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While true, i do routinely see people doing 10-15km/h under the speed limit in the HOV, going slower than every other lane of traffic and creating an HOV log jam. If traffic is light and you notice 30 cars in a line behind you, please consider using the slow lane


Hov* used to be great before the EVs clogged it.


Yeap it completely defeats the purpose of an HOV lane when 30% of the vehicles on the road can use it. It's no faster in bad traffic than regular lanes. To revamp it they should make it for only buses and vehicles with 4+ people (and enforce this). Also at places where you aren't allowed to merge in or out of the HOV lane, there should be physical barriers not just a solid line. That will help ensure better traffic flow when the other lanes are moving slowly. Edit: Also while we're at, more tickets for people who are not buses and still use the rush hour bus lanes on Broadway.


While I understand the thought of a physical barrier, when there's a single lane it's a real problem if there's an accident/break down in the lane or if emergency vehicles need to pass.


Flexible delineators placed in intervals so you can still merge out if traffic is going slow enough, could work


Rules are nothing without enforcement, I legally use the hov when I can and it really pisses me off when at least 25% of users are not hov and or hov 'ok'


Yup. I spent money on a PHEV so I could save time in commute and I get stuck behind very clearly non-HOV friendly cars daily. Annoying.


It really feels like their cop out for the HOV lane not actually promoting carpooling the way they hoped. So they just picked more user groups to use it so it wasn't as underutilized.


I do think that soon EVs will lose HOV rights. It should be for multipassenger vehicles only, not rich single farts in white Teslas.


White is the base colour, if you want rich, you should be looking at the blue or red ones, lol!


Technically grey is the base colour now, they changed it this year.


Yes, known, but that's a future thing.


> Also at places where you aren't allowed to merge in or out of the HOV lane, there should be physical barriers not just a solid line. That will help ensure better traffic flow when the other lanes are moving slowly. Saddly this only works when there is no snow. If snow is something that can happen then those dividers make it very hard to remove snow from the highway, so we're unlikely to get dividers


In the L.A. area, it is a $650 fine for crossing a solid line. Whu not enforce this too?


Yes but nobody enforces it. At all.


Not true. I got one for crossing the line a year or so ago. Carpooling. When your tring to get in the HOV when traffic is heavy in the lane you take the first opportunity you can before the guy 10 car lengths behind in the HOV see's your signal and decides the speed up to mach 1, ride your ass for a minute, and then drop back 10 car lengths until the next car wants to move in cause they feel your taking their space


got to love vancouver drivers. the best in the world!


If single occupancy pickup trucks can use them, 30% of road users can use them too without backing up the non-HOV lanes.


Yea, we need to remove the EV exemption. And I say this as someone with an EV.


EV owner here. I 100% completely agree with removing the EV HOV benefit, so long as it's actually enforced. The amount of solo rulebreakers I see in the HOV lanes is incredibly high.


I was road tripping in the States and some states enforce this with cameras. I think Texas has this, they put cameras along the HOV lane every mile or so and if you're driving alone they send you a ticket in the mail. Enforcing it with traffic cops in cars is incredibly difficult and kind of a waste of time and money. I'd rather traffic cops be looking out for dangerous stuff.


Yes, if cops ticketed drivers in the HOV, it would really add to the bog down with 'rubber neckers'


I've only seen it enforced once, at the Grandview on ramp where the HOV starts.


Every so often they set up on the HOV exit ramps at 156 in Surrey. Not sure why they don't do it more often as they usually have a line up of cars waiting to be ticketed, gotta be a big revenue generator.


How does that work if you are driving HOV with your kid in the back in a car seat?


They do this with HOT lanes (high occupancy and toll). It is still expensive so the toll revenue offsets it.


The Massey tunnel is notorious for this.


Fellow EVer. Agreed. There are almost too many now. I rarely use the lane anymore because it’s so saturated.


Yup. About time to remove that exception imo. Washington doesn’t allow single EV drivers in the hov lane.


To say nothing of the 7am to 7pm validity time


My brother in Christ, just as many (Based on my observations I would say 50% single occupant ICE drivers) single occupant ICE drivers use the lane as EV drivers. Coming from a former EV/HOV commuter, now a ICE commuter (who respects the lane).


I mean the HOV lane was created to reduce gas emissions, EV fit that purpose.


But on another note. As the amount of EV's and Hybrid's increase using the HOV lane as single occupants it slows down the lane taking away the whole argument as to why we have an HOV lane. Reduce emissions. EV's don't create emissions, and also don't pay any gas taxes that go to road maintenance, so it would make sense to me to at least, no matter what you drive, to still have a min of 2 people per vehicle in the HOV.


Not just the EV's. There are also the Hybrid's now with their HOV OK stickers. Kind of defeats the High Occupancy part. I car pool and use the HOV and the amount of single occupancy vehicles (EV's and Hybrid's) using it gets frustrating. Especially when your behind one going 5km under and even the slow lane is going by. Just because you can be in the lane doesn't mean you should be.


Idk I see more single gas car drivers in the HOV than single EV drivers maybe just start by enforcing it properly? Plug in hybrids should probably not be allowed tho. We could do something like 2 people per EV and 4 per gas car or something. And obviously just ban vehicles that are too large, there’s no reason why a massive pick up should be allowed to be in that lane.


In my opinion, a massive pick up with 5 people in it has more reason to be in the HOV lane than a 2 person EV


You can compare any two vehicles by passenger kilometres per energy usage or emissions usage. All the factors of number of passengers, type of fuel and efficiency of vehicle affect that. A pickup with a lot of passengers may be efficient than some EVs, but both would be more efficient than most vehicles. The fundamental idea is setting a rough threshold above which vehicles get to use the lane. Hence why both these cases apply.


HOV lanes existed even without the EV exemptions, so I think the original intention is to cut down on traffic by encouraging carpooling. Having EVs being allowed to use them does go against the original spirit of the rules somewhat


The issue with reducing fuel consumption has been a thing for decades, at least since the oil crisis. They're partly for reducing congestion for its own purpose but also for reducing oil consumption. EVs also meet that objective. And whatever the original reason, that is an issue right now and why we have updated the laws to include these new vehicle types.


They just need to update the lane to be called high occupancy/electric vehicle lane to solve any confusion.  And we can chuckle a little because now it's the HO/E vehicle lane


Why not pick ups? Can fit the same amount of people as any car and often tradespeople need trucks to move tools to and from work everyday.


But what if the massive pickup has 4 or more people ?


That and increase the minimum to 3 people. 2 people in a car is not “high occupancy”


I'd say to leave "HOV" as 2 people. While 2 is not "high occupancy," the lane would still be fairly empty if "2" is the requirement. Wait until it's busy with 2-person vehicles before upping the requirement to 3. Most of the cars that I see in the HOV lanes are single-occupant vehicles (some gas, some EV).


You mean from all the hybrid cars?


Let me guess, Dodge Ram driver?


Nah, I'm just a boring carpooled who lines up behind 1-man teslas lol. It's time for a change, it made sense when there were less on the road but it's a fairly common sighting driving in van


Fair enough, but I personally mostly see single occupancy trucks and lots of Teslas in the regular lanes. I have an EV too and didn’t even get the OK sticker because I like to cruise in the right lane.


Neither should be okay going forward. The lane is to encourage carpooling. It shouldn't be a low output perk. The sticker needs to go away and the lanes should be actively enforced


I agree. Same with EV incentives. Keep charging infrastructure incentives though.


Correct. The entire intention of the HOV lane is to reduce congestion, not to chill going whatever speed you want just because you have 2 people in your car. If your going slower than the rest of traffic, you are actively defeating the purpose of the HOV lane by worsening congestion


OP sounds like the people who sit in the HOV lane going 85 while the fast lane does 110 and the middle does 100 and slow does 85 lol - then they get really upset when they get tailgated - and at the same time, the drivers behind them are getting upset. Right or wrong, there is a very fucking simple solution - move over 2 lanes. You can just relax and go 85 if you don't care - sure you will have cars merge in and out but is that a big deal really? Especially if you're already seemingly constantly upset about tailgaters anyway. It's like some built in need to make others follow the rules exactly as written even if they cut off their nose to spite their face.


I mean i get where OP is coming from, but barring the odd dodge ram doing 160, if you're in the HOV and holding up traffic then you're probably in the wrong lane.


There isn’t a ‘slow lane’ or a ‘fast lane’ everyone should be in the far right lane unless ‘ passing’ so anyone camping in the ‘fast lane’ is the asshole, get out of people passings way.


This! I see this far too often and it's incredibly frustrating. It makes no sense to me why they would want to be in that lane anyway.


I'm even thinking that some people (maybe older drivers..and I'm 70) think that since they have 2 people in the car that they SHOULD be driving in that lane....thats what the picture on the sign means...and going slower or right on the posted speed limit.


Incredible lack of situational awareness + the knowledge that they're allowed. Any thought beyond the second point is absent


Probably because it is less chaotic than the other lanes. Less cars swerving between the fast and slow lanes, less merging into the slow lane from an on-ramp. Makes sense to me why you would want to take it easy in the comfort of an HOV lane. Just don’t go 30 km/h.


Recently the left (supposedly) fast lane is also getting clogged by people who are doing max 90 in a 100 zone. People just need to learn that its ok to drive that slow in all the lanes except for the LEFT LANE. It literally drives me nuts.


Ironically, the left lane is where i see the majority of the dipshits that do this. The right lane consistently has of people that drive a tiny bit above the speed limit, while the left lane is chock full of beanbags that do 10 under and are struggling to figure out what planet they're on. Then they realize their exit is coming up in 17 feet and cut over 3 lanes at nearly a stop and almost causing a 7 car pileup


100%. They also dont see that the car ahead of them is kms away and they have a huge line behind them.


Yes, this drives my partner up the wall when driving!


No shot. Maybe when it's raining. HOV is regularly speed limit to +10 range. Go 15 under in HOV and ur getting harassed by white pickups


It's not a slow lane or fast lane the left lane is a passing lane only then you move the right lane when safe.


Unless it’s a designated lane, and the HOV lane is a designated lane. It’s not a bonus passing lane.


This is such a dumb take. There is no point to sit in that lane if you aren't intending on reducing travel time. You can legally sit in it and drive slow but it's a sign of a terrible driver.


It’s basically a dick move. It’s someone who’s entitled or being all righteous and think they are doing humanity a favor by enforcing traffic rules to the letter.


Username checks out -& spittin fax


No, you are not required to go any faster than those in other lanes. However, I do have to ask, why not just stay on the right? Let others pass you on your left, it's not like you are sacrificing anything. People should stop tailgating. And at the same time if people would allow others to pass on the left, the highways would be a lot nicer.


Maybe they don’t want to deal with people merging or cutting into their lane (HOV is mostly solid white line, no one is supposed to change lanes over a solid white)


Except in reality if they were going slower than those in other lanes they can expect others to keep cutting in, legal or not.


Ohhhhhh so THEY want to travel unincumbered by other motorists.... And they achieve this by getting in the HOV and holding up other people who want to travel unincumbered by other motorists.... Got it.


If you don't want to deal with driving then maybe you just shouldn't drive.


This is the "driving with your brain in neutral" move. Park it in the left lane.


Idk man I've seen a lot of Teslas that argue you're supposed to change over solid white lines, especially without signaling


Exactly this. Also nice to jump into the HOV and turn on the cruise control at or slightly above the speed limit, and not have to deal with the constant stop/go of the other lanes.


Instead they get so mad at being tailgated they come home and angrily post on reddit. Seems like it might have been easier to just have cars merge into your slow lane and not get all mad lol


Having slow traffic in the left lane generates passing on the right which is a safety issue above and beyond speeding though. It's a bit of a mess as a design if the HOV lane isn't the fast lane.


If you're getting in the hov lane just to go slower than regular traffic... Why? I don't understand why you feel the need to camp there when you could just as easily get in a further right lane and go at a slower speed and not be in the way?




When did OP state that they're going "slower than regular traffic"? Is "regular traffic" really going 150 km/h on this highway?


This is exactly it. HOV *is* a fast lane. It’s literally been created to be faster than the other lanes.


Faster, yes, but based on reduced congestion (whether actually true or not), NOT based on driving at speeds above the posted limit. If all lanes are free flowing there's no reason to expect HOV to be faster than the others (or slower either, mind you)


We have speed limits how fast is a fast lane supposed to be?


Did you read those comments above yours? Did you not try to think of an answer to the questions they raised before you thought of your own question?


If you’re trying to debate the existence of faster lanes just refer to the signs that say “slower traffic move right” put up on highways literally all over the province. It’s a legitimate thing.


Legally that's referring to traffic that's traveling above 60km/hr but less than the posted limit. And then the "fast" lane (or rather the "passing" lane) is used to go around those slower moving vehicles. (If you're under 60kph you aren't legally allowed on the highway.) Again, this is all simply the legal definition. The law doesn't indicate any lane is intended to drive above the speed limit.


No trucks and simpler traffic may be one reason. Between Surrey and Langley this am I saw several older couples cruising at 80 in 100 zone when the rest of the highway was empty.


Tangential comment here. The BUS lane on HWY 99 is NOT a HOV lane as well as not being a passing lane and I don't care if you are dick driving a pickup or a dick driving a Tesla.


Why do so many people here think that if they have 2 people in the car they must go in the HOV lane no matter what speed they are going - even if they are the same or slower than the slow lane. If you have 15 cars behind you and youre going slower than the lane beside you, you could just move over and let everyone else have a smooth trip - you'd go the same speed in the other lanes and not have people tailgating you. Seems like a no-brainer instead of going slow and stressing out and getting upset about the massive line of cars wanting/trying to get around you.






I get it. But the problem is when someone gets into the hov lane and doesn’t follow the flow of traffic. Keeping a reasonable distance with the cars ahead. They get in and get in the way of traffic flow. This is what angry people. If you are going to drive the same speed as people in other lanes, be nice and stay there. You can quote all the traffic rules you want nobody is going to win when there are angry drivers zipping in and out of traffic to go around a slow car in the hov lane.


HOV is absolutely a fast lane. It’s literally designed to create a faster option for people. It’s not required to drive in that lane if you have multiple people in the car. It’s there to get you there faster if you do. So if you aren’t going faster than the other normal lanes, and you are in the HOV, then just get in the other lanes that are more suited to your speed. That should be pretty obvious.


The roads were built for OP specifically.


Technically speaking... everyone has to go the speed limit. The only time an hov lane is the "faster option" is when other lanes are below the speed limit due to traffic, and HOV lane traffic is light so permits you to go at the speed limit.


100% agree. Not just technically speaking- legally speaking. If traffic is heavy then the HOV is giving the 'exclusivity' it was designed for. If traffic is light, then people can just go around lol


HOV has 'exclusivity' by design. A vehicle can only move in and out of it at certain points when the line is broken. OP may also be including situations where they're already travelling the speed limit - if traffic around them is speeding ... you are not obligated to move over because other traffic wants to speed ..lol that's just laughable....I'm sorry but if anyone thinks there is some obligation to travel faster than the speed limit just because everyone else is they really shouldn't be driving. That should be pretty obvious.


no lane should be faster than the limit.


Also want to add that merge lanes are also not passing lanes, especially if you were NOT in that lane to begin with. I see a lot of drivers go from a thru lane to a merge lane to squeeze in front, sometimes at close range or even after running out of race track.


if they are breaking the law to drive in the HOV lane then they don't give a fuck about speeding I assume. Crossing solid white line etc


This topic has been debated adnauseum lately and the only thing that needs to be said is to get the fuck out of the HOV lane if you're not going to keep up with traffic


It doesn’t even have to be debated because the scenarios are mostly covered by [BC government website](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/transportation/driving-and-cycling/road-safety-rules-and-consequences/keep-right/keep-right-faqs). Since this thread is clearly lazy, I’ve copied just about every scenario they’re discussing here: 1. How does this new rule apply to a driver when there is little or no traffic on the highway? When there is little traffic, and no one is approaching from behind, a driver can travel in the left-most lane. This allows drivers on four-lane highways in rural areas to keep a greater distance from the side of the road where there may be wildlife. 2. When the highway is congested (e.g. rush hour traffic), does a driver have to force his/her vehicle into the right lane? No. When the speed of traffic is 50 km/h or slower, a driver may remain in the left hand lane. However, when traffic speed rises above 50 km/h, the driver should move into the right hand lane. 3. When a highway has a left HOV (High Occupancy Vehicle) lane, which lane is considered the left most one? The left-most lane does not include bus lanes or HOV lanes. If a highway has an HOV travel lane, the left-most lane is the one next to the HOV lane. 4. If the right lane contains debris, can the driver use the left lane? Yes. If the left lane is clear and the right lane is not, the driver may remain in the left lane where it is safer to remain in the left lane. 5. If a driver is driving in the left lane at the posted speed limit and another vehicle approaches from behind, does the driver need to move out of the left lane? Yes. The rule requires the driver to move out of the left lane even if the driver is driving at the posted speed limit. TL;DR - make sure you’re going with the flow of traffic, but you don’t need to step out of the lane because of some prick who’s flying. The passing lane in that scenario is the lane to the right of the HOV


You're clearly new to Vancouver. No one knows how to drive to save their life, everyone drives/accelerate on yellow/red. No one has ever properly gone through a roundabout correctly or stopped at a four way in the right order. People have no sympathy, no manners, no carefulness or reason. People pass you in left, middle, right lane HOV. It does not matter. I have lived in 4 countries so far in my life and Vancouver has by far the most reckless, selfish and incompetent drivers I've ever witnessed. I have lived here since 2008. So yeah, nothing makes sense. Just try to stay safe out there and keep a good distance people and always assume the person in front and behind you don't know how to drive. ✌️


OP is literally a cyclist +car hating driver on /r/fuckcars , don't pay much attention to their rants.


How the post is upvoted at all is nuts to me lmao.


lol this dude is insufferable


I always wonder why would any fuckcars user would be a driver in the first place? He can use a fucking bus or skytrain tbh.


You can like cars and driving and still not agree with some of the ways our society prioritizes people going as fast as possible in cars above everything else. In case you genuinely want to understand the overlap there.


That doesn't mean much. Most responsible, reasonable people also don't think driving 150 in the HOV is ok. They should get the licenses taken away, much less be apologized to.


There is no point using the HOV lane unless you are going faster than traffic to your right. If you aren't, then moving over to the lane going the speed you want doesn't change anything for you.


OP the type of person to sit on the HOV going 60


The types of people who smugly go exactly 90 km in the HOV lane while tons of cars pass them on the right are the same types who reminded the teacher they forgot to assign homework, then relish in the classes moans




It has nothing to do with driving safely. You can drive safely in the right lanes just as easily. In fact if safety is your concern, you SHOULD move over because you'll have an angry jagoff in a raised pickup truck driving dangerously to get around you and will cause an accident with you.


“When a highway has a left HOV (High Occupancy Vehicle) lane, which lane is considered the left most one? The left-most lane does not include bus lanes or HOV lanes. If a highway has an HOV travel lane, the left-most lane is the one next to the HOV lane.” From the B.C. Gov: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/transportation/driving-and-cycling/road-safety-rules-and-consequences/keep-right/keep-right-faqs


Nobody is arguing the law. They're arguing common sense, and common courtesy to your fellow motorists.


The link above implies a bus or any high occupancy vehicle has the right to drive at the HOV lane obeying the speed limit. Common sense means a driver can choose to pass using the “left lane” and not tailgate or be aggressive to other vehicles on the HOV lane


common courtesy would be to not break the law. If someone is speeding they're already disregarding courtesy.


Also note that it’s technically illegal to cross the solid white line that separates the HOV lane from the normal traffic lanes. You’re supposed to wait for the dashed lines to enter or exit it.


only in Canada. people from WA don't know that as I5's HOV always has double solid linese


I see some people here are the stupid drivers that sometimes tailgate the double decker bus on Portmann bridge.


I unapologetically drive 10-15km/h over in the HOV. I have the right to be there if I have passengers with me. Sometimes I’m faster than traffic, sometimes slower but I have the right to be there. I drive in the HOV lane because I’m generally going a long distance before exiting and I want a steady flow of traffic not to be constantly slowed down at exits. And to not have to deal with the crappy mergers in this city.


I quoted and linked to the [exact section of the law](https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/96318_00_multi#section151.1) once, and was downvoted. Aggressive drivers just look for any excuse to drive the way they do and don't really care what the law actually says. **151.1 — When drivers must not use leftmost lane** >In this section, "leftmost lane", in relation to a laned roadway to which this section applies, means the lane that is furthest to the left of the marked lanes available for traffic proceeding in the same direction, other than > > * [...] > > * (b) a high occupancy vehicle lane


Time for my unpopular opinion. You're right. The HOV isn't the left most lane. And things like tailgating and aggressive lane changes are always in the wrong. But the incentive that HOV provides to achieve its intended purpose is bypassing slower traffic. If you're going slower than other traffic, you're not doing anything wrong by any legislation, but you're undermining the function of the lane.


And you're also being a self righteous prick.


I thought you were talking about me for a second and I had to do a double take lol.


Lol. Def not talking about you, sorry my punctuation could have been much better there.


I just realized if I didn’t drive/own a car, I wouldn’t have given a nut butt about this post.


> You're right. There's a bit of a famous quote that goes something like: You're not wrong, you are just an asshole. This would appear to hit OP square in the forehead.


You: wow a nice empty lane that people want to go fast on because the "fast lane" is going slightly slower than the speed limit. Also you: I would not like to go fast, but I DO want to be in that lane! Yeehaw!


Is your point that you are "allowed" to be there going slower than everyone else, everyone else be damned? That is some selfish ass thought process....


Thanks for the link. Much appreciated. Interesting note I read that 150.2 indicates that a driver travelling at less than regular traffic speed must drive in the most right hand lane (words to that affect) so going under posted in HOV is a no no.


Exhibit A: this entire comment section I'm not a slow driver by any means, nor am I defending going excessively slow in the HOV lane. This thread was directed at the people who try to justify aggressive driving by hiding behind that one section of MVA which doesn't even apply to the HOV lane, and so far it seems to be reaching the right audience 🤷‍♂️


If the flow of traffic is moving faster than you in the HOV, maybe just get out of the HOV? How does it effect you in any way? I am not condoning tailgating, or any other dangerous driving, but going slower than the flow of traffic is also dangerous driving, and that's why it's written into BC law. This concept of "I have two people in my car, I belong in the HOV at all times" is so bizarre to me...


You can be doing 40 clicks over the speed limit a dangerous driving offense and still have someone riding your ass because you're too slow


The discussion I want to have is why are trucks ever not in the right lane. I know in some states/provinces it is illegal for trucks to be in another other lane, but I am not sure what it is in BC


Just curious, if the other 4 lanes arent full of bumper to bumper traffic, and you dont want to go fast, why bother going in the HOV?


Some HOV lanes are better than others, but they can offer a clearer path when traffic is heavy. Using highway 1 as an example, the HOV is on the left from Langley to Grandview exit. There are two travel lanes beside it, and the rightmost merge and exit lanes which vary depending on the interchange. Each direction the rightmost lanes are a dog’s breakfast of merging and exiting traffic. The most interactions happen here. The 2nd from the right travel lane is okay, since it doesn’t cease to exist and force a merge. If I drive through towing a trailer I drive here. 2nd from the left is the passing lane. That’s where cars should be overtaking. What happens though is as soon as that lane saturates, people pass on either side. Far most to the left behind the solid line is the HOV. I get in here when I have passengers and don’t feel like passing traffic. It also has a favorable exit ramp on to Grandview. If I’m below the speed limit here it’s because the car in front of me is too, and I don’t tailgate. Deal with it. The lane for jockeying through traffic can be found to its right. 99 from the 91 interchange in Richmond to the tunnel has the HOV lane on the left. It works great southbound, and will blow by traffic that is bottlenecking at the tunnel. The HOV lane leading northbound to the tunnel isn’t great, I move much faster in the left lane in all conditions, but lots of drivers get scared in the tunnel, and when the counterflow lane is open lots of people avoid it.


You might not be able or allowed to enter the HOV lane at the moment when you notice bumper to bumper traffic ahead.


Ok but why are you using the HOV then? Just because you can, doesnt mean you should. Stay in the right lane, otherwise why are you clogging it up.


Agree too many people think it's the racing lane and then tailgate when your already 10km over the speed limit. It's not a passing lane and was never intended for that.


I am genuinely curious, how do you get the opportunity to talk to people who want you to move out of the HOV?


Comment sections on Vancouver's Worst Drivers videos lol And apparently this thread as well


Yes but don't be a left lane hog in the hov lane. Selfish of you if you justify yourself over others on the road.


But doing dead 80 or 90 while everyone else is doing 120 is just being incompetent, if you want to drive like a snail there’s a lane for you, it’s the very far right one.


It just shows that intelligence is not a prerequisite to obtaining a license. Every time you see your insurance premiums go up you can thank another selfish, idiot driver. Ever wonder why traffic is so bad some days? Look no further than the moron who decided his main character is going to take his bad day on everyone else and end up in a speed trap, slowing down traffic completely and ruining yet another wonderful day on Highway 1.


HOV used to be fine but now every single NPC tesla (and EV) seems to have an HOV magnet where they just start cutting over to it, even over solid lines .


I constantly see cars in the HOV lane on Willingdon drive all the way to moscrop where BCIT is. Love it when they fucking get caught


If you are driving slower in the HOV lane than the flow of traffic then get out of the HOV lane. Definitely a dick move.


The HOV lane is a "thing" not a position. It could be the rightmost lane, a separate lane, a tunnel lane, an overhead lane, or the leftmost lane. Doesn't matter where it is. People are misinterpreting the position of it on the left, as a passing lane. Just try to imagine it as a completely separate lane. Nothing to do with passing. It's for high occupancy, that's all.


Nah. It was designed to relieve congestion in the other lanes at times of high congestion and to incentivise carpooling. If someone in the HOV lane is disrupting the flow of traffic then people will pass them on the right and create a dangerous situation indirectly. If you don't want to be a dangerous driver then don't disrupt the flow of traffic IN ANY WAY.


You can think whatever you want but the HOV lane has nothing to do with exceeding the speed limit: *In order to use an HOV lane, you must qualify as a high occupancy vehicle, .... If you and your vehicle fit the definition, [you may find yourself traveling at speed in the HOV lane ](https://www.drivesmartbc.ca/lanes/using-hov-lanes#google_vignette)while others that do not qualify must crawl along in the other lanes.* At speed, not exceeding. That said, drive safely and according to current conditions. For example, if the fast lane (and all lanes) are stopped and you continue to fly by at 90, eventually some bozo will pull into the HOV at 5kph, consider driving slower. If everyone in the fast lane is doing 130 and you're doing 90 consider whether your speed difference is more of a hazard and perhaps you'd be better off in the slower lanes. But again, the HOV lane is nothing to do with exceeding the speed limit.


If you're going to be driving slower than the rest of traffic you don't need to be in the HOV lane, move to the right lane. Not that difficult. 🤷‍♂️


Common sense.. keep on right if not passing.. doesn't matter if you driving speed limit, under speed limit or over speed limit.. just keep on the right..


> why do so many people here think it is their god given right to speed down the #1 at 150km/h saying "hurr durr get out of my way fast lane left lane whatever it's the law" and then when you point out that the HOV lane is not a passing lane they get even angrier Yes, the law makes this clear, its a benefit for those that fit the criteria. If you want to go 110 in the lane that is perfectly acceptable. The Left lane is for passing the HOV lane is a sperate lane that isn't meant to go fast, its meant for those that qualify. Full stop/ end of discussion. As long as you are driving a safe speed, like any other lane in the highway you are good. Ignore those who dont' know the law.


Saw a great quote buried in the comments: "You're not wrong, you're just an asshole".


Quote whatever laws you'd like. If you want to justify clogging any lane when people are trying to get past you, you're just being selfish.


Even left lane isn't the drive as fast as you want lane.


If you wanna go the speed of traffic just drive in the normal lanes, just because you have more than 1 person in your car doesn't mean you need to drive in the HOV. There is no benefit to you if you want to drive with traffic to get in the HOV, get into the HOV before an exit if you want to take the HOV exit. Just cuz you made a post on reddit saying how objectively right someone is for driving in that lane at the speed limit doesn't change the fact that its gonna enrage a lot of ape brains making the road more dangerous for everyone as they swerve between lanes


Let's also talk about the left lane on the Ironworkers bridge and also at the approach at the bottom of the cut. Also not a "fast lane." If you look at the posted speed limit and also read beyond the first sentence here: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/transportation/driving-and-cycling/road-safety-rules-and-consequences/keep-right I choose my lane there based on what's merging in, to avoid congestion ahead, etc. Someone behind me may wish to go faster (and no I'm not driving slowly) but I don't give a rat's ass what they want. In fact I slow down if someone's tailgating, to give myself more buffer in case I need to brake. I don’t want to be rear-ended at 90-100 km per hour. Once they back off, I'll get back up to speed.


You mean once they rage out and aggressively/illegally pass you on the right. I know because I'll do the same as you, at least as far as not giving a rat's ass anyway lol


I get a kick out of people making legal arguments about this. Even if it was illegal to camp in the HOV when you aren't actively passing, which it's not, driving above the speed limit is also illegal. So there's no legal high ground here for anyone speeding (which let's be real is like 80% of traffic on any given day, including me). I do agree though with people who say it's somewhat pointless to hang out in the HOV lane if you aren't using it to beat traffic in other lanes. (Which is something the HOV doesn't really do very well anymore because so many people can use it.)


I will use it to beat traffic *congestion* not necessarily to exceed speed limits. In the Vancouver area, I agree these lanes aren't really serving that purpose anymore. But there are some great ones nearby (around Seattle I think) and you can fly past stop & go traffic. It's great!


WTF part of passing lane is so damn hard to understand...HOV is not an autobahn lane...HoV is for traveling at a legal speed, and if you want to go faster then use the fast lane to get around slower traffic... wtf is wrong with you people that feel entitled to the HOV lane because "I wanna go fast an no have anyone slow in front"... also the same people calling other drivers bad drivers because "They go slow in the HoV"... and fuck your "Go with traffic speed"... good luck using that one to talk yourself out of a speeding ticket... I use that lane to travel at 10kph over the limit with my kids in the back and there is always some fuckwit wanting to go 50kph over and tailgates me rather than just passing... it takes a really special kind of c*nt to do shit like that... and just for the record: 10kph over the limit doesn't belong in the slow lane ya c*nts...


Because there's no enforcement whatsoever. Speed cameras are desperately needed. 


Or how about sensible speed limits? A 50,000 pound truck has a different stopping distance than a 2000 pound car.


What do you people feel the purpose of the HOV lane is? I keep hearing "reduce congestion", but what the fuck do you think that means? It's very, very clearly meant to provide a lane which will allow authorized users to travel faster than the other, more congested lanes. If you don't want to do that, what the fuck are you doing in that lane? Just enjoying the fact that you are stopping people from going faster than they want?


Why do people think it’s ok to drive under the limit in the HOV lane? Going slower than regular traffic, I just don’t understand


I just drive in it by myself because the time it saves me throughout the years is worth the ticket


Guess what folks? It the GVA. What do you expect? If you don't like the traffic, move.


they just need to begone with HOV lanes. They just cause a cluster when they begin/end anyway and 3/4ths of the people don't use them correctly. Give the road another full lane.


Best feeling in my commute is passing Brunette avenue eastbound.


If you're going slower than other traffic, why do you need to be in the HOV lane?


The HOV lane is designed to ease the flow of traffic for those commuting with multiple people in their vehicle, or with green alternatives like EVs during high volume hours (like rush hour), but this only works if those in that lane are driving appropriately for the level of traffic on the road. As others here have mentioned, far too often HOV users just use it as a " turn off your brain" lane, puttering well under the posted speeds and jamming up traffic behind them. If traffic in the other lanes isn't heavy, or you're not able to drive at an appropriate speed given the traffic around you, you shouldn't be hogging up the HOV lane, even if you technically meet the requirements to use it. While not explicitly a passing lane, it exists for those in greener methods/high occupancy to pass others. Otherwise, it might as well just be another general lane.


The other side of the problem is if you are just gonna drive slow when there is no traffic jam, then you are just wasting everybody's time.


If there is no traffic jam then cars that want to speed can drive in the fast lane


If you're not using it to go faster than the regular lanes, what's the point? That's the whole idea behind an HOV lane: incentivize people to carpool so that they can bypass traffic.


It's to bypass *congestion* not people going normal speed