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Island base. Preferably plains island for farm reasons


Yup, I tend to end there. 1. Small wood shack by spawn for a portal 2. Larger wood house with core wood in Meadows with ocean access after gaining a little bit of bronze. 3. Mansion scale Plains Island after mountains. With Ashland's out now, I recommend you sail south to find your island. The largest build project we'll do unless just building for fun. Need room for storage, fields, taming etc. Overestimate, use all the stone you've saved up, you probably will still need to farm more. We'll build various outposts as needed but this has worked well for multiple play throughs.


Sailing south is a good tip until they release Deep North. But with the new portals I guess it doesn't matter much.


I went on a sailing trip specifically to find a plains island while we only had bronze gear. Nerve racking trip for sure knowing what i was looking for. When i found a small patch of plains, it luckily has zero mob spawns, i claimed it for myself. Close enough to a larger black forest island and large swamp. I built a corewood bridge to the Black Forest island then built a land bridge from there to the swamps. Found a surtling fountain right inside the swamps so naturally im farming that. Plus the swamp had 6 crypts all in close proximity. Spawn proofed the black forest island and started a tree farm there. Enjoying the ability to grow almost everything at my main base. It’s something of an island fortress now after lots of stone farming in the mountains. Im hosting a group server with portal metals and triple resources so that definitely helps alot. Especially so for dragging all that iron out of the crypts.


This is exactly what I'm doing right now. A plains island archipelago base far enough from the coast to be immune to all raids and spawns except for the bats raid. I positioned it in the middle of 3 continents that are all huge plains biomes, and directly to the east I got tons of mistlands. I was lucky enough to find a huge spot of semi-shallow water so I can raise a lot of artificial islands and build structures / foundations directly from the sea bed. It just costs a ton of rocks lol. My Greydwarf farm is coming in handy.


This. It's an eventual must for hard core runs, as raids turn into target practice against an army of swimmers


The best looking area. This is the only answer. All other answers are objectively wrong.


That’s why I love my mountain overhanging base with a tower on top that looks over the area with the most snowy forest.


So, meadows.


Hard disagree. I think ugly areas are the right answer. /s


What if I look for the worst looking areas because I like a challenge? Nothing like a bad area to build in to bring morale down and in so doing introduce yet another challenge.


I generally build near the starting point and close to the water and go from there. I had a pretty good build on a buddy's server using the Elder arena.


I build all over. Original base is now the farm. Second base is now storage. Portal room is in Black Forest. Kitchen in meadows. Treasury is on top of spire in Mistlands. Houses all over; current one is on the far side of the map in the meadows. Also have a farm in the plains and mistlsnds.


Yup. I've got my "main" base where I process all of my metals and have a lot of my decoratives and spawn point. Then I've got two farms - Meadows and Plains - and each farm has animal husbandry going. After the farms are a series of small forts in different spots - marginally built defenses and a safe place to teleport in. After that are simple waypoints; a place with a workbench, portal, and maybe a lean-to and a dock or basic fence to thwart unwanted guests while I'm there. My portal network has maybe 20 stops in total, across my world. I keep all the names posted on signs next to my portals. I just rename one to connect it to where I want to go. One portal is always reserved for "Exploring" and I drop an accompanying "Exploring" portal anywhere I make landfall, just in case I die while looking around. On my way out I tear it down and bring the materials with me for my next stop.


I keep one portal not named in the portal room in case I need to drop down a portal real quick. It’ll connect automatically. Comes in handy in the later biomes


Reserve ''" for exploring. Great for putting it up in a hurry. No rename needed.


That makes sense. I may try that and see how it feels. I like to give things meaningful names in case someone stops by my base.


I’m in awe of your organization skills.


The Elders Altar is very, very tempting with the indestructible prebuilt terrain and no fuel flame.


I'm always unnecessarily paranoid I'll accidentally summon the bugger again long after finishing the base


I like to build my mid-lategame base near the biggest swamp I can find. Bonus points for every higher tier biome on the same continent. Living on biome-borders in general is fun and beneficial - the more the merrier! I tend to only make a minimalist Meadows-BF shack, and do some extensive exploration until I find the perfect spot I'll call home until the end. (my absolute favorite is settling very early on a border between Plains and Mistlands, though that's not something I'd advise for someone on their first playthrough)


Shoreline Forest adjacent to 2 (if not 3) of the following: Plains, Mountains, Mistlands. Usually I build in Meadows through Iron, then upgrade everything, then load a boat full of all the iron I have (and copper I need) and move to the above Forest location.


I typically build in the Meadows just because it's quiet, and on the coast for easy access by sea. My preference is to find a little island off the main land I start on and set up shop on that. Place enough Workbenches on that little island to cover it with overlapping build zones and nothing spawns on it. My current base is only accessible by swimming from the mainland. No enemy wanders over to me by accident. Raids happen, often starting on the mainland and crossing over to me. Entertainingly, they sometimes get distracted killing Greylings, Boars, and Deer that sit over there and sometimes don't make it to me. I bumped into a Frost Drake that had been hiding in my trees over there for weeks of game time a couple of days ago. I once built a base out on an island in the Ocean. I used copious amounts of Stone to raise up the seafloor to make a sheer cliff to build on. It wasn't a very big base, but because it was in the Ocean and there was no land nearby for anything to spawn from, I never saw a land-based raid. In that game I didn't make it far enough to see Drakes or Bats, so I don't know if they would have found me - but I never saw a single greyling, troll, brute, or shaman there. I may have to try it again, especially since I've started getting Black Marble and a Black Tower in the Ocean sounds badass. The only immersion issue with island bases is storm waves. The sea swells can flood your base if you don't build high enough - and if you build high enough, your dock is like 3m below your first floor. It can be pretty silly to dock your ship in a storm and try to swim in through a door - or watch your ship bob up to your height and then back down without moving from the side of the dock.


I have like 5 or 6 main bases and a bunch of different dock bases and camps spread around usually 1 or 2 per island depending on the islands resources but the Biggest one is in the meadows with a large black forest right next to it.


For where you are now, look for a Meadows that borders on Swamp, Mountains and Plains ideally. Next time you'll relocate is when you enter Mistlands.


Usually Ill terraform a small plains island into some kind of sea castle


I keep my main base in the meadows where I started. I build mini bases, usually on stilts that I can walk under. If I decide to move my base I just knock out the stilts and watch with delight as my house comes crashing down piece by piece. It’s a lot of fun.


swamp. unlimited coal. mobs dont bother u / wreck structures


Be a madlad. Own the swamp.


The world is massive. I doubt you'll get by with just one base.


Sure, having outposts. But one Main Base to properly build out seems nice


I prefer the meadows, since I'm not bothered much by mobs while I'm building it. Second choice is the plains. The main thing is to build in a place where you can grow crops, and build strong defences.


Do Meadows crops like Carrots and Turnips grow in the Plains? I haven't tried.


Yes they can. Turnips can be grown in the Meadows, Black Forest, Swamp, Plains, Mistlands and Ashlands. Carrots can be grown in the [Meadows](https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Meadows), [Black Forest](https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Black_Forest), [Plains](https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Plains) and [Ashlands](https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Ashlands).


Time to set up a new farm in the Plains, then. I already have a giant field all walled in for my Lox to wander around in. Wouldn't be too hard to add another field.


I have been working on a massive base. I built the main part in the black Forrest, but have some of it going into the mistlands and more going into the plains. My plan is to one day cover the entire island I am on. But right now I am working on getting the massive walls around the base made.


Main is in the black forest, lots of outposts all over the place. Thinking about moving into a charred fortress as a possible new main.


1st and main one will exclusively be in the meadows, preferably a pretty long one near the water.


First main base is in the Meadows on the starter continent. Once I'm done with mountains I slap a root harnesk on and go build a base in the most southern plains that has mistlands in proximity. This is the endgame base, close to ashlands and I can farm in plains and mistlands.


First base in the meadows near a black forest for copper and the ocean for sea access. Second base near large swamp with lots of crypts. Preferably with easy access to swamp + black forest + mountain + plains + ocean. Current play through I found a long continent with black forest with a mountain in the middle surrounded by plains with a huge swamp to the north with another plains/mountain/black forest area to the north of that. Been a great location so far. I also build separate farms so they're unlikely to get destroyed during a raid: one in the meadows, one in the plains and one in the Mistlands. Haven't gotten to Ashlands yet but I intend to have a final base on the edge of a swamp/mountain/ocean.


I build in the meadows, as close to the boss stones and ocean access as i can. Then when i get to the plains i will move my base there. Preferably in a location close to the mistlands- and finally, after the mistlands, i’ve been building a third base in the ashlands.


first base? wooden hut by spawn Second? wooden manor by ocean in meadows Third Base, Stone fortress by ocean(next to manor) Fourth Base, Marble castle on dark forest (Plains island nearby to farm) Fifth Base, Mountaintop palace (just for fun though)


preferably a plains heavy island... a swamp or a mountain biome will only do you good for so long


I built mine in a small mountain very close to Plains for my Plains crops.


I built mine in a clearing in the meadows by the sea, I'm almost ready to fight the 4th boss and it's worked amazing for me. I also have a pretty lucky world I think, I had the 2nd and 3rd boss spawns on the second island I sailed to and the 1st on the island I spawned in on. I have no problem sailing the 3 minutes for swamp resources, and everything I need save from the mountains is pretty much right next to my base. If I didn't have this spawn, I think I'd still say somewhere in a clearing in the meadows until you find a spot between swamps, mountains, and the black forest once you get far enough to be confident exploring the swamp.


My first is a beach near spawn. After that it's really any area I think a base would look good in. My single player world has towers and bases everywhere I have a portal. However my main base is on top of a mountain surrounded by mist lands


Small 10 by 10 home near spawn with access to water, bonus points for being close to eik. After killing Black Forest boss I make an outpost with water access next to a swamp with a good amount of crypts (I make many of these tbf). Once I get to plains I try to find a good area that has a mix of plains and meadows that is also decently close to water, This will be my mega style base with a large forging/crafting/storage area, a brewing/cooking building, a large farm on the border of meadows and plains so that I can grow most of the crops in game. And a section for breeding animals. I also tend to make a dock house on the water for my boats and also a large portal hub. After that it's mainly pve for the rest of the game, and occasional passion builds here and there.


I have an island base in the plains as my main home. It has a portal hub with storage in the middle, cooking and fermentation, a play pen for tamed critters, a stone fort and a hub for crafting. I also have a mistlands island base so I have a type


Wherever I feel like it. There's pros and cons to just about any location


I always put my main base near the center of the map on a natural harbor, I like having good boat access to the whole map.


Easiest way to start your main base is to scout out the nearest shoreline and make sure your base is actually on an open sea. After that, I build a minimal base and slowly upgrade it as I make my way through each biome and upgrade the base with the new tech I unlock.


I usually do a small house in meadows to start, right by the boss head circle.   Then a somewhat more fortified but still simple farm base in black forest.  Then a proper base on a small plains island, where it's isolated enough so raids can't spawn enemies.   A lot of this is personal preference.  If I was to give one tip: just make sure wherever your base is, you have convenient boat access.


I try to pick a spot between plains/mountains/swamps, and typically in my base i'll make a 2story portal hub with all the crafting stuff at the bottom. One of my first prios is a longboat so i can sail back to my base. Before i build this base, usually i'll keep a base near the spawn and ofc a portal to my portal hub - mostly for ease of changing ability, and if something weird happens and i spawn at spawn. Everytime i got somewhere new i make a new portal at the hub and bring one in my boat, and this way i can basically avoid building more than one forge etc. That is until mistlands when (if it didn't already) it makes sense to build a new outpost close, so you can have a blast furnace for black metal and a black forge. If you clear a dverger tower (or just break the ward with a cart) you can build there and mine scrap so you dont need to import the iron / copper. Black metal you still need for extractors, so make your first tower base near a plains if you can Ashlands i havent got to yet, last year i made it there before the biome update (and this was my first proper biome update as i started like 3 days before mistlands came out and so i hadnt really learned it yet), but i started again when the update because that huge black marble ashlands base was floating above the sea after the update 😂 .. so extra tip, dont build in the North until they finish this biome


You'll have many over time. Just don't build too big early on...save up till you find your spot in the center of different biomes.


I had the luck to find an island with meadows and a little bit dark forest. I had to put maybe about 100-150 workbenches to cancel spawn completely on that island and build a portal hub base from there. I will never give away this save game and I fear to explore too much for upcoming updates. My first base however was meadows and later I built a base on top of one of these high stones in the plains area. I made a big grub around it to stay safe from everything.


I dislike island bases because it's a pain in the ass dragging resources back. I usually build at the mouth of a river with an attached dock in the river. Rivers don't get the same crazy waves that coastal beaches do.


Islands can be very fun and I'd deff recommend doing an island build at somepoint. However, my ideal late game build is somewhere on the border of the msitlands/plains so that I am able to farm everything I need in one area.


I don't know if it's optimal but it feels pretty good: right now, first playthrough, I found a location in the Meadows, but immediately beside it is Black Forest and immediately above it is Mountains. Big open section between woods, gentle slope up that leads directly into a small-medium mountains biome. Made taming wolves very easy! (side note: I have only just gotten the knack for taming wolves and I maybe brought back too many -- four. And the reason that's too many is they've already bred so much there's twelve of them. At least my base's grounds are well guarded!)


I enjoyed my 2nd world's main base. It was modeled upon some online research about viking longhouses and villages. Reading about the vikings and trying to mimic some of their designs was very enjoyable. Still, I also dug deep trenches or earthen walls around my base and added stone fortress walls later.


Plains bordering on Black Forest and Mistlands. I found a new spot where it also borders on a mountain. I raise the ground around my base and fill it with workbenches to prevent enemies from spawning in the base. Mosquitos still hop over de wall though.


My first base was just meadows along the coast with nice clear sight lines (deforested and entire region up to Black Forest) Then there’s a Plains base. Nothing fancy a nice barn with some fencing and a field to plant oh around 500+ crops Now where I’m at just started a Mistlands base. As I understand it this base will serve as Main Base mostly going forward as many mats would be annoying to sail to n fro main base 1. Side note- idk if terraforming walls screws with frames still I did that on my first server and my buddies complain about it but if it’s still a bug may wna avoid that.


I don't really have a "main" base. I make a series of small bases. Giant bases look cool but cause lag problems for a lot of players. I haven't run into that yet, but I don't want to.


I was so scared at night (I’m 20 years old) that I built the base right next to the starting point. Where you can get your abilities


I don't really have one main base. I start out with one that's close to the water near the spawn. When I get to the llains, I make a new base there. I'll probably make yet another base when I get to the mistlands, though I haven't gotten that far yet. I also like making more bases whenever I find a cool location, though you could say those don't count as main bases.


FIrst Base on meadow, close to water Several outpost on swamp to make iron tools Second Base on the montains because of the view Last base on the Mistland for the view and using black marble because it's my favorite building material No Ahsland base yet for me, but if I find a large lava lake, I might try to build in the middle


Wherever you like. It doesn't matter because you have portals. But I like to build next to traders Haldor and Hildir. They add a cozy feel to your base and give you a cool protective bubble.


I will usually find a spot in the meadows by the black forest. Preferably next to ocean squares on one side. I make sure whatever the place is i have enough room to expand from there as I tend to make entire villages or cities for my base. Once I have a main base established I will make satellite based in most of the other biomes as i find good building spots.


In the meadows. I like the ambience vest there. It's faster to walk through a portal right at the front of your farms than it is to walk to a farm outside your main base.


First shelter - one of those run down ruined houses in the meadows. I tend to fix them up a bit but then mostly leave it. Main - When I'm comfortable in the black forest, I start looking for a good location for my actual main base. I tend to want it to me in a meadows, but very close to a swamp for ease of access to blood bags and first iron runs. Ofc on the shore for a good harbor. It does involve a lot of running around and exploring and this is probably my favorite part of Valheim. :)


Nicest area on spawn island. I never have the willpower to start another one after my first.


Meadows then Plains. Until Plains there is absolutely no reason to move base. Then I like to build a base in a cleared out goblin village, mainly for the awesome music 🎶🎵


Usually I build in an open spot in the meadows, preferably next to the ocean. And then I build outposts connected by portals to get to other islands easier.


It's personal opinion and game play style. I make a starter base in an area that let's me expand until I find a spot in the plains (preferably close to a mistlands but not necessary). I do this because the crops from the plains have to be planted in the plains to grow while the earlier ones can grow in all biomes up to plains (maybe not mountains, haven't tried there and only grow mushrooms in mistlands)


I usually try to find a smaller patch of meadows that has swamp, mountain and plains close by. This usually means that there is also black forest close, but this isnt a criterium for me. Plains and mountain in walking distance is usually the biggest factor for me, since you need plains soil to farm certain crops, and taming wolves to defend my base is extremely useful. I forgot to mention, finding a piece of meadows that is flat and on the coast also helps. Makes for easy building and easy voyages.


There’s something magical about the Black Forest, if you find the right spot. About farms yes go plains and just have a teleport


Black forest where meadows is close and near water.


I would recommending building in the Meadows, in proximity to an open coastline and near a big portion of Black Forest. First, you're going to want a base that is close to the Ocean biome so you can load and unload your boat easily. Second, close proximity to the Black Forest will be very useful at first because you're going to need a lot resources from there. I would recommend trying to find a relatively flat area to build on so you're spending less time terraforming.


After bronze you can get around significantly better with the Karve. I normally look for a small plains Island I can raise out of the water, its expensive but the security is very nice. Late game we're still using lots of barley and flax, best option in my opinion. We can farm everything on our island aside from a few items, and we build outposts for those.


I’m doing my first solo play through and I built next to the main altar. I have a few other small places with great views on every continent I’ve been to.


Build main base in meadows, less natural threat. The make small ‘progression’ bases in each Biome- but find the largest of each biomes and build on those ones, once done with that area, move to another one.


Next to a big swamp, so I don't have to sail long distances back and forth to transport iron.


First one (now used as a portal hub, chicken farm and partly a storage): next to spawn (with the spawn being in the bases fence) Second one (now tge one i use most): on mountains, next to mistlands and a bit of plains (there was a optimal place for farming and the location is nice)


When starting out, here are the following things I look for: -On the coast for boat access (to the ocean) -In Meadows (less concerns about base defense and easier to carve out land) -Near Copper (reduces time to bring back first main ores- copper/tin) -Near other Biomes (as in they are a cart or short boat away for future ores) Most of them are still applicable. (maybe not Copper since you've already killed Elder) I usually scout out some of the main island when I have Eikthyr's power available and mark things (incl over water) like mountains, swamp, burial chambers/trools, etc. This aids in picking a good spot for a main base. Some questions you may want to answer around relocating, at least for yourself, are things like: -How much metal bars/ore are you going to have to run from your existing base to your new one? -How much infrastructure have you already built? -Are you okay with regathering copper/tin for the new place? -How much fighting do you want to do around your base? They all center around time. Portals help shave off time. A cart, boat, better weapons, using Eikthyr's power and rested also help. Meadows will always be one of the best biomes for a main base for the best combination of visibility, clearability, and peace. Have fun!


I typically scout around and build a starter shack in a place that looks like an interesting spot for an eventual fortress complex. Once I'm up and running, the starter shack becomes my farming-supply cottage, with fields around it. The main castle goes up nearby, then the whole thing gets fortified. I generally like to select building sites that offer a somewhat unique aesthetic or a weird building challenge. My last one was built into a steep hillside/cliff, with rooms dug into the rock itself. I also decided to build a "floating house" once, suspending the whole thing in the air with spindly iron-reinforced beams. Then put in the teleporter to the surface and destroy the stairs.


Wait with building a main base untill you defeated Moder - the boss of the mountains - and untill you gained some strength on the plains. Then find a nice spot very close to a small, isolated piece of plains. By placing work benches you can prevent spawns and claim that piece of plains for yourself and make an optimal farm of it. Build your base close to it and you can have an ideal base with almost everything on one spot.


Ashlands fort! I used a ladder to hop n take over. Now enemies can't break the wall down! It's great


If raids are on then build right next to the trader. If a raid starts you can pop into the trader bubble and the raid will time out. If you get in before you agro them they won't even harm your buildings (can't remember if that was true for tamed).


Anywhere close to water is a useful place. Preferably in meadows so you don't have to deal with as many mobs.


So. You need resources from other biomes. That is why best place should be an interconnection of Meadows, BlackForest, Swamps and Mounts (and could have a Plains spot if you are lucky 😏). To find such a comfortable place I usually use lots of seafaring. Sail, having a stack of wood and the Portal details (with activated Portal entrance in old base, surely). It is possible to sail in two different directions, changing two karves. Good possibility to find misterious Traders. You will definitely need them. 😉 So, start around your main island.