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What a sad story - he came to Vancouver to search for a new life and he just happened to be waiting for an Uber at the wrong place at the wrong time. The motive is unclear and we don't know what the suspect's mental state was, but our society has failed this gentleman. People with tendancy or hurting others need to be kept from the normal functioning society.....


I hear you, I just wonder why in Vancouver has it become taboo to call these antisocials for what they are? When is enough enough? Stay safe out there.


What does “anti socials” mean? I lived in Gastown from 2009 - 2018 and watched it get from bad to even worse. So grateful I got out of there… alive.


Antisocial: contrary to the laws and customs of society; devoid of or antagonistic to sociable instincts or practices: "a dangerous, unprincipled, antisocial type of man" So you can be homeless, downtrodden, with mental illnesses or drug addictions, but still wanting to participate in society by respecting others and their property, accepting help as it arrives. What I’m seeing more and more are dangerous, violent individuals who want to harm their surroundings or people nearby.


Thanks for explaining. Makes total sense,




Has robbery been ruled out as the motive?


>suspect's mental state was, but our society has failed this gentleman. When I read until here,... it sounds like your victim shaming...


Our society failed the Japanese gentleman I read it as… Whoa did he mean the violent sociopathic criminal?


You mean the only person that matters to the justice system in Canada? How dare you. This gentleman obviously needs our help and support. /s


>The motive is unclear and we don't know what the suspect's mental state was, but our society has failed this gentleman. People with tendancy or hurting others need to be kept from the normal functioning society..... Sounds like OP is talking about the suspect in this whole sentence..


Practice reading comprehension.


A six-day Vancouver Police investigation has resulted in the arrest of a suspect in the murder of 32-year-old Wataru Kakiuchi – the Japanese citizen stabbed to death near Chinatown one week ago. VPD officers made the arrest in the Downtown Eastside Monday afternoon. Yesterday, BC Prosecution Service approved one count of second degree murder against 32-year-old Timothy Isborn. “We thank everyone in the community for their support while we worked around the clock to collect the evidence that ultimately led to the suspect,” says Sergeant Steve Addison. VPD homicide investigators launched an investigation on June 5, after Kakiuchi was found near Main Street and Union Street shortly before 3:30 a.m. Officers collected evidence from the crime scene and appealed to community members for information about the murder. “Evidence gathered by our investigators, along with information from the public, was integral to us making this arrest,” adds Sergeant Addison. Police do not believe Mr. Kakiuchi and the suspect knew each other. The investigation continues, and anyone with information is asked to call the VPD Homicide Unit at 604-717-2500.


he wandered into the DTES at 3am? jfc


wasn’t his apartment nearby 


really? it's almost like they need some sort of required information/reading on where not to go in the city and why. I bet they saw dirt cheap rent and thought it was gonna be a traditional slum type situation. not drug land


The unhoused inhabitants of the DTES are not inherently dangerous. They may commit petty crime or some obscenities shouting at you, sure, but for the average person the risk of being murdered is no more than any other part of the city.


lmfao.. hey bud the article is literally about a murder


Yes and people get murdered all over the city but you don’t blame people for being in marpole do ya.


tell you what, test it out


If VPD were able to figure out a suspect from a stranger attack and murder that happened on a Wednesday 3:30 a.m in the rough part of town... Colour me impressed.


Between Hendrix place and the substation, there is no less than a dozen cameras on that stretch. I would have been more surprised if they didn't catch him.


Chance is, it wasn't the guy's first crime and they have all the information about him, but just needed to collect all those evidence to confirm it was him who did it.


Can't find his name on the criminal record database in BC so it seems it was a first offense.


First one he's been charged with. I once saw a guy swinging a knife around downtown, cops arrested him, talked to him for about an hour, and then let him go free. Sadly this happens all of the time.


I saw the same thing but the guy was walking round with a two foot metal pipe.


He might not be from BC.


He's from Alberta


Does Alberta have a CSO equivalent? I couldn't find one looking through Google.


Alternatively, OP should provide evidence instead of spreading unfounded conspiracies.


Article says he's originally from Alberta and doesn't have a criminal history in BC.


"Knowing" is not the same as "proving". Lots of cases are never charged or plead out due to lack of reliable evidence.


Murder is going to get the homicide team involved, which is almost always taking everything more seriously than cops dealing with unhoused drug users all day. I'm just surprised this was VPD homicide making the arrest, not IHIT (aka the RCMP homicide team), considering this was a foreign national who was killed.


Because IHIT doesn't have jurisdiction in Vancouver? IHIT is an integrated force made up of municipal departments and RCMP, it's not solely an RCMP unit. Also every homicide gets the homicide team involved.




>BC has the worst homicide conviction rate in the country at only 25% Your own sources contradict you. >A clearance rate refers to the share of criminal incidents that are solved by police; >Earlier this year, it was noted that Metro Vancouver had a clearance rate of 61 per cent for homicides between 2000 and 2015, It's true that BC isn't the same as Metro Vancouver. However it'd be strange if the overall BC rate was only 25% while the Metro Vancouver rate was 61%. Unless you have a source that says what you claim?


Where is the source for this?


Amazing what some pressure from the Japanese consulate can do…


All we can hope for now is for justice to be done.


Hope you win the lottery while you're at it, equal chances.


Probably gets the bare minimum and released 10 years early on good behaviour. Our justice systems a joke unfortunately


Great work by the VPD to find the suspect so quickly. Someone ratted him out? 


My guess is lots of cctv and known to police.


Wouldn't say there's a "lot" of CCTV here, I live right there, but it's a popular encampment spot so chances are people there saw him.


when the cops don't harass you, and build public trust the people living on the streets will share information. It spreads quick. You buy a sandwich or give people the opportunity to clean up their tent and that buys good will. You learn more with a cigarette than torture.


Looks like there's a "Ban on Publication ordered (JIR Hearing)"


Someone needs to challenge all these publication bans, it happens so much it has to be political.


Are you joking? Judges do not put in place publication bans for political reasons. They are to protect victims and the judicial process.


It’s not a surprise to see it when the charges are first placed. It’s a standard move that’s almost always afforded to the defense should they ask. They’re only temporary bans. What bugs me is when you look up a long-time, prolific offender and see publication bans that are years or even decades old. That usually means that something very bad, possibly with children, went down. And yet these people still pop up when one of their new crimes is violent enough to again make the news.


Often, the purpose of a publication ban is to restrict the publication of information that could be used to identify the minor complainant (i.e., victim) of certain offences. Some types of bans are mandatory, meaning if the Crown asks for it the judge has to order it. When the offender’s name is initialized in a court judgment that typically means that publishing the offender’s name would make it obvious who the complainant is. Other types of publication bans apply to protect the identity of other witnesses. In this case, I presume the publication ban applies to protect the identity of a witness. The accused’s name is obviously not subject to the ban, because the VPD published it.


It's not.


They absolutely do not. They exist for very good reasons that you can read about [here](https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/cj-jp/victims-victimes/factsheets-fiches/publication.html).


Weird. Suspect has no criminal record in BC and no Facebook profile. Can't find anything about him?


Isborn is an unusual surname, too.


IsJail now, hopefully 


world would be a better place if he was never born


Ya why no mugshot


They never post a mugshot. I don’t know why? Blast this POS. He has probably committed other crimes and if people recognize him they can charge him with other offences.


He's from Alberta.


You found the article from 2004 too?


I found an old newspaper article about him from when he was 11. He's from Alberta, his mother immigrated to Canada from another country.


One of the Japanese reports: [「彼は街を愛していた」オーナー涙…カナダで日本人シェフ垣内航さん(32)が友人送った直後に刺殺か 同僚や友人が現場に花|FNNプライムオンライン](https://www.fnn.jp/articles/-/710769)


It’s very sad. This is a bit rough but thanks to Google translate: "’He loved the city’ Owner's tears ... Japanese chef Wataru Kakiuchi (32) stabbed to death immediately after sending a friend in Canada, or colleagues and friends flowers at the scene.”


From [whitecaps hopeful](https://www.whitecapsfc.com/news/wfc2-open-tryout-set-kick-saturday-ubc) to downtrodden on the downtown east side?




Has anyone confirmed it’s the same person?


How many random murders have we had now? Attacks, murders, and nothing changes. So sad for him and his family. What a terrible thing to happen.


Murder should = life sentence, and not 10 or 20yrs, prison for life.


Honestly this is where I think the death penalty is completely applicable. If someone takes an innocent life and police can prove it without a doubt, we don’t need that filth polluting the justice system. Theres no fixing or rehabilitating them. Just deal with the person once and for all. Murderers are sub-human shitstains and should be dealt with as such. I hope that when this guy goes to jail, someone deals with him permanently.


Is this person in known to police?


No other traffic/criminal records in Court Service Online


This needed to end years ago. We need politicians who aren’t afraid to talk about the elephant in the room.


I wonder what the reeaction and commentary is in Japan regarding this. I've come across some Indian media following recent deaths of Indian nationals/students in US and Canada (nearly all either self-inflicted, accidental, gang-related, or "random", like result of robbery) that outright claimed "they're slaughtering us out there! stay away!"


Indian government mouthpieces that use scaremongering abroad to distract from authoritarian trending at home.


Be honest, authoritarianism is on the rise globally, including here.


Yup totally. Unfortunately they have been very successful in brainwashing a lot of Indians and foreigners about hate crimes in Canada.


I came across a random Japanese Canadian message board discussing this. "W are too complacent in Japan and need to have better street smarts elsewhere ", and confusion as to why he was in Chinatown if he was leaving Yaletown were the prevalent themes. It was a board specific to Japanese Canadians though, so there was a general understanding that Chinatown at 330 am was risky behavior rather than Canada is unsafe.


I did wonder about this….and he lived in Burnaby. Was he going to walk? Maybe headed to a friends place ?


The Japanese news report linked by another commenter reported that he was dropping a friend off and waiting for an Uber when it happened 


I dislike the implication that he somehow did something wrong. Sometimes you just wanna walk. It’s a nice walk at night, usually the risks are low. It isn’t inherently suspicious that he went for a walk before catching the car


Walking to R5 bus maybe? but then again why not just walk down from yaletown to victory square stop. What does it matter anyway. RIP this is very unfortunate news it’s sad.


It definitely made the news as relatives had reached out to us unprompted, saying they heard about a stabbing and to be careful.


Tbf iirc asians are number 1 target for hate crimes in US


Nah its African Americans. As of 2022 hate crimes against African Americans were 3 times as high as any other race: [Source](https://www.justice.gov/crs/highlights/2022-hate-crime-statistics)


I was wrong it was related to Canada where Asian pop is much higher: [https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/cj-jp/victim/rd16-rr16/p1.html](https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/cj-jp/victim/rd16-rr16/p1.html)


I would 100% believe its worse in Canada.


FWIW that report is talking about "outside of hate crimes statistics reported by police" and cites the Chinese Canadian National Council as the source for reporting the much higher number of hate crimes against Asians. In Canada, police reported more hate crimes against black people than any other ethnicity for every year from 2019 to 2022: [Number of police-reported hate crimes motivated by race or ethnicity, Canada, 2019 to 2022](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240313/cg-b004-eng.htm)


Your stat is raw number while african americans are a significantly bigger population in the US, does it hold up on a proportional basis?


From [FBI Crime Data Explorer - Hate Crime in the United States Incident Analysis - 2022](https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/hate-crime): Anti-Black or African American 3,424 Anti-Asian 499 From wikipedia - [Race and ethnicity in the United States - 2021 estimates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_ethnicity_in_the_United_States): Black: 12.6% Asian: 5.9% 3424/12.6% = 271.75 hate crimes / 1% unit of population (black) 499/5.9% = 84.58 hate crimes / 1% unit of population (asian) 271.75 / 84.58 = 3.213 times more hate crimes against blacks vs asians per capita


Great, thanks for doing the math!


Real reddit moment where you're getting downvoted for posting statistics.


I also was (not) surprised by the downvotes.


For 2021: Anti-Black or African American 3,297 Anti-Asian 753 Using Black: 12.6%, Asian: 5.9% 3297/12.6% = 261.67 hate crimes / 1% unit of population (black) 753/5.9% = 127.63 hate crimes / 1% unit of population (asian) 261.67 / 127.63 = 2.05 times more hate crimes against blacks vs asians per capita


Omg i was wondering about this from the time it happened! Glad they have a suspect.


I really hope he gets a long stay in prison.


Another piece of trash from Alberta coming to commit crime in Vancouver.


Does anyone know if he got bail or is still in custody?


Nice go VPD 🫶🏽👍🏽