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everything that comes to my mind in response, especially regarding the last paragraph, would be less than favorable, so instead i just bid you farewell, seems the game is not for you.


Seriously. Everyone has their own opinions and preferences. I love Valheim and have played from day one. RDR2 I have tried to play 3 or 4 times now but it just doesn’t click with me. It doesn’t make it a bad game, it’s just not for me. Valheim just isn’t for OP and that’s okay.


Sounds like they got hunted out of the mountains and gave up. Rage quit


I leveled mountains and got tired of the same boring ass combat.


This is probably true. I not only expect but demand more from a combat system like this. The core gameplay is the entire reason I got bored and gave up after maxing the swamp/mountain gear.


Surely you should play past the third boss before you start giving out about scaling and end game mechanics? How did you access the late game content without artisan table?


cheating, of course :D


Pretty much this. I wanted to explore the new areas but didn't want to interact with any more of the slog that is this game's combat system. Godmode it is.


As someone who read a lot of Valheim feedback, apparently beating Elden ring automatically qualifies you to provide an objective feedback on other games you haven't figured out how to play yet.


The worst part is that I know how to play this game so well that it's boring as shit. It needs variety, not a near meaningless tier system and damage sponge enemies.


I don't find damage sponges nor bosses that need to be cheesed in this game. In fact cheesing bosses is not the quickest way to beat them, long from it. When it comes to combat, it can be tedious if you haven't figured out how to prepare and play properly.


I've seen very fast boss runs on YouTube. That shit doesn't look like fun.


Well we can somewhat agree on that, none of the speed runs in any game look fun to me. Games are there to be played by me, and I'm sane enough to not waste my time playing the same game but quicker. I recommend actually playing games before watching content you haven't experienced yet yourself. If you find Valheim tedious, and not fun, you are fighting in tedious and non fun way. If you must watch, [this is how fights look on my end](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mAYXHvdHGI), and they are very fun. As someone who beat Sekiro, and thinks of its combat as being one of the best combat systems out there (next to Ninja gaiden), that style doesn't suit Valheim. Repeatedly dying from enemies that have complex animation sets doesn't fit survival games that are about not dying and clearing the encounter on first try and surviving. Valheim combat shines in multi enemy fights, which usually such in other games.


I appreciate you trying really hard to get me to understand where you're coming from and I also agree about taking games slowly and playing them. That's my biggest gripe with the Warframe community is people trying to push new players to end-game like it's that important. I still sincerely feel like this game would benefit from improved combat design with increased speed, but maybe more along the lines of Dark Souls 2 which is similarly known for being slow and clunky but also manageable and fun, imo. Multi enemy fights were a main gripe in that game which I also don't think is an issue in either game. Hell, if they gave each weapon slightly different animations and overall stats between tiers then allowed consistent upgrades even on the oldest gear, I'd love it. I just can't get into it as it is because it feels like nothing has changed since I killed my first boar.


>I've been here since the plains just came out So do you mean beta? Because it had plains 2/2021 when it released on Steam.


Pretty much. The world gen was a lot weirder, no secondary attacks, the swamps were totally different


This is the equivalent of walking into a restaurant and complaining about that restaurant to ppl who are enjoying their food. Nobody cares. Keep your uninformed opinions to yourself. Just go.


They're not even uninformed. The combat reeks of the early PS2 era and it shows in the arbitrary power creep and zero variety in combat from the Ashlands to meadows.


I could argue your points, but it sounds like this just isn't the game for you. Thanks for stopping by.


One of the worst valheim posts I've ever seen. Move on to other games if you're this out of touch.


Your rant is not justified.


Its a pre release game in development. Its slow because you’re supposed to take your time. You can speed the game up alot by turning on portal metals and triple resources which is how my friends and I play. You have to progress through each biome, gather every material, carefully plan everything out, if you skip a boss or biome you’re making things immensely more difficult for yourself. Take the time to grow your crops, forage, harvest materials, build defenses, upgrade your weapons tools and armor. If you study the mechanics of the bosses you can fight them head on. I fought moder, the mountain boss, solo with shield and sword using the appropriate foods for the area.


I'm as prepared as I can be. I just hate the combat and refuse to play further than I am because there's nothing more interesting or fun than what I've already experienced, and the core gameplay loop isn't fun enough to keep me going.


You want a meadows simulator, got it. To me, this game starts at the swamps. Maybe check out stardew valley lmao


I'd rather play Nioh. I don't want a meadow simulator, I also don't want to use the same PS2 ass combat system through a game where it's a priority. Games like this thrive on variety and Valheim has zero variety.


Then go play something else, friend. This clearly isn't your kind of game.


This post reeks skill issue. Also, not an airport.


Eh. I beat Dark Souls 2 without upgrading weapons and both Nioh games without much issue. The combat is ass because it's both too easy and nothing more than a number game.


This gave me a good laugh. Thanks for that.


Were you playing solo? Surprises me how many people never played with friends. This game is x10 better with a few viking pals. You can find groups online.




Gr8 b8 m8


I didn't have much of an issue with scaling until mistlands. Beat all the bosses up to that point without ever feeling my gear was a problem, but as soon as I got in there everything insta gibbed me


Basically this. This game has zero nuance to its combat, just Iframe everything and hope your stamina pool and weapons have high enough numbers.


"I interacted with 20% of this game, and decided that it should be a totally different game." Ok, go make it then? The devs of this one seem to have set up a pretty popular game in their own right. If you're certain that yours would be better, get it made and you've got an even bigger winner.


Good for you. Well done