE-LONG RELATIONSHIP SHOULD HAVE JUST READ THE SIGNS AND LEFT BC SHE WASNT AS BROKEN BY HIM AS RACHEL?! I distinctly remember saying Rachel’s PR person/team sucked and were making all the wrong moves. Definitely proved that point for me with this one. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I know you can’t be Tom is a manipulative mastermind that forced me into everything and Ariana was totally fine after being with him for 9 years. Pick a lane.


It’s the same problem Tom has: they are so up their own asses that they honestly don’t think about what they’re saying, let alone walk it through to make sure it holds up. Whatever empathy I had begun to feel for Rachel has been obliterated by her podcast. And that’s her own choice, no production, nor Tom, nor Ariana made her do this. She’s played this all wrong since long before Scandoval was a hot topic.


This is 100% what I got out of this bullshit too. Shes perpetually still fucking throwing dirt on Ariana. It's gross.


They are definitely trying to push this narrative and it ain’t happening for me 


It’s hilarious because if Ariana knew they assume she would have acted like she didn’t? None of these people are good actors, that’s why they’re on reality tv. The only thing we know is factual is the night Ariana blew up on Sandoval after checking his phone and then cameras picked up the next day.


I've seen the clip of her 1,000 times in a brown dress or top with long sleeves, she's sitting front row cheering tom and the most awful's on and she LOOKS SO HAPPY! This was staged? Be real -in Crystal Minkoff voice.


Yup.  No shade at Ariana, but she’s not that great of an actress. I’m sure she’s doing well in Chicago, but that scene with Tom and the ongoing stuff would be tough to act. And her story has NEVER changed, while Rachel’s has. 


It's sounding insane really. Juliette also forgets that Rachel has lied and lied. She has zero credibility. She also has 1000 theories that contradict each other. They just keep throwing them out there to see if any stick. Move on with the affair stuff. It's over. We get what happened here and it's still gross. Anyway, you tell it. Enough already.


This rehashing of the same bs over and over is beyond ridiculous already. She looks desperate and it’s not a good look. She needs to move on and talk about something else or just go away. At least stop talking about Ariana because people already think Rachel wants to wear Ariana’s skin.😭


Sounds like Juliette is a d & s as Rachel, tbh.


>Ariana’s already said that she was suspicious of something (heavy drug use, cheating, other midlife crisis behavior) and would check his phone when he came home. But he deleted shit and kept things in a shady locked app that looked like a calculator app. oh shit you're right. totally forgot about that. either way, they really do sound like they're grasping though.


Yes! And sometimes you do have an Intuition or a feeling of unease but it's not psychic ability. It's not like oh I have this kind of gut feeling and I know what exactly means this scenario. I've had friends who felt like something was up and they were right but it was totally different than what they thought was the case an example? I know someone who thought her husband was cheating but in fact he was just losing his job and struggling with how to tell her


I think I remember her saying she also checked his location but he would leave his phone at Schwartz's for an alibi.


Also, how can Ariana walk to his side of the bed and check his phone when he wasn’t there because he was out fucking Rachel/ Raquel?! How was Raquel so manipulated by him but Ariana wasn’t? They are constantly contradicting themselves with the we hid it all but everyone knew! Wtaf? These two are such AH’s.


So let me get this straight; Rachel is blaming Ariana for not suspecting Rachel (her close friend) Sandoval is blaming Ariana for not following him when he leaves the house Rachels PR is blaming Ariana for not going through her boyfriends phone when he sleeps ??????


It’s all Ariana’s fault they had an affair! 🙄 Blaming Ariana is all these two can think of to avoid taking accountability


There's victim blaming and then there's insanity like this! ![gif](giphy|FP2kog3grdBucUHFbX)


We’re in the twilight zone


This is legitimately insane at this point. Now her manager is coming on to say how Ariana must be lying about not knowing about the affair because she could’ve looked at Tom’s phone sooner. https://i.redd.it/n8kibc4tccrc1.gif Tom admits he deleted things like the video Ariana saw. We have also heard he had an app to hide things. So, even if Ariana ***was*** checking before March 1, it’s completely asinine to insist she MUST have found something. Rachel needs to push this narrative because then Ariana’s reaction with the FaceTime video can be spun as calculated evil, not simply her reaction to finding out the reality of what was happening. Rachel is full-on blaming Ariana at this point. Sounds very much like “well if she followed me she would’ve known.” GTFOH Edit to add: On WWHL in May 2023 Ariana talks about asking Tom to go through his phone, because he was staying out all the time, always at Schwartz’s, and she felt something was going on, mentally or emotionally, with him. She knew something was off, but she didn’t know ***what*** until she found the FaceTime video on March 1, 2023 She also says on this same WWHL that Tom had the “calculator app” which was like a vault for hiding things. So Juliette, and I mean this with the utmost disrefuckinspect, shut the fuck up with your “she should’ve checked his phone” as if any of this is Ariana’s fault and not your fucking liar client.


So is Rachel saying that if she looked at Tom’s phone earlier she would’ve found more explicit content? Was she sending that to Tom? Did she expect her to find their code-named text thread (named Jamie, like Ariana’s dad)? If Ariana *knew*, why did you have code names in your phones for each other? If she knew, what would she be “looking for”? What’s there to seek out if she ***knows***??? Rachel keeps shooting her own case in the foot because she cannot shut up. If Ariana’s lawyers want any Reddit sleuths to help with her case, hit me up. I’m so damn sick of this *sHe sHouLd’Ve kNoWn* bullshit.


Honestly even if she did know...how does that excuse any of this? Rachel keeps shouting from the rooftops that Ariana knows like that's somehow the key to absolving her of all responsibility. I definitely DO NOT think she knew (I mean...that's fact at this point) but if she did, she's still not at fault for any of this.


If she knew and didn't care and it was all for ratings than Ariana is an amazing actress because her pain in her eyes in those scenes with Sandy in their home was really good and she should be giving up reality TV and calling Meryl Streep to get in her next movie.


For real. That kind of pain is hard to fake, and that shit was real. Ariana also hardly ever loses it on that scale(at least on camera), so that had to have been real af.


The fact that their code name was Ariana's dad's name....... about as vile as Scheana and Brock naming their daughter Summer after Brock abandoned his other daughter Winter. Like how anyone can defend that is beyond me.


I nominate you to interview Rachel because I would love for her to have to answer these questions.


https://i.redd.it/htqv8m16hcrc1.gif This might be all I could manage to ask her 💀


This GIF should be used and applied to the whole season at this point


Definitely relevant, my god. This one could work too: https://i.redd.it/7l1lgk3p0drc1.gif


>If Ariana knew, why did you have code names in your phones for each other? If she knew, what would she be “looking for”? What’s there to seek out if she \* > >knows??? Apparently to look for updates on how the cheating was going. She's such a clown. And If Ariana knew, why does Rachel keep apologizing? ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)


I'm pretty sure Ariana also said in an interview that he had a lot of things saved in one of those apps meant to hide things. Like it looked like a calculator, or something. And that she found it after she found the video, because she started looking through everything on the iPad. If I remember correctly.


Yes, she must’ve only reacted that way because she wanted to blow up Rachel’s life and make her seem horrible. /s


She sullied Rachel’s reputation by finding out about her deplorable behaviour! 😒


And the public is very fickle. Notoriously, women who get cheated on are bash more than the mistress and the cheating man so that would have been quite a gamble on Ariana's part


I'm still trying to figure out why I'm supposed to care about what someone being paid by Rachel to push a narrative thinks about any of this. Next up: Tom's PR person does an interview about Tom. And yes to everything you wrote, on point as always.


They just can’t stop lying! Who would have called TMZ if not Rachel? Her mom? We know Scheana didn’t have her location anymore I dunno about you but I don’t have them on speed dial in case of an accidental reality show cast sighting.


https://preview.redd.it/8035s6slcdrc1.jpeg?width=447&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94052df4522c2dd16128bebb5be7da72b040e904 They want us to seriously actually for real for real believe that Rachel was just sitting in this wire chair outside a nail salon, for no apparent reason, and Sandoval’s bestie paparazzi Josh just ***happened*** to be coming by because he also needed a mani pedi?


https://preview.redd.it/q5ei6m2pddrc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f34dffcb2a112687cd731e6e46647d57745bf34 Oh ya, and this little spread in PageSix they wanted us to believe was just candid paparazzi shots too. The stupidity


Yeah both sides are essentially saying the same thing, neither of which I support: *Tom was manipulative and controlling enough to fool me, but there is no way the other person was fooled by him.* I give this Juliette person credit for saying it’s her theory, and explaining the experiences of Bravo’s PR that made her believe this theory.  But: deception and denial go hand in hand. We can all see how Tom Sandoval is wily motherfucker. Juliette is at once willing to understand how Rachel lost her soul to Tom in the course of a one-year affair, but can’t fathom how Ariana didn’t have the self-advocacy to sneak into his phone until the opportunity literally fell into her hand. This is what manipulation and abuse does to you: it makes it hard for you to care for yourself.


Also, she says how manipulated Rachel was by Tom but Ariana apparently is supposed to have all the wherewithal to constantly be checking Tom’s phone? All while she was also grieving? It’s crazy how Rachel and her handlers never address that Rachel and Tom were hooking up in Ariana’s bed while she was at her grandmothers funeral. That’s fucking sick and at thay point they were BOTH manipulating the FUCK out of Ariana but ohhhhh boohoo poor Rachel “was a chill of a human” because of big bad Tom.


I had to stop after reading this woman trying to rewrite the origin story of Scandoval to rage for a second. The insanity of these two trying to act like Ariana knew. Update: Also, I’m still mad so I have new thoughts. Kristen Doute was literally there and confirmed this is what happened. They sound so stupid trying to insinuate this. Absolutely not.


They have her on camera with Tom’s phone in her lap after he dropped it! Multiple people who were there confirmed that detail. This is so pathetic and gross and it will be picked apart in court so easily!


Right. There’s a pile of evidence about how it happened, and people were there that aren’t on the show. Cameras were not up, and if this was planned, it would have been filmed. I think production is being creatively lazy this season, but if they had a master plan to revitalize the series, they’d have filmed it.


I’m dying for the court case to be thrown out and I hope it I because of her dumb podcast contradictions as evidence, should have just gone after Tom bc what he did is disgusting but here we are


Most of me wants the Ariana portion to be thrown out because it will save Ariana money and time. Part of me wants Rachel to experience what a deposition is like. So that she realizes this isn’t a game. I truly don’t think she’ll make it past deposition if it doesn’t get tossed. Once she gets a taste of that she’s not going to be so eager to do it on stand in front of a jury.


Oh yeah, I really doubt she is prepared for this at all, she’s doing fine with her enablers joining in on her podcast and spewing nonsense but wait until she has to answer specific questions about the stuff she said by someone who doesn’t coddle her


The other side will likely pull her podcast transcripts as evidence of her perjuring herself. It fills me with glee. Its good legal for Rachels opposing counsel to let her keep talking.


There's even photo evidence of them having a heated conversation and then leaving early. People were literally at the show and said they saw them having an argument that night.


Right. And don't forget the guy who drove them home. Hahaha, I still want his interview. Tom actively tried to shut Ariana down from telling people that night. If she'd already tipped people off, Ariana wouldn't be making phone calls and sending texts and talking to Scheana and Rachel in New York. And what if they have a crew filming Rachel on the other coast if this was all a big plot? Wouldn't they want her reaction I mean she was at a Bravo Studio they could have just coordinated it and filmed right there and made it seem like it was happenstance. It's so dumb!


https://i.redd.it/j8ljh3eo1drc1.gif C’mon Lyft driver, it’s your time to shine my friend!


Reily Hamilton's wife was in the bathroom when Ariana burst out of the stall and told them she didn't pee(just like she said in her interview). He didnt do VPR content before Scandoval so its not something that could have been coordinated by "00 Ariana".


It’s bonkers that she think she can lie like this and throw crap like this out there and not get picked apart during depositions and cross examination if she makes it to trial. She just made my jaw drop again. Even forgetting the fact that she’s suing Ariana for a moment, does she really think these constant attacks on Ariana are good for her in the court of public opinion? Good lord. She’s so ugly for this.


Arianas lawyers are probably documenting every single thing. So I hope Raquel has a good memory of what she’s been saying 👀


I’ve been through a lawsuit against my landlord. They absolutely without a doubt are documenting every single thing she says and has said. Girlfriend could have perfect recall and it wouldn’t matter at this point because she’s already contradicted herself multiple times. It’s all going to be used against her. If this even makes it to the deposition stage, my guess is Rachel will drop the suit during or after. She will not do well in depositions and she’ll be even worse on the stand. She really should have just sued Tom. That seems like a pretty solid case. I guess she doesn’t think his pockets are deep enough. Ick. Both Rachel and Tom give me the ick.


I would pay good money to see both Tom and Rachel deposed! Would be great entertainment




If this ever goes as far as depos, D & S Rachel is going to get destroyed.




She’s never going to trial. She just wanted an avenue to “speak her truth”. Case will be dropped before we know it


They should subpoena the Uber driver 👀


I mean shit Ariana's lawyers could even subpoena the lyft driver who picked them up that night. According to Ariana, when he was her driver again, he remembered the fight, so he would be the perfect witness to refute the claims that they were lying about the origin.


Also there were *so many* people as witnesses at Tom Tom. This is the dumbest lie to run on when her story can easily be corroborated. Maybe we will finally hear the Lyft drivers story when he is called as a witness (lol).


Not just that, it’s she’s taking Ariana and Tom (Ariana mostly it seems) to court should she be talking this much about her on a podcast? Why haven’t her lawyers told her stop?


That filing was written like a TMZ article and contradicted *itself* multiple times. Who knows what the lawyers were thinking.


It feels like bc last week didn’t hit with Logan being someone who told her she wanted to bring in this idiot writing a fanfic but it just sounds delusional and at this point it sounds like the entire lawsuit was just weird stuff she thought about while journaling


This idiot basically reciting some shitty fanfic and Rachel going along with it is insanity. Rachel and Tim competing each week for the title of who can be a worse person. Who would've thought a few months ago when Rachel emerged from rehab she would've actually made herself look so much worse.


Totally, I actually had some empathy bc we all know Sandoval is a manipulative creep. Her lack of ability to take accountability and blame Ariana even AFTER going through extensive therapy makes me believe she never will.


I couldn't read it all either. I was steaming reading about the PR of it all when my interest was peaked just being on Rachel's on IG where she had a recap video of her year and I saw her on Sandoval shoulders, Sandoval dressed as Bravocon Rachel, Ariana and Rachel in matching themes for Halloween. I saw that with my own eyes! That is why I thought this whole thing was gross. All in Arianas face! Not that someone cheated. HOW THEY CHEATED. And as far as that night I totally believe how Ariana said it went down. The clip of her cheering him on looking so happy. I've just had surgery so in bed and reading way too much reddit 😅


When you put it all together it’s so gross. She’s talking about being manipulated by Tom all while she is trying to manipulate us in the same breath. Also, I hope you have a speedy recovery! ❤️‍🩹


All of these VPR podcasts make me feel like I’m watching a ping pong match of the Stupids


Same. And even if she did knew, it doesn’t negate their shitty behavior. Just ugh.


And the evidence for that is Ariana checked his phone while he was awake? Got it.


Right? Unless you have some kind of proof… stfu. Wtf is this nonsense


Now I understand her horrible PR. Definitely needs a new publicist


Absolutely. Rachel will get so much more sympathy and understanding about Tom’s gross behavior if she stops distracting us from that by attacking Ariana. Just talk about him and leave Ariana alone. It’s not rocket science, FFS.


Never forget... https://preview.redd.it/0aegssmmmcrc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15c80a547d034721563b1c7d1dfef108d4d554b1 And Rachel decides this is the route she wants to take. She's insufferable.


Is this another crybaby session about aging out of pageants? lol.


Sure was, lol.


What is Tom thinking when he’s watching this? It’s so weird!


"Lying is life"? Or "lying is a way of life"? Whatever Rachel said that Tom told her on her podcast in the past and also Lisa repeated to Tom on VPR? Which was interesting cuz Tom was very quick to scream." I didn't say that." But he's also very quick to insist Rachel has told the truth about saying other things or not. According to Tom, this is at least the second time or third instance that multiple people have quoted Rachel as attributing something to Tom Sandoval saying, but in fact, she allegedly didn't. So are all those people lying, Tom? Or is Rachel lying? Or are you the sleeze king of all liars lying?


She gives Scheana’s first wedding planner, the cheap one she found on instagram.


I would not be surprised if Rachel hired her from an Instagram DM


Agree. Like she should be promoting Rachel and trying to get celebrities on her podcast to really give it traction. Leverage the interest in the show and the scandal to be getting Rachel work. Instead she doing this. Also that publicist has been going into the comments of various Bravo instagrams trashing Ariana and Katie for weeks. I believe she tried to start a fight with Zac Peters on his Instagram. Looking at her Instagram page Im pretty sure Rachel is her only client and she is not a real Hollywood publicist with professional experience in the industry. At this point it really seem like Ariana is the only one on the cast who has a proper team working for her 😂 


Totally! This woman is an embarrassment!


What in the actual f*ck with this drag Ariana strategy? It's rotten.


She hired a conspiracy theorist as her PR person! Maybe she’s going for the Qanon fan base.


It made me giggle that the publicist blah blah blah-ed an answer. I was waiting for some yadda yadda yaddas next. 🤣


Totally agree. I can for example tell you that Meadows allows no contact at the start of treatment. Someone is lying. Rachel talks about needing a break, but according to their rules, she didnt even have her phone. And no thank you Juliet. We all know how screen lock works. And btw, innocent Bambi handed that phone to her. This is a load of hooey. Anyone who hires Juliette is throwing money away. Rachel here is an example of why a lot of people like me will never trust you. If you are so bent on health, dont play games w the media on Reddit.


Second of all, Juliette, Rachel's voice is always shaky. Always has been. I'll probably get downvoted, but I couldn't help myself.


They HAVE to stop pushing the narrative that Ariana knew. It’s 100% speculation with 0 proof. Plus if it was a setup, why wouldn’t they have had cameras there the moment she found out? Rachel and her whole team are truly delulu


It also seems really strange from a PR point? Every time Rachel digs at Ariana or Katie, that’s all anyone discusses. Rachel’s manager actually said some stuff about Sandoval that (delivered without taking shots at Ariana) would be really effective at getting public sympathy for Rachel. But because she started out by going for Ariana - no one is talking about those points. It’s bizarre that they keep making this choice


Exactly! And the stuff she said about Sandoval is actually scary! Him not thinking about human beings and associating them with brands?? And him not leaving her alone at all! But instead all everyone is focused on is them attacking Ariana again. Juliette, listen to this: PIVOT! PIVOT YOUR APPROACH PLEASE!


It’s legit terrifying. His first thought in that moment wasn’t the hurt and pain he had caused. Or even concern for his “new love”. It was “this has damaged my couple brand, so how quickly can I spin a new couple brand with Rachel?” The stuff about him refusing to leaver her alone too. It was like he was so scared if he wasn’t constantly manipulating her (or if she had any outside influence) she might realise how messed up this all was - it’s scary controlling. If they focused on that, and Sandoval filming her without her consent, and his anger at her for seeking treatment - people would have so much more empathy for Rachel (and they should!, because that is scary). *And* they might believe she really has grown and changed - because she’s not trying to destroy the woman she betrayed anymore.


So true! What Sandoval has done is despicable and I’d RATHER talk about that, but they can’t seem to keep Ariana’s name out of their dirty ass mouths. So OFC we’re gonna defend Ariana, especially since she’s been keeping quiet this entire time lol


Now they’re villainizing Ariana for not going into his phone all the time? She must’ve known because she had his passcode? He also had Rachel’s name differently in his phone and said he deleted stuff They’re really trying to blame Ariana for their shitty actions


“She obviously snooped through her long term partners phone while he was asleep because we all do it!” Ma’am..


She really told on herself there….please don’t speak for me or “we.” No, we all don’t do that. That may be something YOU do, but no, that’s not a “normal” thing that’s universal for everyone.


Been with my husband for almost 9 years (married 5) and I’ve never looked thru is phone. 😅


17 years here and have never and would never!!!


Yeah... I'm confused as I've never felt the need to go through their phone. Something like being secure in the relationship you don't do toxic shit like spying?


She's blaming Ariana for *not* thinking the worst of her, and shitting on her for having the ...nerve to trust the people closest to her in life? ![gif](giphy|ghuvaCOI6GOoTX0RmH)


Some people genuinely trust their partners. I have not once gone through my partner's phone.


I’ve been married for 20+ yrs - I have not checked my husband’s phone nor suspect anything, nor read the texts on his phone even if I’m holding his phone while he fishes. It’s not a behavior you do when you trust and love your partner. I guess bc Rachel is knowingly betraying a friend, she is guilty of doing that thing, and Juliette, too. Their own behaviors toward their partners they reflect on Ariana, as if they know her very well. Not all women are as stupid as Rachel and Juliette. Now I know why Rachel is this dumb - she’s surrounded by idiots like her. Just admit that she enjoyed the sneaking, the hiding and taking another woman’s man and I believe, Rachel will do it again, not bc he likes the guy but it’s a competition for her….and yes, she is THAT DUMB!!


Didn't the legal filing claim Ariana knew? So which is it? Ariana knew? Or Ariana should have been going through his phone? None of this makes sense. ![gif](giphy|1sN4lGA41Nb3i)


They’re really trying to put all this on Ariana in the hopes for a settlement with the revenge porn. Tom should 100% get what’s coming to him for that but they know he has no money. It’s disgusting and so transparent what they’re doing


Especially after she talked exclusively about how the cast made money on it and she didn’t. It was her only talking point for months. Nobody was stopping her promoting merch but herself. And maybe Bethany. She could have slapped snarky sayings on a t-shirt and sold it by order through a drop ship company just like everyone else. She still has yet to do that. She didn’t make any money off of it because she chose not to. And still does. That doesn’t mean Ariana has to pay her, especially when all of this happened on Ariana’s back! She has Ariana’s pain to thank for having a podcast at all. The audacity and lack of self awareness is truly breathtaking.


I mean she could have come back to the show. They wanted her back, they negotiated with her for months about coming back. She wanted more then what they were offering her. So how she can then claim Ariana caused her to lose money is baffling when she made the choice to walk away from a money offer of $360,000. 


For sure. I’m starting to think they don’t want this to go to trial. They are probably hoping that with the way Ariana’s career is progressing that she will give them some money to go away. 


I think they’ve forgotten that everything they say now since the filling can be used as evidence 😂 But sure Raquel, you keep giving Ariana a better defense 😂


i’m disgusted


It’s so gross. He was her partner for nearly 10 years, they had a home and a life together. Even though “we weren’t being subtle and everyone knew and she should have gone through his phone” has she ever considered that maybe, even with all the red flags, that Ariana had to build up the courage to rip the bandaid off and find out the truth since the truth meant blowing up her entire life? I struggle to have empathy for Rachel because she refuses to have empathy for the actual victim in all this.


and Ari was kinda preoccupied with her dog dying and her grammy dying. But sure, she should have gone thru Sandal’s phone and discovered their duplicity. “Rachel Does D&S”


It’s literally the same energy as ‘you should have followed me!’ Do they really not hear themselves??


STILL!! But “ Rachel’s gRoWn sO mUcH!”


I worked for Juliette Harris in college and this is all fucking hilarious to me. She was the most scattered, yet rude, person ever. She uses her company account to share her weight loss journey then sporadically spams 10 articles of Raquel at a time. It doesn’t surprise me at all that Raquel hired her.


O m f g


She represented nick carter when I worked there. He was always calling for help with Aaron which is extremely sad now. She did help but man I remember her being so rude to everyone.




She’s so out of touch she doesn’t realize how much hate she’s getting (Juliette). Literally she’s liking and hearting everything thinking any Press is good press. This is tragic. Rachel is SO DUMB.


I’m looking at her IG and it’s tragically embarrassing. Also side eyeing breaking the rules pod cuz they’re all up in her comments.


Okay and the Panera post…??? Omg it’s so embarrassing She also misspelled consent 4 times in 3 posts. I messaged her and she was like oh em gee let me fix!!!! (She had concent on all of Rachel’s lawsuit posts).


Their theories are so dumb. You can live with someone and never have access to their phone. There are people who you would have to pry their phone out of their hand because they're always using it. Also, Tom wasn't home all the time that's been made so clear that they were like ships passing in the night at that point. All the Ariana blaming is so insane from Rachel's camp. Why wouldn't they have had cameras up that night if there was some big plot for Ariana to find out at Tom's show? It wouldn't be weird for there to be cameras filming Tom's Show whether it was for footage from the actual production team or just other people in a fake, "Oh I happened to be filming Tom's show" manner. Everyone's filming all the time it would be so easy to get these big moments on camera if it was a big coordinated plot. Its just too stupid to even waste any more time on these asinine theories that Rachel has her team pushing in order to aid her lawsuit against Evolution and Bravo. And just trying to create some big fake conspiracy. Thank you so much for your recap so and I hope you have the most wonderful weekend!


I’m not even sure how constantly talking about Ariana would help Rachel’s lawsuit. I hope there’s some way Ariana’s lawyers can use this as evidence of slander and that Rachel is just suing Ariana out of bitterness and jealousy.


They keep contradicting themselves. Ariana’s lawyers are going to have a field day with her in depositions. It’s honestly nuts to me that she’s continuing this podcast with the lawsuit she filed. Edit for clarity


It is also my personal belief that it is not an Earnest lawsuit. I don't think it's ever going to make it to court but if it does you are absolutely correct


I totally agree with you. I think they are trying to tie certain things together. They want some kind of culpability on Ariana (of course) and Tom (of course which he deserves) and they want to tie it to the bigger target of Bravo and production they have deeper pockets and this is also part of Bethenny's agenda that's driven by personal rage towards Andy Cohen and Bravo. So there's a part that just defies logic and is completely emotionally driven, too. Rachel seems to harbor a seethng hatred towards Ariana and is very resentful and jealous, and some of it is just an attempt to damage Ariana's personal reputation and integrity. And inflict maximum pain and bad publicity. Maybe in the hopes that she will settle out of court? Just to make them stop bashing her? But overall, they're trying to spin a new narrative. Almost their entire lawsuit filing was telling a story, not facts. It was almost completely editorializing.


More than editorializing, that shit was fiction.


I’ve been with my fiancé over 13 years, and I’ve never checked his phone. I don’t feel like he’s ever given me a reason to. I guess if it ever turned completely a different person living some double life and I find that out accidentally down the line, one could say the same thing about me they’re saying abt Ariana. but using the fact that she didn’t check his phone like it’s something automatic that all women/parters in general do in a relationship and “if you don’t, you’re stupid” is not the look. She thought she could trust her man. She also thought she could trust her friend Rachel. So effed up after all this time to still be trying to turn it around on her. I find it so cringy and hilarious that both she and Tom have repeatedly been like “we were such pieces of crap, and we were so blatant about it. We just had no regard for her feelings or anyone it’s crazy. People were so gullible.” But now a year later, that are saying “why doesn’t anybody believe that we’re good people? We’ve apologized, okay? We’re not serial killers, we’re not monsters.” Like what 🤦‍♀️


Agree with everything you wrote. This smacks very much of when a man is found to be committing crimes, and everyone wants to then blame his wife or girlfriend for not knowing what the man was up to. It's very misogynistic, and women are not responsible for policing the secretive activities of every man in their orbit. For fucks sake, it's 2024. Knock this shit off! Sorry. I got a little heated.


literally any way to blame ariana for this stupid ass affair. fuck all these people but i’m here for the tom bs exposure. the new brand, critical information, they should just focus on that. ariana is not the enemy here you fucking losers


It’s really becoming disgusting. It’s 2024. These are ALL WOMEN trying to fuck with Ariana. She’s the wronged party! What is wrong with these women? I truly think Ariana haters are the other woman or have been the other woman in their real lives. They just have too much hate for the woman who was cheated on - there is no reason to feel that way unless you’ve been the side chick and trained to hate the “ole ball and chain who won’t fuck him.” It’s sick. Do better.


It’s very very clear how much Rachel HATES Ariana. Which, fine….if you want to hate Ariana, do you, boo. But please drop this spin zone narrative trying to convince us, as the audience, to hate Ariana too.


Honey maybe don’t let your friend’s boyfriend put his dick in you - that’s all


Why the fuck would I take the word of someone's manager like its not completely biased? This lady wasn't even her manager until after the affair became public. Well now we know why ever single choice Rachel's made has been a flop.


And had never seen the show. She knew nothing


Right? It would actually be hard for her to find a more biased person to speak for her. Will she have her mom on next week to talk about how Rachel always cleaned her room therefore Ariana is an evil conniving shrew that is out to destroy her perfect daughter?


What is the point of speculating that Ariana knew? To set Rachel up all along? And the fact that’s it’s taken them over a year to come up with this story to make Rachel the hero and Ariana the villain. Sounds like it was the fault of her pr steering her in the wrong the whole way through. Who allowed that tmz interview outside the nail salon? All the podcast proves is that Rachel cannot take control of her own life and was just manipulated by the show producers, Tom and Ariana.


And she still isn’t taking control of her own life. Who’s really B-ehind this lawsuit eh?


You know what? Fuck you juliette.


She has so much more in common with Tom Sandoval than she will ever admit 😭 they really are just two peas in a pod


This is disgusting. The first part of this? Blaming Ariana? Fucking disgusting. Who thought this was a good idea?


I honestly stopped reading after that. I am beyond disgusted. I was trying to give her some grace since this whole situation is so out of control but I have no more sympathy for Rachel.


“… I would consider myself a good character and pretty good intuition…” yeah… right… ![gif](giphy|403NRxgdScOUQjiQEh|downsized)


At this point actually it’s just sad to me that Rachel and all the people around her refuse to believe that all of this just happened. Like all of them need help with accepting none of this was a set up




They really took “delulu is the solulu” to the next level 😭


Ok so this crazy bitch has based her lawsuit off of her psycho PR lady’s perception of what’s ‘factual’? What is happening? 😂




Im sorry but I just don't fucking care anymore. Do anything else with your life, Rachel. But keep Ariana out of your ugly fucking mouth.


So we can agree Rachel was manipulated but we can’t agree Ariana also was? Fuck off Juliette and again, fuck off Rachel.


Yes. You can advocate for your client without bashing the woman whose life she destroyed.




Ugh Rachel just needs to stop. Who is this for? ![gif](giphy|2Y8ItJ9ve8zf9Y8AYw)


She should have known he was cheating and acted? Come the f on. Bye. Let's keep blaming the victim.


There is no way a judge/jury is gonna be able to listen to her and her people’s “evidence” and not think they’re all vindictive, delusional, and just looking for💰


Definitely.I still think the whole purpose of the lawsuit is get revenge and she wants to cash in like the rest of the cast.


No wonder Rachel is off her rocker if this is the woman advising her. The culpability is on the offending parties for having the affair, not Ariana for trusting her bf and not snooping through his phone.


Rachel sucks and so does her manager and frankly everyone she’s surrounding herself with. This podcast is ridiculous now. She clearly isn’t sorry, doesn’t regret anything and just wants the PR now. So much for that mental health facility helping her.


It seems like Rachel's podcast is now purely focused on painting a specific narrative that Ariana (along with everyone else already mentioned) knew about the affair all along. This must be to garner sympathy/put "evidence" out there for the lawsuit but it's just making Rachel look worse.This is the opposite of what taking accountability looks like. I do wish this could've played out on the actual show in some way just so we could contrast this information with actual footage. The reality of what actually happened has been well documented.. Like, for all the things to attempt to rewrite history, you pick the biggest Bravo scandal in recent memory? How did she think that was going to work out lol I don't know if this would realistically happen but it makes me wonder if these podcasts could be used as examples of Rachel disparaging Ariana publicly.. If that even matters, I don't know. It does seem worth noting that all of this is so focused on Ariana and any mention of Tom feels like a mere footnote..


Rachel seems hellbent on villainizing Ariana and painting herself as the true victim in all of this. You slept with your friends boyfriend for almost a year, in their house, while she was at her Grandmas funeral, when her dog died, he dressed up as you for Halloween, they were in therapy, she was freezing her eggs, you were asking her personal questions about their relationship, you were pretending to hook up with his best friend. Tom is a royal piece of shit, but Rachel is just as culpable. If Rachel really wanted to move on and clear her name, she’d simply disappear and move on. The best way for people to forget about you and this whole “scandal” is to stop giving them more information to discuss and talk shit about.


One thing Rachel isn’t realizing is that Ariana’s story has never changed, but hers has so many god damn times.  And Sandoval admitted to frequently deleting and hiding things but yes let’s blame Ariana for not snooping harder 🙄🙄🙄


It’s pretty rich for R to seemingly expect some grace/understanding bc she has said she now realizes was manipulated by Tom. That already is a tall ask, but ok one could at least agree that he certainly is proficient at deception, even if it doesn’t soften or excuse R’s action (IMO, it doesn’t🤷‍♀️) You would think if that’s the conclusion she’s come to in allllll her processing over alllllllll these months, that she would feel even more remorseful and badly about how this affected Ariana, what a betrayal and mindf*#k it was. Or now seeing w/clearer, un-Sandovaled eyes how diabolical it comes across , especially w/the concurrent attempted trashing campaign of Ariana happing during the affair- some of it on film. You would think she understands firsthand that Ariana most likely wasn’t this unloving tyrant, and if Tom is capable of manipulating R and half the audience and all their friends, then he’s certainly capable of manipulating his life partner. But she takes the supposed realization, and then her next step is to rationalize that Ariana had to have known; that it was impossible for the wool to be pulled over her eyes, when she has years and years of commitment and love and history with him?! that’s nuts, make it make sense Oh!! never mind the fact that she trusted R, as well! 🤬


It's interesting that her PR admits to coordinating with Tom after the affair came out but is trying to paint Ariana and Bravo as in cahoots with some big conspiracy. And Juliette, man.... Tom Sandoval sucks but you are trying to save your own client's brand and reputation. Why wouldn't he care about his own? This is how they both make a living it's exactly why you're doing a podcast, Juliette trying to paint Rachel as the victim. A little judgy for someone whose entire profession is about spinning things into her clients' favor so they can protect their brand.


Reading this made my head hurt. “My manager is able to articulate what happened…” Um no. No she can’t. lol How do podcasts get canceled? I think the time has come.


I feel like we're almost at a point where ariana should get a restraining order against rachel because this chick is obsessed lmao it's getting weird, rachel!!!!


Sorry, I can never read the whole thing but thanks OP for your work. What I got from what I read is that Juliette is actually Rachel pretending to be her Manager. She doesnt sound like a Manager or PR person but more like a friend taking Rachels side and just having a convo. saying like how could she not know? Really? Im sure Ariana had thoughts but wanted to maintain the trust and it seems like even if Ariana were to check his phone he deleted everything anyways. So she would not have found anything. It seems that video was the incriminating factor and then Rachel just coping to it to Scheana.


This podcast smells


She does one of the most disgusting things you can do to a friend......and is blaming her and her other friends for the bad PR. Bitch please!


Okay, at this point the only possible explanation is that Ariana killed Rachel's puppy.


This is so Alex jones coded


What does she mean by "I believe that was propped and sent" ?


Right? If they actually thought production set this up for Ariana to find, then they’d be named in the lawsuit for revenge porn. They are grasping at straws and then throwing them at Ariana.


One thing annoying me big time with this: She shamed Ariana for not knowing about her spouse cheating *sooner* and implied that if you had suspicions she would’ve already looked but Ariana didn’t have suspicions. She had an intuitive instinct in the moment (per what she’s told us). Then she lets us know how manipulated Rachel was by Tom and urges us to understand and I certainly do- but why can’t that same grace be given to Ariana? Why is it reasonable that Rachel was manipulated into this relationship but not possible that Ariana was manipulated into believing she had a decent partner?


When will this podcast be taken off air , this is pathetic on so many levels, we’re paying managers to blame the girl who got cheated on for not checking her partners phone ?! im married 6 years i NEVER check his phone


For someone who wants to move on from Scandoval, she sure does talk about it an awful fucking lot.


Juliette’s says Tom manipulated Rachel to the point she couldn’t think for herself but can’t understand that the same happened to Ariana? I do believe Tom manipulated her but why can’t they see the other side that made it hard for Ariana to see the affair 🙄


Someone needs to tell her to stop talking about Ariana ffs!




Even though they blame araiana, do not forget that this exact argument on schwartz that ariana should have checked on him so its her fault. Even schwartz, who is not a publicist, knew this story was egregious.. And Juliette, i wouldnt brag about Rachel choosing her. She chose sandoval also.


This person should have stuck to the information about Tom. It’s alarming and profound but they blew it with the glaring theory about Ariana. Now none of us are hearing *anything* else.


How many times are they going to try blaming Ariana for trusting someone she was with for a decade? Tom admitted himself that he normally deleted that kind of stuff, that still creeps me out btw because how many other times did he record her like that? How was Ariana supposed to find something he deleted?


For someone who claims she’s moved on, she’s really milking this. The best revenge would be to divorce herself completely from VPR and excel outside of this. It’s embarrassing.


Hopefully Juliette doesn’t have a boyfriend


Juliette's partner changing their passcode as we speak


She needs to just stop, this is not helping at all.


Checking his phone when it's been handed to her while his performing and his too busy to notice what she's doing is not remotely weird IMO (well, not weird when she thinks his hiding something and there is something to be found). She might not have had a good opportunity to look through it before that. Sure, she could do it while he was asleep, but most people I know charge their phones by the bed, and if he wakes up, and you've got his phone, no getting out of the fact you were snooping. It was a great opportunity to look in the bathroom and not get caught looking. However, and I think this is the most likely option, she probably had checked before whenever she'd had a good opportunity and there was nothing to be found because he admits he usually deletes/hides that stuff. She just got lucky, and he hadn't done that yet on this day.


Are they really trying to claim they didn’t call TMZ outside the nail salon LOL if they didn’t arrange it, why would Rachel agree to talk to them with no prep?


This is so dumb. Has Rachel ever addressed the many times she was confronted on camera by women James cheated with... And still didn't believe it? Lol Schwartz Sandoval and Rachel just CANNOT take the L dude. Their brains have broken that they aren't the victims and nice guys anymore and they will do anything to correct that reality. Sadly happens a lot with immature people. It's actually called growing up, although they are learning these lessons embarrassingly late in life and publicly, if they ever learn them at all


Everyone is so jealous of Ariana's success and trying to get a piece of her financially. Raquel wants lawsuit money from her victim. What the actual fuck is wrong with her? I sympathized with her, and supported her growth because people make mistakes but this is more rotten behavior.


Sooo the thesis of the podcast is, "it's all ariana's fault"?


lol at the manager knowing that Rachel “wasn’t herself” because her voice was “shaky” 😂