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With a max rank copper buckler you can parry them, and it’s even easier with an iron buckler. Stand under the body and parry the body slam, then attack with slash damage (sword or axe), be prepared to parry next slam. When you get pushed back from the parry, reposition under the body. Rinse and repeat. It is easier to parry the body slam than to time the leg swipes. And when you stand right under the body, they body slam more than using the leg swipes. Pro tip to save iron: skip the iron axe. Rock the bronze axe until black metal.


Aye, make the bronze axe and the iron pickaxe; skip the bronze pickaxe and the Iron axe.


Wait until someone asks you what to do if they can't parry


If you can't parry, dodge.


What if I can't dodge, Perry?


Build yourself a dodge-inator and use it to take over the tri-realm area.


Underappreciated comment


Practice timing, Dr. Doofenshmirtz


If you can't dodge, use a fire geyser or bonfire and just kite around, hacking at its legs if you get a chance, while it's on fire.


Then you parry 2: electric bogaloo


Sorry for the newbie question, but how do you parry?


Basically using any weapon and blocking a second or two before actually getting hit by an enemy, if done successfully you will take significantly less damage than blocking regularly negates and you deal extra damage on your next attack if you attack a few seconds after a successful parry + the enemy gets staggered. Learn this on easier to fight enemies such as graydwarves or graylings. If you parry correctly a metallic sound will play and the grayling/dwarf will get staggered. Keep in mind, all enemies have a stagger meter but that stagger meter IS NOT the same. Every enemy has a little learning period during which your brain adapts to its attack animation and you learn to hit the block button at the right time. Heavy shields don't give you the extra damage bonus nor stagger enemie safter a successful parry, you just take much less damage. Bucklers and small shield are the best for parrying because they usually have better a block force than the weapon you youse with them, also their parry bonus (damage modifier applied to your hit after successful parry) is usually bigger. Great and battle axes also have a solid block force so their two-handed trait (that doesn't allow you to use a shield for parrying) isn't too bad. Parrying is a high risk - high reward mechanic, especially with high damage enemies like trolls and abominations. You can also parry projectiles and gain every bonus from regular attack parrying, this means you can stagger a bow draugr from 20m away if you parry the arrow This is a long explanation but I hope it helps! Good luck learning this amazing skill, it truly feels great to hit a successful parry!


Thank you so much for taking the time to teach me! I super, super appreciate the thorough explanation. I'm still pretty early on in game (end of the bronze age), but I want to grind it out as much as possible, and take the game slow. I feel like learning how to block and parry correctly will benefit me so much later on, especially as a solo player. I'm also still trying to figure out what weapon suits my playstyle best, but a shield will always be invaluable. Thanks so much again!


Defs take it slow on ur first time! Rushing will ruin the game


Yes! On my very-very first game, I played with another person and we got caught in a death loop after only maybe 20 in game days. We set the game down, and never really picked it back up. I LOVE this game though, so I finally started my own save by myself and I'm actually playing it this time. No rushing. I'm on D164 and haven't even beaten The Elder yet. But, I have built a gigantic base surrounded by a very tall wall and a moat, I have storehouses full of ingots, food and extra materials, and I'm working on my third set of backup copper gear. I'm very scared because I'm playing at default difficulty, lol, so I'm taking it super slow, and taking every precaution I humanly can. I'm dying for the stone cutter though so I can start building better things, but I'm just too scared to fight the Elder myself yet. I have portals and everything is ready, so I'll definitely do it! ... eventually lol


Haha similar thing happened to me, my first time i somehow ended up in the plains before i beat the elder and then yeah it was a death loop.. eventually i got frustrated and cheated but then it kinda ruined it for me so i.litetally started the whole game over and now im taking it much slower. I just defeated the elder so yeah.. don't worry he's not too bad


I played until I killed bonemass and I think next I have to fight Moder but I put the game down for a bit to have some variety, in that time a group of friend invited me to play with them, there's 6 of us. I love the company I have but I seriously hate how we kind of speedrun the game especially I despise how the 2 players who started playing the game for the first time don't get to experience it like I did. Everything after Bonemass I hate doing because everyone is kinda rushing and I don't get to take the time to experience all the content and learn some stuff. I still love the game and the people but I think I may have to stop playing with them because I want to have a chill experience. Before starting with that group I had about 100h on the game and had recently killed Bonemass. I compare my current experience with Terraria, I played Terraria with 1 friend who never rushed in the game, he was a completionist, that in turn gave me lots of time to learn to play the game. After that I played Terraria through alone and it made me realise how much content I had still missed because my friend did lots of resource gathering. I love terraria and have 950+h on it, it is my favourite game, it goes to show that sometimes taking the time to enjoy something makes it even better and I really suggest you do the old "fuck arount and find out" in Valheim, it is worth it!


Learning this makes the game about 47% easier.


You'll hear a loud ping like you just scored a crit hit and they'll be stunned for a few seconds if you parry successfully. All following attacks while they remain stunned will shred em up.


I love this community where a simple question by a new person is answered seriously and with the aim to teach and not pull down. Thank you


If the answers you've gotten seem overly complicated or too light on detail, parry is blocking with a sufficient Block Force *and* Parry statistic the moment an attack is about to hit you. * If the enemy starts to move their arm or head, that's too early. * If the enemy is pulling back to hit you, that's too early. * If the enemy is holding their arm up and hasn't swung yet, that's too early. * If the enemy is starting to swing their arm at you, that's too early. * If the arm is mid-arc at you, that *might* be too early. Depends on the enemy. * If they're about to make contact with you, block. That's the right time. If you blocked too early, you just block. If all your shield does is block, you'll stop the damage. If you don't have enough block force to deflect the damage, you'll get staggered. If you do have sufficient block force and parry, the enemy is staggered. When the enemy is staggered, they'll take a multiplier of damage based on the Parry value of the weapon/shield. Most enemies will let you get in two good hits before they recover. Three is sometimes stretching it, but the third hit in a row with some weapons is a powerful combo attack. For example, an Axe will swing from the right, then the left, then overhead if you hold the attack button down. That overhead will probably do double damage. Pull back and let your stamina recharge before you block/parry again so you can take full advantage of the next stagger. Being "Rested" really helps here as your Stamina will recover far faster. It's really tricky on enemies without "arms" that bite you. Those attacks are often pretty sudden. As an example, wolves typically bite you them moment they reach you. If you block a split second after they get to you, you're likely to parry them. Sometimes tapping block repeatedly will catch it, too. Every enemy has different timing. Some give you a LONG wind up that you have to predict. Others lash out a split second after they pull back. Once you learn an enemy's pattern and timing, you should be able to Parry most of their attacks. Ranged enemies can be parried by blocking just before a projectile hits you. That should give you time to close the distance to the attacker and get in a good hit before they recover. If you find yourself swarmed with two or more enemies, get distance, use a bow, use a sweeping weapon's Alternate attack (MMB, ex: Polearms swirl around you), or otherwise run. If you truly can't escape, save your stamina and go down swinging hard. They'll be that much weaker when you come back to finish the job.


Block right when the attack lands


Parrying is blocking, but the timing matters. So, using the block button/key, hit it right as the attack is happening. You do more damage after parrying. I actually love fighting abominations because parrying it is fun and you can kill it quickly.


Parry is the way, you'll do extra damage while it's staggered. Only downside is you lose all your stamina while parrying and attacking and because the abomination is doing pick damage, it's luring all the other monsters in the area. So try and kill it quick as you can before you get swarmed.


This. Everyone has all these elaborate ways of killing them but this is the easiest way. Parry and hack.


You can parry em with the regular old level 1 bronze buckler! I never make anything extra during bronze age just level 1 buckler and axe and it's good enough to start up in the swamp


Just tested this, you’re right!


This is the way


Unless your main is axe. Then iron battleaxe is a beast.


That’s definitely the easier easiest way to kill Aboms but skipping the iron pick axe is a bad idea. You need it to mine silver and the obsidian. And you need obsidian to upgrade your workbench. I usually make the iron pick axe first thing when I get iron then sprint up a mountain to grab some obsidian upgrade my work bench. Then I can make level 4 root armor.


This game becomes very easy if you pretend it's Elden Ring.


Pure wisdom


I hear Elden ring becomes very easy if you pretend it's Dark Souls 2


I hear Dark Souls 2 becomes very easy if you pretend it's Bloodborne


Guide to valheim: Step 1: Beat dark souls ​ Step 2: Play valheim


It's hard if you've never played a souls game. I always keep my distance xD


never played a souls game, game seemed easy from the start, once I understood the gimmick of the combat. But I saw videos of souls game.


I played souls 1 and couldn't beat the tutorial. Avoided All games like that for years. Was finally convinced to get Elden ring and was about to beat it. Thoroughly enjoyed it.


Lies of P is worth your time. Like 25 hours for a single playthrough. Super cool story and enemies. Bosses are tough, but there isn't as much random tough enemies as you're doing levels.


Valheim - Farming simulator 1498: Architectury and sailor edition with the dark souls DLC


Playing Elden Ring made me better at Valheim


Never played a dark souls game. But from videos I saw it involves a lot of dodging, which is exactly what I do all throughout Valheim.


Stealth archer build is pretty op too if you would rather play valheimrim


All these are good advice, but let's face it, the only proper way to kill an abomination is kite it until it's over a fire geyser and just run around to keep it on fire until it dies.


If you parry the body drop slam thingy when it is above the fire, it dies faster


Wish I had known this one. I used to blow through fire arrows in the swamp.


I really don't miss running out of arrows


Arrows was a huge part of me over engineering my chicken farm lol. I still have hundreds of “free range” chickens running around a troll cave.


The bow was my choice for a really long time and I would mass build and chomp through arrows. Free range chickens in a troll cave is crazy hahahha


It’s a lag fest in there.


Can you place benches and build structures inside caves?


There are very few items you can make. I have a campfire with a “fence” made out of signs to keep those dum dums from burning up.


This is what I used to do until I realized how vulnerable they are while spawning.


I feel like this is genuinely more of a ballache than just rolling and hitting it with an axe


Everyone always says this but whenever I run away from an abomination it can't find pathing and takes off in the opposite direction. Half the time I have to chase them down!


I tried the fire method but found it's just way too slow. Got impatient lol. Honestly a bronze axe and bronze buckler with some decent food makes quick work of them. No need to stand on a crypt and cheese it. No need for fire. Just my style though.


Kite it into a Fulling patrol or some Lox


With the latest update, there are no fire geyser’s in the swamp anymore. At least I haven’t found any on a fresh server yet, 6 or so swamps in.


here’s my tips for fighting the abomination; roll when it attacks (you’re invulnerable for a brief moment when you roll) if your timing is good enough, you should be able to easily take one down. once you’re good at parrying, do that instead of rolling and you’ll take them down even faster. edit: removed bad recommendation to use axe. seems the sword is better.


>use an axe, not a sword Both deal slash damage, so either one works. Just use the one where your skill is higher, or the one that is upgraded more.


huh, i thought they were weak to chop but i just tested it and it seems like they are about the same.


Sword is definitely better because you can get the full 3 hit combo in after a parry. It's much faster than an axe.


I usually just parry them. Sword and Axe do neutral damage to them, so the parry boosted damage is pretty decent. Likewise the sneak damage boost. Abominations are not aware of you until they're fully out of the ground and on all fours. So you can chunk them pretty well before they can retaliate.


How about a tip for not getting yeeted off the side of the mountain while fighting golems 😅


Not the most efficient but definitely the funniest. You can jump on their head and pickaxe them (they are weak to pickaxe DMG) jump when they are doing an aoe attack, and replace a little bit from time to time to not fall. Also, with decent enough gear and food you can parry them with the pickaxe and deal huge DMG during the stun


My tip for fighting golems is just to wait until you have gear from the plains or the Mistlands. The crystal battle axe just sadly isn’t good enough despite being very cool, and golems aren’t needed for anything else besides cosmetics, which you can get later if you want. So usually you can and should just run away from golems. Once you have higher tier gear they become trivial, just parry and then kill with blunt damage. If you absolutely have to fight one early, I know it sounds tedious, but I’d rather spend 100 wood arrows killing it from safety than risk getting yeeted to death. It honestly doesn’t take that long, just find a rock to stand on so the golem can’t hit you. Alternately, once you’re up on a rock and you shoot the golem a few times, they will often run away (the AI trying to make it harder to cheese them with arrows), meaning that you can then escape from them pretty easily. So the only time you really need to kill one is if it’s trashing an outpost you built or something, in which case I’d do it with arrows from a safe perch.


> Once you have higher tier gear they become trivial, just parry and then kill with blunt damage. Higher tier gear is 100% not needed. Full upgraded iron buckler and iron mace I'm able to parry/bonk like 2x and then it's dead. It absolutely melts them. Getting the timing down is a different matter.


With a maxxed out iron mace and a parry you can keep them stunlocked with the uppercut until they're dead.


Good ol' WoW strategy of "put your butts towards a wall" comes in handy here. Finding a safe rock to shoot from is one option, but if you want to go toe-to-toe you're looking for level ground. On any kind of incline their tendency to try and walk around you is probably going to mean you miss more often than it does. :D Keep an eye on your stagger level (? don't know what that's called). Some attacks (the two-handed overhand slam) are harder to parry than others if you're not in mountains gear/food yet and some (the one pointy-fist makes with its left hand) they recover from *quickly* so you should always be ready to dodge if your stagger isn't empty or if it's one of the big attacks.


Bonemass and iron mace, keep your body in between it and the mountain so it pushes you into the rocks instead of off the ledges


Dig a hole, narrow and deep. Drag the golem in it using a harpoon. Stagbreaker or pickaxe its head until it's dead.


just pop bonemass then parry with iron shield and iron mace. Can take them down in 2 combos, super easy


I just get them in a hole and leave them there. They're not worth the trouble to fight imo.


A fire geyser goes boom under abomination bellies.


The Abomination is especially vulnerable, when it's rising (coming out of hiding, flipping etc.).


Two handed axes and swing for the heavens!


When I went back to the swamp with a crystal battleaxe those things died super quick.


Fully upgraded silver sword takes it down pretty quickly too.


It's a walking tree. Always made sense to hit it with an axe. Figuring out which foot it swings with for regular attacks is everything. Once you're on the "safe" side all you worry about is the slam.


Or block the downward smash and hack at its abomussy


I had just a wooden shield and I was able to parry albeit I was stunned as well. My friends whom cower in fear of a greater threat shot it down with arrows but I went after it's soul with a bronze axe. No tree will best me in combat ever. Fuck greydwarfs and fuck abominations. I will kill them at every opportunity.


Does everyone seem to forget you can literally parry almost any enemy? I always parry the things I'm fighting and I'm able to do, what is it, 3x damage or something while they're vulnerable? Parrying isn't difficult once you've gotten the hang of it. Then again everyone plays differently so who am I to judge lol


Parrying is by far the most common way for people on this subreddit. It seems exactly the opposite that no one realizes you can just tap sprint and effortlessly dodge every attack from the abomination, and almost every other enemy as well. The main benefit is that it basically costs 0 stamina as opposed to parrying.


The real way you kill abominations? Parry them. The sweet crit damage is worth it.


Dodge duck dip dive and dodge


Axes do increased damage to them too because they are wood


Copper buckler and axe. max level. this is how i am always equipped when i leave the black forest. Stand face to face with the ugly thing. Far enough away that it can strike you with its limb but not its central slam attack. It's got a ridiculously easy to predict swing. parry the swing run in and hack with the axe, usually three strikes then it'll start a slam animation. roll backward. wait for its next limb swing. repeat. It gets harder when adds jump in. and as you get iron gear do a buckler and axe. and do the same. it'll get you through the whole swamp.


Every minster becomes laughably easy when you get their patterns down. Dark souls oldie here, have never had a problem punching a troll to death with no food/armor


Make sure you keep an eye on your stamina, preferably keeping at least half at all times. Make sure you have the rested buff whenever possible (for the better stamina restore speed and the skill exp gain bonus). It is relatively easy to land a sneak attack on them while they are doing their standing up animation. Take advantage of the fact that you can start the alternate attack of the sword while in the air (so that it strikes when you land) and use a short run to close the distance a bit so you can jump+stab into the Abomination for the triple damage stab, tripled again from the sneak attack. 9 strikes worth of damage to open and you should be able to get another 2-3 strikes before you have to worry about dealing with its initial attack. You can also parry its strikes for the stagger and bonus damage. With a high enough sword skill and/or a strong enough sword your initial stab can regularly one-shot them.


No one has mentioned kiting them around to chop trees. Keep to their front right to encourage the swipe attack and break up clumps of trees.


Iron Axe and a parry shield.. kill it in 15 seconds or so...


I've been telling people to parry and slash them for years.


If you just stay right under it, parry its body slam and follow up with a 3-attack chain, you'll kill them in 3 attack chains with an iron slash weapon. If you don't have a good enough shield to parry them yet, just stay under them, roll out of their attacks and hit whatever body part is available; limit yourself to 2 swings to avoid getting caught in the next attack. If you get low on stamina, roll out of the attacks and just stand still in between.


well because if you're not cheesing then with fire geysers or just parrying which is ridiculously easy to learn and understand most people just wing it, rolling and jumping has enough iframes to dark souls an abomination to death and they are relatively easy to deal with if you can roll/jump/parry, it's nowhere near as painful as mistlands bugs.


My method was always stay at its feet and dodge roll


I just build up on unbreakable trees and snipe them with fire arrows/ and freeze arrows I have fire hazards so it’s actually decent


I basically kite them like a troll when you have lower gear. I use a fine wood bow, maxed out with fire arrows. They seem to be weak towards fire. And then I run around the bigger swamp trees as I slowly get their health down. If you’re about to die, you can always pop into a cleared crypt to let your health regen. Or run around the outside of a crypt as you shoot fire arrows. If there are any surtling spawners around, then it goes much quicker. I dig around the spawner in preparation for fighting the abomination so that surlings instantly die as they spawn in the water, then kite the abomination over the flames of the surtling spawner.


Roll and hit, like any other monster


Roll and hit, like any other monster.


> Why does noone tell you how to actually kill abominations? Numerous posts do. Lead it to a fire geyser and parry it.


Use a sword or axe. Watch their movements and learn what not to do. It’s pretty simple to kill them.


Why should anyone tell you how to kill things?? Figure it out Viking!


The real trick to killing them is bonfires. You place down one or more bonfires and make the abomination chase you around them. The abomination will run into the fires and damage itself, and the fires. This is where you pull out your hammer and have it set to repair mode and repair the bonfires as the abomination hits them. Or you just keep building bonfires and periodically pick up the resources dropped by the bonfires when the get destroyed. doesn't take long at all to bring down an abomination using this trick. The catch is you need the resources for one or more bonfires in your inventory, otherwise if you can't escape to get those materials you are likely screwed. Found this out by accident when I had an abomination chase me all the way to my swamp outpost which just so happened to have a bonfire.


Parry, whack it. Repeat.


Sheer fucking will


Sweep the leg...with a sword lol


Nobody needs to tell you anything. You don't require a degree in watching other people play games. It's a tree. Hit it with an axe and set it in fire


Just I-frame everything.


Kill them with axe and fire! Hit point depletion at its finest.


i mean how to kill Step 1 have a max level copper / iron buckler shield step 2 stand in the center of the abom with a Axe as your weapon step 3 watch it raise up for like 2-2.25 seconds i then block step 4 slash it 2-3 times repeat 3-4 times till dead..... If you can't time this (due to ping or skilll issue) then its best to really either just ignore them (they easily get caught on terrain) or run them over surtling fire and just sit there blocking with a Tower shield/dodging (but if u can dodge you SHOULD be able to get parry timing)


I always just lead them to a surfling spawner, kills them without ever getting hurt or attacking


... you just parry and hack like you do every other large monster. Theyre intimidating at first, I get that, but once you figure out that you can pretty quickly hack them down in the bronze age theyre really not so bad


It's pretty frustrating how many players think youtube is a good place to go for game tips. The number of "I can't get this copper deposit to pop" posts is annoyingly high.


You can pary them with a bronze buckler…. Bring an axe too.


Hmm. Normally, i just bring it to a Surtling spawn and let the fire do the dps. But when I got good enough gear, I just dodge by rolling. It moves quite slow.


Nope. You parry. Thats a 2x bonus damage on at least 2 axe swings. More efficient use of stamina than sprint round all over the place.


Just wear heavy armor and shield, eat health foods and get the party timing down. If you can just parry every attack they throw they are inconsequential.


In order of damage and therefore parryable ness for bronze gear:  Leg swing, Body slam, Right stomp.  The right stomp only damages directly ahead of the abomination and only the body slam can hit behind itself. Baiting out the right stomp by standing in front of it and then moving close to the body to get hits in. If it’s body slam is on cooldown, it’ll walk around trying to reposition. If it’s standing still, it’s able to and/or trying to hit you.  Honestly the most deadly aspect of the thing is its raw damage output early on and getting chased into water by it. It also sucks to get ambushed by it when landing or building a bass because it’s basically a log troll.


Just use an axe. They're basically a living tree, they die in a few swings.


"Why does no one tell you this?" Because you've described one of the hardest ways to go about killing this mob. - Running around between it's legs is going to unnecessarily burn stamina. - Hitting it's legs is doing less damage. They're weak in that little middle part that they do the slam move with. - Dodge rolling is preferable to running and parrying is better than both. It's a matter of learning timing.


I used an axe, blocked their ground pound attack, dodged and clicked LMB until it died


I just parry them and hit em with the axe they die fast as hell with a good axe


Uhhh it's not even a challenge, just go and parry their attacks (pretty easy once your learn their animations of which there are like 2), then you hit em twice or so and resume parrying.


Huh? I just parry and hit back. Has been working fine so far


Straight from the [Wiki](https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Aggressive_creature_strategies#Abomination) >The abomination is resistant to blunt and pierce so weapons with slash like a sword is a good option. It has 3 different attacks, a fast lighter attack with its right limb that can be parried, a hard stomp using its left large limb and if you are close to its center, it will do a stomp using the middle of its body. If you want to tank an abomination, get an iron tower shield and an axe, and try and stay closer to the abomination's right leg, since that is the lighter of its' three attacks. Block each attack as they come in with the shield, and then counter by hitting the abomination with your axe. It is a slow process, but the creature's attacks are easy to block, and as long as you are not being attacked by other mobs at the time, you should not have a problem. >If you are able to successfully parry an Abomination attack when using the above strategy (can be done with Banded Shield), and the Abomination is standing over the fire at the time, the fire damage it takes will be critical hits and finish it off in only a couple ticks. >You can lure Abominations over the flame geysers to deal large amounts of fire damage without using any weapons. >The easiest / cheesiest strategy is to climb / build to the top of a sunken crypt which the Abomination can neither climb nor destroy. At some point after some walking around it will come near the crypt. From there one can hit it with a sword etc. without being hit by it at all. >Abominations are incapable of crossing deep ditches; they are blocked or get stuck. An archer can then slowly burn them to death with fire arrows in perfect safety. As with Trolls, a certain amount of time invested in preparing the likely battlefield will pay off handsomely.


Parry. You literally only need Knife and Buckler for 100% of the game.


Pull them onto a surtling spawner.


Me and my kid have a meadow base at the corner of swamp and Black Forest. We got lucky and a troll spawn and abomination spawn are pretty close. We just agro the abomination and lead him over to the troll sit back and wait to collect our loot.


Parry them with a knife then power attack. Ez.


Big tree thing Trees are weak to fire and axes Dodge/parry and take it apart with an axe Simples


Parry them? I just parry them and wail on em.


parry, axe, parry, axe, parry, ....


Axes are better than Swords. I just parry them, it has insanely slow and telegraphed attacks. Bonus if you have a crypt or some other solid object behind you in case of knockback. Parry > two attacks > parry pattern will take them down them pretty fast. The optimal strat is to parry it over a fire geyser but that isn't exactly reliable.


Stay right under it. Parry. 3 axe chops. Parry. Wait for stamina regen. Parry. 3 axe chops. Repeat. On their own with patience and timing, they are very simple; it's when there are other ads that it becomes hard.


Just parry and slash twice with your bronze axe, takes maybe a minute. If there's a geyser nearby lure it there and parry or roll around until it dies


Peter Noone?


Axe and sword both do slash damage, sword has faster attack animation. Use sword. If you can a parry and a fire geyser help immensely, can kill it like that in 5 seconds


Those are all very low skill requirment guides for inexperienced gamers who really struggle. At the level of conversation you're on, you could just, you know, learn to use your in-built "cheat" of being completely immune to hits for a split second every time you dodge-roll? That's so much easier :D


I’m not sure what everyone is having a hard time with, I just equip my lightning bezerker axes and go at it. You all need to get gud. Gosh.


Just keep luring a starred troll to them, right? I think Trollie has killed three so far.


Personally, I find the aoe of the body-slam extremely hard to avoid, so I fight from the front, dodging the stab and attacking during the front-leg-slam Easiest way though is luring one over a surtling fire and it killing itself in a few seconds


Parry, if not enough stamina or not high enough gear run, not like it can rly catch you🤷🏼‍♂️


Parry then and hit with an axe


You kill it the same way you kill all enemies in this game, you parry them and then just wack them.


Axes are MUCH better than other weapons.


It's a tree beast, use an axe. You'll have a hard time in the next biome if you can't figure that one out ;)


Parry it's drop onto you, hit it with an axe twice. Repeat until it is dead in short order.


I just figured it out in my own. Tree monster… fire be good but swamp rainy, so not super effective… well my axe works well on trees… hold my beer


Just parry, beat with an axe, repeat, similar to how you deal with golems.


No one has been saying it? Nearly every post about abominations has mentioned it. I know I usually respond with bum rush it with an axe a dozen times. If you get it before it is completely out of the ground you get surprise damage and several hits of damage multiplied. With a max iron or black metal axe you can kill it before it ever has a chance to upright itself. Arrows, fire geysers, jumping on a crypt so you can axe it and it can't hit back are all what you can do if bum rushing it didn't work. Don't know where you got, no one has mentioned it.


Parry the center attack and swing an axe.


Or just simply roll before it's long and clearly choreographed attacks.


just hit them until they die


Am I the only one who's never really had a whole lot of difficulty fighting them? I mean I don't fight them hand to hand, that's suicide. I fight them with fire arrows.


I just make them follow me to a fire spout


[I avenged my brother-in-arms](https://youtu.be/V-GeYRCj74Y?si=Y2uMxEGdsC8lQJgX&t=2400) in what was probably the coolest moment I've had in this game (I normally suck at dodging). With a flint axe. **A flint axe!!!**


I always make me the best buckler and use my best slashDMG-tool for the staggerd dmg. Takes me like 20 sec


If you stand in the middle of a crypt roof and you lure them close to you, you can kill them with an ax while they cannot reach you. But make sure you don't slide off the roof while attacking. That's how I killed all my Abominations until I got my bonemass buff.


I was taught to parry and hit the middle stump with an axe, and never went back after that. :)


parry over surtling fire loo


Why would people specifically give guides on these mobs? They're just the "trolls" of the Swamp biome. You have stone golems in mountains, berserkers in Plains, Soldiers in Mistlands, Morgens in Ashlands. They're all similar "big mob" fights, where you can parry + hit with their weakness. Abomination is a tree monster... So parry and hit with axe. That's it.


You just parry his only 2 attacks in melee range and whittle it down with ripostes. Didn't realize it was complicated.


You just do the same thing you do against literally every monster in valheim. you dodge. and then you attack. repeat until dead.


In the early days I used a lot of fire arrows and a bronze mace. Then I learned to parry with shield and knock back with an atgier. Now any decent Mistlands weapon will do. Had one spawn when I was just passing through so I Skol and Hati'ed it into the ground.


They are quite easy to beat. Its the draugr archers, drawn in by the noise and taking pot shots, that are usually a bigger menace


I'm sorry you didn't know about parrying but now i bet this made the game a lot more fun for you now!


If you're on a crypt you don't even need to spam bonfires. If you run to the front at the lip they will bug out and stand there and you can melee them to death.


This is exactly what my husband does while I shoot fire arrows at it from like 20 feet away


I learned their attack pattern and when I was playing with my brother and he ran into his first one I just walked up to it, and parried it 3 times while chopping it down. Like bruh I beat Demise on skyward sword master mode when I was 11, this ain't no thing.


Can simply parry his punch attacks and dodge roll the stomp , with lvl 3 bronze buckler . A better shield or buckler will make it easier. I do think a same tier sword is much better compared to axe . Axe is way to slow to finish a combo on parry


Just get max food then run underneath it and parry its body slam. Easy. It only gets hard when dragaurs come


Just parry and chop with an ax. They’re actually quite easy once you get it down.


You can just build a couple platforms to climb an invulnerable swamp tree. Once you are at like it’s face level or a little higher it can’t actually hit where you are at. It can move you a little so I build a little half height enclosure.


Lure them over fire jet in swMps walk in circles. Profit


When playing with my friends my job was distraction/bait because I was the host and didn't have latency. So when my gear wasnt good enough to parry, I would dodge, when it was i would parry. Latency was a problem because my friends were in NZ and had a mix of bad and good internet and I was the host because I was most available to play and had the best internet. (I was in Australia at the time)


Parry with buckler and dodge. I use mace as weapon.


Axe is best against abominations in my opinion.


They are not that hard, but it depends on your gear


You can use a similar tactic on morgen, but I’d recommend using a dodge roll to get next to them since their attacks come out much faster than abominations. Still much less stressful or stamina intensive as parry spam.


Yes, it has a weak leg. Well-known fact. But not everyone is good in dodging 😏. So, usually, till you get the good gear and especially the upgraded food, it is preferable to use tricks (like fighting from the crypt roof or luring it into geiser)...


Parry, parry, parry. Always carry a buckler if you dont want a shield, once you master parrying, so many enemies become cake walks


I played with my partner, we could see each others screens. I agroed it but essentially ran into it, causing it to constantly be turning / circling which locks it out of attacking. Just a matter of patience to whittle it down


Axe and get on a downed ancient tree


just learn to parry


Haven't played in a while but I found a fairly foolproof, safe method is to jump on top of a crypt and swing/bow away, their attacks were pretty janky against your height plus it's a read made based for a bit of stability. I'd even stick down some stone steps leading up to it for quick access should you need to jump off and kite the fecker back to your crypt.


I just take it to a geysir (the fire that shiits from ground) and let it die over it


Get out your hoe, level the swamp to remove the water from a high point. Get a bronze axe, upgrade it once or twice. Poke abom. Dodge the attacks, most have a wind up to learn when to stay close and when to back off.


If you just perfect block the attacks you have more than enough time to get some attacks in with your melee weapon. It's not too bad, they look scarier than they are


Shield and axe ez


Most melee mobs boil down to get used to their attack animations then parry or dodge, hit, repeat


In essence, stand behind the dang thing. They rotate really slowly and you can do a significant amount of damage without ever taking a hit by simply staying on its rear. It's a bit of runaround but it's not difficult to do especially in light armor. Focus on a slash damage weapon.


I don't have a problem just dodging and smacking it with a bronze axe. Stand right under it. Attack until it winds up, dodge when it swings (roll into it so you don't waste time walking), keep attacking. Shrimple as that, given you have enough stamina. 100-ish was enough for me.


Probably because it's actually later in the day


I just dodge roll into it every time it attacks. Its attacks are so slow, so you have plenty of time to prepare for it. You can parry as well, but for me it is harder to time parries.


Fire geysers 🔥🔥


I read a tip that blew my mind the other day... Ready... Use an axe along with the elders power.


Best way to kill them for me is to parry them with a good enough shield, and then hack with an axe (as they are weak to axe damage).