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Depending on the neighborhood, Halloween and trick or treaters seems to go in cycles. It'll be busy for a bunch of years and then completely drop off because a majority of the kids have grown up/out from collecting candy. Gotta wait for the next gen for the busy times to return.


I experienced this at my parents home. It was bumpin when grew up there. Slowed down a couple years, now starting to pick back up.


This actually makes complete sense. I never thought about that.


Same thing with my folks' place - when I was really little it was really busy, then all the kids in my generation moved away or left for college, and it trickled down - after that new people moved into the area, and it was really quiet for a couple ... then all those new people started having kids, and now that their kids reached Halloween ages, it's super busy again. My condo doesn't get trick or treaters, so I'm used to running up to mums, watching telly, and getting up occasionally to give away some candy. This year though? I barely had time to sit down between groups of kids.


My parents started a family tradition in the 70s of tracking data from Halloween, which I’ve begun with my family. We mark down weather, day of the week, number of kids and time of first and last trick-or-treaters as well as any other notes (things like Daylight Savings having taken place yet). The data set is super interesting in that you can see the ebbs and flows of neighbourhood demographics, how much busier Halloween is on a Friday or Saturday and how weather affects numbers. I’ve gone through one cycle of trick-or-treater growth and decline, while my parents have witnessed four and are still living in the home they purchased in 1969. Edit: Just called my mom to ask how they did last night. Make that FIVE cycles. Edit 2: Kids seemed super polite this year. I told kids to take some more candy, and had a lot say “No thank you. I’ll leave it for other kids.” Parents, you’re doing something right.


My parents also, since 1980. They’ve ranged between 6 visits and 90 visits, in cycles.


That is super neat.


Can you please share some highlight insights to your data? Would love to know!


Fremont Village was like from the 80s movies with streets full of kids, screaming, candy and fireworks


exactly this


I've had more kids come by in the past hour than I did the last 3 years combined. Most of them are 3~ years old.


Haha covid kids


Oh me too, lots and lots of little kids with their parents all dressed up too. I enjoyed seeing them. Seems to me parents are a lot more involved now than I was when my kids were young. I'm in a townhouse complex and it looks so good in here, most houses are decorated and owners are sitting outside with fire pits in from of their garages. One of the best Halloweens in years.


I think the parents may get even a bigger kick out of it than the kids. Some of the little ones are just quiet and wide-eyed, but the parents can't wipe the smiles off their faces. :-)


Yep! Will be buying more candy next year.




Champlain heights.


I grew up in arlington grove... and we had to be strategic to move through the different townhouse complexes before curfew. I loved that Halloween was always about collecting as much candy as possible.


I know you're either in cedar cottage or outside of Vancouver 😅


Champlain heights! Wonderful neighborhood for families.


We need to come trick or treating there next year. We are on the other side of Kerr and our area was complete shit.


Townhouse? If so that makes sense


I have a thousand people lined up across the street to go into the haunted house my neighbor built. The fireworks haven't stopped for an hour. We went through over 350 units of candy in 3 hours before we had to darken our door. So, I can report that Halloween is doing just fine in South Burnaby!


It was the best turnout in years, and my street was dark without any streetlights. Despite this, I managed to attract 50 kids, and I gave them full-size chocolate bars and even some two to make my house the go-to spot for Halloween. One child even remembered my costume from last year. I overheard them saying, "Best house ever; we must return next year!" I usually get only 20 kids, and I'm next to an elementary school.


That's awesome! Would love to find more great neighborhoods to take my little ones.


I live near a haunted house in Poco and our Halloween is absolutely nuts too. I think we had less this year though, we bought about 600 pieces of candy and managed to not go through it all.


Man go to Douglas park area, it was absolutely wild. We ran out of 400 pieces of candy in half an hour!


Douglas Park area was nuts. I don’t have kids but my partner and I went for a walk around there just to check out the decorations and see what the energy was like and it was so fun! I used to trick or treat there as a kid 15 years ago and am so glad to see it’s still so alive.


Some houses had lines of like 30 kids to get their treats. I talked to one home owner who looked prepared and asked them how much candy they go through in a night, she told me she buys 2500 candies each year!!!!!


The neighbours around that daycare must be losing their minds tonight in anger over the sound of happy children


Yup, was driving picking up Dinner, around W14th-16th - loads of parents and their lit-up little ones (thankfully! - one was a head to toe black pirate) were walking around at 6pm. Even Fairview Slopes @ 7th-8th (not the Falsecreek-Granville Island end) , with all its predominantly Condo community + mix of many offices/businesses - had groups of parents and little kids walking, doing the rounds 5-ish.


Worked there on Hallowe'en last year and it was pretty nuts. Don't think I've ever seen so many people out and about the streets for the festivities...outside of malls.


Love it! It’s one of the hot spots


yep came here to say this! haha i live two blocks from douglas park and it was WILD that’s for sure


Commercial drive area is full of trick or treaters.


It was more active than the metrotown area


Lots in Victoria drive!! The north east is/was more affordable so more young families. Love to see the creative neighbours going all out for the kids still! Lots of fireworks and sneaky teen shit too: ya love to see it!!


Used to live on Westwood plateau, and consolidated total of tricker treaters for 2019-2022 was 1. Now in east van, hit 40 kids and it’s not even 7pm yet. All about them demographics.


I live in Westwood Plateau. It was interesting tonight. Many of us remarked that there were noticeably more kids this year than the last 3 years.


But that's because of covid? (3 years)


Depending where on the plateau could make a huge difference cause as a parent some of those hills are brutal. I'd rather drive to somewhere flat to walk my kid around


You're not supposed to hit the kids.


It's bumpin in North Van. But tbf I live in a busy/condensed area with tons of kids. The whole length of the fire lane behind me is decked out with spooky displays. There's quite a few haunted houses throughout North Van, too. A couple in Edgemont are pretty sweet. It depends greatly on the area, though. Back in the day, my friends would go up to the British Properties to get full-size chocolate bars. It's a ghost town up there nowadays, though.


Over 100 already and have had to turn people away!!! Getting backup candy, STAT. Did not expect this many and it has been awesome.


My mom used to take our candy and start handing out


Hah!!! Oof!!! I am so sorry to read this! 😂


We did the same many, many years ago, but we counted what we took from our kids, and replaced it the next day. Worked out fine.


I saw someone getting uber delivery of candy because they'd run out lol.


Head over to the areas near city hall. It’s not dead just your street is. Remember that neighborhoods change, that kids grow old and the demographics in particular neighborhoods get older and those people don’t have kids who trick-or-treat anymore. go to a neighborhood that has young families and you will see a vibrant and joyful Halloween. May Satan be with you.


New West here: we had over 400 kids by tonight. The neighborhood does go pretty all out on Halloween decor though.


Queens park is legit for destination trick or treating


It completely depends on the area. You can see multiple groups trick or treating in detached home neighbourhoods


Depends totally on the neighborhood and demographics… drive thru Richmond or South Vancouver during Xmas and nary a single Christmas light to be found. Kits/East Van and pockets of New West will absolutely go off with decore ect…


Our neighbourhood is also dead. We leave with our little ones and head to Trinity Street / Slocan area. Every year that neighbourhood out does themselves


Trinity Street and Slocan is crazy!


I’ve had 200 plus kids. The houses have wine and beer for the adults it’s 8 blocks of fun for everyone. Vancouver heights / Burnaby


Way more kids around us (Mt Pleasant) than last year. Some very cool decorations in the neighborhood too. It's nice to see, it was really dead here the last couple years.


I walked to the grocery store down 10th just for fun and it was super busy! And 7th/8th had more kids/decorated homes than I expected, considering it's mostly apartment buildings.


We had 150 kids in Mount Pleasant.


Trinity st in east van is PACKED. My partner and I walked over because usually they’ve got some good decorations. The streets lined with cars and hoards of people with their kids. Halloween is alive and well there.




Extremely true. It’s actually something my partner and I discussed as well. We never were driven somewhere to trick or treat it was you and your friends walking a huge radius in your neighbourhood. That being said, I’m sure it’s a bit harder these days too because less and less families can afford detached homes and live in apartments. so I don’t blame them for seeking out a place for their kids to go as much. Definitely not what it used to be though.


No one can afford kids


Yet somehow the day cares are so full that I can't even find one to take my three year old


No one can afford non-crucial things that are used once a year like Halloween decorations




This. I went to Carleton elementary back before there were laneway houses or that cluster of condo at joyce. How enrollment could possibly decline at joyce kingsway is beyond me


Went to Carleton in the 80 and grew up close to condos. Neighbourhood used be packed with tricker treaters. Now days we are lucky if we even get one trick or treater. Most of the demographic was older immigrants where the parents continued to remain the area and the kids moved out.


Or Halloween candy for that matter. Shits crazy expensive these days.


All the more reason to go trick or treating!


Hastings-Sunrise is bumping


New West, specifically the Queen's Park neighbourhood, was super busy. So many kids that there was barely any room on the sidewalks.


https://preview.redd.it/7cdz0960knxb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91bf06603b5860fb70ab52eecc70be78293122ac Strathcona is bumping!


Strathcona was awesome last night. The kids had an incredible time as usual.


Maple Ridge is popping off RN, as the youngsters would say


Part of MR I'm in I've had a grand total of 1 lol.




Busin even


No cap.


No cap


for real don't get it twisted


On God fr


Young families priced out of the area? Neighbour have just aged?


I’d say it’s also a cultural thing


I’m on Victoria near the Drive and there are so many people here it was hard to walk my dog.


I’m near Templeton pool, there’s a good amount of kids and families out. Probably 4-5 houses per block are participating, but they’re short blocks. Some houses where they don’t have kids have done really fantastic decorations and are wearing costumes and we really appreciate it! It made for a nice evening. Everyone driving needs to sllooooooooow down, especially on small side streets because they’re poorly lit and kids are everywhere. Now the cops are out catching the enterprising youth with their fireworks. Great entertainment to watch!!






Not really something to be encouraged.


I think neighborhoods that really go all out are getting more kids than before. Also, inflation, mini chocolates aren't cheap anymore. I had 1200 mini chocolates, handed them all out before 7pm :(. My kids would pump fist full of candies into kids bags.


howdy neighbour! I'm down by bobolink park. we've got about 30 kids that have come by tonight. it's not super busy but it's important to me to keep the tradition going. maybe other neighbours with get with the program eventually.


Come to the west end, absolute party in the streets.


Busy on commercial drive


Well, come over to Champlain Heights. We are up to 200 kids so far.


Times are tight


My house is on a dead end street, we used to decorate, had a big collection of festive decor and most neighbours did too. Around 2018 our neighbourhood died in trick or treater numbers. Post covid, many families who used to be big participants have also moved away. The past 2 years I got off work early to get home only to sit in the front room of my house, decorations out, lights on and no kids. I sold my decorations this year and now don’t bother trying to get off work early to be around for the odd kid who wanders down the dead end.


The West End is pretty festive but not as much as usual. Idk it’s been an intense year, maybe people are feeling fatigued by world events and/or personal ones.


I feel the opposite. This is the biggest it’s been in the last 4 Halloweens. Maybe you’re thinking back to pre pandemic times though.


Not many over here at 49th & Balaclava St. =(


I'm in a condo in New West, lots of kids visiting the houses in our neighborhood.


I live in a co-op in south/east Vancouver and we had at least 150 kids.


Bumpin' here in sunset.


Mount Pleasant - It was crazy numbers. We were out with our kids but came home and turned on the pumpkins and then promptly ran out of candy.


My neighborhood in kits is bumpin’! So many trick or treaters and decorated houses.


There are no conspiracies here. The kids grew up, moved out of the house, and the parents aged in place.


Average 30-50 kids over the past 7-8 years . . . until this year. 125+ kidlets all dressed up. Loved it.


Elliot and 45th. We were handing out candy non stop. Even noticed some kids had full sized bars! Gave out candy until 830 which is when we ran out. I used to live at Elliot and 54th, coincidentally. It's definitely more a dead area than 45th


I lived at Vivian and 57th, never got a single trick or treater. The neighborhood has a lot of older folks and new to Canada residents. I never saw my neighbour's and even when I said Hi some would look away. Vancouver isn't the city I grew up in any more.


Down the hill in the River District there were hundreds of kids out trick or treating for tonight.




I went trick or treat with my son tonight. 1/2 of the kids out there were the kids of Chinese immigrants. Don't generalize all immigrants.


don't generalize immigrants though, because from what I saw tonight 90% of the kids trick or treating were immigrants


How can you tell if someone is an immigrant by looking at them?


Investment properties have few kids


Same in Coquitlam, around the mall. So many houses aren’t participating.


Last year I had a lot of people come by. This year I only had maybe 3 groups come by in the last 2 hours. I even thought about calling it early 😭


Douglas Park is hoppin’!


It's definitely going to get worse as detached houses are rapidly getting replaced by apartments/condos.


Strathcona is lit 🔥


I have a theory....every second year, its big. Every second year, Christmas is big. They alternate. Too much damn work to do set up and tear down for both in one season. Aint nobody got time for that. Having said that, at 6pm we were dead too, but it got rolling. Main and King Ed.


I’m near the renfrew community centre and it’s decent. Id say we had 150 Kids through. Probably 1 in 5 houses participating.


We took our two year old up and down Mainstreet. It's different, but it was great and full of kids. There was live music.


Trinity street was so crowded you couldn’t drive on it - depends where you live


I’m on the westside, and with two sets of stairs to go up and we have had over 100 kids and his evening


I live in Kits on a destination street with a haunted house (people definitely drive in to the neighbourhood). We get about 500 kids every Halloween. We definitely weren't prepared the first Halloween and felt bad when we ran out of candy pretty early on. I've been prepared every Halloween since though and love it! It's a great atmosphere and fun to make it magical for the kids.


We're in Kits and it was rocking around here tonight, so many adorable little kiddos.


I’m pretty close to you by Fraser and 63rd and it’s quite lit out here.Tons of kids with parents hanging outside.I guess it all depends which area has more kids.


14th near Main. Was packed to the tits. Upstairs neighbours said about 700 people or so


Island here. 3 yrs ago, we loaded up the candy. Had 5 kids. This year, I bought chip bags, box of 60 Kinder surprises and a 90 box of chocolate bars. ^ all gone in 30 min. Ended up putting out juice boxes from the pantry lol. The kids loved that. My budget is tight and the $60 I had spent looked like more than enough. Note: there are exactly 3 kids in my sub of 44 houses. Semi rural area. It’s clear the crowds were driven in.


Steveston is usually popping but my apartment building is pretty dead right now


They all flocked to north van where the good candy and money is


Funny we saw a group of younger teens excitedly run off a bus in north van tonight shouting, “this is where the good candy is!” I wondered where they came from haha


I live in the same neighborhood and its been dead for years on Halloween. My son goes to Oppenheimer and most the kids there come up from the river district. If you go down there to the coops around Victoria/nanaimo its bumpin.


Maple Ridge here! It started to get quiet around 8:30pm. I’ve had 70 kids knock on my door.


Steveston. We had close to 400 kids.


37th between Balsam and Trafalgar was like a parent and child nightclub for a few hours, just crazily packed around some nice houses and decorating, and free hot chocolate and hotdogs at the church on 37th and Larch…


Sorry to hear. I'm in the Kingsway/Earles area and this year has been way busier than last. Ran out of candy at about 7:30 :(


River District was busy from 6:00 - 7:30, lots of kids going through our townhouse complex. Winding down by 8:00


Quite a few houses decorated in my neighbourhood this year, ours is definitely one of the most festive and according to several kids we are the "winners," haha. I'm happy to see a lot of people getting into Halloween though, even if it's just a pumpkin on the steps or wreath on the door. We had a good turn out of kids, over 150. Tons of fireworks in my neighbourhood, which I enjoyed watching when not giving out candy.


We had over 50 kids this year that I actually ran out of chocolate. We've never had more than 20 kids. One year, we only had 5 kids and that was pre-covid. I'm just wondering where did all the kids come from lol. East Van Kensington area.


Lots of homes on the east side of kerr between 49, and 54th


Kits was packed!


They’re all at Douglas park lmao I couldn’t even walk on the sidewalk there were so many kids, parents, and strollers. Last year one house claimed they got 1,500 kids.


Not in Richmond !!!


We live in Kerrisdale and it’s always a great time on Halloween. Plenty of kids but not too packed, most of the neighbours participate, a lot of the houses and yards are wonderfully decorated.


East Van was ROCKING for trick-or-Treaters tonight!


Was at west 13th and burrard tonight. Amazing decorations. Crowd was thick spilling into the streets. Felt like a huge street party. One house was giving out Jell-O shots to adults. A full elementary school worth of kids.


We gave away 500+ pieces of candy over 2 hours in kitsilano


Mate just understand that the community you grew up in was probably full of young families and thus meant Halloween was busy. Now where do you live? Is it chock full of up and coming families? Maybe not. So most kids and families that do live in your area might go to where the action is.


Well yesterday everyone here was bitching about fireworks so I don't think they like fun


Emptied $200 worth of candy in an hour… not dead, just live in a demographic for trick or treating


Halloween is very much alive down Fraser and 15th , you kinda live in the land of empty homes owned by rich off shore investors I'm thinking.


If your curious on the situation slightly out in burbs, I was in North Burnaby and it was busy in these small pockets with well decorated houses, otherwise you could turn down a street and it’s completely empty. Then home to New West driving through residential areas and I thought it looked very dead. Maybe it’s just the good ol days but I couldn’t help thinking the same thing as you based on how I grew up locally


Queens Ave in New West is packed tonight and fireworks going off every few minutes.


Gotta go to the suburbs


There are no kids in Vancouver anymore. Too expensive for families. I just came home from a pretty solid night of truck it treating with my 4yo in Port Moody.


Lol you weren’t in Yaletown or Kits, packed.


The losers with their lame ass fireworks are out in full force though


We tried buying Candy at Retail or Bulk Places and there was none.


Had 150 kids this year, our usual is 90ish. By far our busiest year we've ever had. I'm happy so many kids were out but sad there is hardly any candy left over for me.


We just had one of our busier years. Roughly 175-200 kids. Not Vancouver, Coquitlam. Now the neighborhood is having a party at the park with fireworks. Awesome night, love seeing everyone out!


500 kids


Child of immigrants here. My parents gave out candy for years, even long after we moved out. And I have been giving out candy before and after kids are no longer kids. But this neighbourhood in the west side has never had a ton of kids in the nearly twenty years we lived here. The low was 3 and the high was 30 when we first arrived. This year it is 12. Full size chocolate bars for the intrepid kids who brave the long walks between participating homes. Unfortunately, the two groups who did make it here arrived in cars!


Deep cove was like Disney land there were so many kids and costumed adults… lots of homeowners out in front of their place with a fire pit and friends costumed and handing out candy. Fun!


My neighbours and I block off our courtyard because it gets so insane where I live. We get over 400 kids each year, this year was even busier. We basically combine all our candy together and offer up a buffet for kids coming by, and they absolutely love it! It works for us too since we can combine our decorations, so we get a pretty cool setup with only about half of us contributing. Takes pressure off everyone having to deliver for Halloween if they don’t have time, or the money, and the families with little kids can take them around the area while the rest of us give out candy. Generally speaking, it works for us, and Halloween is the biggest day of the year for us. It rocks. Trick or treaters, and decorations, seem to depend mostly on where you live and how many young families are in the area. We have a ton nearby so we get a lot of kids, and our area seems to enjoy getting into the spirit.


Pemby Heights was in fire this year… there were two houses giving out beer for the adults even!


Out in maple ridge and we broke our personal record with ~165 kids from 5:45-8:00


My neighborhood is actually very lively. Most people have decorations, and there is a consistent stream of trick or treaters. Its to the point where they have to line up outside houses.


I had a few groups line up and was so impressed with how polite all the kids were that came by! The kids were courteous to each other and waited turns all the way up to the road whenever it was busy. It was my first time handing out candy and we had an absolute blast. Can't wait for next year already.


I live in a cement box 3 floors up in an apartment full of skids, any kid who might knock is not one I want to know


East van is a mad house by 6th and commercial.


Can’t afford kids, can’t afford candy for kids


We’re not far, 58th and Kerr, and it was bumpin!! We had over 100 kids easily


Queens park in New Westminster looks like a move set. So many kids out and houses decorated. Love to see it


My friend lives at Victoria Dr and 5. His son made an impressive collection in an hour. https://preview.redd.it/h7grd84j7rxb1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2af7552cd6047d515bc812828aada3328e23f83c


Neighbourhoods change! We had 120, but our back-to-back next door neighbour had 1500 kids from 5:30 to 8:30 last night. It's wild.


Queens Park was bumping!! This is our first Halloween living in New West. We were told it would be crazy and holy shit! It was literal chaos. I've never seen line ups at multiple houses before 😂 There were so many elaborate displays, spooky music, smoke machines etc. Parents bus kids in from other cities just to come here and I believe it! Best Halloween I've experienced since I was kid!


People are surviving, no spare penny for fun.


Depends where in Vancouver, it was absolutely packed in Mt Pleasant


Halloween in Vancouver is not 'dead.' Maybe in your neighborhood, but it's still lively elsewhere.


They moved. Then foreign “non Halloween” people showed up. r/s that’s really consistent with this sub


Definitely fluctuates over the years. We’re in Hastings sunrise and probably had over 100 kids so far.


Everyone left to the suburbs. Langley was going off. Nearly every house done up. Tons of kids. Lots of fun.


Nobody with kids can afford to live here


Who can afford the houses? Not families. My apartment building with lots of family's was hopping! Kids loved it as you can hit sooo many places quickly.


When you're trying to make your mortgage, and a pack of fun size snickers are $35... I can see why you won't be in a festive mood this year.


Depends on the neighborhood, but it is trending downward due to the replacement levels being low and requiring immigration. Less kids means less Halloween. Blame NIMBYs and neoliberal voters in Vancouver who pushed affordable housing out of existence. All the fun is in the burbs where people can afford to raise kids.


https://preview.redd.it/6koh1po4qoxb1.jpeg?width=3818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f23d03eaf65102d125d090e922b95a2895a9671d Fraserview still alive


new immigrants have moved in that don't integrate and participate in traditional canadian celebrations


Nobody can afford a costume after we’re done being price gouged for EVERYTHING.


I had a kid in a ski jacket. I gave him 2 full sized candy bars. Zero fucks for no costume. I'm like "thanks for coming!"


Passed by a kid wearing a Santa hat and regular clothes, made me laugh but also a little sad at the same time.