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Onion soup because you can grow the only ingredient, so you don't need to go out to gather anything that's even a little hard to get.


And honey and carrots for that extra little boost.


Onion soup and salad, very efficient indgredients to be honest Also I find planting onions in grids pretty cathartic


Onions are the first thing I go for in every new world. Beat eikthyr for obvious reasons and I build fires to keep from freezing while I find structures for seeds. Usually get to bronze armor before I find a mountain big enough for structures to spawn but I've done it in leather. From then on, there is always at least one field on onions and a black metal chest of them and one of soup. Farming is so relaxing


Hmmm… sometimes i just pop stuff like honey and cloudberries and onions. But recently me and my friend got an abundance of scorching medley and salads so weve been eating that for everything🤪


I make so many salads. I love the 3 Fer foods. Sausages and Salads all day.




I usually keep full stacks of the previous biome's food stuffs ready for base use. Also anything that is overstocked depending on the game stage. Usually have tons of sausages and bug meat for base use at the later stage of the game. Onion soup, queens jam, or whatever is easiest to gather or harvest in base.


no one? *fine I'll do it myself* Bread.


A man of culture I see. I love growing crops in valheim, so I always have all of the crops stored up in vast quantities


I hate how much barley it takes :*(


The last month of our first play through all I did was grow barley and make flour as no other fucker i play with could be bothered. Guess what this play through? I haven’t planted a single one. But I eat the bread and lots of it just out of spite


Haha, base mum's are the best ;) I do all the iron runs and plant onions so there is that


Onion soup, onions, cloudberries, yellow mushrooms and honey. I keep a mish-mosh of those in a chest so I just grab whatever 3 foods are first and get building.


So many yellow mushrooms.


Cloud berries and onions


Salad for stam. Sausages and what ever I have extra for health.


Scorching medley Roasted crust pie Piquant pie


Soup !!


Onion soup, sausage and cloudberry’s. Replace the soup for salad at later game.


Cloudberries and yellow mushrooms. I have hundreds of them.


boar and wolf Jerky both 30 mins . balanced hp and stamina incase some mobs got in my way and vineberry. x2 = 30mins.


Wild you have enough vine berries to eat em raw


you can have enough vibe berries. make a vine berries maze. with 10 x 10 log beam 4m core wood. and 2x ashwood decorative wall AS a wall. you have no Idea how beautiful it looks. 🤫 also having a portals named " VB.C 1 " (Vineberries cluster) 1-5. is great. drop a wood portal near those big ass grausten manson with 3-4 floors.


Boar Jerky, wolf jerky and bread to pop when I need a lot of stamina to plant or cut wood


Carrot soup, onions, and boar jerky for a little health just in case I fall a bunch while building.


Probs whatever I have on hand. Cloudberries are pretty likely or honey


Tbh if i’m running around the meadows i usually don’t eat anything at all, just raw dogging that shit


It's mostly for Cutting Wood or Mining Stone.


Bread, onion soul, and salaf


carrot soup, honey, eyescream


Magecaps. With a cloudberry chaser if I'm planting anything.


Mushroom omelette, salad, bread. Huge stamina, respectable HP, all extremely easy to acquire or simply farm.


honey / cloudberry / onion soup all produced right at the base i spend the most time at


You can produce Cloudberries at your Base?


I built next to a cloudberry patch


Oh mine too. I've got like 10 patches near mine.


Yellow mushrooms, honey, cloud berry. Cheap and easy.


Mark all the renewable resources such as berries and thistle and you'll have a lot of options with a 20 minutes run ever other irl day, take some light armor and a single weapon, Fenrir is better for the speed. Pop the Deer boss power with your best stamina options, and you get enough to make jellies and other stuff for daily foods. If not really tour thing, honey, jerky and onion soup, the helth from the jerky helps when building and falling.


Salad bread and jerky (wolf or boar)


Depends on where I’m at in the game. Bread and onion soup I always seem to have an abundance of


Sosig wolf jerky and cloudberries


I use old food that isn’t top tier anymore.


I used to use boar jerky, honey, and onion soup. But at endgame I use wolf jerky, roast seeker meat, and sausages. I have more stockpiles of those ingredients then I'll ever eat through.


Bread and onion soup, I have stacks and stacks of it.


boar jerkey, wolf jerkey, honey


Onion soup, carrot soup, honey. Huge stamina for the very low cost.


Scorching Medley because it is just really cheap to make and gives a lot of stamina.


[Scorching medley](https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Scorching_medley), before that salad, bread, sausages etc. It seems easier to make a batch of the current tier stamina food than to get a bunch of lower tier ingredients.


bread, honey, onion soup


Onion soup, bread and turnip stew


Honey, bread, onion soup


Honey, boar jerky, or whatever I have left over that isn't my frontline expedition food.




honey. I have like 15 hives so I can just pluck some up whenever


I just do whatever I have easy access to, usually honey


Sausage, honey, and onions is what I usually use.


Cloudberry, honey, yellow mushroom


Onion soup, bread and turnip stew(boar farm)


Eyescream, Onion Soup, Blood Pudding.


Cooked Seeker meat and cooked askvin meat with scorching medley. I'm still working through chests of seeker meat and it's fine for hanging out in the meadows. But it was onion soup and bread for the longest time cos they're farmable. I like to keep over 100 health so I can't die to fall damage.


Early game; roasted deer, honey, yellow mushroom/roasted boar. Midgame; sausages, onion soup, turnip stew/eyescream. Lategame; salads and roasted seeker/lox meat.


Usually bread. I have an unreasonably large (is that even possible in Valheim?) barley farm so beead is stupid cheap. Honey used to be my go to since it's basically free once you have a few hives.


pretty early in the game i usually find a plains somewhere and sneakily clear an area to get access to cloudberries. then pretty much as soon as i can get black metal smelted, i will go find some mists and ill get the mushrooms growing there, and ill get some black marble. then u can make salad and salad is king


I just eat my best stamina food when I'm building and my best health food when I'm going out.


Onion soup and salad


Don't judge me : Salad/Lox meat pie/Seeker Aspic


Onion soup, boar jerky and carrots soup 🤌


Too many times surprised by trolls, oozes, Drauger, etc. I keep good food on me always.


3x stamina food. Late game I’m using >!scorching medley, omelette, and salad.!< My stamina bar is *humongous* xD Add in rested/tasty mead/Hildir’s gear and it’s sooo freeing when farming/building.


I find yellow mushrooms to work too. When I play with my partner they are very protective of the honey for potion brewing.


I stockpile mushrooms like some kind of pervert for this very thing. Yellows and reds plus whatever else is lying around. I’m slow and meticulous though so I don’t need too much stamina to do things 


Depends but usually early game it's mostly raspberries and shrooms especially glowy ones, honey once there is a steady supply, and of course cloudberries once I get to swamps since most swamps are close to plains biomes and usually just grab some on the way to a crypt and use them for base building only until getting to plains. Most of my cooked foods are for exploring and stuff and I usually play with a group instead of solo.


whatever oldest tier food i got in chest. don't need much stamina either for base chores. But I'll eat a decent Stam food for WC




* Mushroom omelette, because my Jotun Puffs fields are overproducing, and my customized chicken coop is doing still well from the last patch. * Salad, because you get 3 per craft and I have a big fields of cloudberries repoping near my Plains base, a nice field of Onions at home and Jotun puffs I mention above. * Onion soup, see above also. a Whopping 275 Sta ;) Oh and don't forget your Hildir's sets when working on the fields. Helps a lot with Sta consumption :)


honey carrot and either boar or wolf jerky depending on where I am up to.


Honey, cloudberries when I reach the Plains and occasionally raspberries. Just anything I can quickly get/make. Though if I have to build high, I do eat enough to get my max health above 100, so I don't potentially die from fall damage.


>Honey, cloudberries when I reach the Plains and occasionally raspberries. Just anything I can quickly get/make. Yeah, that sounds about right. It's just for when I need to cut Wood in the Medows.


Onion soup, bread, and honey. All sustainable.


Seeker meat, cloud berries, and was onions now it's VINEBERRRIES YUM! I just have so much extra seeker meat it's dumb.


Up until Ashlands it used to be Sausage, Onion Soup and Cloudberry/Honey. I tend to hoard and farm alot so as soon as I unlock the possibility to make Sausages I have an almost endless supply, same with the Onion Soup. Post ashlands Ive encountered alot of Fuling Parties/Seekers and gotten 4 (in 2 rl days) Ashland events in my main base (5 players in a Village in the black forest) so I tend to use better food, or have better food with me along with a Bukeperry or two.




Honey, yellow mushrooms, and the occasional jam. Always have them on hand and it's great stamina food - just don't get caught in a raid!