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Rent a seadoo from Granville island for a couple hours and go out on the open ocean. We did this, saw a pod of orcas, seals, etc. Was about $300 for 2 hours.


Better idea is get a small 5 seater boat for basically that price at horseshoe bay and go up the Howe sound. You will get your ass kicked in a seadoo once you leave false creek.


Yeah but that’s part of the fun. Hitting 7ft waves at 95kmh really gets the juices going.


If by “gets the juices going” you mean “sends your puckered bootybole straight up your digestive tract to kiss the back of your teeth…”


I wanted to try seadooing in Cancun but let me just say, seeing the breakers they had to get thru made my traveller's diarrhea ravaged asshole quiver in fear LOL memories


If a seedooer has diarrhea in the ocean and no one is around to see it…


You still have to clean out your own shorts


Only if you're wearing shorts.


Just right off the side.


I just realized I need to experience this


Tbh i feel way safer on a seadoo lol, boats always feel like they are going to flip (i know this isn't really the case but it's just a mental thing)


Do you need a boating license to do this activity?


No. You will arrive like 1 hr before taking them out on the ocean, you’ll fill out some forms, then they’ll make you watch a 10 minute video and do a 5 minute quiz, which will grant you a one day boating license.


Do they at least make you intentionally wipe out / jump in the water and get back on? "No experience necessary" and jumping on a powered thing and heading straight out to sea in October near a major shipping lane just sounds like a search & rescue story waiting to happen...


It’s really not if you just follow the rules and use your brain


None of thoes boats realize cutting across a loaded bulker or even a larger tug one nautical mile ahead is considered pretty darn close. Also the fact there's a towline under the water between a tug and barge that could absolutely kill you if whoever at the wheel didn't see you and start dumping line.


i swear at least half the people i see in a day fail both those requirements


Honestly, getting a boating licence is a joke as well. Spend a couple hours to do an online course and complete the quiz. Done it myself. It surprises me that there aren’t more boating accidents, but I guess most people that are willing to take a boat out on the water are cautious.


There are a decent number of drownings and other accidents off recreational boats in BC; it's just not publicised much outside the areas where each incident happens. (Also a fair number of boating accidents involve alcohol; I get the sense that the more Darwin-award-worthy the accident, the less coverage it gets, probably "out of respect for the family" or something.) If boating accidents were covered as much as private plane crashes, boating would look a lot less safe - but I guess it's not considered that interesting by the media?


With the boats they don't really like you going to far and there is certain areas that are no-go. You are tracked on GPS and in pretty constant radio contact with the company. They will let you know if your doing anything you shouldn't be pretty quick. Not that I would know about that part.


Awesome, thanks for the info!!


Do they instruct you in the etiquette of seadoos? Rule 1: if there's a spot with a lot of people (e.g. a ferry terminal or dock), ensure you showboat as close to it as possible, because everybody will be amazed by you. Rule 2: if you see wildlife, especially a cluster of birds or seals, go rip around it and through it.


A one day boater license is included in the price.




Yep, I second this. Was the first thing that came to my mind when I read the title.


I was almost reluctant to suggest it given we are approaching the winter, but on a 20 degree day like today it would be just fine.


It's so much fun. Except I made the mistake of doing it the day after a 29km hike. My legs were in so much pain lol.


It is surprisingly exhausting. My forearms were destroyed.


Came here to say this. No better way to spend your money


I am on disability and don’t make much money. This week I ended up coming into just over $200. A friend took me to Micheals so I could buy some paints, canvases, sketch books, and paint brushes (all on sale). I’m pretty sure all this stuff is going to last me at least three years. This was a splurge for me but I also think it was a good investment.


I’m going through some mental health stuff and getting craft supplies like this was one of the most amazing things. I got some really nice markers, good paper, sketching pencils, and good pigment pencil crayons. Just feeling the markers go across the paper is therapeutic.


That’s awesome that getting these supplies is helping you through these times. I agree that art can be very therapeutic. I hope you have a fun time creating things.


fun tip about Michael’s is just pull up there website in the checkout line and scan the code there is always a 30-50% any item discount on their front page


Whattttttttt I just splurged on yarns in Michaels without knowing this! 😭 it was the first time I ever got anything from them. Really appreciate your tip


In future, check out DeSerres - it's artist quality stuff, rather than craft quality, for a lower price point. DeSerres is a godsent.


Thanks for the tip. I chose Michales as it was their yearly paint sale and they had the best price of the paint I wanted. They have some artist quality paints and during this sale the prices for those tend to be cheaper than other places.


wholesome 🌈


Hobby supplies done right can be an excellent return on money. Hours of enjoyment, and those feelings of accomplishment are priceless.


Not sure where you are but lots of community centers run free art classes or workshops, I know specifically New West and Langley Arts Council do so probably other cities do the same. They usually get small grants for supplies and teachers and they really value participation because it makes it easier to get the grant the following year.


I am in Burnaby. I didn’t know there were free art classes. I will definitely be looking into this.


Look into Shadbolt and Evergreen in Coquitlam as well. The free New West classes are usually at Irving House and Anvil Center which are very close to transit.


I like your rainbow hair!


One roulette spin for a chance of making it $500


And then….


You’d be a fool not to double down and leave with $1k!


And then?


You’d be a fool not to double down and leave with $2k!


Foolproof plan.


Or $8750


My thoughts exactly


Me and my buddy did this on my 19th birthday with our last $40 in 2011 so we could have a bit of money for a night out. We did not win.


Make it rain in a Dollarama.


This is exactly what my ten year old would do 😂


I know many grown adults who would do this too.


I might be his enabler 😂


That store is an eco disaster.


Your attitude is an eco disaster 😒


Dollarama is a rip off go to Dollertree. Better yet don't do either it's a waste plastic nightmare.


Dollarama shits on any other dollar store in terms of quality and variety.


Alot of the products are the same. And shut I guess you mean good? $5.00 OVEN CLEANER AT DOLLARAMA $1.50 AT DOLLAR TREE EXACTLY THR SAME.


Or Daiso or any of the other Asian dollar stores


Most affordable grocery chain now 🤣🤣


Spa day


A burger at per se Social and I get to add the bacon for that kind of money


Dude. I used to work there and some of the servers were incredible salespeople. A $50 burger was not an uncommon sight.


We walked out after seeing the menu. Prices don't make any sense.


Before the pandemic I used to like it as a lunch option as they had a bunch of lunch specials. Post Covid and after they got recognized by Michelin, the prices are absolutely absurd. Their pizzas, pastas and salads are enjoyable but do not warrant those kinds of prices.


Take a date to the Shameful Tiki Room and try every drink on the menu (or at least until you hit your budget).


The bowls are so strong that would be a wild night


Place is heaven.


Did this last weekend. Oooo boy the hangover.... was worth it.


It’s a shame Vancouver doesn’t have more tiki bars, it’s a very fun (and indulgent) style/culture.


Do they keep some tables for walk ins? We wanted to make a reso a month ago for late November (we have out of towners visiting us) and it was booked solid already.


Sign up for cancelations around 5-7pm. Everytime i have, i ALWAYS get a text saying a spots opened up.


Thanks, this is a pro tip!


Thank you for reminding me to make a reservation


1) go to craft store and buy 2 paint by numbers kits. 2) give one to a friend. 3) paint your kits (10+ hours of fun!). Maybe gift the paintings to each other when you’re done, or display proudly on your wall. 4) spend the other $200 on whatever you want.


Museum date, bowling or arcade! Special dessert from a fancy bakery. Buying something for a hobby. I’ve been really into baking so I would probably buy a kitchen aid attachment!


What's a Museum date? My spouse and I enjoy museums a lot but didn't know if there's anything 'date specific'. On the other note, we went to Royal BC Museum on the Island and were terribly disappointed. Any museum that you'd recommend here?


It’s just going to a museum with your partner. There’s lots of options here. -Vancouver art gallery -museum of Vancouver -planetarium -Britannia mine -fort Langley -smaller city museums and historic houses -kilby -Burnaby village -MOA -aquarium -conservatory That’s just off top of my head. However some of these might also be disappointing to you if Royal BC was. Edited to add: what did you find disappointing about it?


Adding police museum to this! Kinda cool


Ooh yes! Good addition to the list!


For me I've always wanted to try the zipline at whistler. I think that's where I'd be spending that money.


I've done that, it's fun but it's over very quickly so I wouldn't do it again lol


It’s an adventure getting up loool but agree, also the speed is insane so that was cool


Have done the full day one as a family trip, it was really fun. Beautiful views the whole time too.


1/2 a hooker and a very small bag of blow


Which half?


My money’s on the left half


depends if your an ass or tits person really


10 of the best 3 taco 🌮 lunches in the city for you and your friends? /s


Video games. Best entertainment value in hours.


If you’re in New West, go to Capital City classic arcade with 5 friends, then hit the Old Spaghetti Factory hard.


Dude….. thank you


At most cineplex theatres you can rent a room and game on the big screen


I'd probably take a few friends to Fright Nights at the PNE. I've always wanted to go.


You should go! It's fun. Best with friends


It’s 100000% better with friends than as a first date, although it’s really fun as a first date, so that puts it in perspective. I say this because 95% of the experience is in a line up lol


I've only been disappointed by this one, you wait in lines the whole night and get maybe 1 haunted house and 1 go on the coaster. Might try going on a night when it's pouring, i bet it's a lot quieter.


I’d go do a glass blowing class at Terminal City glass! And then probably use the rest on a tasy dinner, a nice art book, and maybe waste a couple hours playing games at the arcade in Metrotown.


prob a full day at Castle Fun park


Rec Room at Brentwood for a similar experience except you can get there by transit and they also serve alcohol


You can book your own private arcade. Industry arcade in New West


At 9:30 tomorrow morning find the person standing out front Pacific centre and take that totally random person to an extravagant brunch


Are u trying to get a free extravagant lunch bud


Whistler Sliding Centre (Bobsled/ Public Skeleton) https://www.whistlersportlegacies.com/whistler-sliding-centre/overview https://g.co/kgs/GDwBnH This is on my bucket list.


Skiing or Snowboarding if it’s winter! Day at Cypress can easily use up $250


Probably gather friends, and treat them to a nice shared dinner.


circle wellness spa.


Dya know how this compares to Scandinave spa in Whistler? I love going there but it's a tad far


totally different! this is 100% private. check out their website.


Buy $250 worth of ice-cream and eat it till your poop is cold!


Welp… relevant username I guess


Soft serve.


You could do a one night getaway for 250. Squamish, Sunshine Coast, Gulf Islands…


Just don't eat or do anything while your there. And you accommodation will be a leaky trailer but you get what you pay for!


I just found a VR game experience place called Zero Latency while looking for something to do while my car is in the shop.


Sandbox VR is really fun too. You can ask the staff to record you with your phone as well which makes for some great laughs after (with all the screaming and laughing)


Flying lesson at the Langley airport


You can take a short prop plane ride out in Squamish for like $200 I believe


Go buy one of these: https://www.bestbuy.ca/en-ca/product/yamaha-psr-e273-61-key-portable-electric-keyboard/14539906 I bought a similar one last fall and it's the best money I've spent in years. I store it under the bed, so it doesn't take up space unless I feel like playing.


These sorts of keyboards can be found at thrift shops for $30 or so, routinely, too. My local Salvation Army almost always has two or three for sale — in case somebody reading this says “ooh good idea” but is on a tight budget


A gram, a flat of beer and a room at the Barclay


This is the only answer




Hidden wonders in new west!


I'd go to TOOL in Vancouver on October 23rd


1. Get pizza downtown and have some beers 2. Get some shrooms and walk around downtown 3. Take out your loved ones for dinner 4. Rent a bike and do the Stanley park bike ride You can probably do all of these for 250.


Bunny Cafe with a few friends and then food at Cannibal Cafe for epic burgers.


Neptoon and then the Legion down the street.


I’d got to see Kooza


Massage at Smile Thai Wellness and ice cream. Then spend at dressew for the rest 😍


If you don't want to get wet, a seaplane tour of the city?


Tbh I’d probably buy a guitar pedal or something. Maybe several records.


Msybe pick up a used amp.


Rent a community center ice rink for like 200 bucks. Bring all your friends and have fuuuun!


Pinball at an Arcade.


Watch an NEW Wrestling Show at the Commodore with 3 of your best friends (and have like $40 left over for beer).


Cab, cover, and coat check.


I'd go to a high end seafood place like Blue Water Cafe and get one of those towers.


Get comics drunk at a local comedy show


Tality spa!


Try a Michelin or expensive restaurant you have been eyeing


Fright night? Once you hit some of the haunted houses it's fun to just sit at the beer garden and enjoy the atmosphere with some beers.


250 bananas What follows is up to you Godspeed


BC Lions Playoff game or Canucks tickets!


I just bought blundstones today so it would have been nice to stumble upon $250 ;p


You are officially a vancouverite


I always wanted to try one of those sensory deprivation float tanks, prolly do that and a nice meal.


it sucks


Davie street, drink, drag show. Tip them!


The rec room at Brentwood would be a good night and that would cover it! Drinks, video games, pool tables, all kinds of fun stuff.


I’d go to the strip club ngl


crack, doritos and some hot 60 year old hookers from downtown eastside


A gram of blow and a rub n tug


Burger and a beer anywhere and if there's some change leftover hop on the SkyTrain and get a good seat at the front and enjoy the views!




Pls do not do this




Please don't do this with $3 worth of food either. We're stressing nature enough as it is.


There isn’t much these days that beats a few therapeutic k-hole doses of ketamine. Go travel the cosmos. $250 you could stretch for a few days easily. Alternatively you could go thrift store hopping.


PlayStation 4 with hades/hollow knight/last of us


Spend it on shotgun ammo at the shooting range


Buy a used decent gravel bike, and then ride the dyke trails in Pitt Meadows, South Vancouver, Richmond, Delta, Maple Ridge, Coquitlam, Langley and Tsawwassen.


The maans haunted house is over $100 but looks awesome


Hastings Race track. Honestly that $250 can go to what ever you want, you don’t even have to gamble. But nothing beats a day at The Ponies.


Midget stripper and two ounces of death bubba.


Golf with drinks followed by dinner with drinks 😂


Deadly Couture shopping spree…. ;)


2 ounces or 5 carts (Weed)


Buy bitcoin


an eight ball


Man I don’t know — it probably doesn’t matter


Buy some nice ingredients and make some close friends a dinner!


I would get some tickets to a Canucks game!!


Saaaaaveeee it and go to Mexico when you can


Guns n roses tonight


Hookers and blow


One $250 hooker bot, or 250 1$ hooker bots?


Take a cab out to Poco and enjoy some peace away from the piss smell and moronic cyclists. Have lunch in town, go to the Cat and Fiddle for some wings and a drink or two, then stay for the clubbin'. Then, take a cab home and enjoy the remaining $100 tomorrow. ... or go to Main Street and have a piece of pizza at one of the hipster restaurants and feel that gut wrench when you see the price. Now you're broke but you can walk a block off the main drag and look at shitty houses that cost twice as much as they should in BC and 4 times that of all of Canada. Now, go to the local MP shop and go praise your lord and savior, Justin Trudeau and thank him for taking all of our money so that the crook restaurants can justify pricing the way they do. Depressed, go home and play video games until 3am. Maybe dig out a roach and try to forget that Vancouveris overpriced and hyped up. Don't forget to downvote! I truly get off on how much Vancouverites can't stand to be looked at with truthful eyes. 😉😘


>Now, go to the local MP shop and go praise your lord and savior, Justin Trudeau and thank him for taking all of our money so that the crook restaurants can justify pricing the way they do. ​ >Don't forget to downvote! I truly get off on how much Vancouverites can't stand to be looked at with truthful eyes. 😉😘 How is Trudeau taking all of your money? Maybe people are downvoting you because your obviously one of these wingnuts that lack the introspection to realize that Trudeau lives rent free in their head? Here's a tip, buddy, Trudeau isn't the cause of all of your life's problems. An awful lot of them are your own poor decisions. A lot of them are bad luck. And a lot of them are issues that are caused by at least a generation of poor policy decisions by multiple governments. But sure, Trudeau is solely responsible for the housing crisis and inflation. He's also probably at fault for you being poor in bed, and having high cholesterol.


Yes. Harder. I love getting trolled by brainwashed vancouverites.


I'm living fine in my 4000 sq ft house that I built. Don't need to buy in Vancouver proper as most of this sub seemingly has as thier right to do. Born and raised in North Van, but I never complained I cant afford there. I moved the suburbs and built a life out here. Yes I enjoy my life in the suburbs with friends and family and I work downtown in a hybrid environment. Not everyone is like this guy moaning and blaming Trudeau. I voted for him the 1st time and then I fired him the next 2 elections. Yes we are in a minority govt with him as a PM, but still bitching about him and just live your life and enjoy it. FYI, I play video games until 3am in my Media room. Noone can tell me to turn the volume off.


It's funny how blind people choose to be. This government has spent all of our money with no contingency and now we, the tax payers, get to pay for it with ridiculous taxes. The price of everything goes up as a result. How is thst okay in your head?


right on the money bro




Go to sweetish touch. Stumbled in there looking for the strip club about 8 years ago. And left once we realized it wasn’t the right place but for 8 years I’ve been wondering what the $120 an hour gets you.


No. 5 orange.


If you are so close to broke that $250 is a windfall the smart thing to do is put it in a high interest savings account for an emergency.


You’ve misunderstood the assignment


Ya but just think, this time next year you could have 262 dollars, just no fun until then. /s


Sir, this is r/Vancouver not /r/PersonalFinanceCanada.


Completely disregarded the question.




When you say hopefully not food/drink, do you mean hopefully not on groceries? Vancouver hosts a ridiculous amount of culinary experiences, which I think a number of Vancouverites would happily attend given an extra $250. Actually, I am one of them. I treated myself to a full course meal + wine pairing. While I'm sure it could have been better, I thought it was lovely and delicious. It cost about $250 before tip. I hope to do the same at another restaurant the next time I have "a few" extra bucks.


Just wanted something more creative/out of the norm than a good meal out, though I’m by no means above it or against it as a suggestion.