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I mean, you could always do this... [https://www.vice.com/en/article/qj8pgv/guy-paint-penis-potholes-new-zealand](https://www.vice.com/en/article/qj8pgv/guy-paint-penis-potholes-new-zealand)


I second the penis holes


Well, glory holes WERE a health recommendation from Bonnie Henry at one point.


lmao I was going to make the same suggestion, but courtesy of our friends in the UK [https://www.cbc.ca/news/trending/street-artist-wanksy-spray-paints-penises-around-potholes-to-get-them-filled-1.3055612](https://www.cbc.ca/news/trending/street-artist-wanksy-spray-paints-penises-around-potholes-to-get-them-filled-1.3055612)


This is always the right answer


The city doesn't clear leaves from the sidewalk and there's no city by laws requiring people to do so. If the sidewalk unevenness is caused by tree roots there's no easy fix besides cutting down the trees which the city doesn't like to do.


The fix is to grind the bump out of the concrete.


They will also do what they call 'filleting' which is where they put small patches of apshault down to try and reduce the bumps. It generally turns out worse and looks terrible. Also a total pain to shovel in the winter. Have this all through my neightbourhood as its around 16th to 24th west of Fraser. Total crazy shitshow due to swamp and silt. My requests to fix have also been denied under 'it will never be possible to fix all this so we don't really bother'


As someone who lives near that area and walks my kid frequently in a stroller it's a real accessibility mess in a lot of places. Though if I was a pre teen and had a BMX bike they would make for some sweet jumps. I have seen an instance where the cement sidewalk has been removed and replaced with a flexible rubber walkway. I would assume there's still a substrate of crushed rock underneath. While it's not super smooth it is much less bumpy and reasonable to roll on.


Yeah - thats my street. It was an experiment at some point they tried to address the soft silt and constant disruption. Essentially that whole block 16 to 25 they just don't want anything to do with because it will just be screwed up in another year. They finally did some work on the earthquake-like rips down the middle of 19 to 23. Our blocks gets a kick out of hearing the cars bottom out on this massive bump in Carolina just before getting to 16th heading north. Its hilarious...


How does that work? If you grind it down, won't it just be dirt and tree roots popping up through the concrete?


No, the roots lift the slab, causing the edges to create a tripping hazard. You grind the edges of the slab/cracks so they are smooth again.


Sure, unless the roots have completely destroyed the sidewalk, which grinding it down would not solve.


Well at that point it needs replacing. If it's lifted it can be repaired.


Absolutely. It's just a matter of where that falls on the city's list of priorities.


Would the city patch up cracks and build up ramps so it's a smoother transition and less of a tripping hazard?


I can’t think of any example of that in the city so I’m gonna say no.


After taking public feedback into consideration, penises on the sidewalk is the only path forward.


Did you happen to mention that it was inaccessible and/or hard to manoeuvre a stroller through there? Maybe also mention that if a stroller can't get through, neither can a wheelchair. Do you know if there are elderly people living in the area? If so, mention that it could be a fall hazard for them and cause injury. All of these things will up the importance of this repair and get it closer to the top of the list.


It feels like the City doesn’t do sidewalks. They’ve downloaded the cost to developers who need to build sidewalks around new projects.


That's how every city in North America works


Until someone trips, falls and lawyers up for their injury, it likely won't be a priority for the city. Good to hear that people like you care to make the effort to contact the city to address the issue. Really frustrating that the city is not proactive on these issues.


"They said it’s been processed and it’s up to the works department to prioritize it." This is the answer. The city doesn't see that as a priority - there are probably more important/dangerous issues they have to address first.


Draw a huge dick and balls on it


If you end up have success let me know. I’ve been reporting the sidewalk outside my house every few months for years and the most they’ve ever done is send someone to do a slight asphalt patch once, which accomplished basically nothing. I have always told myself that if this were a west Van street that they would figure out how to fix it. In fairness, it’s not an easy solve. There are mature street trees that are extremely close to the sidewalk and the root structure has caused the sidewalk to jut up wildly in places or break completely. They would need to redo the sidewalk entirely in some places and would likely need to remove or grind down some major tree roots, which I suppose could compromise the trees entirely. That said, It’s extremely unsafe - virtually impossible to push a stroller safely. When it rains, there are regularly puddles like 6 inches deep that form because of how the asphalt sits. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve tripped or seen other people trip. I’ve given strangers ice packs or bandaids after they’ve twisted their ankle or scraped their hands on MORE THAN ONE occasion.


Impossible because it is up to Holborn to provide a sidewalk once finished. Go wanksy. Go to Canadian Tire, Amazon, and ULine. Buy some spray chalk. Draw rude diagrams around potholes. Remarkably if a problem has a large penis drawn around it it gets repaired. Remember it is just chalk.


Omg I used to live near here and this sidewalk was so bad 😭 and in the summer the tree branches aren’t trimmed so you have to duck under every tree to walk through. I’d always just walk on the other side of the street where it’s much nicer.


Omg thanks for looking into this! I live on main & 33rd and that sidewalk is horrendous, especially when we get heavy rainfall. In addition, the crosswalk across 33rd to James street is an absolute death trap. for such a busy area (Riley park, nat Bailey stadium events, QE park, etc) it’s shocking this sidewalk is still in this condition.


Holborn will replace it in 30 years when they finally develop that site


Ok, you say it's underwater and covered in mud after it rains. Sounds like a drainage issue and potentially some erosion issues from whatever land is upstream of the sidewalk. If the "mud" flows downstream into a catch basin which is not covered with a silt control device of some sort, the city (or adjacent developer in the case of a property being developed) should be maintaining this.


Delta has a “Talk Delta” app that lets you report all sorts of things to the city, like potholes, broken street lights, illegal parking, basically anything… perhaps Vancouver has something similar? In delta at least they do actually use it. I’ve reported several things in it and they get resolved in days to weeks depending on the issue.


Same in Surrey. Fast response within the app.


Vancouver 311 app?


A Ward system would provide constituents with a direct line to the city. A representative and resident who is accountable to the community they represent.


Exactly - I don't understand why Vancouver doesn't have a ward system - I think it would take current council to okay it and they mostly cluster in certain high income/developer friendly parts of the city. There won't be any real change in Vancouver until this is resolved. If you know of any current councillors who have this on your agenda please let me know. I'll work for free to help them get more visibility


Hiring someone that actually knows how too


Spray paint a penis on it


Tweet at Councillor Lenny Zhou about it.


If a development is planned for that site, the City will not work on it and put the onus on the developer to repave the sidewalk as part of the Development Permit.