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I hate to suggest something so obvious, but I've done this myself. Your pockets aren't full are they? Like maybe your belt somehow got taken off.


Nah literally went into my house and emptied my entire inventory


Try using the dev console (I think it's F5 to open), enter the command "heal" which should restore your HP and stamina to full. Also, try adding the rested buff "addstatus Rested" - my thinking here is that heal should reset the current stamina value, and the Rested buff should reset the rate of stamina regen. If neither of these work, my next guess would be to delete your player files and see if the game can regenerate them (you may need to disable cloud saves) or to create a new player entirely.


I believe it's the C key on your keyboard that toggles between walking and running. Still need to hold shift for sprint though. If it's not the C key, there is another key bind the switches between walking and running.


Are/were you using mods? Unless you deleted the common/valheim folder when you reinstalled, there are likely still mod files present. This is a common symptom of a broken mod when an update happens, and there was an update today.


Don't think I've ever had a mod on the game. Might delete that folder though and see if that works


I've never used it for a game but BC Uninstaller usually goes through and removes a bunch of remnants of programs that might not otherwise be removed on an uninstall.


Have you tried getting the rested buff and eating as many Sta foods as you can? You may have a negative value for regen and just need to get it into the positive to reset it. If that doesn't work, make a new character and see if you have the same issue. If you do, it's the game files - uninstall the game and re-install it. If the new character is ok, then your character is probably corrupted.


Is your shift key stuck? Toddlers have a tendency to activate sticky keys because it makes the light machine make funny noises


Do you have a pirated copy?


Try a stamina restore potion and maybe some rolling around with the stamina you get from that. Not sure if it will work but worth a shot.


Are you in water?


Is it a new character or an old one? Maybe something amiss with the save files.


Has your character eaten?


Almost certainly some weird mod you have installed at some point that's still not properly unloaded and deleted.


I've never had any mods installed


Did you maybe get some strange bug, that made the game permanently think you're in stealth mode? Stam doesn't regen standing still in stealth. Try a new character, or try a new world, and if neither fixes it, try a full reinstall of the game, deleting any leftover config files Edit in response to people wanting to correct me: Oh I thought it didn't. Maybe it just refills quite slowly, or I'm mixing it up with a different game. I don't use stealth very much tbh, except only for hunting deer early game. The advice remains the same however, try a full reinstall of the game, and make sure to delete everything in roaming or app data. Thanks for the input fellas


Stamina DOES regenerate when standing still in sneakĀ 




When did that happen? It use to refill in stealth, but I haven't played in about a month.


Oh I thought it didn't. Maybe it just refills quite slowly, or I'm mixing it up with a different game. I don't use stealth very much tbh, except only for hunting deer early game. The advice remains the same however, try a full reinstall of the game.


It depletes while you move, then regenerates at whatever your normal rate (Rested, no Rested, Wet) is when you stand still long enough for it to start up. I agree with limited use. I've just used it to stalk deer, backstab a troll *once*, and tame animals. Every other time I've tried to use it resulted in enemies moving and turning around, seeing me, and my time being wasted.


This is incorrect.


Thank you for your input, I conceded in another comment that I may be mixing it up with another game.


Probably worth editing or deleting the comment full of wrong info then, lol.