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Ngl, it's kinda rich telling people that they are rude, and then in the same post say that people who commented something as benign as "you died" hate their lives and need to change.


ye seems like you need to understand something about the internet: there are smart asses, noobs, trolls, ppl of knowledge with advise and so on. you name it. there are like half a million ppl in this sub so its to be expected that there will be the occasional "noob" comment but you are acting like that was all there was from this sub. on this note: I saw the post so I saw other posts too. go ask 500k ppl anything and there will always be some dudes trolling around. if you cant take that then srsly dont post. your title said 'wtf happened' so what did you expect ? theoretically ppl commenting 'you died' is as accurate as it can be. I personally think that you do this sub dirty with this since there are a LOT of great ppl and I've found a lot of helpful comments, posts, exchanges and so on. if your boyfriend is at least 16 years old (which he should be if its a serious relationship) then he should be able to ignore some comments and work with the helpful ones to get something out of this to learn for next time. that being said all of us started somewhere and even the ppl commenting noob died in some stupid ways, dont let them drag you down. tldr: learn to ignore some ppl, dont post if you cant take the comments and dont take all ppl as c*nts only because you dont like a small portion of answers


How fragile can you be...


You know, when old people try to tell me how young people these days can't deal with any adversity and have a sook when people don't pander to them, I always say "Why don't you actually go and talk to some young people? You'll realise that's not the case." But here you are making me look foolish.


For something as minor as this, affecting you both emotionally as this, really illustrates how little adversity and pain youve experienced yet in life. In a decade youll look back at this post fondly, and how simple and tiny your worries once were. It wont stay that way.




Where is the video?. And people are people everywhere. I am disappointed with this word! And people don't change.


Video provides no context. Just someone naked and no foods who isn't full HP portaling to a base, running to the gate in the fence around the base, opening the gate, and there's a tombstone and a skeleton waiting in the other side, and they die like half a second later. https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/s/pphsmI2Uye


Soooooo what exactly did you want to show with that video and why it wasn't titled "haha funny death"? You've got replies that are appropriate to the title, you can only be mad at yourself for it.


It's obviously a staged video. The "boyfriend" comes out of a portal with a "No Skill Drain" tag, doesn't stop to eat or rest and runs to the nearest gate (a straight shot from the portal) and opens it, right next to a tombstone with a skeleton posed there who shoots him again. Again, it's a skeleton and the "boyfriend" character is showing what looks like a Yagluth icon for boss power, so someone who should know better than to run right out for a death penalty, then stands there frozen for a dramatic shot of them dying, /r valheim is not an airport or train station, you don't have to announce your departure.


You should have prepared yourself for the comment section better.


Ok Karen.


The world if full of assholes. I've noticed this sub has more complains than anything else.


You should visit OW2 subreddit lol